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penguinz 11-16-2004 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by BIG_DADDY
I'm sick of arguing a subject like this. Until a few years back I ran health clubs my whole life getting $100 and hour on the side training. I know this subject like the back of my hand. Mark Mastrov is the CEO of 24 Hour Fitness. We sat back years ago trying to figure out how we could take advantage of this type of circuit training for women. We used to have it in the co-ed clubs but it really wasn't catching on. Now he is creating mini-clubs to take advantage of this market for women and they are becoming very popular. I am sure I don't know what I am talking about though. A few members here at the planet have taken routines I designed with great results. One of them was using a routine like you suggested first and got much better results with a routine for men but whatever.

I think you misunderstood what i was saying. I am not sayign that a man should use five pound weights doing 40 reps a set. I am sayign that if you are just wanting to lose weight and not bulk up do not do heavy wight for low reps.

ie. if your bench max is 250 at three reps then cut it down to 175 and get 12-15 reps in. But also don;t foget about the cardio. ;)

Also, as far as your meals. Keep them balanced. You do need some fat in your diet as well as protein and carbs. It is also better to eat several small meals a day than 3 big meals. It is also bad to skip meals. Skipping, missing or eating huge meals messes with your metabolism.

penguinz 11-16-2004 09:12 PM

Any guys that are doing the Atkins or any other high protein diet make sure you drink lots of water. High protein is hard on your kidneys.

And for any women who might be reading this. DO NOT DO A HIGH PROTEIN LOW CARB DIET. It is much more harmful for women than men.

Inspector 11-16-2004 09:52 PM

I haven't read this so maybe this has already been said.

I know a couple of people who had great success with Atkins..................until they stopped. Now they have more than before Atkins.

The best method is the simplest to explain and the hardest to adhere to: Eat properly and exercise. It really is that simple.

Dieting is very bad for you and your body. Dieting will (eventually) add more fat.

To win the battle on a permanent basis you must change your lifestyle and follow the 4 word simple (but hard to do) advice: Eat properly and exercise.

I've been in this battle myself for almost 50 years now and my experience tells me that ANY diet will eventually fail.

It's not easy (at first), but to have permanent results follow the 4 word rule. Trust me. It may take longer but you'll feel better and you'll stay in the shape you want to be in. But eating properly and exercising must become a permanent fixture in your life.

Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. Consult your doctor and I'll bet he will agree with what I'm telling you.

Good luck, don't give up! You'll get there and be glad you did it the right way!!

(Eating properly is an individual thing that common sense or your doctor can advise you on. Same thing for your individual exercise routine.)

KC Jones 11-16-2004 10:01 PM

What Inspector said.

The bottom line is that if you want to be healthy and have a nice physique, you have to commit to a healthy lifestyle. Small portions of meals that are balanced for fiber, vitamins, minerals, protein, carbs, and the right kinds of fat. Combine that with regular excercise. Weight lifting will be great for building a bigger engine that burns more calories. Cardio for the calorie burning itself.

You are either commit to becoming a healthy person or whatever you do to lose the weight you will eventually stop and get it all back plus some extra weight.

Inspector 11-16-2004 10:07 PM

I've read severla of Big Daddy's posts concerning this subject (also in other threads) and from my experience, I think he is absolutley correct.

I call weight lifting exercise. It's an important facet of any lifestyle change and is one of the keys to success. That and eating properly.

Mr. Kotter 11-16-2004 11:06 PM

Good luck, Todd. :thumb:

Mosbonian 11-16-2004 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by BIG_DADDY
Well that's an issue. I think most people would like to pick their own foods within reason. Most people would lose weight if they just did 30 minutes of cardio 3 times a week and didn't take in carbs after 7PM.

You just hit the crux of my diet...i've lost 40 lbs and only changed a few things about my eating habits....

I still drink soda..once a day but a diet soda.

I NEVER eat after 7 PM.....

I work out in a structured's hard at first, but like someone said, it becomes addictive or second nature...

I would stay away from fad diets...which includes, IMO, the South Beach Diet, Atkins, Jenny Craig...all are set to lead to failure.

I only eat fish or meat only once a week.

AND...I let myself have a "night off".....eating is like gotta have a little every night, but sometimes you gotta add something real spicy.


Mosbonian 11-16-2004 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by BIG_DADDY
Incorrect, your best be is not to combine your aerobic and anaerobic activities into one. Your muscle is your fat burning engine. If you have a bigger motor you can burn more fuel just doing what you ordinarily do. The combination with light weights was designed for WOMEN who wanted to firm up a bit without putting on any muscle.

Interesting....that's not what my trainer said.

Here is the routine that I was prescribed:

Usually what I do for weight training is 20 minutes in a "fat burn" at 4 mph burning 150 calories in a warm-up....

I then do a structured workout set by my trainer that consumes about 30 minutes in strength training....

I then do 30 minutes of a Cardio workout at 5 mph and can burn about 300 calories....I try to get my heart rate to 148 bpm...which is what the Dr. said i should get to for my age.....

I do this 3 times a week....


