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Hootie 01-19-2013 06:01 PM

so the Notre Dame women's tennis team is at my hotel...

any funny, tasteful Teo jokes I can say to them while they are in the lobby?

some of them are pretty hot!!!

Mr. Flopnuts 01-19-2013 06:13 PM

Ask them if they like poached catfish.

Hootie 01-19-2013 06:17 PM

I think they are like 19-20 so any reference I make they probably won't get...

I want them to come back downstairs so I can woo them with my stunning looks.

KChiefer 01-19-2013 07:26 PM

Tell them if they want to make a racket later, you'll bring the shaft, if they bring the grip.

Chiefshrink 01-19-2013 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Peyton's Princess (Post 9333635)
so the Notre Dame women's tennis team is at my hotel...

any funny, tasteful Teo jokes I can say to them while they are in the lobby?

some of them are pretty hot!!!

Tell them you are a movie producer and are looking to do a BIO on Manti's life and want to know if any of them want to read for the imaginary lover/GF part?

KChiefer 01-19-2013 07:33 PM

Or if you don't want to get fired, tell them they have to leave their equipment outside because the hotel has a strict "no racquet" policy.

Or ask them if they think the cover-up goes all the way to the athletic director, if they think it'll be AD Out.

Tell em you have a pair of fuzzy blue balls you've been looking to get off your hands.

BigMeatballDave 01-19-2013 08:55 PM


splatbass 01-19-2013 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Dave (Post 9334020)

Ok, that is funny.

Anyong Bluth 01-20-2013 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by milkman (Post 9333087)
I'm just going to put this here, since I don't think it's a thread worthy discussion.

Sports talk radio over the last week has been dominated by Lance Armstrong and Manti Te'o discussion.

Am I the only person in America who doesn't give a rat's ass about either of these subjects?

I can understand the bore of some of these stories being covered to death and oversaturating to the point that other relevant news passes by with merely a blip or mention. I typically don't find intrigue in these reality drama types of stories, and never found the guy or his story to peak my interest prior to the DeadSpin article and subsequent craziness that ensued.

That said, here is a FABULOUS article that delves in the the appeal and human condition. At the very least its a completely different take on all of these events and posits some truly original takes on everything that has culminated!



January 17, 2013 12:00 AM ET
The Lies He Told
By Malcolm Gladwell and Chuck Klosterman

TO: Malcolm Gladwell
FROM: Chuck Klosterman
[Wednesday, 9:04 p.m.]

Dear Malcolm:
I'm writing this on Wednesday night, roughly three hours after discovering that Manti Te'o's deceased girlfriend was 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen. Let me open by saying I totally saw this coming. All season long, after every Notre Dame win, I would turn to my wife and casually remark, "The Irish truly have a great defense — except for all their fake relationships with nonexistent leukemia victims. That's gonna cause problems when they face somebody from the SEC."
That said: This is perhaps the goofiest "non-sports" sports story we've experienced since Tonya Harding. It's such an aggressively modern scandal. I would guess a sizable chunk of the college football fan base doesn't even understand how faking an online identity is possible (it appears the only real winner here is Nev Schulman). What's interesting to me is how everyone seems vaguely outraged, but no one seems particularly angry. But — then again — what is there to be angry about? If we don't classify Te'o as the victim, there's no victim at all. I suppose some people might feel "betrayed" for having been tricked into caring about Te'o's unreal romantic hardship, but that doesn't make much sense; the public's intangible, mediated relationship with Te'o isn't that different from Te'o's intangible, mediated relationship with a woman who wasn't there.
I suppose we should start with the obvious: To what degree do you believe Te'o's version of the events? It seems like there are three potential scenarios:
1. He was completely fooled all season (only realizing the depth of the deception a few days before reporting it to Notre Dame authorities on December 26).
2. He was initially fooled, yet continued to perpetuate the hoax even after he realized he'd been duped (either for the benefit of public relations or to hide his own humiliation).
3. He was totally complicit the whole time.
The first scenario seems remote. The last scenario is not unthinkable, but still improbable (the risk of such a lie outweighs its potential reward by a factor of 20 — it's not like Te'o doesn't become a Heisman finalist if his backstory only contains one dead grandma). My gut assumption is that the second scenario is what happened: He was tricked by someone with cruel, unclear intentions. He was willfully naive, and he made the massive mistake of talking about his love for a woman he'd never actually met. But people (and particularly the media) adored the story, so he just kept telling it, even after the realization that it was a hugely problematic myth. So this is the real question: Why did he keep going?
[UPDATE: OK, so now I'm watching the Notre Dame press conference led by Jack Swarbrick, the vice-president/director of Notre Dame athletics. He's taking an inflexible "pro-Manti" stance and making an OK case for his innocence … although it's difficult to understand how Manti Te'o could travel to Hawaii to visit his "girlfriend" without actually seeing her, unless he's just a profoundly confused person. Going to Hawaii to see a girl and then merely texting with her (the whole time you're there) is the equivalent of taking the Wonderlic Test and scoring a negative 36. I feel like I have opinions about this case, but it seems wrong to express them … it's just too early in the process to make any rational judgments. To me, the most interesting (and the least credible) detail from the original Deadspin story was the unnamed source who claims to be "80 percent sure" that Te'o was complicit with the hoax (and complied for publicity motives). What a strange percentage to select. I mean, if you know someone is involved with a scandal, you say you're 100 percent (or perhaps 99 percent) certain. If you think they were involved (but you have no evidence or firsthand insight), you probably say it's 50-50. But what does "80 percent" represent in speculative terms? Does it mean that he has no proof (but still wants to suggest that his theory is true)? Does it mean he's looking at the evidence objectively and has concluded that there's an 80 percent likelihood that Te'o knew what was happening? Did he just pick a percentage at random, perhaps because the reporter kept asking him to quantify his suspicions in mathematical terms? There is something here that feels fake, and it's not just the girlfriend.]
TO: Chuck Klosterman
FROM: Malcolm Gladwell
[Thursday, 12:43 a.m.]

