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Frankie 09-25-2011 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by 4th and Long (Post 7938538)
Someone needs to change Frankie's user name to "Thread Wrecker."

Meh, thread wrecking is a way of life on this BB now. I could give you a few links to illustrate my point, but I think you agree with me on this.

Pants 09-25-2011 08:19 PM

Hey, Frankie, do you think if we have a hot summer or a mild winter, it's proof of Global Warming? LMAO

Buck 10-17-2011 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7933196)
Ok I read it.

I remember as a kid watching some movie in school about relativity and how the further away from Earth you are (or the speed you are moving...cant remember), the less time it takes to live in the same moment. Theoretically you could go travel space for a year, come back, and time would have advanced 5 years on Earth. I'm not sure what that is called, but I wonder if that has anything to do with this?

Well well well...

jidar 10-17-2011 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by FAX (Post 7934689)
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

I've been delving into the whole creation/evolution debate lately. It's pretty interesting if you look at the question in a fully objective frame of mind. There are so many aspects of human existence that remain open to debate.

Science is constantly "advancing". This means, of course, that, as time goes on, what we once believed as fact is, at some point, no longer found to be true. That provides very little comfort that "science" actually knows a whole heck of a lot about anything ... at any given point in time, I mean.


The fact that science is fallible and open to change if experimentation proves some facet of it incorrect is precisely why it's the best explanation to follow.

jidar 10-17-2011 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by FAX (Post 7936726)
You know, I was thinking about this and remembered that quantum entanglement created a real problem for Einstein and his buds since it violates causality (among other basic principles of relativity). They even called the phenomenon a "paradox" and published stating that, eventually, they or somebody would figure it out. If I remember correctly, that research was part of Einstein's effort to formulate a "theory of everything".

I think ... not sure about this ... but I think that Einstein believed at the time that, eventually, evidence would surface that proved entanglement to be a false observation or premise.

In fact, the exact opposite has happened and we have reasonable proof that particles can actually exchange information and other observable behavior "instantaneously" across space ... vast space. This would, unquestionably, screw with Einstein because it violates the speed of light limit.

Then, there's the whole "observer" phenomenon.

No, I think that it's very likely that, eventually, a great deal of Einstein's theory (scientific tho it may be) will require some adjustment and tinkering.


Not really.

For every experiment that proves the standard model of particle physics is correct there is another one that proves relativity.
Also, the standard model doesn't have a usable model of gravity.
Meanwhile relativity was used to land on the moon and is the primary driver of nearly all cosmology. If relativity didn't work in the most basic sense, gps satellites wouldn't function.

The truth is that both quatum and relativity are just approximate models that describe different things about reality but are mostly incompatible with each other.
A grand unified theory that describes everything and makes those previous models obsolete
is the holy grail of physics, but make no mistake if it happens it wont be the case of one being correct and the other being incorrect, it's going to be both of them are deprecated by something totally new.

None of this means there is anything wrong with science btw, so you religious folks don't need to get all excited.
My money is on this whole experiment with faster than light neutrinos being a mistake.

Donger 11-21-2011 11:07 AM

Test confirms particles appear to travel faster than the speed of light

(CNN) – Travel faster than the speed of light? Really?

Back in September, scientists found that tiny particles called neutrinos appeared to do just that, defying Einstein’s special theory of relativity.

It could be a fluke, but now the same experiment has replicated the result. It’s not hard proof yet, though; other groups still need to confirm these findings.

Physicists with the OPERA (Oscillation Project with Emulsion-tRacking Apparatus) experiment said in September that neutrinos sent about 454 miles (730 kilometers) from CERN in Switzerland arrived at Italy’s Gran Sasso National Laboratory a fraction of a second sooner than they should have according to Einstein’s theory.

Other scientists were skeptical, raising questions about possible flaws in the study.

So OPERA scientists rechecked parts of the experiment to take into account suggestions from their critics. They announced Friday that the new test confirms the initial findings.

“This result confirms that neutrinos arrived at Gran Sasso lab 62.1 nanoseconds in advance with respect to the time computed assuming the speed of light in vacuum,” according to Lucia Votano, director of INFN-Gran Sasso Laboratory.

The OPERA team's initial result was based on observing more than 15,000 bunches of neutrinos, or electrically neutral subatomic particles. But the scientists did not track any one specific neutrino. Instead, the neutrinos were produced in long pulses that lasted about 10 millionths of a second.

“Although this sounds short, it is hundreds of times longer than the 60 nanoseconds early arrival time of the neutrinos at the Gran Sasso in Italy,” said Andy Cohen, a professor of physics at Boston University, who is not involved in OPERA.

This means that when a neutrino arrived at Gran Sasso there was no way to know exactly when it was produced during the pulse, preventing an accurate measurement of its speed.

The new study used shorter pulses making it easier to know more precisely when an individual neutrino was generated.

“They did this for only 20 neutrinos,” Cohen said, “but since the speed of each one is known, this leads to a very precise result, confirming that the neutrinos appear to be arriving 60 nanoseconds earlier than expected.”

But don’t throw your physics book just yet. Cohen said there are other potential issues with the experiment that haven’t been addressed yet. “While this result is a very significant improvement over the previous measurement, many of the concerns that have been raised about possible sources of uncertainty remain.

“We should probably remain skeptical until we have confirmation from other experiments,” he said.

Votana agrees and said the OPERA measurement needs to be confirmed by independent scientists. Even if the results are confirmed, we won’t toss out all of Einstein’s theory. A broader theory would be generated that would include Einstein’s theory, Votana said.

Scientists at Fermilab in Illinois and in Japan are expected to try to replicate the findings.

“If the neutrinos are truly traveling faster than light this would require profound changes in the way we understand space and time,” Cohen said.

chefsos 11-21-2011 12:05 PM

I think the neutrinos were wind-aided. Denied.

Dave Lane 11-21-2011 12:15 PM

Anyone else thinking PEDs?

Spott 11-21-2011 12:16 PM

Gas just went up 10 cents because of this.

Donger 11-21-2011 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Lane (Post 8127572)
Anyone else thinking PEDs?


Ebolapox 11-21-2011 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Lane (Post 8127572)
Anyone else thinking PEDs?

hey, sandusky said that he didn't do that shit!

FAX 11-21-2011 01:50 PM

Oh, my God.

Einstein's theory ... defied? Is that what that says in that article deal up there? Einstein? Defied?


Pants 11-21-2011 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 8127595)

Performance-enhancing drugs. Neutrinos were cheating.

Graystoke 11-21-2011 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 8127595)

Performance Enhancing Drugs...aka Steroids etc....

tooge 11-21-2011 02:08 PM

pretty soon we'll be calling people Einstein as an insult

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