BIG_DADDY 11-17-2004 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by penguinz
I think you misunderstood what i was saying. I am not sayign that a man should use five pound weights doing 40 reps a set. I am sayign that if you are just wanting to lose weight and not bulk up do not do heavy wight for low reps.

ie. if your bench max is 250 at three reps then cut it down to 175 and get 12-15 reps in. But also don;t foget about the cardio. ;)

Also, as far as your meals. Keep them balanced. You do need some fat in your diet as well as protein and carbs. It is also better to eat several small meals a day than 3 big meals. It is also bad to skip meals. Skipping, missing or eating huge meals messes with your metabolism.

If your interested in a real good routine let me know there will be a night and day difference to your results.

Mr. Kotter 11-17-2004 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by BIG_DADDY
If your interested in a real good routine let me know there will be a night and day difference to your results.

Can you post it here, even if he doesn't want to see it....I and some others would like to see it.

I think I've seen you post it before, but it's been a while....and we can't search right now anyway.

BIG_DADDY 11-17-2004 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by mmaddog
Interesting....that's not what my trainer said.

Here is the routine that I was prescribed:

Usually what I do for weight training is 20 minutes in a "fat burn" at 4 mph burning 150 calories in a warm-up....

I then do a structured workout set by my trainer that consumes about 30 minutes in strength training....

I then do 30 minutes of a Cardio workout at 5 mph and can burn about 300 calories....I try to get my heart rate to 148 bpm...which is what the Dr. said i should get to for my age.....

I do this 3 times a week....


It's called high intensity training and I would never suggest it for anyone but women who don't want to put on any muscle. There are several reasons some trainers (usually not certified) train most people in this fasion. It gets members in and out of the club without much time needing the trainers assistance for one. Two it allows you to hire trainers who only know this training technique so you can take some kid off the street and teach him to be a trainer in under 40 hours at a fraction of the price ioncreasing profit margins. They have you at the right heart rate and have you increasing your metabolism for the next 72 hours by keeping your heart rate up for over 20 minutes. If you seperate your aerobic and anaerobic activity and replace it with a routine I have on my computer at work your results will change BIG TIME within 90 days. You will get comments from all the people you know. If you want to go more advanced from there that isn't a problem I can take you there too.

BIG_DADDY 11-17-2004 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by SDChiefsfan
Can you post it here, even if he doesn't want to see it....I and some others would like to see it.

I think I've seen you post it before, but it's been a while....and we can't search right now anyway.

Yes I will post it tomorrow, I have it on my work computer. Anyone having problems with weight control can use some basic information and make choices for themselves as well. If your willing to take the time to read a book on a stupid diet you probably will not be able to maintain I say your time is better used understanding basic nutrition and how your metabolism works but that is JMO.

Mr. Kotter 11-17-2004 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by BIG_DADDY
Yes I will post it tomorrow, I have it on my work computer. Anyone having problems with weight control can use some basic information and make choices for themselves as well. If your willing to take the time to read a book on a stupid diet you probably will not be able to maintain I say your time is better used understanding basic nutrition and how your metabolism works but that is JMO.

Thanks, I'll look for it tomorrow.

I'm gonna start something here if not soon, then the first of the year. I'm familiar with the basics, but four kids and a lot of excuses have transformed me from relatively fit to pretty pathetic over the course of about 8-9 years. If I don't changes some things soon, I'm a heart attack waitin' to happen. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

BIG_DADDY 11-17-2004 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by SDChiefsfan
Thanks, I'll look for it tomorrow.

I'm gonna start something here if not soon, then the first of the year. I'm familiar with the basics, but four kids and a lot of excuses have transformed me from relatively fit to pretty pathetic over the course of about 8-9 years. If I don't changes some things soon, I'm a heart attack waitin' to happen. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Cardio is king, if your older and worried about that 30 minutes of cardio 3 times a week supplementing with 200mg of Q-10, a Garlinese 4000 tab and a good mulit-vitamin/mineral with extra C with biovlavanoids is the answer. Of course a good diet is really important.

Mosbonian 11-17-2004 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by BIG_DADDY
It's called high intensity training and I would never suggest it for anyone but women who don't want to put on any muscle. There are several reasons some trainers (usually not certified) train most people in this fasion. It gets members in and out of the club without much time needing the trainers assistance for one. Two it allows you to hire trainers who only know this training technique so you can take some kid off the street and teach him to be a trainer in under 40 hours at a fraction of the price ioncreasing profit margins. They have you at the right heart rate and have you increasing your metabolism for the next 72 hours by keeping your heart rate up for over 20 minutes. If you seperate your aerobic and anaerobic activity and replace it with a routine I have on my computer at work your results will change BIG TIME within 90 days. You will get comments from all the people you know. If you want to go more advanced from there that isn't a problem I can take you there too.

Big Daddy:

I'm all for anything that will work correctly....I've lost 40 lbs already with what I have done by the steps I outlined in changing my diet....if your program sheds the remaining pounds I am looking for while doing it in the correct training process please forward me your program.

I did some research before I started my program....I know not to trust the BMI....and I know that each person is built differently. I'm 48 years old and can't afford "yo-yo diets" because they do more harm than good. I have seen a few of my friends either decline in health due to poor health habits or some have lost battles and their lives. I want to live to be able to see my grandkids...and spend my kids inheritance.


