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Bowser 07-28-2012 01:14 AM

They had a quick shot of a Sentinel the X-Men were fighting while in the Danger Room at the beginning of X3. IIRC, Colossus and Wolverine do the "fasball special" against the Sentinel.

Silock 07-28-2012 01:18 AM

Days of Future Past would be amazing. Hopefully.

WhiteWhale 07-28-2012 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 8773561)
I thought X1 and X3 were decent when they first came out. After rewatching, X1 hasn't aged well at all and I'd venture to call it crap, while X3 doesn't have much value outside of the action scenes.

Wolverine: Origins was OK. I liked Jackman and Schrieber (sp?) and Ryan Reynolds was great for the 10 minutes he was involved. They royally ****ed up the timeline having Gambit and Blob as 30-somethings in the 80s though, as well as Cyclops and Emma Frost in their late teens. Not to mention the shitcan they put on Deadpool. It has entertainment value but not really a good movie.

X2 and First Class on the other hand were pretty good movies. X2 was completely badass and I really can't think of anything bad to say about it, although it's been a while since I've seen it. Nightcrawler's opening scene, Colossus' first appearance in metal form, and for some reason the scene at Iceman's house with Pyro- all grade A stuff. First Class had the best acting with Fassbender and McAvoy. Magneto is low-key one of my favorite X-Men characters so it was good to see him being such a gangster. My only complaint was that the other mutants were lame (Banshee, tornado guy, and firefly stripper girl).

I'm surprised we've seen so many X-Men movies with no story revolving around the Sentinels. This could be really good if they don't **** it up.

I liked X-2 okay and first class wasn't a bad movie.. it was just a disaster in terms of continuity while blatantly tying itself in with the three X men movies. Both were entertaining.

I hated the wolverine movie as it was nothing but action movie cliche after action movie cliche. I mean I'm still getting both the skyward scream and walking away from an explosion in the same goddamn movie? What is this 1986? That one, more than any of the others, I felt was just a shitty film. I didn't like X-men when it came out and I hated the third film almost as much as that Wolverine movie.

The scene from Iceman's house was an allegory to Singer's homosexuality. It was a 'coming out of the closet' moment. I thought it was forced and came off rather silly personally.. and that was before I figured out why he shoehorned it in there.

As a fan of the series I'm disappointed it couldn't get represented better on the big screen. I loved the way the movies were casted for the most part (Halle Berry was horrible), but not so much the way they were written.

ThaVirus 07-28-2012 09:40 AM

"Have you tried... not being a mutant??"

Valiant 07-28-2012 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 8773724)
They had a quick shot of a Sentinel the X-Men were fighting while in the Danger Room at the beginning of X3. IIRC, Colossus and Wolverine do the "fasball special" against the Sentinel.

That was a shit Sentinel and pissed me off that is all they did..

Another thing that bothers me about the fastball special, how does Wolverine slice there heads off? His claws are not that big, it would take a bit for him to do that..

But I like that they are trying to tie them together this way.. Hopefully what would happen is the realities combine, and we get Scott, Professor and such back.. Basically all the dumb shit never happened in the first 3..

Setsuna 07-30-2012 10:55 AM

Well the whole movie went to garbage when they made Iceman some punk kid in the first one. Dude was an original member. That was a massive and beyond reeruned mistake.

Aries Walker 07-30-2012 11:16 AM

It's not nearly as bad as what they did to Angel.

ThaVirus 07-30-2012 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Setsuna (Post 8777642)
Well the whole movie went to garbage when they made Iceman some punk kid in the first one. Dude was an original member. That was a massive and beyond reeruned mistake.

Well in Ultimate X-Men he was a teen as well. That's a pretty good age for his character, IMO. They say he's possibly an omega level mutant. If he could fully control his powers he'd be above guys like Magneto and Professor X but his age and mindset keeps him from fully realizing his potential.

Setsuna 07-30-2012 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 8777890)
Well in Ultimate X-Men he was a teen as well. That's a pretty good age for his character, IMO. They say he's possibly an omega level mutant. If he could fully control his powers he'd be above guys like Magneto and Professor X but his age and mindset keeps him from fully realizing his potential.

Granted. But he's such a powerful mutant and to not showcase that ridiculous ability is dumb. They could make it look so sick with CGI now. Wolverine is played out it ain't even funny.

Barrymore50 08-04-2012 04:12 PM

Loved X1 and X2. Thought X3 was OK, not as bad as everyone made it out to be, but still not very good. Thought Wolverine Origins was pretty bad. I also did not like First Class--too dark and serious, and something about it really bothered me (no heart?) Days of Future past could be excellent if done right, but Wolverine (and Kitty) are basically the main/only characters and Hugh Jackman would almost certainly have to be involved. They would have to get someone with star status to play the older Kitty --she was played by Ellen Page (Juno) in X3.

Bowser 08-04-2012 08:49 PM

X3 was a ****ing disaster, if only for the way they absolutely raped and murdered Jean Grey being the Phoenix Force, especially after the way it was teased at the end of X2.

Rausch 08-05-2012 07:01 AM

If done well it could be played excellently.

Like others have said I'd prefer a reboot. Iceman, Beast, Jean, Cyclops, and Angel were the FIRST X men.

WhiteWhale 08-06-2012 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 8792286)
If done well it could be played excellently.

Like others have said I'd prefer a reboot. Iceman, Beast, Jean, Cyclops, and Angel were the FIRST X men.

I would love a reboot.

I don't much care about using the OG class. Those characters took the book on a ride to the cancellation line. Chris Clairmont saved X-men and made them what they are today when he changed the cast (Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Banshee, ect..) and made the dynamics more interesting and diverse.

I'd take a movie with that cast over the original X-men.

Valiant 08-06-2012 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by WhiteWhale (Post 8795114)
I would love a reboot.

I don't much care about using the OG class. Those characters took the book on a ride to the cancellation line. Chris Clairmont saved X-men and made them what they are today when he changed the cast (Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Banshee, ect..) and made the dynamics more interesting and diverse.

I'd take a movie with that cast over the original X-men.

Nightcrawler is bad ass. Still dumb how they cut him out.

ThaVirus 08-06-2012 09:48 PM

Banshee is a pillowbiter; I don't ever want to see him in an X Men film again.

My official badass X Team I'd like to see is Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm, Beast, Nightcrawler, Iceman, Colossus and Gambit. That's a lot of people to get screen time and character development so if need be take out Beast and keep Gambit as a secondary guy with not much screen time outside of action sequences. Maybe throw in Kitty just to have a love interest for Bobby.

If they do happen to go into the future I'd also like to see Forge, Bishop and Cable somehow. As well as Old Man Logan.

I want a lot.

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