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Dave Lane 07-19-2013 07:56 AM

I thought soccer stadiums were just a quiet place to take a nap.

Dave Lane 07-19-2013 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by Alex Smith HATER (Post 9820781)
lol sorry but these t-shirts are pretty awful


This whole campaign has to be lead by Deb the ultimate moran. This is the worst idea I have ever heard of. Phil hit the nail on the head. Timing. Coming off our worse season ever we fans need to do more. **** you Lil Chiefies.

Now you see what you made me do?

Nzoner 07-19-2013 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 9819791)
The reason arrowhead was what it was because the chiefs won games against good teams. You want sell outs? Win games.


I'd also add you want to break noise records with true passion,win games.

Halfcan 07-19-2013 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by DRU (Post 9820546)
I've read through most of the conversation going on here. I think there are some important points that are sort of being looked over.

I see people commenting on how this is manufactured, and how it wasn't in the 90's. I keep seeing people say put a winning product on the field and that'll give people reason to come and be loud. I see comments about how the fans just aren't the same anymore, and how they don't know how or when to be loud like they used to. I see comments about how people won't be cheering to disrupt the other team, which is the whole point, but rather to break the record, etc.

I agree with every bit of that. There's nothing better than a natural moment...a big play in a big game with a packed house and the place explodes. That's what we're all chasing here.

I think we can all agree, though, that one of the things that's so much fun about having a loud stadium is that it goes hand in hand with a good football team. I think it would be hard to argue against the fact that one of the reasons the team was playing well through the 90's was in fact because it had such a great home field advantage and we were able to win the majority of those games. There were MANY times when opposing teams were defeated by the deafening crowd. Drives are stalled and turnovers are forced in large part because of that loud crowd.

What better time than now to re-train our fan base and bring some excitement back into this stadium? Imagine they're somewhat logical about it and they choose times during which the opposing team's offense is on the field to call for the loud noise...multiple times throughout that game.

Now imagine if in doing so, the opposing team struggles mightily to hear each other or even hear themselves think. They get flustered and confused, they're calling timeouts (which makes the crowd cheer more and learn that what they're doing is helpful), they're making stupid mistakes causing turnovers...and BOOM! Pick 6 for a TD that NATURALLY erupts into an explosion of cheers...and just so happens to break the record at the same time.

All of sudden the fans feel that feeling again...that emotion of the big play at the right time with a full house. They see first hand just what's it like to watch your opponent seem helpless on the field because they can't hear a damn thing, and you witness again, just like we did in the 90's, how it can truly help your team with that game.

Now all of sudden we have a re-energized fan base who's been re-trained on when and how to be loud. Imagine if those pieces could fall into place and Arrowhead could become a big advantage for this team again.

In 2010 we still had a shitty team, but guess what, we won our home games. When you do that you only need to steal a couple on the road and you've got a great shot that year. If that starts to happen year in and year out again, the NATURAL effect will be just like it was in the 90s...when we were winning home games with the aid of a crazy stadium....and losing in the playoffs. LOL

Kidding aside, what is so wrong with this? People use all sorts of different techniques in business, sports, and everyday lives to get out of a rut and get back to "the good ol days."

I think this is a great idea and I'm all for it. Come on SOC, get off your high horse and enjoy this team for once.

Great post!!

Halfcan 07-19-2013 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by jspchief (Post 9820743)
Not sure which is more embarassing, a manufactured display of fanaticism or halfcan's lame attempt to shame us all into getting on board.

"you must hate the chiefs if you don't participate in the yell record"

I wasn't shaming anyone- and I really don't give a shit if you join or not. SOC did an awesome job last year and I was hopefully they could lend some idea's to what I think is a good cause. But in typical CP fashion..

I get called a Communist, moron ect and everyone else involved are dumbasses ect. Who are you assholes to judge anyone? All you do is sit and bitch about how shitty Alex is, how when they Show they can win Then I will support them while making fun of people that are just looking forward to a great year.

And personally JSP you can go **** yourself- if you think I forgot your comments concerning my Uncle a few years back the week he died in a car wreck- I havn't. You are a worthless piece of shit end of story.

Halfcan 07-19-2013 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Lane (Post 9820456)
Is halfcan Ty? Because he's posting like a reeruned Ty. Or maybe Ty just hacked his PC, I don't remember halfcan posting like a child.

Dave you are such a whiney little bitch lately- jeez your negativity is so depressing. I didn't share your view that Alex is the worst QB to ever play and your woe is me attitude and you PM me to "die in a fire"? What the **** is wrong with you? Personally I always liked your post and threads and respected your opinion- but now all you do is complain. :deevee:

And I am a reerun and a moron because I think it is cool that these "REAL FANS' "Homers" are posting pics of the glory days and want to support a team they love. And so what if they are "manufacturing" something to maybe break a record to bring back some honor to Arrowhead- what the **** is it to you? What makes your opinion so high and mighty you can judge them? Right now Arrowhead is more know for empty seats and a player killing himself in the parking lot. If it brings some positive attention to the team and helps some charities- nobody really gives a shit if Dave approves or not?

Halfcan 07-19-2013 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 9820682)
Just where has PR said this team will suck next year? Seriously HC.

Seriously what, go back and read the post. I just thought since he did a great job with SOC that he might have some suggestions. Then he starts posting about pulling out his dick and wanting a blow job? The hate and negativity on here is insane. Yes the chiefs had the worst year EVER- but that does not justify calling everyone that has a shread of hope -Including the Terrorhead returns group- morons, homers ect. He thinks X factor is a clown- who is he to judge- the guy has done a lot of good.

And for the record I don't like the name or the shirts either- but it is what it is. But I do like they are standing up and trying to something positive for a team that needs it after last year.