Mosbonian 11-17-2004 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by BIG_DADDY
Cardio is king, if your older and worried about that 30 minutes of cardio 3 times a week supplementing with 200mg of Q-10, a Garlinese 4000 tab and a good mulit-vitamin/mineral with extra C with biovlavanoids is the answer. Of course a good diet is really important.

I used to get winded walking up the stairs...(well not quite that bad)

I look at my dad and know that cardio is absolutely essential to good health. There are some people that I work with who have to walk 50 yards from their car to the door, and look like they have run a 5k getting there....

I now park at the furthest point, and enjoy the walk.


BIG_DADDY 11-17-2004 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by mmaddog
Big Daddy:

I'm all for anything that will work correctly....I've lost 40 lbs already with what I have done by the steps I outlined in changing my diet....if your program sheds the remaining pounds I am looking for while doing it in the correct training process please forward me your program.

I did some research before I started my program....I know not to trust the BMI....and I know that each person is built differently. I'm 48 years old and can't afford "yo-yo diets" because they do more harm than good. I have seen a few of my friends either decline in health due to poor health habits or some have lost battles and their lives. I want to live to be able to see my grandkids...and spend my kids inheritance.


Obviously we agree on many points of a correct diet. I am 42 and the routine I post is a basic routine of what I do now. Being 48 you may have some limitations when it comes to certain lifts like squats from a knee and spine standpoint. Tell me if you have any physical limitations. If you can't do squats replace with leg presses. Even if you don't do max weight because of joint dicscomfort ( if that happens) you will still be better off going a little lighter and keeping your reps down. 5-10 reps on anaerobic activities makes the body produce more HGH wich makes everything easier and increases the size of your calorie burning engine.

Mosbonian 11-17-2004 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by BIG_DADDY
Obviously we agree on many points of a correct diet. I am 42 and the routine I post is a basic routine of what I do now. Being 48 you may have some limitations when it comes to certain lifts like squats from a knee and spine standpoint. Tell me if you have any physical limitations. If you can't do squats replace with leg presses. Even if you don't do max weight because of joint dicscomfort ( if that happens) you will still be better off going a little lighter and keeping your reps down. 5-10 reps on anaerobic activities makes the body produce more HGH wich makes everything easier and increases the size of your calorie burning engine.

I have some issues with a weakened knee that i hurt earlier in the's the same one that was damaged in a car wreck 10 years ago....I was cautioned by the Doctor on doing heavy exercises considering the shape of the knee....

I have no back or spine problems.....

The only real issue i am still concerned with that has not been treated has more to do with possible rotator -cuff soreness. It only flares up the day after I step up to a new weight in my upper body workouts....

Any ideas?


BIG_DADDY 11-17-2004 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by mmaddog
I have some issues with a weakened knee that i hurt earlier in the's the same one that was damaged in a car wreck 10 years ago....I was cautioned by the Doctor on doing heavy exercises considering the shape of the knee....

I have no back or spine problems.....

The only real issue i am still concerned with that has not been treated has more to do with possible rotator -cuff soreness. It only flares up the day after I step up to a new weight in my upper body workouts....

Any ideas?


Are you doing rehab on your rotator cuff?

Mosbonian 11-17-2004 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by BIG_DADDY
Are you doing rehab on your rotator cuff?'s just that I have seen some soreness in that region.

It's a problem that flared up a couple of years ago when I last played a full season of softball....I've been playing ball since i was 6....and I think the wear and tear is finally catching up. The soreness I felt then had gone away because of lack of activity, but is now reappearing. I dread the thought of letting the Dr. have at it, considering i am just now getting my knee healthy. I am sure he is going to want to do surgery, and I would not look forward to the "down-time" that I am sure would be necessary....or what effect the down time would have on my present program.


BIG_DADDY 11-17-2004 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by mmaddog's just that I have seen some soreness in that region.

It's a problem that flared up a couple of years ago when I last played a full season of softball....I've been playing ball since i was 6....and I think the wear and tear is finally catching up. The soreness I felt then had gone away because of lack of activity, but is now reappearing. I dread the thought of letting the Dr. have at it, considering i am just now getting my knee healthy. I am sure he is going to want to do surgery, and I would not look forward to the "down-time" that I am sure would be necessary....or what effect the down time would have on my present program.


Do you have a major tear? Do you use dumbbells or barbells for chest?

Mosbonian 11-17-2004 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by BIG_DADDY
Do you have a major tear? Do you use dumbbells or barbells for chest?

I would have more pain with a major tear.....

I use dumbbells....


BIG_DADDY 11-17-2004 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by mmaddog
I would have more pain with a major tear.....

I use dumbbells....


Personally looking back after all the years I was in the industry I would recommend dumbbells to everyone even kids, they are much easier on your shoulders and you will be able to lift for much, much longer. You need some rotator cuff therapy this is what you do. Do you have cable crossovers at your gym?

Mosbonian 11-17-2004 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by BIG_DADDY
Personally looking back after all the years I was in the industry I would recommend dumbbells to everyone even kids, they are much easier on your shoulders and you will be able to lift for much, much longer. You need some rotator cuff therapy this is what you do. Do you have cable crossovers at your gym?

Yeah...and it seems that no one ever uses them...


BIG_DADDY 11-17-2004 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by mmaddog
Yeah...and it seems that no one ever uses them...


