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BigMeatballDave 06-04-2014 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by scott free (Post 10670757)
Name the last great sci-fi movie since Moon.

But yeah, with that genre I'm very particular and expect very intelligent, thought provoking stories.


A ton better than Moon.

Easy 6 06-04-2014 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by unlurking (Post 10670926)
I'd have to think about it, to be honest. I love sci-fi though, and not just serious sci-fi. Hell, I loved Ice Pirates! (boy, that didn't age well though) And to be honest, I actually prefer adventure/action scifi.

While I really liked Moon, I wouldn't put it on the same level as 2001: ASO. That was a rare film for any genre (IMO). That movie invoked a sense of wonder that Moon just couldn't touch. Moon was an awesome character study with a fantastic twist, but it didn't have that "awe" factor.

What got me about your comment was..."If its not great, its shit... theres no inbetween." My response fits your comment well. I've enjoyed a ton of sci-fi that's not great, but has still been a lot of fun.

I'm guessing you hated Europa Report, which was a serious/suspense sci-fi flick. I loved it. Really brought the viewer into life on a mulit-month space flight, and then totally changed gear in the last third. It wasn't great, but it was good and fun.

If you're going to judge all movies against 2001: ASO, I think you're going to be sadly disappointed 99% of the time.

You're right, Moon isn't on the same level as 2001... but it wasn't really trying to be, either.

But it definitely was a mature, thought provoking science fiction film... no lasers, no action hero's, no crazy monsters... just a great story well told, and that's what I long for these days, films in that genre that explore deep subjects and aren't aiming for 15 year old boys money or tying their flic in with the new sandwich at Burger King.

Europa Report?... I praised that one somewhere on here a while back after a rental, very high marks for spacecraft interior realism, calm, realisitic, steady astronaut behavior (hello, Prometheus) among other things.

But you gotta admit, the ending kinda sucked... what was the beast? just a bunch of lights under the water? There are a lot of good movies in every genre that fall victim to the "great lead up, disappointing ending" vein, that's what keeps good from great.

Anyway, as a person who feels strongly about space and its possibilities, I want more amazement and depth these days... its either great or it kinda sucks.

unlurking 06-04-2014 07:29 PM

I guess I just prefer average-good sci-fi over good-great of most other genres. Not that picky if I can suspend disbelief for an hour or so. I enjoyed Avatar, even if it was a mirror of Dances with Wolves. I've never seen Dances, so why would I care. If I'm too critical about movies in my favorite genre, I'll end up spending more time being disappointed by what I'm supposed to be enjoying. No thanks. Why bother at that point?

I absolutely hate reality TV. Hate is probably too weak a description. So I don't watch it. Ever. That said, I will watch the shit out the Mars One astronaut selection stuff and anything else they do.

Europa Report was a fantastic movie until the shift. It was still good after that, but it was just kinda weird. But the first hour of that movie was still awesome.

I haven't seen Inception yet. It's on the list.

KevB 06-04-2014 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by scott free (Post 10670644)
I just watched 2001 A Space Odyssey last night for about the umpteenth time... and that's pretty much the standard I'm going to judge any and all "serious" sci-fi movies by from here out.

Big shoes to fill, and the last great sci-fi movie was Moon... I hope the Wachowskis brought their A game for this one, the new Nolan film is promising as well, but I'm jaded about sci-fi more than any other genre.

If its not great, its shit... theres no inbetween.

Your thoughts on Gravity? I really liked it, but the story was thin. In terms of trying to actually put the viewer in space though, it's at the very top of the list IMO. Watching IMAX 3D with only a couple of other people in the theater most likely really helped to enhance my experience.

Easy 6 06-04-2014 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by unlurking (Post 10671033)
I guess I just prefer average-good sci-fi over good-great of most other genres. Not that picky if I can suspend disbelief for an hour or so. I enjoyed Avatar, even if it was a mirror of Dances with Wolves. I've never seen Dances, so why would I care. If I'm too critical about movies in my favorite genre, I'll end up spending more time being disappointed by what I'm supposed to be enjoying. No thanks. Why bother at that point?

I absolutely hate reality TV. Hate is probably too weak a description. So I don't watch it. Ever. That said, I will watch the shit out the Mars One astronaut selection stuff and anything else they do.

Europa Report was a fantastic movie until the shift. It was still good after that, but it was just kinda weird. But the first hour of that movie was still awesome.

I haven't seen Inception yet. It's on the list.

Same here with Inception, I keep hearing the accolades and somehow just don't really care, it just sounds too far fetched even for me, I guess... I'll eventually get around to it one of these days I'm sure.

BCD, you're about 568th guy who's told me how great it is, it just seems too trippy and unreal.


Originally Posted by KevB (Post 10671042)
Your thoughts on Gravity? I really liked it, but the story was thin. In terms of trying to actually put the viewer in space though, it's at the very top of the list IMO. Watching IMAX 3D with only a couple of other people in the theater most likely really helped to enhance my experience.

Your first two thoughts sum it up for me pretty well... good but not great IMO, like Prometheus in that it has excellent visuals and a thin story, unlike it in that the acting is very good.

The scene where Clooney "comes back" in her dream was a pretty cool twist, I knew it was a dream to begin with, but it was still pretty trippy and the ISS getting hammered was certainly cool... that movie gets a solid B from me, nothing wrong with that, it just wasn't GREAT.

