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Fish 09-13-2012 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 8908046)
winner Galaxy

You didn't read past the first line did you?

DaFace 09-13-2012 07:57 PM

What is "native ticketing support"?

-King- 09-13-2012 07:57 PM

6 more months till the iphone 5S.

Cant wait!

DaFace 09-13-2012 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by KC Fish (Post 8908063)
You didn't read past the first line did you?

Well, pure spec-to-spec comparison, the SIII appears to be equal or better in just about every category. But then, hardware specs have never been the selling point of the iPhones.

007 09-13-2012 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by KC Fish (Post 8908063)
You didn't read past the first line did you?

I didn't even look at the first line. I based that on the rest of the lines.

Fish 09-13-2012 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 8908069)
What is "native ticketing support"?

Apple's Passbook.

Fish 09-13-2012 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 8908083)
I didn't even look at the first line. I based that on the rest of the lines.

I know just trying to be funny. Galaxy certainly beats iPhone 5 on those specs. No argue from me. But it's closer than I expected it to be.

007 09-13-2012 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by KC Fish (Post 8908110)
I know just trying to be funny. Galaxy certainly beats iPhone 5 on those specs. No argue from me. But it's closer than I expected it to be.

If apple would just allow for an sd slot and lower the price they would easily dominate.

those are the two biggest things I hate about apple.

AustinChief 09-13-2012 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by KC Fish (Post 8908110)
I know just trying to be funny. Galaxy certainly beats iPhone 5 on those specs. No argue from me. But it's closer than I expected it to be.

The ONLy stuff I see iPhone winning on is...
  • Form factor (thinner) - this is silly but kinda cool, I couldn't care less about weight but thinner is slightly better
  • Processor Speed - this is a GUESS, but I'd guess that the new A6 is slightly faster than an SIII with a dual core
  • iOS6 maps - also a guess, but I'm betting it will be better than Google maps until their next big update. No way in hell Apple will be able to keep pace in the long run though. Well, I guess they could, but it would take a massive infrastructure investment that doesn't make a whole lot of sense unless they really plan to go completely head to head with Google.

Nothing else that they may be "better" on matters in the least to me or really anybody. Passbook is the ultra-ghetto version of NFC. No way can anyone tell me a QR Code on a screen is better than an encrypted radio signal.

NewChief 09-13-2012 09:02 PM

This is a bad sign for Apple:

THURSDAY, SEP 13, 2012 01:02 PM CDT
Apple’s enormous insult
The iPhone 5's new dock connector is a sign of arrogance and the harbinger of decline
220 85

A hotly contested presidential election hits the stretch run, a deadly foreign policy crisis breaks out in the Arab world, new census figures prove that the richest Americans are still gaining on everyone else … and yet one of the most alarming stories of the week (judging by my perhaps unbalanced Twitter feed) appears to be the news that Apple’s iPhone 5 will come with a brand-new dock connector. A dock connector that will be incompatible with all previous iPhone-connected devices — chargers, docking stations, etc.

Really, Apple? Haven’t we suffered enough? The news drove Slate’s normally calm and measured Farhad Manjoo into a froth of rage and sarcasm. I feel his pain. Just two months ago, my children gave me a Sony “Dream Machine” docking station for my iPhone 4S that works very nicely as a combination clock radio/stereo. But if I dare upgrade to the iPhone 5, I would have to plunk down an additional $29 for what Manjoo describes as an “ungainly” adapter to keep my Dream Machine functional. Yes, Farhad, I agree, that is indeed “the definition of being unfriendly to your customers.”

I don’t know which is worse — the application of the word “ungainly” to an Apple product, or the fact that Apple doesn’t appear to realize that the median family household income in the U.S. declined again in 2011. Apple’s move is an insult on at least two levels: In these tough times, we can’t afford to add adapters to all our existing Apple chargers and related devices. Perhaps even more disappointingly, who among us isn’t affronted by the thought of an ugly adapter clashing with Apple’s sublime design aesthetic?