Take the pulley and move it down waist level maybe an inch higher. Connect a single hand attachment to the pulley. Pull away from the machine till the weight goes up. You are going to take the the handle ane move it in a 180 degree angle from parallel to your body on the side to your rib cage on the opposite side. Your going to do 10 to 15 reps. Switch arms and do the other side. Lower your weight and make the exact opposite motion for the same amout of reps, adjust your weight to correspond with your reps. You are going to do 3 sets on each side each direction. Move to the dumbbell rack. Grab a 10-15 pound dumbbell and hold it to your side like your confirming a fieldgoal. Go down just past 90 degrees approximately parallel to the ground and lift back up. Do this 3 sets with each arm also. Both of these are going to hurt especially on your bad shoulder but it's good pain. If it's in your budget go to a sports medicine massage therapist and have them work on your shoulders. You have a lot of scar tissue in there that needs to be worked out. It hurts like hell but there is nothing like it. Give it 90 days and you will be WAY better.

Gaz 11-17-2004 06:32 AM

Good for you...

Any diet will fail in the long run. You have to commit to changing the way you eat, whether you go low calorie or low fat or low carb route.

I picked low carb because it is something I can do for the rest of my life. I can do without sugar, potatoes, pasta, bread and rice. There are many alternatives that are quite edible. I could not go low fat or low calorie for the rest of my life [I tried them both, lost weight and then decided I would rather be fat than eat cardboard for the rest of my life]. Low fat and low calorie tastes like crap.

Pick an eating regimen that you can stick with for a long, LONG time. That means food that satisfies you. If low fat or low calorie foods satisfy you, then you are a lucky man. Go with that, because the low carb lifestyle is expensive.

Regardless of which eating plan you choose, you have to exercise. Sorry, man, but you might as well get the brutal truth right up front.

If you are willing to be militant about exercise, you do not have to be as strict with your eating regimen. I walk three miles at lunch and do aerobics or weights after work, but I am not militant by any means. For me, the combination of a reduced carb lifestyle and moderate exercise is a compromise I can live with. YMMV.

If you decide to go with the low carb approach, feel free to PM me. Mrs. Gaz and I have sampled lots of low carb foods and can point you away from the really nasty stuff. Drink lots of water and take your fiber. No, really, take your fiber. Trust me on this.

Good luck, beer me. Low carb rewards you quickly with some rapid weight loss, but that will taper off after a while. Remember, this is a long-term project and it is easy to get discouraged when the rate of reduction drops.

Taking the long way home.

old_geezer 11-17-2004 08:27 AM

As usual Gaz is the voice of reason in the low-carb debate. I just wanted to add another voice on the side of victory for the Atkin's diet.

I read the book before I started; considered the consequences and went for it. It is a complete lifestyle change. You have to commit to it for life or you're wasting your time. I lost 60 lbs. on the diet, then went on the "lifetime maintainence" portion of the program. I have maintained my weight loss for over 2 years now and I've had 3 complete blood tests taken to insure that my body chemistry wasn't being messed up. Everything looks great. Good luck with your diet. It can work if you have the willpower.

Dr. Johnny Fever 11-17-2004 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by FAX
Sorry, Mr. beer me. Just got carried away trying to join the group and come up with ideas for you.

Seriously, best of luck with your endeavor to re-shape your outward persona. Remember, it's who you are inside that counts. A man is judged by the size of his heart.


No need to be sorry, I was laughing my fat ass off!

Thanks for the well wishes too...


Dr. Johnny Fever 11-17-2004 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Donger
Study: Low-Fat Beats Low-Carb Diets For Shedding Pounds

POSTED: 2:07 pm EST November 16, 2004
LAS VEGAS -- Low-fat diets may be back en vogue.

New research suggests that people who lost weight -- and kept it off -- limited their fat, not carbohydrates.

Dieters are starting to turn away from the Atkins-style plans for long-term weight control, and a new study backs them up.

A Brown Medical School researcher presented the study at the North American Association for the Study of Obesity. It used a national registry of people who shed at least 30 pounds and kept it off for at least a year.

Looking at a registry of 2,700 people, the study said the type of diet made no difference in how people lost weight initially. But those who increased their fat intake over a year regained the most weight.

A spokeswoman for Atkins said the study didn't follow plan guidelines.

Thanks for the info. I'm hearing a lot of this all of the sudden now that I decided to try Atkins. Looks like I'll just end up doing a number of things to lose weight. An over all healthier lifestyle first and foremost.

Dr. Johnny Fever 11-17-2004 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by GMitch
You'll regain weight if you go back to your old eating habits, regardless of how you lose. A guy in my office lost 50 pounds with Weight Watchers, quit going, and has put 20 back on in three months. I've lost 30 since July on Atkins and hope to lose 30 more. I'm going to try to not go back to all-you-can-eat mexican and large pizzas and maybe I can keep it off. By the way, I've been drinking diet cola all the way along (I'm not a beer drinker).

good advice...thanks!

Dr. Johnny Fever 11-17-2004 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by chief52
Good luck beer me.

I started "getting back into shape" Monday. One hour on the tread mill the last two mornings. It actually feels great, just a little tough getting up that early. When I work out that much I eat better as well. I know it works for me as I have done it before, but unfortunately went back to the same habits that got me there. :banghead:

Feeling better already...hoping to hang on for the long run.

