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vailpass 10-21-2011 09:53 AM

Any word if Amy Pond will be doing a Playboy shoot?

Jawshco 10-21-2011 07:13 PM

I don't know about Playboy, but Doctor Donna is going to be back on the Office soon. Meanwhile, Martha and Doctor 5 are still on Law and Order: UK

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bevischief 10-26-2011 07:57 AM

Doctor Who news round-up: Matt Smith, Steven Moffat and Peter Davison

Simon Brew

Lots of stories have been popping up, so here’s our round-up. Featuring Steven Moffat, Peter Davison and Matt Smith…

Published on Oct 26, 2011

Let’s start this Doctor Who round-up with Peter Davison. With the show’s 50th birthday coming up in 2013, speculation is rife that lots of old Doctors will be invited back in some form (mainly because, er, that's what's happened before). This is fan guesswork, to be fair, and the fact that Christopher Eccleston has already ruled out any kind of return does make the return of all the living Doctors very unlikely.

Peter Davison, though, whose DVD commentaries on Doctor Who releases are a hoot, if you’ve never tried one, has said that he doesn’t think he’ll be getting an invite to return to the show (as he did when he appeared opposite David Tennant in the Children In Need special, Time Crash).

Talking to BangShowbiz, he said that “I feel no need to turn my back on [a guest appearance] but I don't feel like it's the kind of thing they'd do. I'd be very surprised if they tried to do anything involving the old Doctors.”

We'll wait and see, but Steven Moffat has already teased that he has big plans for the show's birthday...

Doctor Who Confidential

Meanwhile, Steven Moffat has criticised the decision by the BBC to axe Doctor Who Confidential. The show got the chop last month, bringing to an end the behind the scenes look at Doctor Who that had been running since the programme returned to our screens in 2005.

Moffat told Doctor Who Magazine that "I'm not supposed to say it, but I'm going to anyway: Bad day, bad decision… I know we're all at sea and the night is colder but you don't start burning the lifeboats to keep warm."

He went on to say that "All shows have their time and all shows end but not, in all sanity, while people still watch and love them."

He's clearly made some friends at The Sun, incidentally, who lace their report of the story with phrases like "the prickly producer" and "Angry Moffat". We think The Sun had some spare adjectives to use up from their quota of grumpy ones. That said, The Prickly Producer and Angry Moffat sound like terrific titles for future Doctor Who baddies...

Matt Smith

Finally, Matt Smith has sparked rumours that he’ll be hanging up his sonic screwdriver, when VH1 asked him if he was planning on working in America anytime soon. "Well, hopefully soon, you know”, he told them. "I've got another year of Doctor Who but then I'm certainly going to come and give it a shot, come and hang out in LA."

With the usual disclaimer that none of this is official, nor had it been confirmed in any form, this does tie into the belief that Matt Smith will leave the show in 2013, as part of its 50th birthday year. It must be true. It says it on the Internet.

We’ll keep you posted…


whoman69 10-26-2011 05:05 PM

Another reason to hate Christopher Eccleston.

bevischief 10-28-2011 07:23 AM

Matt Smith on his Doctor Who future

Simon Brew

Matt Smith has talked again about his future in Doctor Who. Plus, details of when you can catch a preview of this year's Christmas special...

Published on Oct 28, 2011

There’s been a fair amount of speculation doing the rounds this week with regards to comments Matt Smith made to VH-1, about his future in Doctor Who. The hint that was coming across was that Smith would be hanging up his sonic screwdriver in 2013, and heading over to Los Angeles.

Whilst not confirmed in any way, this would, as we said at the time, make sense. It would mean a change of Doctor for the show’s 50th anniversary year, and Matt Smith by then would have done three full series in the lead role. Which is generally considered to be the norm. Unless your name is Tom Baker.

He’s given a new interview, though, to the Press Association, in which he sort-of dampens some of the chatter regarding his earlier words. It’s hardly him saying that he’s staying forever, and it doesn’t rule out him giving the role up in 2013.

But Smith has nonetheless said that “We work very long hours every day for nine months. The schedule is pretty brutal, but I’d never complain about it. I love playing this role, and I don’t want to give it up anytime soon.”

