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MeatPeeker 01-19-2003 12:04 AM

I should host a Star Wars watching party when the new one comes out....too bad it's in 2005. :grr:

Jeremy Bulloch 01-19-2003 12:04 AM

Believe what you wish, friend. I'll harbour no resentment if you choose to disbelieve me. A member of my fanclub emailed me 3 days ago about your situation and asked that I drop in on this site. I'll be going to Mass shortly, but I wanted to take a moment to offer a brief word of encouragement.

htismaqe 01-19-2003 12:05 AM

Dude, if you ever want to have girls interested in you, you need to stop thinking about Star Wars and your video card.

The only thing making you appear like a geek is YOU.

KcMizzou 01-19-2003 12:06 AM


Originally posted by rjintx
I never want to go to parties, and I'm a pretty sociable guy. Salesman by trade. But I always dread the small talk, thinking I'll be bored if there aren't people I know there. And I almost always end up having a great time.

Point being, it's too bad you didn't go as you'd likely have enjoyed yourself. The good news is that you're in college and there'll be plenty of parties and eventually something will happen that will get you to walk in the door. You'll be fine once you do.

heh... maybe he just needs a wing-man. I always know if nothin' else.... me and my boy are gonna have a good time... drink some beer... and have fun. Sometimes things work out, and we get hooked up..... sometimes we don't. We always have fun though.

I think GC just needs a bud to back him up. (btw... the best kind is a guy who makes an ass of himself.. and breaks the ice.... that way you swing in lookin' like the nice guy of the 2)

KcMizzou 01-19-2003 12:07 AM


Originally posted by gochiefs
I should host a Star Wars watching party when the new one comes out....too bad it's in 2005. :grr:
ya like Lord of the Rings? :D It's not nearly as far off

FRCDFED 01-19-2003 12:10 AM

Take your a** to the party but just be "yourself." If you drink then just drink a couple. Go up to the few people you know just to say hey and tell them you can only stay for a few because you have to get up early. Tell you you were hanging out with some other friends and they caused you to be late. Anyway, that gives you a few minutes of face time, allows everyone to see your pretty cool because you don't show up, get **** faced, and break things. Then you're out of there and you were seen by others. The next time the other people are having a party and see you it will increase your chances of getting invited thus giving you a social life.

Go to the party but do it on your terms. A quick in and out and a few handshakes!

The Bad Guy 01-19-2003 12:12 AM


You need someone in your family to give you a kick in the ass.

And Sib is right, if you are planning on becoming a sportswriter( I'm planning on becoming one as well, thats what I'm going to college for) then you have to have a set of balls on you. You have to be able to take criticism, ask tough questions and SOCIALIZE.

You are wasting years that people on this board would kill to get back. I'm sure you had friends in high school, everyone has a friend in high school I don't care how nerdy you are. Think about the ways you made those friends. People will go out of their way to offer friendship, but once you keep rejecting them (like not going to this party) they will stop.

This is what leads me to believe why you have no current friends. I think people make the effort, but you push them away for no reason.

You absolutely need to start spreading your wings. You will look back on these days you are pissing away sitting on a computer and regret them and there won't be a damn thing you can do about it.

My 17 year old brother in high school would rather sit online than socialize with people from school. I would give up just about everything I have to get my high school years back. You just don't appreciate things like high school and the time before you head out into the real world until you are in it.

Take Punkin up on his offer man. You have nothing to lose. To be a journalist you HAVE to make contacts with people. Consider him your contact to the outside world.

I've ragged on you pretty hard on this board, but I really do feel sorry for you. I enjoy sitting online, but I have a girlfriend and a life that I wouldn't trade for any modem, harddrive, or video card. Those things will always be there. Your youth won't.

MeatPeeker 01-19-2003 12:13 AM

Unbelievable. No WAY this is Jeremy Bulloch.

If this really IS Jeremy Bulloch, I met you....twice. Let's see if it's really you.

The second time I met you, I was wearing a green shirt with a logo on it. You commented on it. What logo was it?

theultimatekcchiefsfan 01-19-2003 12:13 AM


Originally posted by gochiefs

Are you really a nerd? Do you own a pair of Boba Fett boots? Did you cry when Spock, Kirk and Data died? Do you own the soundtrack to every Star Trek movie? Do you ready science fiction novels? Do you own seven plastic lightsabers? Do you go to science fiction conventions? Do you have Jabba the Hutt sitting on top of your monitor, flanked by the Fetts?


