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Gracie Dean 10-15-2000 08:38 PM

And have a written rule preventing the fraternization of the two crews.... Great idea, Jeff. Everyone is human. To overturn a playcall is to admit error. Nobody wants to admit they were wrong and if the play is close, you are obviously going to have bias to that one direction.....

elvislivesinkc 10-15-2000 08:40 PM

That's a pretty good idea Morphius. Clearly today's game is good evidence to show that the current system is not working.

And before you Raider fans say I'm making excuses for the Chiefs, I'm not. We got beat I accept that. But as a fan of the game, I'm sick to death of bad officiating having this kind of impact on the games, whether it's in my favor or not.


milkman 10-15-2000 08:44 PM

Kloster - You nailed it on the head, nobody wants to admit they are wrong, and to admit you were wrong by your own choice is almost impossible for many people. Just look how people still complain and blame this loss on Grbac on the other BB as proof.

Chiefaholic 10-15-2000 10:00 PM

I think its kinda like a house push. When they review a play and the call was obviously right, the play stands (positive review). If the play is obviously wrong, its overturned (negative review). If its a close call (neutral review), the play stands. So it only gets overturned when its obviously a bad call. The play stands both when its obviously wrong and when its a close call. The house has a distinct advantage.

Didja notice the Chiefs only scored in the second quarter? 1st-0, 2nd-17, 3rd-0, 4th-0.
Raiders scored in all quarters except the 2nd, Chiefs scored in no quarters except the 2nd.

Pitt Gorilla 10-15-2000 10:09 PM

Just pathetic that Chef fans will actually have to resort to "cheering" for the refs to reverse that call. We lost get over it. The play was close --don't fumble next time.

We shouldn't know their names, their numbers or have to hope they make the "right" call. The Raiders don't quit any more so we have to play 60 minutes.

PS: Fire Schottenheimer --those defensive calls on the last drive were like castrating a stud bull..

egonzo 10-15-2000 10:13 PM

You might be Chef, but I'm not.

theburf 10-16-2000 08:05 AM

Were you all watching the same game I was? Of course that was a fumble. Not even close. Don't be such "homers" about this. The ball was coming out way before his knee hit the ground.

Frodo lives!!

Go Chiefs!!

morphius 10-16-2000 08:09 AM

It was clearly a fumble. It was so obvious that I couldn't believe Gunther wasted a challenge on the play.

The refs are no scapegoat in this loss.

Fat Homer 10-16-2000 08:20 AM

No it wasn't clearly a fumble...but it wasn't clearly not a fumble either...inconclusive to the play stands...

I honestly don't care what anyone says about the reasons we lost...we lost because we could not hold on to the ball...Not because of Jano or Gannon or our defense or anything else...plain and simply, we couldn't hold the ball when it fumble = at least 3 points and in all likely hood a victory...YOU HAVE TO HOLD THE DAMM BALL...


"The word "genius" isn't applicable in football. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein."
-Joe Theisman, NFL football quarterback and sports analyst

Shootr 10-16-2000 08:25 AM

If wishes and buts were candy and nuts, what a great day it would be. We didn't deserve to win the game the way the defense played. We allowed them too damn many plays and couldn't stop them when we needed to.

What kind of defensive changes are there going to have to be to stop or slow down Faulk?

I am really kind of nervous about the Rams game now since the Raiders game is over.


[This message has been edited by bkkcoh (edited 10-16-2000).]

morphius 10-16-2000 08:30 AM

The fumble was clear. No doubt about it at all. I was yelling at Gun for wasting a challenge before the ruling was announced.

stevieray 10-16-2000 08:41 AM

Wouldn't say it was all that clear. On my cheap VCR looked like Morris was pulling the ball back in before he hit the ground. Could see that Morris had his arm around the ball, and the ball was underneath him when his chest hit the ground. THATS when the ball popped out, and his knee was already on the ground.

It was close, it was a judgement call, we lost. We should not have let them back in the game regardless of this play.

Sad, very sad.

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