Hold on. Hold on. I think we're getting ahead of ourselves here. Before we get into the question of what Manti Te'o did and didn't know, can we go back and reflect on the singular genius of the hoax itself? The young girlfriend of a prominent football player is severely injured in a car crash and then dies of leukemia. It's so good. It's three of the great modern inspirational narratives, all in one.
The first element is: beautiful young girl dies of leukemia. It's Love Story, right? The most influential Hollywood tearjerker of the past 50 years. Ali MacGraw dies tragically of leukemia, leaving Ryan O'Neal bereft: Love means never having to say you're sorry.
Then there's the "inspirational outsider" motif, which goes all the way back to Notre Dame, Knute Rockne, and the famous "win one for the Gipper" speech. Notre Dame's star, George Gipp, is on his deathbed with pneumonia. He says to Rockne (at least in the movie version):
"I've got to go, Rock. It's all right. I'm not afraid. Sometime, Rock, when the team is up against it, when things are wrong and the breaks are beating the boys, ask them to go in there with all they've got and win just one for the Gipper. I don't know where I'll be then, Rock. But I'll know about it, and I'll be happy."

On the strength of that inspiration, Notre Dame rises up and beats previously undefeated Army 12-6.
Chuck Pagano, stricken with leukemia and inspiring the Colts this year from his hospital bed, is a version of this. Or remember Pete Sampras playing an epic five-setter with Jim Courier just after hearing that his coach, Tim Gullikson, had suffered what appeared to be his third stroke within three months, on his way to dying of brain cancer. Deep in the match, a spectator yells out, "Win it for your coach, Pete," and Sampras, suffering through severely blistered feet, bursts into tears.
The crucial element of this kind of story is that the off-the-field tragedy does not diminish the importance of the game (as you would expect, logically, that it might). It makes the athlete take his task even more seriously. Sampras goes on to win the match. (Of course.) The Colts overachieve. When Pittsburgh Pirates manager Chuck Tanner's mother died just before Game 5 of the 1979 World Series, Tanner, famously, goes ahead and manages the game because his mother would have wanted him to keep working. That's why it's so crucial, for narrative purposes, that Te'o didn't go to his girlfriend's funeral — even though, you know, a man might reasonably be expected to want to go to his girlfriend's funeral. She told him, he said, that she didn't want him to miss a game.
Then comes the third part — the Icarus myth. Our hero flies too close to the sun. This is the story of the star who dies tragically in a car or plane crash. The examples here are almost too numerous to mention: Steve Prefontaine, Thurman Munson, Roberto Clemente, Jerome Brown, Ayrton Senna, Derrick Thomas — not to mention the granddaddy of them all, James Dean. Too fast to live, too young to die.
Typically, these are entirely separate narratives. In a way that might not be appreciated today, Love Story is very much about leukemia. That was the culturally resonant disease of that era. It struck healthy, innocent young people, entirely at random. The death rate was close to 100 percent. The Icarus narrative is completely different. It's not about innocence. It's about the heroic self-destructiveness of youth. James Dean was a rebel without a cause. Jerome Brown was a man-child. The whole point of Pre's genius is that he pushed himself to the absolute limit.
There's a great moment in Ray Robinson's Rockne of Notre Dame when he describes Rockne taking his team down to play Georgia Tech in the 1920s. This was the heart of Ku Klux Klan country — and the Klan, of course, hated Catholics as much as they hated blacks and Jews. In the locker room before the game, Rockne gave his usual passionate speech about pride and dedication, then suddenly lowered his voice. Robinson writes:
Arriving at this climax, Rockne slowly removed a crumpled telegraph from his pocket. In silence he stared at the words on the missive. Then he began to read aloud: "PLEASE WIN THIS GAME FOR MY DADDY. IT'S VERY IMPORTANT TO HIM."

"It's from Billy," Rockne said, referring to his beloved 6-year-old son, the team's unofficial mascot. "He's very ill and is in the hospital." When Rockne finished, some of the players, Robinson writes, "began to cry, while others jumped up from their perches and swore they would annihilate Tech just for Billy. Indeed, that's exactly what they proceeded to do."
Billy was not the girlfriend of the quarterback. He did not mortally injure himself taking drugs or driving too fast. He was narrowly and specifically in the second, "inspirational outsider" category.
So what is so fantastic about the Manti Te'o story? It is all three narratives, all in one. It's Love Story meets Icarus meets inspirational outsider. It wasn't enough that Manti's love affair be doomed, that his girlfriend had leukemia, and that he drew from her death the inspiration to go out and get 12 tackles in the crucial defeat of Michigan State. She also had to be severely injured in a car accident. It's a combo platter! It's so over-the-top I am in awe. You couldn't be more right that this is an "aggressively modern" scandal. Why would anyone in the 21st century settle for just one played-out story line?
What's not modern, though, is the made-up part. "Billy," Knute Rockne's son? Totally healthy back home in South Bend.
TO: Malcolm Gladwell
FROM: Chuck Klosterman
[Thursday, 10:37 a.m.]