Dude get to that party or you;ll end up like these Star Wars nerds

KcMizzou 01-19-2003 12:15 AM


Originally posted by The Bad Guy

You need someone in your family to give you a kick in the ass.

And Sib is right, if you are planning on becoming a sportswriter( I'm planning on becoming one as well, thats what I'm going to college for) then you have to have a set of balls on you. You have to be able to take criticism, ask tough questions and SOCIALIZE.

You are wasting years that people on this board would kill to get back. I'm sure you had friends in high school, everyone has a friend in high school I don't care how nerdy you are. Think about the ways you made those friends. People will go out of their way to offer friendship, but once you keep rejecting them (like not going to this party) they will stop.

This is what leads me to believe why you have no current friends. I think people make the effort, but you push them away for no reason.

Hell, I didn't drink until I was 21. I never considered myself to be a party guy in high school because honestly I don't think I went to 10 parties in all 4 years.

You absolutely need to start spreading your wings. You will look back on these days you are pissing away sitting on a computer and regret them and there won't be a damn thing you can do about it.

My 17 year old brother in high school would rather sit online than socialize with people from school. I would give up just about everything I have to get my high school years back. You just don't appreciate things like high school and the time before you head out into the real world until you are in it.

Take Punkin up on his offer man. You have nothing to lose. To be a journalist you HAVE to make contacts with people. Consider him your contact to the outside world.

I've ragged on you pretty hard on this board, but I really do feel sorry for you. I enjoy sitting online, but I have a girlfriend and a life that I wouldn't trade for any modem, harddrive, or video card. Those things will always be there. Your youth won't.

what he said. nice post man

MeatPeeker 01-19-2003 12:15 AM


Originally posted by htismaqe
Dude, if you ever want to have girls interested in you, you need to stop thinking about Star Wars and your video card.


PastorMikH 01-19-2003 12:16 AM

GoChiefs, I've read through a little over half the posts. I think you are too hard on yourself. Dude, lighten up on yourself a bit. I really doubt you are such a nerd that people are lining up to make fun of you. I used to struggle just as you do. (Well, maybe not that much, but I can sympathize:)) When I finally became content with who I was and quit trying to be what I thought everyone around me wanted me, a lot of these problems changed. Now, not everyone liked me, not everyone's going to, that's life. But I also started making some real freinds after that.

Really, it is no big deal to walk in, make an appearance, and after a couple of minutes, say goodbye to the hostess, tell her you have some stuff you gotta tend to but wanted to stop in for a moment, and head out. That way, she will remember that you are there. If you are afraid of acting stupid while there, definately don't drink - and you have a perfectly good excuse with having to drive an hour home. I would be suprised if you went to a large party and didn't find someone you had something in common with. Shoot, there may have been a serious gamer there that you could have talked sound cards with.

I have read a lot of your posts. You seem to be decent enough of a guy. Don't be so hard on yourself.

Hang in there man!

MeatPeeker 01-19-2003 12:17 AM

I feel so stupid....I should have gone. I really would go if it was a few minutes away.

SHIT! :banghead: :banghead:

theultimatekcchiefsfan 01-19-2003 12:18 AM


The second time I met you, I was wearing a green shirt with a logo on it. You commented on it. What logo was it?
It was the letters N E R D :D

MeatPeeker 01-19-2003 12:18 AM


Originally posted by theultimatekcchiefsfan

It was the letters N E R D :D

man I need a shirt like that...or at least a hat

Jeremy Bulloch 01-19-2003 12:18 AM


One of my favourite activities is socializing. That is what has opened so many doors for me. I'm blessed. I make small talk about all sorts of interesting topics. Additionally, I've grown older. There is no way I would remember shirt logo you speak of. I'm sorry.

I'm off.

I wish you the best. Take these gentlemen's advice. They are providing their assistance free of charge.



