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Frazod 05-08-2009 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Wrasse (Post 5750704)
Just watched it and enjoyed it. I loved the characters and people cast in the roles of the old crew.

Maybe I'm slow here...but how did Nero know where/WHEN to find Spock? If I'm understanding this...the mining ship with Nero AND Spock and his little ship get sucked through the singularity and the mining ship gets transported back in time (thus the alternate time line)...but Spock comes out 25 years later in that same alternate time line? Nero sits and waits...snags Spock and his ship...gathers the blobby singularity goo and wreaks havoc (after stranding old Spock on Hoth 2.0)?

I feel like I'm missing something or have my facts wrong. Please advise. :)

Good show though...just got done seeing it...just trying to get the time lines correct.

No, I think you got it right. He sat there pissed off doing nothing for.... 25 years.

And to think, when I was in the Navy I started going stir-crazy if I didn't get off the ship after a couple of weeks. :spock:

Wrasse 05-08-2009 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 5750728)
No, I think you got it right. He sat there pissed off doing nothing for.... 25 years.

And to think, when I was in the Navy I started going stir-crazy if I didn't get off the ship after a couple of weeks. :spock:

LOL are we to believe that one of their romulan engineers did some calculation judging when each ship entered the black hole to know at what point in time/space they'd end up?

After the old mind meld the action started again and I wanted to hit rewind and see that sequence once again.

Frazod 05-08-2009 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Wrasse (Post 5750771)
LOL are we to believe that one of their romulan engineers did some calculation judging when each ship entered the black hole to know at what point in time/space they'd end up?

After the old mind meld the action started again and I wanted to hit rewind and see that sequence once again.

I guess that's possible - perhaps they calculated when Spock would arrive and went into suspended animation. That would certainly make much more sense. Perhaps this will be better explained when the DVD comes out.

DaneMcCloud 05-08-2009 03:55 PM

Honestly, I was disappointed.

I thought the choice of actors was excellent. Chris Pine was amazing as Kirk. I always thought Kirk was a badass, not like he was in this film. The constant womanizing and smart-ass remarks were a highlight. The others were outstanding as well, particularly Karl Urban. He absolutely nailed McCoy, which was something I didn't think possible.

The action sequences were awesome and I loved Sulu's blade. The Kobiashi Maru bit was hilarious. Much funnier than I expected (along with the "creator" of the program).

I guess what really bummed me out was the villain. I didn't mind the idea of the Romulans, I'm just sick of time travel in all of the post-TOS episodes and movies. SICK of it. It's just so tired. I know that Abrams & Co. needed something to divert the story line from the TOS to "reboot" the franchise, I just think that they could have found a different plot device to do so.

For that fact alone, I only give it 4 out of 5 stars.

Frazod 05-08-2009 03:59 PM

The guy that did Chekov was awesome. Looked nothing like Koenig, but the character and voice were dead on.

DaneMcCloud 05-08-2009 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 5750877)
The guy that did Chekov was awesome. Looked nothing like Koenig, but the character and voice were dead on.

He was great. There wasn't one single bad casting choice made for this movie, which is rare.

Gravedigger 05-08-2009 07:08 PM

From a person who saw like 2 of the originals and Star Trek Generations, I found that this was an excellent movie. This movie was how remakes should be, with the Star Wars franchise you could see the aging philosophies of Lucas but with Abrams at the helm you really saw what a new and upcoming director could do with a classic franchise.

Nero wasn't the best bad guy, his look was the only thing that made him a bad guy. He was just out for revenge but considering his motive and the fact that his planet Rhomulus wasn't destroyed until way into the future you could see him possibly trying to help save his planet instead of just making spock suffer. Other than that the drill, red matter, black hole plan was a sound way of revenge. I would've liked to have seen spock fight Nero hand to hand but alas.

I loved the cast, everyone seemed right in place with the only exception being sulu's voice just not being able to be replicated. So for me it seemed as though Cho just could'nt pull the part off and he was not much more than just an asian american fill in. The fencing combat line was really funny but other than that he just seemed meh. I thought Chris Pine nailed Kirk, and so did the guy who played spock. I'll admit I raised an eyebrow when I knew that Sean of the Dead would be playing Scottie, but I'll also admit he was really impressive as him. The worst casting decision I thought was Winona Ryder as Spock's mom, she just didn't look like she could or would be spock's mom and they could've picked a better actress for the part. Also Tyler Perry as the head of the starfleet was kind of awkward as well.

Other than that like I said excellent movie definetly an A, and I am gonna go see it in IMAX for my second time no doubt.

Deberg_1990 05-08-2009 09:31 PM

Just got back. I enjoyed it very much. Bravo to Abrams for taking a stale franchise and breathing new life into it.

Personally i think the characters of the original series are still the best so he did the right thing in going back to them.

Pine was perfect. Dude is a star. He looks and acts nothing like Shatner, but he did a very good job of evoking the character of Kirk.

Everyone else was nails as well. Perfect castiing.

I thought Bana was good as Nero, but as most have said already, he was probably the weak point of the movie or a lack of backstory.

I look forward to more movies with this cast and creative team.