Good luck to you too!

Fire Me Boy! 11-17-2004 08:49 AM

I'm an overweight diabetic and have been doing a modified Atkins for a while now. The weight doesn't come off as quickly, but my A1C numbers are great! Basically, I do a lower fat low-carb, meaning I eat leaner meats -- no more of the ground chuck... no more ribeyes. Just leanER meats. And I eat fruit. The sweetness of the fruit, plus the fact it's natural sugars, REALLY helps me stick to the diet. I've always had a problem sticking to diets, but just a little bit of fruit, like a cup of fruit for breakfast and some at lunch, helps me tremendously. And, of course, I exercise.

Dr. Johnny Fever 11-17-2004 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by SDChiefsfan
Good luck, Todd. :thumb:

Spanks Anton!

Dr. Johnny Fever 11-17-2004 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by Gaz

Any diet will fail in the long run. You have to commit to changing the way you eat, whether you go low calorie or low fat or low carb route.

I picked low carb because it is something I can do for the rest of my life. I can do without sugar, potatoes, pasta, bread and rice. There are many alternatives that are quite edible. I could not go low fat or low calorie for the rest of my life [I tried them both, lost weight and then decided I would rather be fat than eat cardboard for the rest of my life]. Low fat and low calorie tastes like crap.

Pick an eating regimen that you can stick with for a long, LONG time. That means food that satisfies you. If low fat or low calorie foods satisfy you, then you are a lucky man. Go with that, because the low carb lifestyle is expensive.

Regardless of which eating plan you choose, you have to exercise. Sorry, man, but you might as well get the brutal truth right up front.

If you are willing to be militant about exercise, you do not have to be as strict with your eating regimen. I walk three miles at lunch and do aerobics or weights after work, but I am not militant by any means. For me, the combination of a reduced carb lifestyle and moderate exercise is a compromise I can live with. YMMV.

If you decide to go with the low carb approach, feel free to PM me. Mrs. Gaz and I have sampled lots of low carb foods and can point you away from the really nasty stuff. Drink lots of water and take your fiber. No, really, take your fiber. Trust me on this.

Good luck, beer me. Low carb rewards you quickly with some rapid weight loss, but that will taper off after a while. Remember, this is a long-term project and it is easy to get discouraged when the rate of reduction drops.

Taking the long way home.

Thanks a million...I'll take you up on the low carb foods suggestion.

Dr. Johnny Fever 11-17-2004 09:03 AM

I really want to thank everyone who has offered something on this thread! As much shit as we give each other around here it's cool to know everyone has your back when your looking for real advice. Very Cool.

Rain Man 11-17-2004 09:04 AM

We're starting Larry Atkins? I knew we were thin at linebacker, but this is ridiculous.

Dr. Johnny Fever 11-17-2004 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by Rain Man
We're starting Larry Atkins? I knew we were thin at linebacker, but this is ridiculous.


yunghungwell 11-17-2004 09:26 AM

My mother-in-law had a doctor tell her that she could lose some weight on the Atkins diet, but that when she went off the diet she could expect the weight to come back at a rate of pounds per day.

Gaz 11-17-2004 09:38 AM

True, dat...

Originally Posted by yunghungwell
My mother-in-law had a doctor tell her that she could lose some weight on the Atkins diet, but that when she went off the diet she could expect the weight to come back at a rate of pounds per day.

That is 100% true if you go back to the way you used to eat.

Of course, that is 100% true for any diet, isn’t it?

And that is the bottom line. Diets are short-term solutions and will not result in long-term weight loss. You have to change the way that you eat.

Regardless of which avenue you choose, you have to make the decision to change the way you eat for the long term. Pick a plan you can stick with for the rest of your life. After the weight comes off, you can add in more fat/calories/carbs until you start gaining weight again. At that point, you have found your maintenance level.

Then comes the question: can you eat like that for the rest of your life? If the answer is yes, then stick with it. You are on the right road.

If the answer is no [you hate lowfat food, you can’t live without bread, you are hungry all the time], then you need to find another approach. More exercise, smaller servings or perhaps lowfat instead of low carb.

Oh, and you have to do that miserable exercise thing, too.

Realizes that some folks might actually like the taste of cardboard and go with lowfat.

Gaz 11-17-2004 09:44 AM

In a perfect world, the Chiefs would have a Defense and I would be ripped...

A rigorous exercise plan is the healthiest way to lose weight. Low carb and moderate exercise is a compromise that works for me.

Those of you with the self-discipline required to go that route, well, you suck.

Too lazy.

HC_Chief 11-17-2004 09:55 AM

Just have to find an exercise you enjoy. Cycling is mine.... I love hitting the trails. Exercise for exercise sake is boring; you have to have motivation.

Hoover 11-17-2004 09:57 AM

Being an election year, my diet went to Shit for about 3 months. I didn't turn to the carp, I just ate things I was staying away from bread, taters. So in those 3 months, I held my weight.

The past 14 days, I have been to a wedding in St Louis where I got blitzed, and all they served was pasta, and then went to Minneapolis last weekend for a bach party, and got blitzed. I gained 5 lbs, and am pissed, so this week I'm hardcore again and back to starting 2 weeks of meat eating and water drinking.