MeatPeeker 01-19-2003 12:20 AM


theultimatekcchiefsfan 01-19-2003 12:21 AM


Originally posted by gochiefs

man I need a shirt like that...or at least a hat

MeatPeeker 01-19-2003 12:22 AM


Originally posted by theultimatekcchiefsfan


I'm serious...I want that hat.

siberian khatru 01-19-2003 12:24 AM

gochiefs, I hope you're appreciating all the terrific advice you're getting on this board, because we all very easily could be busting your balls over this. If a bunch of complete strangers with a penchant for smaque are willing to cut you some slack, why do you thinks folks who know you -- and invite you to their parties -- won't?

I didn't start socializing big time until I was a junior or senior in high school. I just started going to parties, would sit back with a friend or two, sometimes alone, with a beer and without fail somebody would come up and talk to me. Often it was a girl -- there are a lot of girls out there who are outgoing (and/or liquored up) and just like to talk to guys at parties. Doesn't mean you're going to get laid, but you gotta start somewhere.

When I hit college, I was a completely different person at 18 than I was at 16. College was awesome. I met a whole bunch of great people of all different backgrounds. I'd talk sports with guys who were jocks, or brains, or geeks. Didn't matter -- we had one thing in common. College wasn't clique-ish like high school. DO NOT WASTE WHAT'S LEFT OF YOUR COLLEGE DAYS. You will regret it for the rest of your life.

Get off your ass and go live some! :spank:

stevieray 01-19-2003 12:24 AM

"I can't be what I'm not..."

None of us end up like we thought we would. and not ONE of us hasn't felt like you did tonight at one time or another. It's safe not to take the risk and jump off the cliff and try new things. You'd might be surprised by the results, but will never know unless you go for it.

parties aren't a competiton, they are get togethers so you and everyone else dosen't have to hang out ALONE.

MeatPeeker 01-19-2003 12:24 AM

That shirt is cool, but not as cool as the hat!

theultimatekcchiefsfan 01-19-2003 12:25 AM


Originally posted by gochiefs


I'm serious...I want that hat.

Her you go. Maybe you can wear it to your next party.

Otter 01-19-2003 12:26 AM

Its gonna take a special kinda women to take her panties off in thar room. Maybe you should dress her in a white gown and velcro sticky buns to the sides of her head to stick with the theme. ROFL

KcMizzou 01-19-2003 12:27 AM


Originally posted by stevieray
"I can't be what I'm not..."

None of us end up like we thought we would. and not ONE of us hasn't felt like you did tonight at one time or another. It's safe not to take the risk and jump off the cliff and try new things. You'd might be surprised by the results, but will never know unless you go for it.

parties aren't a competiton, they are get togethers so you and everyone else dosen't have to hang out ALONE.

lol... stevie, I don't think I've ever seen you be that serious before.

MeatPeeker 01-19-2003 12:27 AM

Thanks for the link.

There's a Super Bowl party at David's house (guy who works on my paper) whenever the Super Bowl is. He said there would be I have a couple ideas:

Invite that chick.

Get this Raider fan at the paper to come (if Oakland makes it).

It would be soooooo much fun rooting against the Raiders if he was there. I'd wear my Green jersey. :D

Sound good guys?

KcMizzou 01-19-2003 12:31 AM

College wasn't clique-ish like high school

Sib said that...

He's right. And LIFE isn't like that. You think you're a "nerd" or whatever... nobody else cares. Sooner or later you'll realize that. You like people or ya don't.... ya don't think about wether he/she likes star wars or not. :rolleyes: (unless you're 14)

MeatPeeker 01-19-2003 12:32 AM

Man I may not be able to go to that Super Bowl party....shit....I may have to go cover this STUPID GAME. :banghead:

Michael Michigan 01-19-2003 12:33 AM

The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

stevieray 01-19-2003 12:33 AM


Originally posted by KcMizzou

lol... stevie, I don't think I've ever seen you be that serious before.

interesting...I think I come across too serious most of the time.

except during your nuptials, of course...:D

I think that go chiefs really missed out tonight. not on getting laid...but even maybe a nice smile from a girl he doesn't know. that is a huge confidence builder for someone shy in the social dep't.

MeatPeeker 01-19-2003 12:34 AM


Originally posted by Michael Michigan
The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.
Was that a compliment?