We’ll wait and see where this ends up. We like Matt Smith a lot, but it’d be understandable if he chose to move on soon. Don’t expect to hear too much about this in the near future, though.

In other Doctor Who news, you can look forward to a preview of this year’s Christmas special as part of the BBC’s Children In Need telethon. That takes place on Friday 18th November.

bevischief 10-31-2011 06:44 AM

The Doctor Who video we don’t think we were supposed to see

Simon Brew

Watch the farewell to the David Tennant era of Doctor Who that we’re not sure was ever supposed to see the public light of day…

Published on Oct 31, 2011

We’re grateful to the fine folks at Bleeding Cool for alerting us to the existence of the video we’re going to show you. It’s the wrap party video from the end of the David Tennant era, as the cast and crew put on their own special version of The Proclaimers’ song, I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles). We think this is great. We're just not sure we were ever supposed to see it. We like Sue from Catering a lot.

You can find Bleeding Cool here, and you can watch the video below these very words…

(And if you like it, you might want to watch this one as well).

bevischief 10-31-2011 06:45 AM

he other Doctor Who video we're not sure we were supposed to see

Simon Brew

Another video from a Doctor Who wrap party of old has appeared, starring David Tennant, Catherine Tate and John Barrowman. This one’s a corker, too....

Published on Oct 31, 2011

By now, there’s a good chance you’ll have seen the Doctor Who Russell T Davies-era wrap party, featuring the cast and crew singing The Proclaimers’ I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles). If not, you can find it here.

But why not enjoy this one, too, as John Barrowman, David Tennant and Catherine Tate say goodbye to the Russell T Davies and Julie Gardner time on Doctor Who? It involves a little help from an old Victoria Wood song, and it’s very, very good...

bevischief 11-01-2011 08:02 AM

Doctor Who round-up: Karen Gillan, series 6 CD, Matt Smith

Simon Brew

Karen Gillan talks about the end of Amy Pond, Matt Smith on the Silence, and the announcement of the series 6 soundtrack CD...

Published on Nov 1, 2011

Given that we’re still over a month away from seeing a new episode of Doctor Who, there’s still quite a lot of chatter about the show around at the moment. So here’s our latest round-up.

First and foremost, Karen Gillan has given an interview to the Daily Mirror, where she’s revealed that she thinks that Amy Pond should, ultimately, be killed off. Before anyone gets carried away, she doesn’t mean killed off right now, rather that, in the words of Gillan, “once she’s gone, she’s gone”.

She added that “I want people to remember the Amy Pond era as a good one”. “Death would be an option,” she admitted. “I don’t want Amy to pop up again every so often, because for me it would take away from the big, emotional goodbye”.

Blimey. Is Amy Pond going to be the next Adric? Russell T Davies pulled back from killing an assistant off when he had the chance (although he arguably never intended to), but what about Steven Moffat? That’d be a bit of a shake up for the show’s 50th birthday in 2013.

Gillan also appeared on Graham Norton’s Radio 2 show over the weekend, and was talking about returning to Doctor Who. “I think that’s all up in the air at the moment”, she said. “I know that I’m gonna be coming back but I’m not sure when”. Hmmm, intriguing…

Elsewhere, Silva Screen has confirmed that it’ll be releasing Murray Gold’s soundtrack to Doctor Who series 6. It’ll be a two disc set, which will be on sale from 5th December.

Finally, in a Press Association piece, Matt Smith has argued that The Silence are one of the best monsters of recent times. “They are certainly some of the scariest”, he said. “They look horrendous and really mean. So if you’re under the age of ten, a good sofa to hide behind is essential”.