MOhillbilly 11-17-2004 09:59 AM

You could lose 100# and still get zero play w/ a messed up grill like that.

Gaz 11-17-2004 10:10 AM

Cardio, baby...

The only exercise I enjoy is sex.

Generally does not last long enough to burn many calories.

morphius 11-17-2004 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by MOhillbilly
You could lose 100# and still get zero play w/ a messed up grill like that.

says the hillbilly

morphius 11-17-2004 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Gaz

The only exercise I enjoy is sex.

Generally does not last long enough to burn many calories.

Thats why you do it more then once...

BIG_DADDY 11-17-2004 11:15 AM

Workout #1 Legs (6-12 reps)

6 Sets Full Squats (2 warmup 10 reps 4 heavy 5-8 reps)
4 Sets Hack Squats. (Heavy 5-8 reps)
3 sets Leg Extensions (Around 8 reps)
3 Sets Leg Curls. (Around 8 reps)
4 Sets Calves. (20 reps.)

Workout #2 Back and Bi’s (5-10 reps.)

3 Sets Pulldowns. (Warmups 10 Reps)
5 Sets Wide Rows.( On t-bar if possible)
5 Sets Deep Rows (You can superset these with wide rows)
3 Sets Dumbbell Rows
4 Sets Shoulder Shrugs (20 Reps.)
4 Sets Alternate Dumbell Curls.
4 Sets Straight Bar Curls.

Workout #3 Chest & Tri’s (5-10 reps.)

6 Sets Dumbell Bench Press. ( Warmup 2 sets 10 reps then heavy 5-6 reps)
4 Sets Incline Dumbell Bench Press. ( Heavy 5-8 reps.)
5 Sets Close Grip Bench Press. ( Heavy 5-6 reps.)
5 Sets Skull Crushers (Around 8 reps)
2 sets kick backs

I have to take off right now but I will check back later today to answer any questions you might have.

MOhillbilly 11-17-2004 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by morphius
says the hillbilly

shit i aint pretty but i dont have to cover my face w/ moose fur to keep the kids from crying.

Hammock Parties 11-17-2004 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man
We're starting Larry Atkins? I knew we were thin at linebacker, but this is ridiculous.

I already made that joke in this thread. RAIN MAN LOSES!

Mr. Kotter 11-17-2004 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by ENDelt260


And that's funny, why? :harumph:

Frosty 11-17-2004 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by beer me
Thanks for the info. I'm hearing a lot of this all of the sudden now that I decided to try Atkins. Looks like I'll just end up doing a number of things to lose weight. An over all healthier lifestyle first and foremost.

That's a bullshit study. It's based off a questionairre on a website, no control or verification at all. If you want real, scientifically backed info, check out The Omnivore . This isn't an Atkins site, it's more of a health site that looks at a lot of the questionable science that is out there.

The amount of misinformation about low-carb in the media is staggering. Real low carb is NOT all you can eat bacon and steaks. It is eating whole, natural foods - lots of vegies, some meat and dairy, and some fruit and whole grains in the later stages (life-long maintenance). It also isn't tons of low carb frankenfoods.

It says right in the book to only eat when physically hungry and eat just enough to be satified, not stuffed. Excercise is considered mandatory.

The dietary advise people give is funny. Eating pasta (which has zero nutritional value) or bread (which has very little value - some trace vitamins if whole wheat) is considered healthy while a large spinach/romaine salad and a pork chop is going to make my kidneys explode. :rolleyes:

Beer Me, do some research and find something you can stick with, like Gaz said.

Gaz 11-17-2004 01:08 PM

Ah, youth...

Originally Posted by morphius
Thats why you do it more then once...

And how old are you?

Lucky to managed once a season.

Dr. Johnny Fever 11-17-2004 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by arc
That's a bullshit study. It's based off a questionairre on a website, no control or verification at all. If you want real, scientifically backed info, check out The Omnivore . This isn't an Atkins site, it's more of a health site that looks at a lot of the questionable science that is out there.

The amount of misinformation about low-carb in the media is staggering. Real low carb is NOT all you can eat bacon and steaks. It is eating whole, natural foods - lots of vegies, some meat and dairy, and some fruit and whole grains in the later stages (life-long maintenance). It also isn't tons of low carb frankenfoods.

It says right in the book to only eat when physically hungry and eat just enough to be satified, not stuffed. Excercise is considered mandatory.

The dietary advise people give is funny. Eating pasta (which has zero nutritional value) or bread (which has very little value - some trace vitamins if whole wheat) is considered healthy while a large spinach/romaine salad and a pork chop is going to make my kidneys explode. :rolleyes:

Beer Me, do some research and find something you can stick with, like Gaz said.


I'm so confused after posting this thread.....

BigRedChief 11-17-2004 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Gaz

The only exercise I enjoy is sex.

Generally does not last long enough to burn many calories.

Too much information.:hmmm:

morphius 11-17-2004 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Gaz

And how old are you?

Lucky to managed once a season.

Come on, I'm 31 with EIA and I can do it more then once ...


morphius 11-17-2004 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by beer me

I'm so confused after posting this thread.....

Beerme - My theory is that all diets to lose weight are starving you to some degree, so follow the "moderation" rule and do whatever diet you think will work best. If you start off on one diet to lose your weight, and find you have to switch to something else, so be it, it is still healthier then what you are doing now, correct?