That was not the e-mail I expected to receive. Are you suggesting that lying about dead people is some kind of Notre Dame tradition?
(I realize this is probably not what you're suggesting.)
But still: I want to address this. You reference three stories — Love Story, the Knute Rockne legend, and the Icarus myth. You mention that the Te'o scandal includes elements of all three. So does that make the concept of Te'o's alleged blindness to this nonexistent relationship more (or less) possible? Does it make it more possible (based on the premise that all contemporary people have become unconsciously conditioned to accept certain kinds of familiar narratives) or does it make it virtually impossible to take at face value (based on the premise that this is merely the cobbling together of traditional romantic stories, assumedly cobbled together on purpose)? I still feel like "the question of what Manti Te'o did and didn't know" is pretty much the whole story here. So what I want to know is this: Do you believe him?
Tonight, Oprah Winfrey is broadcasting her interview with Lance Armstrong, where he's expected to admit using PEDs for pretty much his whole career (or at least to admit something, even if his denial ends up seeming like an explanation). Ever since Armstrong became a celebrity, there have been two camps regarding his possible drug use: those who were certain he was using steroids (regardless of his ability to beat tests), and those who believed he was the victim of a witch hunt (driven by the envious French). As the years have passed, the number of people in the second camp has dwindled to almost zero.
But I've noticed something about the people who always argued he was innocent — for the most part, they now say things like, "Actually, I don't even care if he used steroids. Everybody in cycling uses steroids, and he did a lot of good things for society by out-cheating the other cheaters." They all began by supporting his innocence, but — when that became impossible — they continued to support him as a non-innocent person. I wonder if something similar will happen with this case. I suspect a lot of society will want to believe that Te'o was totally bamboozled and that the entity we're supposed to hate (and blame) is the culture of the Internet. But even if that theory slowly erodes — if details continue to emerge that suggest Te'o was aware of what was happening and might have even sculpted the fabrication — all the people who initially believed in his innocence will suddenly decide that the whole story is irrelevant ("This doesn't take away from what he did on the field," "He's still a first-round pick in the draft," etc.).
Another thing I wonder about: How much less does this story matter if the school involved is not Notre Dame?
TO: Chuck Klosterman
FROM: Malcolm Gladwell
[Thursday, 11:30 a.m.]

I guess I'm not, for the moment, as interested in the question of why Te'o allegedly believed this story as I am in the question of why we all believed this story. It is, after all, a little improbable in retrospect. There are a fair number of beautiful young women in the world, a smaller number who are girlfriends of star linebackers, an even smaller number who then have car crashes, and an even smaller number who, upon surviving the car crash, come down with leukemia during their boyfriend's final, iconic, championship season. (And by the way, an even smaller number who go on to die of that leukemia, since the cure rates for ALL — which, I'm assuming is the kind of leukemia she would have had at that age, had she been real — are now north of 90 percent.) It's a stretch, in other words.
But we bought it — and maybe so did he. And that's my point: As you put it, we are unconsciously conditioned by literature and the movies and the sports headlines that we grew up on to accept certain kinds of narratives. Does it matter that it's Notre Dame? Of course it does! If a football player from the University of Miami made up an Internet girlfriend, we would just assume that it was a part of their undergraduate major in Online-Dating Studies. T'eo is the inheritor of the grand tradition of Knute Rockne. And by the way, pretending that your own son is deathly ill in order to take down Georgia Tech is an offense a thousand times worse than making up a story about a dead Internet girlfriend, if in fact that is what Te'o did.
It's funny that you bring up Lance and the kind of sequential rationalization that his supporters have gone through — since, I suddenly realize — that describes my attitude toward Armstrong perfectly. I like the guy! I thought he was an amazing athlete when I thought he was clean. And now that I know he isn't clean, I can't bear to change my mind. I suspect I'll do the same with Te'o. My instinct here is that he was duped. If there is one thing I remember about being a teenager (or a near-post-teenager) it's that when the subject of girls came up, my common sense went out the window. But if it turns out he was complicit in all of this, why should I change my mind? Can you answer that for me, Chuck? There is this underlying assumption in all of these sensational stories that we have an obligation to judge people in accordance with the facts — and when the facts change that our judgments ought to change as well. I happen to hate that idea. Since when does a human being have to behave like a court of law?
TO: Malcolm Gladwell
FROM: Chuck Klosterman
[Thursday, 12:31 p.m.]

The question over why we all collectively believed this story seems pretty explicable to me: There was no reason not to accept it, simply because it wasn't important enough to question. It seemed like the typical inspirational anecdote that's always embedded in all hack profiles about amateur athletes. I feel like I've heard 7,000 of these stories, especially during the Olympics: "Here is Athlete X, she is awesome at Event Y … but did you realize she also had to overcome the tragic death of Person Z?"
I never really question these stories because they don't matter — or, more accurately, they don't matter as long as they are true. Somehow, they only matter when they're false.
Earlier this fall, I read many stories about how Kansas State quarterback Collin Klein didn't even kiss his wife until they were both on the marriage altar. The public reaction was pretty much, "That's strange, but I guess that's nice." It was just a little romantic detail that was widely believed, despite its superficial implausibility. Nobody thought that much about it (and — as far as I can tell — it's completely true). But imagine if this had been proved to be a conscious fabrication. People would suddenly be outraged that Klein had lied about something they'd never previously cared about.
Now … to your (much more difficult) second question: If a Notre Dame fan loved Te'o two weeks ago — but it turns out he lied about having a dead girlfriend — is that fan somehow obligated to dislike him today?
Let's say you and your best friend go out drinking tonight, and he makes a startling confession: As a 16-year-old, he murdered a stranger (and it wasn't an accident — he literally killed somebody on purpose and was never suspected or arrested). He insists he was a totally different person at the time, and that he now regrets what he did.
Would this confession end your friendship?
I think a lot of self-righteous people would like to believe they'd answer that question by saying "yes," based on the abstract argument that actions must have consequences (and that they could never be best friends with a murderer). But most of those self-righteous people are kidding themselves: In truth, they would see the past action of their friend through the prism of everything else they know about him. They would remember how different they themselves were as teenagers. They would see the murder as awful, but they could not stop loving their friend; this is because they could never stop viewing their friend as a person.
But that's not the case with Manti Te'o (or with any other celebrity). The only things we know about "The Real Manti Te'o" are (a) what the media tells us, and (b) what he says about himself in public. We don't really view him as a person; he's more like a movie character who happens to exist in reality (and his words and actions are the plot of the film). As a result, our feelings about him tend to be devoid of nuance. We only know a handful of things about who he is, so that handful gets amplified. He becomes a metaphor for his actions. So we're not passing judgment on him, even though that's what it looks like; we're really passing judgment on the act itself (by directing our vitriol at the individual). In other words, if someone changes their personal opinion on Te'o (or Lance Armstrong) in the wake of new evidence, they're really just positioning themselves as being "against" the specific sin of lying to the public. It's only tangentially related to the man himself. It's like criticizing the music of Gary Glitter as a way to take a stand against child abuse.
TO: Chuck Klosterman
FROM: Malcolm Gladwell
[Thursday, 1:22 p.m.]

