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HemiEd 06-09-2008 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by biggunns (Post 4786563)
What came first the egg or the chickin??????ROFLROFL


FAX 06-09-2008 01:52 PM

I agree, Mr. HemiEd.

Somebody had to sit on the egg to hatch it and I can't see some random animal just walking by, seeing an abandon egg, and deciding to sit on it for several weeks for no good reason like one of those ladies who sneak into the hospital to steal babies and sell them in Mexico as slaves. In general, chickens make lousy slaves since they don't do anything you tell them to. So, chicken.


Hog's Gone Fishin 06-09-2008 01:56 PM

Why god!!! Oh why did you make me a pig masturbater? Did I do something wrong in a previous life ?

Rain Man 06-09-2008 04:33 PM

1. How would my life have turned out if I had taken the job at General Dynamics instead of McDonnell Douglas back in 1986?
2. If I had had kids, what would they have looked like?
3. If I had had kids, how would they have turned out?
4. Is there any one thing I could've done differently where I would've ended up rich and famous?
5. What's the closest I ever came to being killed, whether I realized it or not?
6. 1981. Christa, the homecoming queen, asked my older sister how I was doing and later lamented that she never got asked out on dates. (Back story: Christa was quite possibly the most attractive woman I have ever seen in my life, excluding people I'm married to, and guys quite possibly didn't ask her out because she was out of everyone's league. I kid you not, this gal was staggeringly gorgeous. And nice. Very nice.) So...if I had asked her out, would she have said yes?
7. Can you complete my family tree for me? I'm not very good at geneology.
8. What women, if any, ever had a crush on me?
9. If my parents had let me play high school football, what would my career stats be?
10. Whose lives, if any, did I affect most profoundly?

I toyed with a question like, "How would my wife's life have turned out differently if she had never met me", or "Did I make my wife's life better by being with her?", but I'd be scared to know the answers.

Calcountry 06-09-2008 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Redrum_69 (Post 4786494)
What will be the top ten things you'll ask about your life when you meet your maker? (i.e. personal experiences, outcomes, etc)

You will probably ask him 10 questions about your mom.

Calcountry 06-09-2008 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by FAX (Post 4786584)
I agree, Mr. HemiEd.

Somebody had to sit on the egg to hatch it and I can't see some random animal just walking by, seeing an abandon egg, and deciding to sit on it for several weeks for no good reason like one of those ladies who sneak into the hospital to steal babies and sell them in Mexico as slaves. In general, chickens make lousy slaves since they don't do anything you tell them to. So, chicken.


This is not true, Mr. Fax. If the egg was created in an area that had constant temps and the correct humidity for 21 days, it would have hatched on its own provided it was fertilized. Of course, if it were created by the creator a little thing like fertilization shouldn't be too much of a stretch.

Luke 06-09-2008 08:54 PM

Excuse me,but,
Would it have been too much too ask for a Super Bowl before I got here?:(

FAX 06-09-2008 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by bunnytrdr (Post 4786876)
This is not true, Mr. Fax. If the egg was created in an area that had constant temps and the correct humidity for 21 days, it would have hatched on its own provided it was fertilized. Of course, if it were created by the creator a little thing like fertilization shouldn't be too much of a stretch.

Hmmm. Not so fast there, Mr. bunnytrdr. The case for chicken is compelling and includes the following; 1) Eggs can get stepped on by other animals. An omnipotent Creator would not just leave an egg lying around to get smushed by a passing dinosaur or mammoth or something. He would know better. 2) Eggs are snacks for reptiles. Were an egg just sitting in a batch of grass unattended, the odds are excellent that it would be consumed prior to hatching. 3) If the Creator were going to start a new species, he would likely start with something that could fly and/or run away from enemies to find a good place to hide or locate other like animals for procreation. Eggs cannot do this. Ergo, chicken.


RJ 06-09-2008 09:18 PM

I'd tell him thanks for everything cause it's been a good ride except for that stuff right at the very end.

Then I'd ask him to take good care of my wife and children.

But my big question would be........Did I do what I was supposed to? Did I live up to my expectations? Or was there something I missed?

Thinking about it honestly I'm not sure I'd ask. At that point would there really be any benefit in knowing? I wouldn't want to spend eternity dwelling on the past. Heck, I could be working on my golf game and learning how to make wood carvings.

FAX 06-09-2008 09:24 PM

I think you're right, Mr. RJ. About the point in knowing, I mean.

After we move on, we are probably introduced to an entirely different form of "reality". One in which this physical life is nearly meaningless. After all, if we are spirit and, therefore, eternal, we spend very little time on this plane, all things considered. In retrospect, our mortal lives probably seem like one of our milliseconds.


RJ 06-09-2008 09:32 PM

Perhaps in the next life we won't be able to remember our time a mortals, in the same way we don't remember our time in the womb. And who knows, maybe there's an after-after life where we won't be able to recall the first after life.

Just sayin' is all.

FAX 06-09-2008 09:41 PM

Many people believe just that, Mr. RJ. That, although we have experienced them, we cannot consciously recall our prior lives. Just as a drop of water in the ocean cannot recall ever being part of a cloud. Of course, drops of water don't have brains with which to remember stuff, but you catch my meaning.

It would be really crazy if, in the next life, drops of water had brains. They would probably ask us all kinds of questions like, "Hey! What time is it?" and "I don't have hands. Can somebody turn down the thermostat? I'm evaporating here." and stuff like that.


deadbabyseal 06-09-2008 09:58 PM

Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?

RJ 06-09-2008 10:15 PM

Being a raindrop sounds pretty cool and being part of a puddle wouldn't be bad and being part of an ocean's wave would be great but I have to think being part of a stream of urine on it's way down the toilet would be a low point. I suppose that as long as it couldn't be remembered later it would still be ok. Life has its ups and downs, after all.

dtebbe 06-09-2008 11:00 PM

I'll ask life's 2 most important questions:

1. Is there a Chiefs Board?

2. Are poop threads allowed on the board?

As Metallica said "Nothing else matters"


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