But there’s a bigger picture here. Apple is notorious for leaping ahead with design changes that are initially met with grumbling but prove to be far-sighted. The iMac’s lack of a floppy drive is the canonical example. One could argue that Steve Jobs had a unique ability to see into the future, that his decisions represented progress. Apple executives argue that the new iPhone required a different dock connector for design reasons — the old dock connector was too big for the slimmed down iPhone 5, and the new dock connector will (eventually) allow for speedier data flow. See? More progress!

But Apple’s decision also plugs into a different frame, one in which the new dock connector represents a giant step backward. In the non-Apple world, it has become easier and easier to connect devices made by different manufacturers together. This kind of increasingly seamless interoperability has the advantage not just of making our technological lives less cluttered, but also less expensive. Apple is bucking that trend. No, wait, that’s not strong enough. Try this: Apple is successfully turning back the tide of computer progress! Apple is warping the space-time continuum in the wrong direction!

The world of phone chargers offers the clearest possible example of this thesis. Most of the world’s phone manufacturers have finally coalesced around a single standard for docking connectors — micro USB. That means my children’s Samsung phones can use the same charger as my mom’s HTC phone. That means when my son forgets to take his charger on vacation, we’re all covered — he borrows grandma’s. This is great. This is civilized. This saves me cash. It’s a strike against relentless obsolescence, obviating the need to fill up landfills with out-of-date chargers. This is how everything should work. Plug and play, baby. Plug. And. Play.

Apple shrugs. Instead of joining this one-world utopia of interoperability, Apple is replacing its own unique, incompatible-with-everyone-else dock connector with a new dock connector that is incompatible with itself.

We don’t have to look far to understand why Apple has chosen this path. Aside from anything mandated by the physical design of the new iPhone, controlling a unique interface for a hugely popular consumer device ensures a steady flow of profits.

Farhad Manjoo:

By picking a proprietary dock, Apple will remain in charge of the bustling accessory market. Not only will it get to keep charging accessory makers a licensing fee to connect with its devices, but it will also be able to reject any accessories that it doesn’t like. And one day in the future, it will be able to decide, once again, to throw the whole industry under the bus by changing the dock again.

What’s so crazy here is that if you had suggested to anyone 10 years ago that Apple would have the marketplace power to impose incompatible design changes on cellphones, you would have been thought at best an imbecile, at worst potentially homicidally insane. The arc of computing progress did not bend in that direction. Computer hardware manufacturers or software developers who ignored this did so at their peril.

Apple itself was widely seen as the best evidence for this fundamental truth! Personal computers running Microsoft Windows and powered by Intel processors were open to anyone, anywhere to tinker with and add or substract hardware, and they completely dominated the computing world. Meanwhile, Apple’s decision to maintain total control over its own hardware was seen as self-defeating, as limiting its market share to the most devout true believers.

Advocates of free or open-source software took the argument even further. Opening up the code itself to everyone was thought to be the most robust paradigm for the future of software development. You couldn’t stop a world full of coders willing to share the products of their labor for the benefit of all. Or so the theory went. Now it doesn’t look so clearcut — mainly thanks to Apple. That’s the true genius of Steve Jobs. He resurrected a model of old-school tech monopoly that everyone else thought was broken.

The question raised by the new dock connector is just how long can Apple continue to execute this kind of our-way-or-the-highway strategy with impunity? In the short term, there’s nothing to fear. Apple’s going to sell a bajillion iPhone 5s. Apple just won a very big patent infringement victory over Samsung. Apple is the most valuable company in history! It can do what it wants.

Until, some day, it can’t. Until users decide, hey, that new Samsung is just as good as the new iPhone and it is just so much less of a hassle to use it with my other devices, because, you know, it just works.

We don’t seem to be anywhere near that day right now. But if the history of personal computing teaches us anything it is that change can happen in less time than it takes to unplug a phone charger. And annoying your own users is the best possible way to start down that road.

AustinChief 09-13-2012 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 8908307)

Dear God, I agree with the weannies at Salon...