KcMizzou 01-19-2003 12:34 AM


Originally posted by gochiefs
Thanks for the link.

There's a Super Bowl party at David's house (guy who works on my paper) whenever the Super Bowl is. He said there would be I have a couple ideas:

Invite that chick.

Get this Raider fan at the paper to come (if Oakland makes it).

It would be soooooo much fun rooting against the Raiders if he was there. I'd wear my Green jersey. :D

Sound good guys?

sounds great if you actually DO it. You have alot of bud's rootin' for ya.... if you can't do it now ya never will. Do you have a buddy that'd go along and play "wing man"? I think that'd help your confidence

Michael Michigan 01-19-2003 12:36 AM


Originally posted by gochiefs

Was that a compliment?


KcMizzou 01-19-2003 12:37 AM


Originally posted by stevieray

interesting...I think I come across too serious most of the time.

except during your nuptials, of course...:D

I think that go chiefs really missed out tonight. not on getting laid...but even maybe a nice smile from a girl he doesn't know. that is a huge confidence builder for someone shy in the social dep't.

lol.. I guess what usually catches my attention in your posts.. is the humor.. (ie... smart ass one liners)

Taco and I are doin' fine though... but he's a little sore from the honeymoon. ;) :D

(and all the serious chit I agree

FloridaChief 01-19-2003 12:38 AM


Originally posted by Michael Michigan
The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.
Cool quote. That was Millhouse from The Simpson's, wasn't it?


Michael Michigan 01-19-2003 12:38 AM

And you can ignore all of this "sportswriters are cool" posts.

I've met more sportwriters than I've cared to, and they are not cool.

MeatPeeker 01-19-2003 12:39 AM


Originally posted by KcMizzou

sounds great if you actually DO it. You have alot of bud's rootin' for ya.... if you can't do it now ya never will. Do you have a buddy that'd go along and play "wing man"? I think that'd help your confidence

Yeah, the Raider fan. ROFL

Although if they lose, I'm not riding home with him. :eek:

Michael Michigan 01-19-2003 12:40 AM


Originally posted by FloridaChief

Cool quote. That was Millhouse from The Simpson's, wasn't it?


Lester Bangs---

Almost Famous 2000

MeatPeeker 01-19-2003 12:41 AM


Originally posted by Michael Michigan
And you can ignore all of this "sportswriters are cool" posts.

I've met more sportwriters than I've cared to, and they are not cool.

WTF? The two guys I sat with and went to the press room with were pretty cool.

siberian khatru 01-19-2003 12:41 AM


Originally posted by Michael Michigan
And you can ignore all of this "sportswriters are cool" posts.

I've met more sportwriters than I've cared to, and they are not cool.

Who said sportswriters are cool? I said they can't be afraid to talk to people.

I should know. I was one once. And I wasn't cool. :grr:

Now, editorial writers, those guys are da bomb! ;)

siberian khatru 01-19-2003 12:43 AM


Originally posted by gochiefs

WTF? The two guys I sat with and went to the press room with were pretty cool.

Well, yeah, compared to YOU. :p

KcMizzou 01-19-2003 12:43 AM


Originally posted by gochiefs

Yeah, the Raider fan. ROFL

Although if they lose, I'm not riding home with him. :eek:

Raider fan? who cares.. there's ur boy. If nothin' else you guys'll party together and have some fun. It's not NEARLY as scary if ya have a wing man.

Michael Michigan 01-19-2003 12:43 AM


Originally posted by siberian khatru

Who said sportswriters are cool? I said they can't be afraid to talk to people.

I should know. I was one once. And I wasn't cool. :grr:

Now, editorial writers, those guys are da bomb! ;)

My mistake. I thought I had read it earlier.

stevieray 01-19-2003 12:43 AM


Originally posted by Michael Michigan

Lester Bangs---

Almost Famous 2000

I love Cameron Crowes stuff...coolest thing is he lived that story....

MeatPeeker 01-19-2003 12:43 AM


Originally posted by siberian khatru

Who said sportswriters are cool? I said they can't be afraid to talk to people.

I'm not afraid to talk to anyone. When I have to talk to these people, I can do it.

But I don't HAVE to go to a party and talk to people. So I don't. There's nothing to fear from NOT going, but there is everything to fear from going.