Valiant 05-08-2009 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 5749707)
I hate farting around with the spoiler button, so consider this thread to be one big spoiler. If you haven't seen the movie and want to, stop reading now.

You have been warned.

So, what did you like, or not like? What annoyed you?

Mainly I really enjoyed it. I liked the cast and the ship. Special effects were great. Nimoy was awesome.

Some things that bothered me:

1. I thought Nero was a weak villain. Also, are we really supposed to believe that they just sat there waiting for Spock for 25 years? That's the single dumbest aspect of the movie. Were they playing cards? Knitting? That was dumb. Of course, Star Trek is generally good for a couple of head-scratchers like that.

2. Rather convenient that Scott just happened to be stationed on the ice planet. That was lame. But I do like the way Pegg portrays him.

3. I still can't quite believe they destroyed Vulcan. That's.... damn. I guess we won't be getting a remake of Amok Time.

Loved the movie, the cast was amazing..

1. Nero was not a weak villain, they just ended with a whimper.. My problem is spock on the planet.. Uhh wtf, there was a federation station on a planet by Vulcan?? Why didn't he go there, they have a ****ing relay station.. As soon as that big ****ing ship comes through they should have shot out a signal.. Only gets blocked when the ships penis was out.. Also after the ship left they could have shot a signal..

2. No problem with 2.

3. It is a good way to kick off the new Trek, everything is new now.. They distanced themselves from the old series and movies by making it a new reality.. Or the old spock is still around and knows how to travel in space again if he ever wants to try and correct things..

Deberg_1990 05-08-2009 09:36 PM

oh....and Michael Giacchinos score was rock solid perfect. That dude is great.

Valiant 05-08-2009 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by underEJ (Post 5749885)
I loved the Spock/Uhura thing. I never thought I'd say this in a million years, but... Spock was dead sexy.

I was waiting for him to slice open some heads..

Valiant 05-08-2009 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 5750243)
I thought it was awesome. And I'm not somebody that thought they could ever pull it off.

Even when Nimoy was onscreen with Quinto, there wasn't a moment in the movie where I thought "this isn't Kirk, Spock, Bones, Uhura, Scotty, Sulu, Chekov, et al". They were who they were, and it never distracted. Quinto in particular surprised me, I don't like him as Syler, but he pulled this role off as well as anyone could have. And Chris Pine is Kirk now. Hell, he was Kirk the first second he was onscreen. Maybe not exactly the same Kirk as Shatner, but he's Kirk in this alternate reality they created. I loved the throwback acting during the test scene where he was stuttering his words.. Great homage..

The action was great, but there were some very moving scenes, giving the film an emotional core.

The only weakness for me were the events in the future. I didn't/don't plan to read the graphic novel, and although I know they had it all planned out, the destruction of Romulus and the conflict between Nero and Classic Spock just felt like an afterthought that they didn't put a whole lot of effort into. Which is where I think the motivational problems with Nero come from. And the convenient placement of Spock and Scotty on the ice planet irked me minutely (along with the rock ewok). But even with that, I think the movie was great. Not good. Great. So good I'm going to see it again.

Oh, and the part at the end when Kirk gets his commission, they lost a number of ships (and captains), and he did prove his muster in combat. I looked at it as accepting his field promotion to first officer, and then he slid into the chair after Pike's promotion. Maybe pushing it, but hey, it's what we wanted to see at the end of the movie, Kirk in the Captain's chair on the Enterprise.


Valiant 05-08-2009 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Wrasse (Post 5750704)
Just watched it and enjoyed it. I loved the characters and people cast in the roles of the old crew.

Maybe I'm slow here...but how did Nero know where/WHEN to find Spock? If I'm understanding this...the mining ship with Nero AND Spock and his little ship get sucked through the singularity and the mining ship gets transported back in time (thus the alternate time line)...but Spock comes out 25 years later in that same alternate time line? Nero sits and waits...snags Spock and his ship...gathers the blobby singularity goo and wreaks havoc (after stranding old Spock on Hoth 2.0)?

I feel like I'm missing something or have my facts wrong. Please advise. :)

Good show though...just got done seeing it...just trying to get the time lines correct.

The singularity is how he knew when/where to come back and get spock after that.. Other then that I think he was flying around stewing in revenge..

Wrasse 05-08-2009 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Valiant (Post 5751598)
The singularity is how he knew when/where to come back and get spock after that.. Other then that I think he was flying around stewing in revenge..

Oh I basically they monitored for the black hole...found it and intercepted it.

That makes more sense. Thanks.

Braincase 05-08-2009 09:58 PM

I like the idea of a new Star Trek timeline, an alternate alternate reality. That means in the future Star Trek can be completely different with no Kirstie Alley. That's a win - maybe the Tuvok family got out alive.

The Uhura-Spock thing was an interesting twist.

How many of you thought during the high-dive onto the mining laser, "Y'know, the guy in red ain't gonna make it."

All in all, I had a great time. One of the more entertaining flicks I've seen in awhile. Tomorrow night some friends of mine and I are discussing either going to see Star Trek again, or going to see the Royals @ the Angels.

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