I think atleast some of the hype was Bullock + Clooney + great visuals + some exotic name like "Cuaron" and it just sucked the old Oscar voter fogies right in like a star powered black hole.

keg in kc 01-28-2015 07:24 PM

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JD10367 01-28-2015 07:54 PM

Two films are slated to open on the same day in IMAX: "Jupiter Ascending" and "Seventh Son". Both are films that were supposed to come out last year but reportedly sucked balls so bad that they were delayed for a year while they were attempting to make them better. I think both are going to suck but JA at least has more hope for it due to the SFX and Mila Kunis.

BWillie 01-28-2015 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by JD10367 (Post 11297845)
Two films are slated to open on the same day in IMAX: "Jupiter Ascending" and "Seventh Son". Both are films that were supposed to come out last year but reportedly sucked balls so bad that they were delayed for a year while they were attempting to make them better. I think both are going to suck but JA at least has more hope for it due to the SFX and Mila Kunis.

Crap. Didn't know that. Jupiter Ascending looked promising. But, if that is true, I'm sure it will suck donkey bawls.

Deberg_1990 01-28-2015 09:09 PM

Had a 'secret screening' at Sundance last night. I have no idea why??

But it doesn't sound good.

From Variety‘s Ramin Setoodeh: “Despite the hype of a secret Jupiter Ascending screening, clusters of seats inside the 300-person venue remained empty, and a handful of patrons walked out” — bailed! — “of the two-hour-plus space epic starring Mila Kunis as a princess and Channing Tatum as an intergalactic soldier tasked with rescuing her.

“The Wachowskis’ flair was fully on display, with sequences reminiscent of The Matrix or Star Wars. But when the film ended, the usually gracious Sundance audience didn’t clap at the closing credits.

“‘I hated it,’ said one of the festival’s volunteers, who asked not to be identified for fear of irking Sundance. ‘It’s just ridiculous.’

Baby Lee 01-28-2015 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 (Post 11298019)
Had a 'secret screening' at Sundance last night. I have no idea why??

But it doesn't sound good.

Hate to say it, but this had all the markings of a 'one bad review' disaster.

I allowed the possibility of it being a wonderful mess, like The Fifth Element, but all it takes for me is a little scuttlebutt like this to dismiss it completely.

Wouldn't be surprised to see it struggle to break $10M, . . . but then with Mila and CGI, wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of teen sheep eat it up.

Deberg_1990 01-28-2015 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 11298064)
Hate to say it, but this had all the markings of a 'one bad review' disaster.

I allowed the possibility of it being a wonderful mess, like The Fifth Element, but all it takes for me is a little scuttlebutt like this to dismiss it completely.

Wouldn't be surprised to see it struggle to break $10M, . . . but then with Mila and CGI, wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of teen sheep eat it up.

I think it will flop regardless if it's good or not.

The Wachowskis need to reboot and make some smaller films again.

Frosty 01-28-2015 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 11298064)
Hate to say it, but this had all the markings of a 'one bad review' disaster.

I allowed the possibility of it being a wonderful mess, like The Fifth Element, but all it takes for me is a little scuttlebutt like this to dismiss it completely.

Wouldn't be surprised to see it struggle to break $10M, . . . but then with Mila and CGI, wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of teen sheep eat it up.

The Fifth Element is what I kept thinking of while watching this trailer.

Beef Supreme 01-29-2015 09:57 AM

Despite bad early reviews, I might still be pretty interested in this if it wasn't for Channing Tatum. That dude couldn't act his way out of an imaginary paper bag.

Buehler445 01-29-2015 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by BigChiefTablet (Post 11298638)
Despite bad early reviews, I might still be pretty interested in this if it wasn't for Channing Tatum. That dude couldn't act his way out of an imaginary paper bag.

Watch the Eagle. It's good.

JD10367 01-29-2015 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 11298064)
Hate to say it, but this had all the markings of a 'one bad review' disaster.

I allowed the possibility of it being a wonderful mess, like The Fifth Element, but all it takes for me is a little scuttlebutt like this to dismiss it completely.

Wouldn't be surprised to see it struggle to break $10M, . . . but then with Mila and CGI, wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of teen sheep eat it up.

No way it makes that little. It'll make that much on its opening weekend. And I bet it finishes between $65M-75M. Which is still a failure in today's sci-fi blockbuster world.

The Wachowskis are like Lucas: one good idea (the original "Matrix", much like the original "Star Wars") and that's it. Like Lucas, they started believing their own press clippings and not listening to anyone (Neo as Jesus, Jar-Jar Binks). Another guy who's headed in this direction is Kubrick, and I expect this film to be a too-serious laughable "epic" in the same manner that his recent "Exodus" was.

And I feel bad for Magic Mike. He's actually not a bad actor for a guy who is usually cast because "chicks think he's hot". He was overlooked in "Foxcatcher". But in this film I'm sure his character, and the lines he's forced to deliver, go over about as much as a steaming turd in a cardboard box would as a Christmas present. Likewise for Mila, who excels at playing the fun, tomboy-sexy man-buddy, but in this film looks like she has to play it about the same as Kristen Stewart in "Snow White and the Huntsman" (waiflike starry-eyed innocent).

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