Good luck!

morphius 11-17-2004 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by ENDelt260
wtf is EIA?

Exercise induced asthma

Mr. Kotter 11-17-2004 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by morphius
Come on, I'm 31 with EIA and I can do it more then once ...


30 seconds shouldn't count. :p

morphius 11-17-2004 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by SDChiefsfan
30 seconds shouldn't count. :p

No, that wouldn't count...

Mosbonian 11-17-2004 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by morphius
Come on, I'm 31 with EIA and I can do it more then once ...


Switching hands doesn't count....:)

a guy 3 months Gaz's senior

Mr. Kotter 11-17-2004 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by BIG_DADDY
Workout #1 Legs (6-12 reps)

6 Sets Full Squats (2 warmup 10 reps 4 heavy 5-8 reps)
4 Sets Hack Squats. (Heavy 5-8 reps)
3 sets Leg Extensions (Around 8 reps)
3 Sets Leg Curls. (Around 8 reps)
4 Sets Calves. (20 reps.)

Workout #2 Back and Bi’s (5-10 reps.)

3 Sets Pulldowns. (Warmups 10 Reps)
5 Sets Wide Rows.( On t-bar if possible)
5 Sets Deep Rows (You can superset these with wide rows)
3 Sets Dumbbell Rows
4 Sets Shoulder Shrugs (20 Reps.)
4 Sets Alternate Dumbell Curls.
4 Sets Straight Bar Curls.

Workout #3 Chest & Tri’s (5-10 reps.)

6 Sets Dumbell Bench Press. ( Warmup 2 sets 10 reps then heavy 5-6 reps)
4 Sets Incline Dumbell Bench Press. ( Heavy 5-8 reps.)
5 Sets Close Grip Bench Press. ( Heavy 5-6 reps.)
5 Sets Skull Crushers (Around 8 reps)
2 sets kick backs

I have to take off right now but I will check back later today to answer any questions you might have.

Thanks, Troy. :thumb:

Weights, I'm pretty familiar (except "hack squats"? are those half way down?)...however, the supplements OTOH are greek to me (200mg of Q-10, a Garlinese 4000 tab and a good mulit-vitamin/mineral with extra C with biovlavanoids)....I've never considered doing them. Should I? If so, what do they do? FWIW, I do a multi-vitamin, C vitamin, and B vitamin presently.

My goal would be mostly to lose some weight (25-35 lbs), and then mostly tone. I'm not interested in bulking up really--genetically, beneath the fat, I'm a mesomorph. Thoughts?

jspchief 11-17-2004 07:27 PM

Atkins is not a diet, it's change in diet. If you use it to lose weight, then go off of it, you'll likely gain it all back. It has to be a lifetime (or very long term at least) commitment to low carb eating habits.

I don't have an opinion on the health risks or benifits of it, because doctors aren't even sure yet.

I do know that the low-carb diets totally fuck with my metabolism. I'm used to my 3+ BMs a day, and that diet had me going 2 days without sh*tting followed by horrible stomach cramps and total blow-outs (sorry about the TMI). It couldn't work well enough for me to endure that.

morphius 11-17-2004 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by mmaddog
Switching hands doesn't count....:)

a guy 3 months Gaz's senior

Ahhhh, the poor cry of jealousy...

Frosty 11-17-2004 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by BIG_DADDY
Workout #1 Legs (6-12 reps)

6 Sets Full Squats (2 warmup 10 reps 4 heavy 5-8 reps)
4 Sets Hack Squats. (Heavy 5-8 reps)
3 sets Leg Extensions (Around 8 reps)
3 Sets Leg Curls. (Around 8 reps)
4 Sets Calves. (20 reps.)


I have to take off right now but I will check back later today to answer any questions you might have.

I don't suppose you have something like this that uses just dumbbells and a bench? Some of us live in the sticks and don't have access to a gym, so the leg extensions, pulldowns, etc are out.

Phobia 11-17-2004 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Saulbadguy
Oh..either diet you start, READ THE ENTIRE BOOK before you do it. Don't think you can do it all without knowledge.

Oh bullshit. I never read any book and did my own low carb modification about a year ago. I dropped about 30 lbs. Then I moved to KC and because I haven't been as active (no softball, volleyball, and only infrequent golf) have added about half that back. I drank beer, diet coke, and basically ate all I wanted. I hung a heavy bag in the basement recently and I'm gonna lose that other 15 lbs again.

What other methods of exercise do some of you cold weather dwellers do in the winter?

Phobia 11-17-2004 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by MOhillbilly
You could lose 100# and still get zero play w/ a messed up grill like that.

His wife is pretty hot. She rejected Bob Dole and I to go home with Todd. :shake:

Iowanian 11-17-2004 09:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hey iddybiddy beerme...........

I think you forgot the "before" pic you PMd me.

Iowanian 11-17-2004 09:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Gaz

The only exercise I enjoy is sex.

Generally does not last long enough to burn many calories.

So we've heard

BIG_DADDY 11-18-2004 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by SDChiefsfan
Thanks, Troy. :thumb:

Weights, I'm pretty familiar (except "hack squats"? are those half way down?)...however, the supplements OTOH are greek to me (200mg of Q-10, a Garlinese 4000 tab and a good mulit-vitamin/mineral with extra C with biovlavanoids)....I've never considered doing them. Should I? If so, what do they do? FWIW, I do a multi-vitamin, C vitamin, and B vitamin presently.