Fear motivates me.

Michael Michigan 01-19-2003 12:43 AM


Originally posted by stevieray
I love Cameron Crowes stuff...coolest thing is he lived that story....

It's all happening.

FloridaChief 01-19-2003 12:44 AM


Originally posted by Michael Michigan
Lester Bangs---

Almost Famous 2000

Yep. Bangs was pretty cool for a nerd who wrote for RS. His insights are missed to this day.

Michael Michigan 01-19-2003 12:45 AM


Originally posted by gochiefs

I'm not afraid to talk to anyone. When I have to talk to these people, I can do it.

But I don't HAVE to go to a party and talk to people. So I don't. There's nothing to fear from NOT going, but there is everything to fear from going.

Fear motivates me.

here is another for you gochiefs--


We are uncool.

Women will always be a problem for guys like us--most of the great art in the world is about that very problem.

Good looking people they got no spine--their art never lasts.

They get the girls--but we're smarter--

That's what great art is about.

Guilt and longing and love disguised as sex and sex disguised as love...


KcMizzou 01-19-2003 12:46 AM

someone to play "goose" to your "maverick"? don't tell me ya didn't like Top Gun.... I'll think ya don't like girls in the first place. ;)

MeatPeeker 01-19-2003 12:47 AM


Originally posted by Michael Michigan

Guilt and longing and love disguised as sex and sex disguised as love...


I get everything but that part.

MeatPeeker 01-19-2003 12:48 AM


Originally posted by KcMizzou
someone to play "goose" to your "maverick"? don't tell me ya didn't like Top Gun.... I'll think ya don't like girls in the first place. ;)
Man I LOVE Top Gun. The scene where Maverick sings to the chick in the bar is like my NUMBER ONE GOAL in life.

siberian khatru 01-19-2003 12:49 AM


Originally posted by Michael Michigan

It's all happening.

"What, are you like the star of your school?"
"They hate me."
"You'll meet them all again on their long journey to the middle."

That movie instantly became one of my all-time favorites the first time I saw it. Have you seen the director's cut DVD with the commentary track by Cameron Crowe and his mother? Terrific stuff.

KcMizzou 01-19-2003 12:50 AM


Originally posted by gochiefs

Man I LOVE Top Gun. The scene where Maverick sings to the chick in the bar is like my NUMBER ONE GOAL in life.

Yeah see...? Ya just need a little swagger. Ya don't hafta Just have that kinda confidence. And a bit of charm.

Michael Michigan 01-19-2003 12:51 AM


Originally posted by siberian khatru

"What, are you like the star of your school?"
"They hate me."
"You'll meet them all again on their long journey to the middle."

That movie instantly became one of my all-time favorites the first time I saw it. Have you seen the director's cut DVD with the commentary track by Cameron Crowe and his mother? Terrific stuff.

I haven't---I saw it came out a few months ago---thanks for the reminder.

MeatPeeker 01-19-2003 12:51 AM

I think I could sing to a chick in a bar like that if I had two things going for me:

1. The rest of the bar singing.

2. I know the song.

KcMizzou 01-19-2003 12:52 AM


Originally posted by siberian khatru

"What, are you like the star of your school?"
"They hate me."
"You'll meet them all again on their long journey to the middle."

That movie instantly became one of my all-time favorites the first time I saw it. Have you seen the director's cut DVD with the commentary track by Cameron Crowe and his mother? Terrific stuff.

damn... now I wanna get that DVD. I saw it on VHS... but that'd be cool.

Michael Michigan 01-19-2003 12:52 AM


Originally posted by gochiefs

I get everything but that part.

If you haven't seen Almost Famous and you plan on writing--it's worth your time.

MeatPeeker 01-19-2003 12:52 AM

I've seen bits of it....the movie with the rock band reporter kid, right?

Michael Michigan 01-19-2003 12:54 AM

You have to make your reputation on being honest-----

and unmerciful.

KcMizzou 01-19-2003 12:54 AM


Originally posted by gochiefs
I think I could sing to a chick in a bar like that if I had two things going for me:

1. The rest of the bar singing.

2. I know the song.

The singin' isn't the point. The guy had balls. He intentionally made a fool of himself.... to show her that he liked her. She knew he was bein' stupid... and he knew it too, but it didn't matter. He made his point.