Halfcan 07-19-2013 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by JASONSAUTO (Post 9820475)
He has been the exact same since I've been here
Posted via Mobile Device

Jason- I always liked your post- then I disagree with you in one of the ALex hate threads and since then you follow me like some kind of Justin Beiber fan boy. Your gibberish post about wanting to lube me up at the game is frankly pretty creepy. Between that and PR begging for a bj- I think maybe you two need to exchange numbers- I have a girlfriend and don't swing that way.

In thread after thread you post negative stuff but then speak up your going to a game-why if you think Alex is going to suck so bad? You seem confused- you want to have hope for this year, but yet you want to fit in with your cronies like Sweet pimp daddy and bash every move like nothing has been done to fix last years historically horrible team. I don't get? So keep up with your name calling because I like Alex and think we are going to be great this year. I will be out there with the rest of the Homers trying to restore some pride to Arrowhead and supporting a team that has let me down many times- but has hopefully turned the corner.

Nzoner 07-19-2013 09:49 AM

From being at Arrowhead throughout the 90's I appreciate the passion and would love to see Arrowhead return to that greatness but have to agree with others that this is a bad idea coming off a 2-14 season and yes I believe it's going to be manufactured.

I say to hell with Seattle for now,let KC win some games,win fans back and then kick their ass for real!

Phobia 07-19-2013 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by xfactor (Post 9820763)
This was all born cause I hate having Seahawks trying to steal our title as Loudest Stadium. I was there for every game in 90's and always have been very proud of what we did earning that title. This team is being rebuilt and I believe they will do there part in awaking Arrowhead. I want us as fans to do our part. Always Loud and Proud, become that tremedous force we once were. It will take time but I believe we can restore it fulltime when team wins constitantly. I wasn't gonna roll over and just let Seattle take our title away without a fight. For record I didn't name group, I had other ideas but could care less what it is called. Its all about pride and the cause for me. Also I'll openly admit I had an addiction problem to cocaine and alcohol, which gives you many reasons to attack me. But I went to treatment, got help I needed to save my life. I've been clean for 13 months, have completely changed my life for the better and am totally different man then 1 that used to post here.

Good for you, dude. I'm very proud. If I bring you a dime, maybe we can put our heads together and come up with something better than "Terrorhead".

Halfcan 07-19-2013 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by pr_capone (Post 9820668)
That was me explaining myself in regards to your high horse comment. I am looking forward to the season. I really think we will see an improvement over past seasons.

I also think this is a bad idea because it is completely reactionary to the Seahawks getting in contact with Guiness. People took exception to the Seahawks claiming the title of "The Loudest Stadium in the NFL" because, after the past few years, that is all they have left to hang their hat on.

Excitement is a very honest and real emotion. Nothing about manufacturing 132db is honest or real. If the stadium were constantly loud like we were back in the 90's and the fanbase wanted to reach for the goal... awesome. Right now, coming off the season we did, it is nothing more than a stunt to regain what amounts to a meaningless title.

Home Opener, Faders, or Donks games- you really truly think that won't be HONEST emotion out there. Jeez give it a rest Dark Knight. And if I misconstrued your wait and see negative attitude with thinking that meant you did not think the Chiefs will be good- my bad. It sure seemed that way. Not sure how you go from explaining how you don't want to be a part of Terrorhead to calling me a mother****er and asking for a BJ- better take your meds dude- seriously. SOC was called out on FB- which I took offense to. I thought SOC was a big success- and hoped you could lend some pointers. It is pretty obvious now they don't need or want SOC's support anyway. Forget I asked and go back to the bat cave.

Halfcan 07-19-2013 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by DRU (Post 9820630)
George is one of my favorites of all time. I'm a little confused, though. That seems like a quote we'd be aiming at you. We know you love this team, so stop being so cynical and let's see what some positive energy can do.

Just read Carlin's last book- Last Words. Great book!! :clap: Pretty amazing story what he overcame.

Lets hope the Chiefs can put last year behind them and give us something "Real" to cheer about.

Halfcan 07-19-2013 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Nzoner (Post 9820995)
From being at Arrowhead throughout the 90's I appreciate the passion and would love to see Arrowhead return to that greatness but have to agree with others that this is a bad idea coming off a 2-14 season and yes I believe it's going to be manufactured.

I say to hell with Seattle for now,let KC win some games,win fans back and then kick their ass for real!

All very excellent points- I couldn't agree more and have stated that.

But this thing is a run away train- they really do have their heart in the right place no matter how misguided it seems. If I thought it was Just for publicity- I wouldn't have joined. These guys are bleeding red for their team and I respect it.

xfactor 07-19-2013 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by Phobia (Post 9820999)
Good for you, dude. I'm very proud. If I bring you a dime, maybe we can put our heads together and come up with something better than "Terrorhead".

Its a lil to late in ballgame for that brother, all media,fans etc know Terrorhead. It is what it is, can't make everyone happy. What I care about is cause which I believe every fan should put arms around. Being proud of our history as Chiefs fans and rebuilding our repuation as Loudest/most passionate fans in NFL

xfactor 07-19-2013 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Halfcan (Post 9820960)
Seriously what, go back and read the post. I just thought since he did a great job with SOC that he might have some suggestions. Then he starts posting about pulling out his dick and wanting a blow job? The hate and negativity on here is insane. Yes the chiefs had the worst year EVER- but that does not justify calling everyone that has a shread of hope -Including the Terrorhead returns group- morons, homers ect. He thinks X factor is a clown- who is he to judge- the guy has done a lot of good.

And for the record I don't like the name or the shirts either- but it is what it is. But I do like they are standing up and trying to something positive for a team that needs it after last year.

Thank you for your support brother. I agree with you. Keep up the good fight!!

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