My goal would be mostly to lose some weight (25-35 lbs), and then mostly tone. I'm not interested in bulking up really--genetically, beneath the fat, I'm a mesomorph. Thoughts?

The Garlinese tabs are for your heart, garlic is great for lowering your blood pressure and is a great blood purifier. Q-10 (Coenzyme Q 10 ) Is vital in the anti-aging process. It aids in the production of cells in your body and lowers blood pressure and is a very potent anti-oxidant. To me nothing is more important than taking Q-10 if your over 35. Here is a ton of information on it.

On another note if anyone really wants to understand how bad the drugs are your drug pushers ..... uh I mean doctors are prescribing to you and really want to able to understand basic health issues on a whole new level I highly suggest reading this book:

If I were to recommend 1 book that could really change your life and put you back in control of your own health it would be this book. If anyone here orders the book and reads it and doesn't feel it was well worth their time and effort I will send you a check for the money you laid out. I am that convinced that everyone here should read the book.

BIG_DADDY 11-18-2004 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by arc
I don't suppose you have something like this that uses just dumbbells and a bench? Some of us live in the sticks and don't have access to a gym, so the leg extensions, pulldowns, etc are out.

You have a barbell?

Frosty 11-18-2004 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by BIG_DADDY
You have a barbell?

Yeah. I kind of got away from using it because I got tired of changing plates all the time. I went with set weight dumbbells, with a few of the old ones for the "in-between" weights.

Also, when you have multiple sets of an excercise, is it better to do all of the sets, with a short rest/recovery period in between sets, before moving to the next excercise?

Mr. Kotter 11-18-2004 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by BIG_DADDY
The Garlinese tabs are for your heart, garlic is great for lowering your blood pressure and is a great blood purifier. Q-10 (Coenzyme Q 10 ) Is vital in the anti-aging process. It aids in the production of cells in your body and lowers blood pressure and is a very potent anti-oxidant. To me nothing is more important than taking Q-10 if your over 35. Here is a ton of information on it.

On another note if anyone really wants to understand how bad the drugs are your drug pushers ..... uh I mean doctors are prescribing to you and really want to able to understand basic health issues on a whole new level I highly suggest reading this book:

If I were to recommend 1 book that could really change your life and put you back in control of your own health it would be this book. If anyone here orders the book and reads it and doesn't feel it was well worth their time and effort I will send you a check for the money you laid out. I am that convinced that everyone here should read the book.

Thanks, Troy....I'll make a point of picking it up in the next couple of weeks.

BIG_DADDY 11-18-2004 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by arc
Yeah. I kind of got away from using it because I got tired of changing plates all the time. I went with set weight dumbbells, with a few of the old ones for the "in-between" weights.

Also, when you have multiple sets of an excercise, is it better to do all of the sets, with a short rest/recovery period in between sets, before moving to the next excercise?

You can use dumbbells for squats it's just difficult. I would use the barbell because ot the amount of the weight. I would also use it during your back routine as bent over barbell rows and dumbbell rows. You need the width when pulling to get wide back otherwise you just work thickness of back with dumbbell rows.

Frosty 11-18-2004 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by BIG_DADDY
You can use dumbbells for squats it's just difficult. I would use the barbell because ot the amount of the weight. I would also use it during your back routine as bent over barbell rows and dumbbell rows. You need the width when pulling to get wide back otherwise you just work thickness of back with dumbbell rows.

Okay, thanks.

Do you have a decent replacement for the leg extensions, pull-downs and the other "machine reliant" exercises?

Also, what are "skull crushers"?

Appreciate your time on this.

BIG_DADDY 11-18-2004 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by arc
Okay, thanks.

Do you have a decent replacement for the leg extensions, pull-downs and the other "machine reliant" exercises?

Also, what are "skull crushers"?

Appreciate your time on this.

In weight lifting we used to say as long as you do your meat and potatoes lifts you will be fine. Many lifts (like pulldowns) are for warm ups while others (leg extention and curls) are more for just trying to define the muscle a bit more. Squats are the mother of all meat and potatoe lifts. When done right nothing will do more for your legs. If your looking to define a bit more after try lunges or grab two dumbbells and jump up on a bench and back down over and over, that will do it. Do that exercise after doing squats. Squats alone though will be just fine, go all the way down.

Dr. Johnny Fever 11-18-2004 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
His wife is pretty hot. She rejected Bob Dole and I to go home with Todd. :shake:

I thought he was talking to Hoover......ooops.

Frosty 11-18-2004 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by BIG_DADDY
In weight lifting we used to say as long as you do your meat and potatoes lifts you will be fine. Many lifts (like pulldowns) are for warm ups while others (leg extention and curls) are more for just trying to define the muscle a bit more. Squats are the mother of all meat and potatoe lifts. When done right nothing will do more for your legs. If your looking to define a bit more after try lunges or grab two dumbbells and jump up on a bench and back down over and over, that will do it. Do that exercise after doing squats. Squats alone though will be just fine, go all the way down.

Okay, thanks BD.

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