Michael Michigan 01-19-2003 12:55 AM


Originally posted by gochiefs
I've seen bits of it....the movie with the rock band reporter kid, right?


Loosely based on the life and times of a young Cameron Crowe.

Michael Michigan 01-19-2003 01:00 AM


Originally posted by FloridaChief

Yep. Bangs was pretty cool for a nerd who wrote for RS. His insights are missed to this day.


Beware, beware of Rolling stone magazine because they will change your story----

They'll re-write it. And turn it into swill.

Don't let those swill merchants re-write you.

KcMizzou 01-19-2003 01:04 AM

So Michael... I know you're a sports writer (from readin' the board) Who are ya? If you dont mind me askin'

Michael Michigan 01-19-2003 01:11 AM


Originally posted by KcMizzou
So Michael... I know you're a sports writer (from readin' the board) Who are ya? If you dont mind me askin'

I started as a sportswriter years ago, but now sport writing is secondary--The news organization I write for (The Landmark) likes to give what I term "alternative" coverage on the Chiefs.

Both in print and on the web.

My passion is pop culture and politics.

Michael Michigan 01-19-2003 01:12 AM

Last week's entry--

MeatPeeker 01-19-2003 01:15 AM

I think I just figured it out.

I know why I didn't go to the party.

There were girls there.

wazu 01-19-2003 01:17 AM

gochiefs -

You seem to not realize the most important thing here:


Nerds who know they are nerds are the most dangerous nerds there are! They'll come running into a party with reckless abandon because, what's the worst that can happen? They're already a nerd. No matter how big a fool they make of themselves they can only go up!

Seriously though, reading this thread kind of makes me wonder about all those people I've known in my life that just never seemed to make it to the party, and nobody ever really got to know them. I wonder how many of them were as paralyzed by fear.

I'm usually fairly apprehensive about going to a social event with lots of people I don't really know. It's usually worth it though. You can't just let life pass you by.

KcMizzou 01-19-2003 01:17 AM


Originally posted by gochiefs
I think I just figured it out.

I know why I didn't go to the party.

There were girls there.

that kinda sums it up

MeatPeeker 01-19-2003 01:18 AM

Yes, it was just the girls.


KcMizzou 01-19-2003 01:19 AM


Originally posted by Adam KC
gochiefs -

You seem to not realize the most important thing here:


Nerds who know they are nerds are the most dangerous nerds there are! They'll come running into a party with reckless abandon because, what's the worst that can happen? They're already a nerd. No matter how big a fool they make of themselves they can only go up!

Seriously though, reading this thread kind of makes me wonder about all those people I've known in my life that just never seemed to make it to the party, and nobody ever really got to know them. I wonder how many of them were as paralyzed by fear.

I'm usually fairly apprehensive about going to a social event with lots of people I don't really know. It's usually worth it though. You can't just let life pass you by.

He's right... plus he has a nice ass.

2bikemike 01-19-2003 01:19 AM

Just remember to be that brave next time there is a party!

Phobia 01-19-2003 01:24 AM


Originally posted by gochiefs
I think I just figured it out.

I know why I didn't go to the party.

There were girls there.

Wrong. You didn't go because of YOU and your insecurities. Don't scapegoat the ladies. The sooner you stop lying to yourself, the sooner you "recover" from your anti-social behavior. Why don't you make a concious decision to bust down the door? Once you do that, everything else will be downhill.

When you go back to work, ask the lady how the party turned out. Explain how you wanted and even planned to go, but you felt shy (not because of her or women in general - that will scare her off). She might think that's sweet and make you a project. One thing leads to another.

The important thing is to acknowledge your absence, don't make excuses, be interested, and communicate with her. This could be a perfect opportunity.

KcMizzou 01-19-2003 01:27 AM

man.. this is just classic
This is a direct quote from left wing Senator Patty Murray from the state of Washington to a group of High School students earlier this month, “(Osama bin Laden has) been out in these countries for decades building schools, building roads, building infrastructure, building day care facilities, building health care facilities and people are extremely grateful,” she said. “He’s made their lives better. We have not done that.”

