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Aries Walker 02-05-2014 07:05 PM

Incidentally, that seems to be a thing. They tried to angsty-darken up Superman and - in that terrible pilot - Wonder Woman as well. All three characters wear bright red and blue, and their character's increased darkness was reflected in their costumes, which all became maroon and navy.

The one flag-colored character that has not gotten that treatment as of late? Captain America, and his movies are critical and popular home runs. Coincidence?

Anyong Bluth 02-05-2014 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Aries Walker (Post 10416505)
Incidentally, that seems to be a thing. They tried to angsty-darken up Superman and - in that terrible pilot - Wonder Woman as well. All three characters wear bright red and blue, and their character's increased darkness was reflected in their costumes, which all became maroon and navy.

The one flag-colored character that has not gotten that treatment as of late? Captain America, and his movies are critical and popular home runs. Coincidence?

Guess it says to not be jaded and dark you've literally got to be a throwback to someone that was a contemporary of the early to midcentury time period from the last century - 20s, 30s, 40s.

Basically, most of the people he first meets in the present find him hokey, and you see that country versus city folk interaction to start with.

So, now that Cap's suit is a much darker red and blue for this next movie, does that mean we should expect his character will fall more in line with the updated versions of the other superheroes?

Easy 6 02-05-2014 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 10416551)
Guess it says to not be jaded and dark you've literally got to be a throwback to someone that was a contemporary of the early to midcentury time period from the last century - 20s, 30s, 40s.

Basically, most of the people he first meets in the present find him hokey, and you see that country versus city folk interaction to start with.

So, now that Cap's suit is a much darker red and blue for this next movie, does that mean we should expect his character will fall more in line with the updated versions of the other superheroes?

Not trying to answer for Aries, but if my reading of the new plot is close, no... CA wont be darker, but the world around him WILL be.

The black and white, good and evil world of the 40's-50's is gone... now it'll be a million shades of grey in this murky new world, with Cap as the moral holdout making the tough, but clearcut decisions.

Ragged Robin 02-05-2014 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Wallcrawler (Post 10415297)
It was too much of a departure from the characters.

This Nolanverse Batman started off strong, but the idea that Bruce would just stop being Batman for eight years is way out of left field, and then the whole "Peace, Im out" at the end when he fakes his own death and retires with the bitch that set him up to be killed was another WTF moment.

Batman fans know that Bruce IS Batman. He is that guy. The billionaire playboy is the façade. No way he just stops being that pissed off rage fuelled vigilante.

If Nolan didn't want to do CGI, he shouldn't have done Bane. No venom present whatsoever. The mask he wears is supposed to be a painkiller?

Odd that the "World's Greatest Detective" never once targeted that mask in their first fight. It should've been flashing like the vulnerable area of a boss in an arcade game.

In the books Batman broke Bane because he was utterly exhausted when they finally clashed. Bane released everyone and his brother from Arkham and after Bats wore himself down for weeks on end bringing them all back, then Bane attacked and wiped the floor with him.

In Nolan's film, Bats is apparently not smart enough to target the mask, and too old and washed up to fight him one on one. But hey, get thrown in a hole with a displaced vertebrae, get a nice crunches and pullups montage, and Bats is able to come back and own Bane in a beautiful homage to Rocky 3.

Nothing about Nolan's films was Batman to me. They're largely good movies but not good Batman movies. Nothing about Nolan's Batman had any of the beats that fundamentally makes the character who he is. The first two minutes of Sherlock Holmes 2 was more like Batman than all three of Nolan's films combined.

What's disturbing is that this is the direction DC wants to go with its live action depictions: completely shit on the character for the sake of being darker and grittier because it's more "realistic". Superheroes aren't ****ing realistic.. that's the whole point. They did the same exact thing to Superman in Man of Steel and Ollie in Arrow.

Easy 6 02-05-2014 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Ragged Robin (Post 10416643)
Nothing about Nolan's films was Batman to me. They're largely good movies but not good Batman movies. Nothing about Nolan's Batman had any of the beats that fundamentally makes the character who he is. The first two minutes of Sherlock Holmes 2 was more like Batman than all three of Nolan's films combined.

What's disturbing is that this is the direction DC wants to go with its live action depictions: completely shit on the character for the sake of being darker and grittier because it's more "realistic". Superheroes aren't ****ing realistic.. that's the whole point. They did the same exact thing to Superman in Man of Steel and Ollie in Arrow.

You can argue around it I'm sure, but THEE most comic book worthy Batman scene EVER put on film was Batman in the parking garage, I will swear on it to my dying day.

Crashing the deal in the Batmobile amongst all of the fakes, whipping ass, cutting into the side of the van with his equipment, slamming off it then jumping onto and crushing the hood?... man, jumping down onto then crushing the hood? THAT was Batman straight from your favorite childhood comic.

And I also think you're missing the best part about Batman... within that world he ISNT so unbelieveable, in fact, you can almost imagine this guy as an American 20-30 years down the road... the technology for so much of it alone makes it almost believable.