Yes. I think you are absolutely right. Manti Te'o is not a real person in our minds. He's a movie character, and that's why we so happily substituted the rules of sports stories for the rules of real life. Just take the simple fact that Te'o did not attend Kekua's funeral, because — he says — she didn't want him to miss a game. To me, that remains the reddest of all the red flags here.
In real life, the dying sometimes say things like that. But in real life, we ignore that kind of advance directive once the dying person is actually dead. The reason we go to the funeral of someone who said "I don't want you to miss a game for my funeral" is that we are so moved by that kind of selflessness that going to the funeral becomes even more important. It's only in the fake world of sports that the heroic move is to take that kind of statement at face value.
In the real world, if a man says to his team that his 6-year-old son is desperately ill back at home, the response of the team would be: "Then what the hell are you doing here? Go home!" Only in the alternate reality of football is the response: "Oh. In that case, we're going to try extra hard and go out and beat Georgia Tech." In that epic Courier-Sampras match, when Sampras breaks down in tears, Courier says to him: "You all right, Peter? We can do this tomorrow, you know." Here we have part of the reason why Sampras was a better tennis player than Courier: Sampras is the kind of person who could block out the real world (the impending death of his coach) in the service of winning another tennis match. Courier couldn't. He saw someone suffering and wanted to set tennis aside. But if Courier wasn't the better player, for his decency he is certainly the better human being, isn't he? And isn't that the lesson of this whole sorry mess? We have a set of expectations about what makes an athlete great or what motivates a team that run contrary to the rules we want the rest of us to live by.
TO: Malcolm Gladwell
FROM: Chuck Klosterman
[Thursday, 1:32 p.m.]

That's certainly one lesson. And I suppose another is that some people will literally lie about anything. When it comes to mendacity, nothing is off the table. Nothing is too serious or too perverse. Nothing is too dark. Which, I realize, is a reality everyone understands. But it's still hard to accept.

NJChiefsFan 01-20-2013 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 9334623)


Phobia 01-20-2013 05:31 AM


Skyy God 01-20-2013 07:44 PM

They Skyped, but she was in a black box? GTFO.

Carlota69 01-24-2013 09:03 AM

He was talking to a dude.

okoye35chiefs 01-24-2013 09:14 AM

he talked to a another dude for over 500 hours and never knew he was a guy...

He was president of the drama club but the dude should get an emmy for that performance...

notorious 01-24-2013 09:26 AM

How does this kid dress himself in the morning?

He has to be the dumbest **** on the planet.

BigCatDaddy 01-24-2013 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by Carlota69 (Post 9346880)
He was talking to a dude.

This should erase any doubts that the dude is gay.

gblowfish 01-24-2013 10:12 AM

2 Attachment(s)
This Teo dude just needs to get his social sirloin spanked. Katie should have taken him back to her dressing room after the interview and burned down his playhouse. She'd be clawing his back, biting his earlobes, forcing him down on the couch screaming "DO ME you little pussy!!!".....

That's what Teo's thinking during the interview, anyway.

warpaint* 01-24-2013 10:14 AM

BC he was duped by a dude? Still not seeing it. Duped is duped. It just confirms he's extremely gullible which is not new information.

I guess for me it comes down to what is most logical. If I'm gay LB I just take out a girl every once in awhile to trick the masses. I don't hatch an elaborate ruse w/ a dude 1000 miles away and ham it up on national tv drawing attn to it since I am still in the closet or whatever.

It's also a really overblown story. At least as it pertains to nfl. If a team likes him they are still taking him high. Pot heads and thiefs and people accused of even worse get drafted. Teams just care if you can play.

Skyy God 01-24-2013 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Carlota69 (Post 9346880)
He was talking to a dude.

Teo'o is gayer than 8 guys blowing 9 guys.

FD wins the prize for first correct gay allegation (silver to me).

okoye35chiefs 01-24-2013 10:46 AM

imagine what will happen when he plays the Redskins and the run a naked fake reverse..

he will be fooled for days...

Carlota69 01-24-2013 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by Cave Johnson (Post 9347249)
Teo'o is gayer than 8 guys blowing 9 guys.

FD wins the prize for first correct gay allegation (silver to me).


Carlota69 01-24-2013 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by warpaint* (Post 9347147)
BC he was duped by a dude? Still not seeing it. Duped is duped. It just confirms he's extremely gullible which is not new information.

I guess for me it comes down to what is most logical. If I'm gay LB I just take out a girl every once in awhile to trick the masses. I don't hatch an elaborate ruse w/ a dude 1000 miles away and ham it up on national tv drawing attn to it since I am still in the closet or whatever.
It's also a really overblown story. At least as it pertains to nfl. If a team likes him they are still taking him high. Pot heads and thiefs and people accused of even worse get drafted. Teams just care if you can play.