Daily Mirror
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Users Comments
Re: Doctor Who round-up: Karen Gillan, series 6 CD, Matt Smith
Posted By intheshadows 1 November 1, 2011 08:03:18 AM
Killing Amy off? Yep! I'm up for a bit of that. I'd like to see SM being brave for once. And as for the Silence, scary they may be but what do they actually do? Scary but bloody boring and dull. They remind me a bit of Posh Spice actually.
Re: Doctor Who round-up: Karen Gillan, series 6 CD, Matt Smith
Posted By DamonD 1 November 1, 2011 09:39:07 AM
I don't think they'll actually kill her, but I'm not upset if they try to avoid another Rose Tyler situation.
Re: Doctor Who round-up: Karen Gillan, series 6 CD, Matt Smith
Posted By Anthony1 1 November 1, 2011 09:46:33 AM
Agree with intheshadows. The Silence had a great premise but they've not been allowed to develop beyond their party trick. SM cries wolf too much with people dying then coming alive again eg Rory. So I wouldn't trust him to actually kill Amy off. It'd be Peri all over again.

vailpass 11-01-2011 10:33 AM

Anyone catch the Supernatural episode this season where one of the character's psuedonyms was "Amy Pond"?
Sure sign DW is closer than ever to mainstream in America.

bevischief 11-01-2011 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 8070702)
Anyone catch the Supernatural episode this season where one of the character's psuedonyms was "Amy Pond"?
Sure sign DW is closer than ever to mainstream in America.


whoman69 11-01-2011 03:21 PM

I don't buy the three years as the Doctor as the norm. Tom Baker was there for 7, and Pertwee for 5. William Hartnell had health issues. Troughton was there when they had a much more grueling schedule and thought the role would hurt his availability as a character actor. Colin Baker was fired halfway through his third season. Peter Davidson never caught on following Tom Baker. Sylvester McCoy was the doctor when the show went into hiatus. McGann was only in the one episode. Eccleston was a douche. Tennant thought his career was going to sprout into the mainstream. I would rather see the doctor stay from 5 to 7 years. After all, we have only a few incarnations left.

The_Doctor10 11-03-2011 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by bevischief (Post 8062237)
The Doctor Who video we don’t think we were supposed to see

Simon Brew

Watch the farewell to the David Tennant era of Doctor Who that we’re not sure was ever supposed to see the public light of day…

Published on Oct 31, 2011

We’re grateful to the fine folks at Bleeding Cool for alerting us to the existence of the video we’re going to show you. It’s the wrap party video from the end of the David Tennant era, as the cast and crew put on their own special version of The Proclaimers’ song, I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles). We think this is great. We're just not sure we were ever supposed to see it. We like Sue from Catering a lot.

You can find Bleeding Cool here, and you can watch the video below these very words…

(And if you like it, you might want to watch this one as well).

This video made me so goddamn happy you have no idea.

The_Doctor10 11-03-2011 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by whoman69 (Post 8071564)
I don't buy the three years as the Doctor as the norm. Tom Baker was there for 7, and Pertwee for 5. William Hartnell had health issues. Troughton was there when they had a much more grueling schedule and thought the role would hurt his availability as a character actor. Colin Baker was fired halfway through his third season. Peter Davidson never caught on following Tom Baker. Sylvester McCoy was the doctor when the show went into hiatus. McGann was only in the one episode. Eccleston was a douche. Tennant thought his career was going to sprout into the mainstream. I would rather see the doctor stay from 5 to 7 years. After all, we have only a few incarnations left.

Trust me, as long as the show continues to be profitable, they'll find a way to introduce new regenerations. I have a feeling this will be done by saying 'all the regenerations that River used to save the Doctor in 'Lets Kill Hitler' resulted in him getting like, five or six new forms. That's just me though.

kc rush 11-03-2011 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by The_Doctor10 (Post 8075454)
Trust me, as long as the show continues to be profitable, they'll find a way to introduce new regenerations. I have a feeling this will be done by saying 'all the regenerations that River used to save the Doctor in 'Lets Kill Hitler' resulted in him getting like, five or six new forms. That's just me though.

Thats what I figured as well, or they could go with an alternative universe to reboot the series.

bevischief 11-03-2011 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by The_Doctor10 (Post 8075454)
Trust me, as long as the show continues to be profitable, they'll find a way to introduce new regenerations. I have a feeling this will be done by saying 'all the regenerations that River used to save the Doctor in 'Lets Kill Hitler' resulted in him getting like, five or six new forms. That's just me though.

Tennant said they he can regenerate as much as he wanted too in one of his episodes.

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