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Cannibal 09-26-2000 03:32 PM

I could be wrong, but I thought thay said the same thing about the Redskins on MNF too. I think we led the league in plays over 70 yards or something like that...

milkman 09-26-2000 06:11 PM

Living in a neutral city, I see little to no coverage or discussion about KC. To my knowledge, none of their games has been televised yet up here - even the great rivalry Denver-KC game lost out to Keyshon's grudge match. But of course, there wasn't a media-type in the universe who gave us a chance in hell to win. Why would they give national coverage to the mighty Broncos crushing the silly little cowtown boys from Kansas? (I say that because most people don't even know that Kansas City is in Missouri. If I had a nickel for every Chicago moron who couldn't even find Kansas City on a map, I'd be an instant billionaire.)

So what earns respect and gets attention? SUPERSTAR PLAYERS AND WINNING THE BIG GAMES IN THE PLAYOFFS. We haven't had a true superstar since Montana, and we haven't won a playoff game since Montana went away. The Deions and Keyshons and Terrells of the world get all the coverage today. Despite a career day and a win, Gonzo couldn't overshadow Keyshon's one-catch game and a loss, and he's the closest thing to a superstar we have. Sad but true.

Once we win something big, or acquire/produce a megamouth superstar playmaker, we will finally get some attention and/or respect. Until then, we will continue to be the no-name, small town, non-factor, no coverage guys who don't make or lose in the playoffs as regular as clockwork.

At least I won't have to go to a bar or listen to the computer for next week's game.

Yosef_Malkovitch 09-26-2000 06:43 PM

I dunno Wolf - some of these baseball style, obscure stats get my head spinning sometimes. I know we led the league in Long plays last year. Whether the criteria for long plays was 20, 50, 70, or some yardage in between, I'm not certain.

I think you understand the point of my post, though, right?

KCWolfman 09-26-2000 06:52 PM

Frazod, Kansas City is also in Kansas. Granted the Chiefs are on the Mizzou side, but when you have a town named after a state people's first reaction is to associate it with the state.


Romel 09-26-2000 06:54 PM

Hey frazod,

CBS-2 Chicago carried the Chiefs v. Indy game. Also, they allow fans to vote on which games they want to watch. Go to, then Sports, then Fan's Choice. I just voted for the Chargers-Broncos game for October 8. The October 1st balloting probably just ended.

Man, it is so true how little geography the folks up here know. If the Royals or Chiefs are hosting a team, the newscasters are at least as likely to say "in Kansas", as they are to say, "in Missouri." As lame as that is, I wouldn't even venture a guess at how few Chicagoans could name the major river in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. You'd think most of them would have some clue about nearby major-league cities, but they don't.

DaKCMan AP 09-26-2000 07:01 PM

Dan - You mean the Minnesota River, correct ? It does exsist and runs through the city.

Fraz - I think part of the problem is that we have guys like Gonzo and Morris (possible star) who are both humble and good guys. They just don't make big news because they are not arrogant, loudmouth, jerks.

milkman 09-26-2000 08:19 PM

Responses to various posts:

Dan, I was out of town Labor Day weekend, and didn't know if the game was televised or not. I do know that none have been televised since.

Raiderhater - I was not belittling KCKS. I even know its in Wyandotte County, and I didn't have to look that up. My point was that the Chiefs play on the Missouri side and far too many people are too stupid to know it. Apparently geography is not taught in Illinois schools. You'd be surprised how many people up here have asked me how the "Kansas Chiefs" are doing.

Morph - good point about the showboaters - I was running out of room and didn't mention it. I certainly prefer to have respectful, professional athletes on my team who let their play on the field speak for them, but we all know that's not what grabs the WWF-like attention of the national sports media.

At least now I have a means (the internet) to get Chiefs news when it breaks. Now I just need to move somewhere that I can get a satelite dish, then I can watch what I WANT, not what some Bears fan douchebag thinks I want to watch.

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