Seems logical but, if Te'o and said the guy are in love, maybe going out on dates with chicks isnt cool. Plus, if hes gay, and I believe whole heartedly he is, then he'd have to **** a chick here and there. That isnt going to fly either.

He should of "hired" a hot lesbian to be his beard. Or at least a chick who doesnt mind being "with" a gay dude. But, maybe in his world, he wouldnt know of anyone.

All in all, its crazy, but I have no doubt this story is all about covering his sexual orientation.

Skyy God 01-24-2013 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Carlota69 (Post 9347260)

Cribbed from this very funny Patton Oswalt bit.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

BigRock 01-24-2013 10:52 AM

Te'o can get actual living girls to say they're his girlfriend. Why would he cover for being gay by having a fake GF that nobody would ever meet?

If the fake girlfriend was his cover for being gay, why would he get rid of her by having her die?

If this whole thing was to cover for their gay relationship, why would Tuiasosopo come out and say "It was all me, I was pretending to be a chick"?

Skyy God 01-24-2013 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by BigRock (Post 9347275)
Te'o can get actual living girls to say they're his girlfriend. Why would he cover for being gay by having a fake GF that nobody would ever meet?

If the fake girlfriend was his cover for being gay, why would he get rid of her by having her die?

If this whole thing was to cover for their gay relationship, why would Tuiasosopo come out and say "It was all me, I was pretending to be a chick"?

The answer to all 3 questions is he's mind blowingly dumb.

Carlota69 01-24-2013 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by BigRock (Post 9347275)
Te'o can get actual living girls to say they're his girlfriend. Why would he cover for being gay by having a fake GF that nobody would ever meet?

If the fake girlfriend was his cover for being gay, why would he get rid of her by having her die?

If this whole thing was to cover for their gay relationship, why would Tuiasosopo come out and say "It was all me, I was pretending to be a chick"?

Unless he didnt know any girls who would cover for him, which in his world is extremely possible. Having a fake GF would stop the "why don you have a GF" questions in the locker room. By getting rid of her thru death, he could say he lost the love of his life and no one would question why he doesnt ahve a GF again. I think Tuiasosopo is the BF and hes covering for him becasue theyre in love. Why else would he take all the heat and blame? I dont think Manti thought he was talking toa chick. he knew exactly who he was talking to, a dude.

Gay, all day long.

Carlota69 01-24-2013 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Cave Johnson (Post 9347278)
The answer to all 3 questions is he's mind blowingly dumb.

Dumb for choosing this route to cover his identity. There defintely was another way, or 50 other ways. Dumb as a box of rocks for choosing this way.

Rausch 01-24-2013 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Carlota69 (Post 9347296)
Unless he didnt know any girls who would cover for him, which in his world is extremely possible. Having a fake GF would stop the "why don you have a GF" questions in the locker room. By getting rid of her thru death, he could say he lost the love of his life and no one would question why he doesnt ahve a GF again. I think Tuiasosopo is the BF and hes covering for him becasue theyre in love. Why else would he take all the heat and blame? I dont think Manti thought he was talking toa chick. he knew exactly who he was talking to, a dude.

Gay, all day long.

I don't know if I buy gay but I'm all in on fake.

I don't doubt for a minute he was a big part of this.

Why he did it?

Is he gay? To pimp his product? To get his school attention?

Really doesn't matter to me. Fake is fake...

warpaint* 01-24-2013 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by Carlota69 (Post 9347271)
Seems logical but, if Te'o and said the guy are in love, maybe going out on dates with chicks isnt cool. Plus, if hes gay, and I believe whole heartedly he is, then he'd have to **** a chick here and there. That isnt going to fly either.

He should of "hired" a hot lesbian to be his beard. Or at least a chick who doesnt mind being "with" a gay dude. But, maybe in his world, he wouldnt know of anyone.

All in all, its crazy, but I have no doubt this story is all about covering his sexual orientation.

He wouldn't have to bang a chick. Just claim he won't until married due to being Morman. Then act nuts or aloof or whatever after a couple dates and run them off.

I wouldn't say I'm 100% convinced he's not gay (how would I know?) but rather that the other scenario makes more sense to me.

Your lesb angle is yet another easier solution if he were actually gay. That is as you said he can locate said lesb.

gblowfish 01-24-2013 11:10 AM

He shoulda boinked Katie when he had the chance. One day, she's be a smile on his face his wife wouldn't understand.

Carlota69 01-24-2013 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by warpaint* (Post 9347321)
He wouldn't have to bang a chick. Just claim he won't until married due to being Morman. Then act nuts or aloof or whatever after a couple dates and run them off.

I wouldn't say I'm 100% convinced he's not gay (how would I know?) but rather that the other scenario makes more sense to me.

Your lesb angle is yet another easier solution if he were actually gay. That is as you said he can locate said lesb.

Mormon dudes are just as sexual as anyone else. They have sex before marriage. It would get around that he wont give it up. He was probaly afraid of that getting around and not beinbg seen as a real man in the locker room. The football locker room is a pretty masculine place I imagine. Probably the most anywhere.

Getting a lesbian as his "beard" would of made the most sense, but easier said than done I guess. Plus, the guy is about as sharp as a bowling ball. he chose the craziest and most ridiculous way to hide himself.

The other scenario makes no sense at all to me. He actaully talked to a dude for hours upon hours for how long and didnt know it was a dude?? if we are expected to bleieve that scenario then we are the gulliable ones. gays hiding their sexuality with beards, is common. A good looking football player on his way to the NFl getting duped for years and falling in love with a chick, and talking to her when its a dude, not so common.