NewChief 09-13-2012 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by AustinChief (Post 8908334)
Dear God, I agree with the weannies at Salon...

My point exactly.

AustinChief 09-13-2012 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by AustinChief (Post 8908292)
The ONLy stuff I see iPhone winning on is...
  • Form factor (thinner) - this is silly but kinda cool, I couldn't care less about weight but thinner is slightly better
  • Processor Speed - this is a GUESS, but I'd guess that the new A6 is slightly faster than an SIII with a dual core
  • iOS6 maps - also a guess, but I'm betting it will be better than Google maps until their next big update. No way in hell Apple will be able to keep pace in the long run though. Well, I guess they could, but it would take a massive infrastructure investment that doesn't make a whole lot of sense unless they really plan to go completely head to head with Google.

Nothing else that they may be "better" on matters in the least to me or really anybody. Passbook is the ultra-ghetto version of NFC. No way can anyone tell me a QR Code on a screen is better than an encrypted radio signal.

Well that was quick..I'm wrong already! :D

Just did further research on Apple Maps and it looks like they are pretty far behind Google in many ways and I have serious doubts they will ever catch up. (but it certainly LOOKED cool before I did the research... damn! I was hoping it would seriously push Google to get better faster)

Fish 09-13-2012 09:36 PM

Well, the A series CPUs are pretty cool. Ironically... the A6 is made by none other than Samsung.. LOL.. But the A6 is really impressive chip to be honest.

Analyst says iPhone 5 processor is dual-core Cortex-A15
Peter Clarke

9/13/2012 4:54 AM EDT

LONDON – The A6 processor inside Apple's iPhone 5 mobile phone is a dual-core Cortex-A15 manufactured for Apple by Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. in its 32-nm HKMG manufacturing process, according to analysts at Nomura Equity Research.

This would mean Apple is one of the first companies to introduce a Cortex-A15-based processor. Cortex-A15 is the highest performance processor core from intellectual property licensor ARM Holdings plc (Cambridge, England).

Samsung said it had started sampling the industry's first dual-core ARM Cortex-A15 processor late in 2011, the Exynos 5250, made with its 32-nm HKMG process and intended for volume shipment in summer 2012. The Exynos 5250 includes Mali graphics, and is intended for use in high-end tablet computers. Its 2-GHz clock frequency is claimed to double the performance of the previous 1.5-GHz dual-core Cortex-A9 based Exynos.

Apple provided few details when it launched the iPhone 5 on Wednesday (Sept. 12) about the smartphone's application processor and graphics capability. The company did say the A6 processor provided twice the CPU performance and twice the graphics performance of the A5x used in the iPhone 4S.

Nomura provided no source for its report nor a clock frequency for the processor. Typically, mobile phone application processors run with clock signals of up to 1.5 GHz. However, designing in the Cortex-A15 could help explain how Apple has achieved performance equivalent to the iPhone 4S

Apple is expected to retain graphics IP licensor Imagination Technologies Group for the graphics rendering portion of the chip. The Apple A5 processor is reported to use the dual-core PowerVR SGX543MP2, so the A6 could use the quad-core version, the PowerVR SGX543MP4.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (Hsinchu, Taiwan) was reportedly working on a version of the A6 processor for Apple in 2011. It was rumored then to be a quad-core design for implementation in 28-nm manufacturing process and was expected to debut in the third-generation iPad.

If Samsung is the sole supplier of the A6 processor – as indicated by Nomura analysts – this squares with recent predictions that TSMC is working on pulling in its 20-nm process and working to supply Apple in the second-half of 2013 using that process.

Fish 09-13-2012 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by AustinChief (Post 8908392)
Well that was quick..I'm wrong already! :D

Just did further research on Apple Maps and it looks like they are pretty far behind Google in many ways and I have serious doubts they will ever catch up. (but it certainly LOOKED cool before I did the research... damn! I was hoping it would seriously push Google to get better faster)

What do you mean? Could you share some links?

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