Ragged Robin 02-05-2014 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by scott free (Post 10416699)
You can argue around it I'm sure, but THEE most comic book worthy Batman scene EVER put on film was Batman in the parking garage, I will swear on it to my dying day.

Crashing the deal in the Batmobile amongst all of the fakes, whipping ass, cutting into the side of the van with his equipment, slamming off it then jumping onto and crushing the hood?... man, jumping down onto then crushing the hood? THAT was Batman straight from your favorite childhood comic.

And I also think you're missing the best part about Batman... within that world he ISNT so unbelieveable, in fact, you can almost imagine this guy as an American 20-30 years down the road... the technology for so much of it alone makes it almost believable.

Beating up bad guys and punching them in the face is actually the last thing I would think about when I think of Batman. His prowess as a fighter is the least important aspect of the character. Also the whole "well let's make it 'realistic' because it's more believable" is asinine. As if every story needs to be "believable" in order to be a good story. Shitting all over it for the sake of "realism" TAKES AWAY from it more than it adds.. if it adds anything at all.

Easy 6 02-05-2014 09:35 PM

Jeeez, such a snotty ass, no fun at all reply for a subject so multi-interpretable... take your views and have fun with them within your own mind.

For me, when Batman kicks criminal ass in the parking garage, uses the Bat tools to try and break in, grimaces desperately while doing so, gets shook... but then ultimately crashes onto the hood just as they thought they had gotten away was as good as it will EVER get... it was EXACTLY like the darker interpretations come to life.

THAT was a comic book come to life, save the personal BS for someone who's still in their 20's - early 30's.

Ragged Robin 02-05-2014 10:10 PM

It's actually incredible ironic that for the sake of "realism," Nolan focuses on the most childish aspect and appeal of the character (cool toys, beating down bad guys, ninjas, etc).

There's really only two ways Batman can be written in order to do it any justice. That's either the gritty/noir/detective/crime aspect of him ala The Long Halloween/Hush or the super cool superhero/badass James Bond version ala Batman RIP/Batman INC. Neither of which has any of the live action stuff have shown.

Batman is the World's Greatest Detective. He is nothing if not that. The focus should be on his deductive skills and intellect. Batman's gimmick is that he is prepared for every single eventuality and situation. Next would be his interpersonal relationships as it relates to him being a recluse for the sake of the greater good as he sees it. Next would be Batman and his allies as legacy characters. The whole 10-year old sidekick makes complete sense. The whole "well having a 10 year old going up against guys with guns is not realistic" is reeruned because that's not the point. Having a grown man dressed up as a giant bat and punching people with guns and without killing is not realistic either. This is the boy who died in him the night his parents got murdered. This is the childhood Bruce always wanted to have but was denied. The idea of Robin is to remind Bruce of his humanity and purpose so that he doesn't go over the edge. Robin should be portrayed as an apprentice, not entirely a field-combatant/partner. In the comics the first Robin grows up to to become Nightwing and later takes over as Batman with Bruce's son being his Robin -- IMO the BEST period of Batman to date, reversing the roles with a fun, laid back Batman countered with an uptight, violent and stuck up Robin.

The legacy aspect is what they should capitalize. Audiences love continuity, it's as simple as that. That's how I'd do it -- a couple movies with Ben as Batman and build up Robin/Nightwing. Then have Batman ****ing DIE in grand fashion in a Justice League movie. Then continue the franchise/continuity with Nightwing taking over (learning to become Batman without becoming Bruce, thus showing us what really makes Batman who he is -- goldmine of a concept needed to be mined here). Then perhaps end with Bruce coming back with two mother****ing Batmen on the screen to blow everyone's minds wide open (ala Rock of Ages/Final Crisis, Darkseid seemingly kills Bruce but really sends him lost across all of space and time -- how's THAT for scifi?).

Easy 6 02-05-2014 10:18 PM

Eat your damn cereal and come home from the snow sled hill when it gets dark, for a warm dinner, kiddo.

Jeeezzz... my interpretation and no other you assholes!

Pssst, its a COMIC BOOK MOVIE.

Aries Walker 02-05-2014 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 10416551)
Guess it says to not be jaded and dark you've literally got to be a throwback to someone that was a contemporary of the early to midcentury time period from the last century - 20s, 30s, 40s.

Basically, most of the people he first meets in the present find him hokey, and you see that country versus city folk interaction to start with.

So, now that Cap's suit is a much darker red and blue for this next movie, does that mean we should expect his character will fall more in line with the updated versions of the other superheroes?

Beats me, but we can meet back here after April 4 to discuss it.

Wallcrawler 02-06-2014 11:53 AM

If this measures up to the Spider-Man 2 game of the Raimi era, Ill be pretty happy.

Tribal Warfare 03-19-2014 02:05 PM

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

BigRichard 03-20-2014 04:12 PM

Can't wait.

Deberg_1990 03-20-2014 04:14 PM

I feel like I've seen the entire movie already....

Rausch 03-25-2014 04:11 PM

I like this Spiderman/Parker better but I'm skeptical about the movie itself.

Reminds me of S3 where they just tried to do too much...

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