The Franchise 01-24-2013 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Carlota69 (Post 9347296)
Unless he didnt know any girls who would cover for him, which in his world is extremely possible. Having a fake GF would stop the "why don you have a GF" questions in the locker room. By getting rid of her thru death, he could say he lost the love of his life and no one would question why he doesnt ahve a GF again. I think Tuiasosopo is the BF and hes covering for him becasue theyre in love. Why else would he take all the heat and blame? I dont think Manti thought he was talking toa chick. he knew exactly who he was talking to, a dude.

Gay, all day long.

Why would he take all of the heat and blame? Because it will detract from what Te'o would get if he came out and admitted that he covered up this lie. He's not gay. He's just dumb for lying on a national stage.

Carlota69 01-24-2013 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 9347363)
Why would he take all of the heat and blame? Because it will detract from what Te'o would get if he came out and admitted that he covered up this lie. He's not gay. He's just dumb for lying on a national stage.

OK, so why mess with his head for years, and really screw him over and then protect him?

Rausch 01-24-2013 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by warpaint* (Post 9347321)
He wouldn't have to bang a chick. Just claim he won't until married due to being Morman. Then act nuts or aloof or whatever after a couple dates and run them off.

The Troy Aikman defense...

Chest Rockwell 01-24-2013 11:29 AM

Whether you believe him (I'm skeptical) or not this is sort of an interesting take:

The Samoan Roots of the Manti Te'o Hoax
By Ilana Gershon
Culture may play a bigger role in the Notre Dame football star's bizarre story than people realize.

Text spoiler'd for space:


BigRock 01-24-2013 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Carlota69 (Post 9347296)
Unless he didnt know any girls who would cover for him, which in his world is extremely possible.

He had girlfriends. There's a picture of him with a girl right in this thread a few pages back. There have been quotes from teammates saying he was dating girls while this thing with the fake girl was going on. He had no need for cover.

And again, if Tuiasosopo is his true love and they've gone to these lengths to hide it, why would he be saying that he did all the talking? It just reignites the gay talk all over again, which would be exactly what this was all designed to avoid.


Originally Posted by Carlota69 (Post 9347296)
The other scenario makes no sense at all to me. He actaully talked to a dude for hours upon hours for how long and didnt know it was a dude?? if we are expected to bleieve that scenario then we are the gulliable ones.

You're assuming it's true that Tuiasosopo did the talking. Two or three accounts have come out from people who have said that Tuiasosopo confessed to them what he did, and all of them said that he mentoned having people in on the scam with him. Supposedly his cousins, one being a girl.

There's also the story everyone forgets of the Cardinals' FB saying he physically met a girl claming to be this fake GF. Which, in addition to the reports of the confessions, would further suggest that Tuiasosopo had a girl in on it with him.

If Tuiasosopo had help with this, he'd have to be a special breed of douche to take them down with him. "Oh, and my cousin pretended to be Lennay. Go park outside her house for a few weeks, TMZ".

And I heard Katie Couric saying she heard voice mails on Teo's phone from "Lennay". She didn't say anything about them sounding curious, like it might be a guy. I don't know if that was during the interview or separate from it. But if it was during, then maybe we'll all get to hear the voice.

Sorter 01-24-2013 11:30 AM

He was in on it for self-promotion.

Rausch 01-24-2013 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Sorter (Post 9347457)
He was in on it for self-promotion.

I feel that way.

The Franchise 01-24-2013 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Carlota69 (Post 9347384)
OK, so why mess with his head for years, and really screw him over and then protect him?

Because Te'o was behind it.

warpaint* 01-24-2013 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by Carlota69 (Post 9347359)
Mormon dudes are just as sexual as anyone else. They have sex before marriage. It would get around that he wont give it up. He was probaly afraid of that getting around and not beinbg seen as a real man in the locker room. The football locker room is a pretty masculine place I imagine. Probably the most anywhere.

Getting a lesbian as his "beard" would of made the most sense, but easier said than done I guess. Plus, the guy is about as sharp as a bowling ball. he chose the craziest and most ridiculous way to hide himself.

The other scenario makes no sense at all to me. He actaully talked to a dude for hours upon hours for how long and didnt know it was a dude?? if we are expected to bleieve that scenario then we are the gulliable ones. gays hiding their sexuality with beards, is common. A good looking football player on his way to the NFl getting duped for years and falling in love with a chick, and talking to her when its a dude, not so common.

Sure there are guys that don't follow all the teachings of the church that's true in every church. But there are those that do and it'd be an easy cover. You can't really argue w/ someone who claims faith when explaining actions. It's impossible to disprove unless you catch them in the act of something that belies it.

As for your last paragraph yes that is one of the weirdest things I have ever heard of. That cannot be overstated. He would have to be extremely inexpierenced, naive, gullible, socially awkward. I also cannot figure out how people under the age of 70 get duped into sending nigerians $ and identity information but it happens. I am not comparing the two situationd beyond saying there are morons in every walk of life. Even high profile cfb.

I have no idea how easy it is to get a lesb cover.

Carlota69 01-24-2013 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by BigRock (Post 9347455)
He had girlfriends. There's a picture of him with a girl right in this thread a few pages back. There have been quotes from teammates saying he was dating girls while this thing with the fake girl was going on. He had no need for cover.

And again, if Tuiasosopo is his true love and they've gone to these lengths to hide it, why would he be saying that he did all the talking? It just reignites the gay talk all over again, which would be exactly what this was all designed to avoid.

You're assuming it's true that Tuiasosopo did the talking. Two or three accounts have come out from people who have said that Tuiasosopo confessed to them what he did, and all of them said that he mentoned having people in on the scam with him. Supposedly his cousins, one being a girl.

There's also the story everyone forgets of the Cardinals' FB saying he physically met a girl claming to be this fake GF. Which, in addition to the reports of the confessions, would further suggest that Tuiasosopo had a girl in on it with him.

