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saphojunkie 11-13-2018 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 13889753)
Look, if you're not going to actually pay attention before spouting off nonsense, then there's no point in having a discussion about it.

1. The damage was caused by a Shakira concert on October 11th.
2. The tweet I replied to suggested that "Those who bought tickets would get refunds and there’s business interruption and other insurance to assist w/ reimbursements, etc." I'm not sure what reimbursements she would be referring to aside from travel expenses.
3. The tweet I replied to suggested that they should "donate proceeds to support those impacted by and those fighting the fires."

So you blast me for suggesting her plan is unrealistic, then acknowledge that you had no idea how long they've known about this and that you don't really think they should do the things she suggested they do. Forgive me for not giving your thoughts much credence here.

1. The damage was done at a concert on November 7.
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2. Reimbursements for tickets. How many people do you think are flying down to Mexico City? The point of this is to bring in MEXICAN fans, not Kansas City fans who like tacos.

3. Donating proceeds and donating ALL proceeds are different.

alnorth 11-13-2018 01:19 PM

Looks like they are really trying to make this field playable.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Very busy in <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MexicoCity</a> where they are shoring up and repairing field. <a href="">@kmbc</a> reports tonight from Mexico City! <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Lara Moritz KMBC (@LaraMoritzKMBC) <a href="">November 13, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

gblowfish 11-13-2018 01:22 PM


DaFace 11-13-2018 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by saphojunkie (Post 13889762)
1. The damage was done at a concert on November 7.



Sources from each team have told Yahoo Sports that there has been serious hand-wringing over the state of the field since a Shakira concert at the venue on Oct. 11, which left the grass surface in significant disrepair. The damage was so bad that photos of the ragged surface circulated among franchise executives raising questions about whether the field would be ready for the Monday night game.

DrunkBassGuitar 11-13-2018 01:23 PM

I will curb stomp roger goodell if mahomes gets injured on this shit ass field

penguinz 11-13-2018 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by DrunkBassGuitar (Post 13889779)
I will curb stomp roger goodell if mahomes gets injured on this shit ass field

Good for you internet tough guy.

Pablo 11-13-2018 01:24 PM

So this piece of shit field has been this big of a piece of shit for a month if that's true??

And now they're sprinting to "fix" it.

In58men 11-13-2018 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by DrunkBassGuitar (Post 13889779)
I will curb stomp roger goodell if mahomes gets injured on this shit ass field

Just play Henne, it’s not a must win for us and the Rams would know they got a cheap victory.

saphojunkie 11-13-2018 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 13889776)


DrunkBassGuitar 11-13-2018 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by penguinz (Post 13889782)
Good for you internet tough guy.

Obviously by curb stomp I mean "bitch on the internet " but I will type really really hard

In58men 11-13-2018 01:27 PM

The NFL should send some help. One guy spraying painting the entire field is ****ing funny ROFL

CaliforniaChief 11-13-2018 01:29 PM

I can't wait for Trump to tweet about it.

Not only can Mexico not control their borders, but they can't even maintain a grass field. They're going to fix it AND they're going to pay for it. PATHETIC!

Simply Red 11-13-2018 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by DrunkBassGuitar (Post 13889795)
Obviously by curb stomp I mean "bitch on the internet " but I will type really really hard

NOT ME - I'll find him and kick his ****ing ass all over the street!

MIAdragon 11-13-2018 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 13889610)
from what i heard, a concert. Shakira maybe?

Worth every ass jiggle

Lzen 11-13-2018 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Strongside (Post 13889692)
They're pretty low.

Most towns just have one TV and the reception is pretty poor due to the donkey moving around a lot while the TV sits on its back.


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