Some of these mouth breathers never quit romanticizing Osama. Any road this terrorist may have built went directly in and out of a terrorist camp aimed at training terrorists to kill Americans. Any school he financed would have an agenda at brainwashing kids to hate anything non-Muslim. His health care facilities were meant for injured Jihad warriors, not for the general public. And day care centers? Under his idea of extreme Muslim faith women aren’t even people. What do you think, Ms. Murray, Muslim women hop in the SUV, drop the kids off at day care and head to work?

Why do you think those people danced in the streets and celebrated when Afghanistan was liberated by our military? Because they favored living under the tyranny of the Taliban, al-Qaeda and Osama? Do you really believe those people favored living in fear of execution if they strayed off the Osama bin Laden course? We made their lives better by giving themtheir freedom back.

Cue Carl Peterson—

Ms. Murray, sit the &*#@ down and shut the *&#@ up.

How sweet is that?

RJ 01-19-2003 01:29 AM


Originally posted by 2bikemike
Just remember to be that brave next time there is a party!
And hang out in the kitchen. I don't know why, but that's held true from 16 to 44. The kitchen is the place to meet the best people. And you're never left alone. There's always folks coming and going, lots of them stay. You'll make some friends and maybe meet some girls.....they gravitate to the kitchen later. I don't know why that is either.

Wait, I do know. It's cause in the kitchen you're not forced to mingle. The mingling comes to you. Anyway, just go, hang out in the kitchen. It works.

Logical 01-19-2003 01:30 AM

I just read your thread post and all I can say is that I feel both sympathy and sadness for your situation.

I hope you overcome your paralyzing fear so you will one day be able to enjoy a more complete life. For now enjoy what you enjoy but work on improving your self-esteem.

2bikemike 01-19-2003 01:30 AM

Damn good plan hanging out in the kitchen. I wonder why I never noticed that.

KcMizzou 01-19-2003 01:31 AM


Originally posted by rjintx

And hang out in the kitchen. I don't know why, but that's held true from 16 to 44. The kitchen is the place to meet the best people. And you're never left alone. There's always folks coming and going, lots of them stay. You'll make some friends and maybe meet some girls.....they gravitate to the kitchen later. I don't know why that is either.

Wait, I do know. It's cause in the kitchen you're not forced to mingle. The mingling comes to you. Anyway, just go, hang out in the kitchen. It works.

Dude.. the beer is in the fridge. The fridge is in the kitchen. ;)

RJ 01-19-2003 01:35 AM


Originally posted by KcMizzou

Dude.. the beer is in the fridge. The fridge is in the kitchen. ;)

The beer might be in the keg in the yard but things still come to the kitchen. The kitchen is somehow the center of every home. And the girls keep their wine coolers in the fridge.

FloridaChief 01-19-2003 01:36 AM


Originally posted by rjintx
And hang out in the kitchen. I don't know why, but that's held true from 16 to 44. The kitchen is the place to meet the best people. And you're never left alone. There's always folks coming and going, lots of them stay. You'll make some friends and maybe meet some girls.....they gravitate to the kitchen later. I don't know why that is either.

Wait, I do know. It's cause in the kitchen you're not forced to mingle. The mingling comes to you. Anyway, just go, hang out in the kitchen. It works.

True, true. For reasons I don't completely understand, hanging out in the kitchen at a party will always net positive results. I've found from my experiences that the 'Big K' is the revolving point for future interpersonal relationships...

Must be something about the food, drink and standing around the counter that fosters the most promising results....

Go for it next time, Lord Maul....

Logical 01-19-2003 01:36 AM


Originally posted by pHoBiA

Wrong. You didn't go because of YOU and your insecurities. Don't scapegoat the ladies. The sooner you stop lying to yourself, the sooner you "recover" from your anti-social behavior. Why don't you make a concious decision to bust down the door? Once you do that, everything else will be downhill.

When you go back to work, ask the lady how the party turned out. Explain how you wanted and even planned to go, but you felt shy (not because of her or women in general - that will scare her off). She might think that's sweet and make you a project. One thing leads to another.

The important thing is to acknowledge your absence, don't make excuses, be interested, and communicate with her. This could be a perfect opportunity.

Excellent, Exellent advice, pay attention Gochiefs.

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