If Tuiasosopo had help with this, he'd have to be a special breed of douche to take them down with him. "Oh, and my cousin pretended to be Lennay. Go park outside her house for a few weeks, TMZ".

And I heard Katie Couric saying she heard voice mails on Teo's phone from "Lennay". She didn't say anything about them sounding curious, like it might be a guy. I don't know if that was during the interview or separate from it. But if it was during, then maybe we'll all get to hear the voice.

Its all very very crazy. It sounds to me like a 'beard" situtation, but its all so ****ed up, who really knows? I think it will "come out" one day tho...

warpaint* 01-24-2013 11:43 AM

Oh no doubt if he is gay it was come to light.
Impossible to hide forever in this age.

Rausch 01-24-2013 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Carlota69 (Post 9347503)
Its all very very crazy. It sounds to me like a 'beard" situtation...

2nd time I've hear'd this.

Pretend I'm 37 and you have to s'plain the term to me...

Skyy God 01-24-2013 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 9347523)
2nd time I've hear'd this.

Pretend I'm 37 and you have to s'plain the term to me...

When you're gay and don't want people to know, you fabricate a relationship with a (straight or lesbian) woman.

This is this worst beard in history in that she was verifiably fake and portrayed by a man.

Frosty 01-24-2013 11:55 AM

So, is it called a beard because it is supposed to make you appear more manly or something?

I had never heard the term until this thread, either.

Skyy God 01-24-2013 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Frosty (Post 9347580)
So, is it called a beard because it is supposed to make you appear more manly or something?

I had never heard the term until this thread, either.


Rausch 01-24-2013 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Cave Johnson (Post 9347559)
When you're gay and don't want people to know, you fabricate a relationship with a (straight or lesbian) woman.

This is this worst beard in history.

Use to be you just "dated" a fat chick.

Or the guys at my HBC would have a super hottie and then pull Peter "on the down low."

(yes, it became a term for black gay men "creeping.")

A decade ago.

Not really plugged in to the whole minority gay scene these days...

beach tribe 01-24-2013 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by Cave Johnson (Post 9347278)
The answer to all 3 questions is he's mind blowingly dumb.

Another is that he never thought it would garner so much attention. Once they became NC contenders it got the attn. and actually if someone hadn't called deadspin and told them to look into it it may have never been uncovered.

beach tribe 01-24-2013 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Frosty (Post 9347580)
So, is it called a beard because it is supposed to make you appear more manly or something?

I had never heard the term until this thread, either.

I only ever knew the term F a g hag.

Carlota69 01-24-2013 12:14 PM

I first heard the term in regards to Rock Hudson hiding his gayness.

Carlota69 01-24-2013 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 9347523)
2nd time I've hear'd this.

Pretend I'm 37 and you have to s'plain the term to me...

Here you go:

Rausch 01-24-2013 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Carlota69 (Post 9347643)

I first heard the term in regards to Rock Hudson hiding his gayness.


Fair enough.

Mr. Laz 01-24-2013 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Carlota69 (Post 9347503)
Its all very very crazy. It sounds to me like a 'beard" situtation, but its all so ****ed up, who really knows? I think it will "come out" one day tho...

I still think either Tuiasosopo, Manti Te'o or both are gay.

Maybe Tuiasosopo is gay and had a crush on Te'o and fake the whole thing to start a relationship (albeit fake/weird one) with Te'o and now is just labeling as a prank to play it off.

It would be easy enough to get a picture of a girl. Pretty simple to make the phone calls through a computer to alter the pitch of his voice.

Once things got to close he tried to end the whole thing with the "death" so he didn't get caught.

at least that would explain "why"

Rausch 01-24-2013 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Laz (Post 9347694)

at least that would explain "why"

Sometimes there is no why...

Carlota69 01-24-2013 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Laz (Post 9347694)
I still think either Tuiasosopo, Manti Te'o or both are gay.

Maybe Tuiasosopo is gay and had a crush on Te'o and fake the whole thing to start a relationship (albeit fake/weird one) with Te'o and now is just labeling as a prank to play it off.

It would be easy enough to get a picture of a girl. Pretty simple to make the phone calls through a computer to alter the pitch of his voice.

Once things got to close he tried to end the whole thing with the "death" so he didn't get caught.

at least that would explain "why"

Yeah, but Te'o really couldnt figure out he was talking to a dude??? Im sorry, but I just dont buy it. Men have a very hard time sounding like chicks. Dustin Hoffman couldnt pull it off and he won an Oscar for it.

Sorter 01-24-2013 12:42 PM

It must be hard talking like a gal when you have a hook for a hand.

But I digress...

Mr. Laz 01-24-2013 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 9347700)
Sometimes there is no why...

"Why" is what separates us from them... from me.
"Why" is the only real source of power. Without it, you are powerless.
And this is how you come to me, without why, without power.
Another link in the chain.

Mr. Laz 01-24-2013 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Carlota69 (Post 9347711)
Yeah, but Te'o really couldnt figure out he was talking to a dude??? Im sorry, but I just dont buy it. Men have a very hard time sounding like chicks. Dustin Hoffman couldnt pull it off and he won an Oscar for it.

Maybe Te'o didn't really want to know

Maybe he's stupid

Maybe Tuiasosopo is a very feminine gay


siberian khatru 01-24-2013 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Laz (Post 9347694)
Maybe Tuiasosopo is gay and had a crush on Te'o and fake the whole thing to start a relationship (albeit fake/weird one) with Te'o and now is just labeling as a prank to play it off.

Hmmm, hadn't thought of that.

Just about anything makes as much sense as anything else, though, it's just so ****ed up.

I don't think ANYTHING makes Te'o look good. At best, he's incredibly naive and gullible, even accounting for his age and upbringing.

Carlota69 01-24-2013 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Laz (Post 9347748)
Maybe Te'o didn't really want to know

Maybe he's stupid

Maybe Tuiasosopo is a very feminine gay


He talked for hours upon hours over and over again with a dude and couldnt tell it was a guy??? Even a feminine drag queen sounds like a guy trying to be a girl. And I just dont buy that he is that friggin stupid. Not that stupid. Thats beyond stupid. Its ridiculous, in my opinion, to believe for a minute that he thought he was talking to a girl for that long. I dont buy it.

Him being gay and trying to cover it up, albiet stupidly, is way more plausible than he fell in love with a chick he never met, talked to her on the phone for hours, for years and it was a dude, but he didnt know it. Bullshit.

Rausch 01-24-2013 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Laz (Post 9347741)
"Why" is what separates us from them... from me.
"Why" is the only real source of power. Without it, you are powerless.

And he is.

He's ****ing tumbleweed drifting over the finicky fingers of the league's decision makers...

KcMizzou 01-24-2013 12:57 PM


Manti Te'o -- Releases VOICEMAILS from 'Lennay Kekua'

the Talking Can 01-24-2013 12:58 PM

he's dumb enough for black bob to make fun of

Rausch 01-24-2013 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by KcMizzou (Post 9347776)

Manti Te'o -- Releases VOICEMAILS from 'Lennay Kekua'

At this point I don't care.


Sorter 01-24-2013 01:00 PM

Sounds like a girl but the voice is kinda low...

Mr. Laz 01-24-2013 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Sorter (Post 9347786)
Sounds like a girl but the voice is kinda low...

it's probably being run through a synthesizer

Make a phone call through you PC and you can make pitch of the voice anything you want.

The Franchise 01-24-2013 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Laz (Post 9347800)
it's probably being run through a synthesizer

Make a phone call through you PC and you can make pitch of the voice anything you want.

They have apps for your phone that do that.

Carlota69 01-24-2013 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Laz (Post 9347800)
it's probably being run through a synthesizer

Make a phone call through you PC and you can make pitch of the voice anything you want.

Or its some chick they got to make the call recently.
Botom line is this for me anyways, lots of lies in this story. I dont buy any of it. the only logical thing that makes sense to me is hes covering up his true identity for many reasons. religion, family, school, NFL, society etc. regardless of why, the whole thing is a cover up and I dont believe a thing coming out now. I just dont buy it.

BTW, he isnt that stupid. He did get into Notre Dame.

Nixhex 01-24-2013 01:16 PM

Anyone else find it funny that Facebook has the below picture on their homepage?

The Franchise 01-24-2013 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Carlota69 (Post 9347829)

BTW, he isnt that stupid. He did get into Notre Dame.

Street Smarts vs. Book Smarts

Fairplay 01-24-2013 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Nixhex (Post 9347846)
Anyone else find it funny that Facebook has the below picture on their homepage?

lol, That went by me, good one facebook

Mr. Laz 01-24-2013 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 9347806)
They have apps for your phone that do that.

cool :thumb:

haven't ever looked into that ... just know about sound/music synthesizer for computers.

Rain Man 01-24-2013 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Carlota69 (Post 9347764)
He talked for hours upon hours over and over again with a dude and couldnt tell it was a guy??? Even a feminine drag queen sounds like a guy trying to be a girl. And I just dont buy that he is that friggin stupid. Not that stupid. Thats beyond stupid. Its ridiculous, in my opinion, to believe for a minute that he thought he was talking to a girl for that long. I dont buy it.

Him being gay and trying to cover it up, albiet stupidly, is way more plausible than he fell in love with a chick he never met, talked to her on the phone for hours, for years and it was a dude, but he didnt know it. Bullshit.

Maybe times have changed, but when I was young and single, I wanted to actually see women and grope them and beyond. At some point in the first week of the phone relationship I would've been buying a plane ticket. Kids these days are too lazy about seeking groping opportunities.

Rausch 01-24-2013 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man (Post 9347960)
Maybe times have changed, but when I was young and single, I wanted to actually see women and grope them and beyond. At some point in the first week of the phone relationship I would've been buying a plane ticket. Kids these days are too lazy about seeking groping opportunities.

I remember playing on the 'puter as a kid and I didn't plan well and we all died of dysentery.


That $#it could happen...

silver5liter 01-24-2013 02:15 PM

This interview from Katie Couric is the biggest load of bullshit ive ever seen. She brings up the quote about him saying he met her at a usc game. Then he says i never lied about anything. Wtf.

Rausch 01-24-2013 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by silver5liter (Post 9348001)
This interview from Katie Couric is the biggest load of bullshit ive ever seen. She brings up the quote about him saying he met her at a usc game. Then he says i never lied about anything. Wtf.

I want no part of this.

Not in the 2nd, not in the 3rd.


silver5liter 01-24-2013 02:22 PM


3:15 p.m.: Still no mention of the fact that Te'o's crisis management guru, Matt Hiltzik, is also Katie Couric's spokesman. Maybe that's coming in the credits.

silver5liter 01-24-2013 02:30 PM

couric-"the love of your life got in an accident, you are 2 hour drive away and you didnt think to go visit?"
teo -"It didnt cross my mind to be honest......"

Rausch 01-24-2013 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by silver5liter (Post 9348034)
teo -"It didnt cross my mind to be honest......"

True 'dat...

Sorter 01-24-2013 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by silver5liter (Post 9348034)
couric-"the love of your life got in an accident, you are 2 hour drive away and you didnt think to go visit?"
teo -"It didnt cross my mind to be honest......"

Yeah...Te'o's either in on it or a clueless, heartless bastard.

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