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Rausch 06-16-2001 02:07 AM


I have to agree with logic(al) on this one. It always amazed me how our football opinions could be so alike it was scarry, and our religous ideas so completely opposed...

If we can argue how to kill Time-bomb Timmy, Bush Jr's pro's and con's and actually cheering for the Raiders on ANY occasion.....well..........i guess we can tolerate yer' "chaplain's duties."....:D

KCJohnny 06-16-2001 12:17 PM

Thanks, guys...
I am solidly behind the team. I still feel somewhat violated by the wholesale import of another team's cache of talent/braintrust, as I am sure that many 'Skins fans feel the same way about the Chiefization of the Redskins.

I am reading Kurt Warner's bio trying to get a feel for Vermiel's leadership style. He comes off in Warner's book as a Parcells-type with a weepy, emotional side. That's all well and good, but even Warner discreetly alludes to how close Vermiel came in '98 to completely losing his players TEN times worse than what Gunther has been accused of. This is a winning franchise however, unlike Philly and StL, and Chiefs fans are in no mood for a 3-year rebuild program. What puzzles me is that people outside our little circle of fans are a lot kinder to Gunther, blame the Chiefs '00 mistakes more on the players than we do, and do not see an instant upgrade with the new ringed staff. That has me wondering if there hasn't been some wierd cosmic shift that has made blind homers out of many of the 'objective' Chiefs fans and made us homers at least neo-objective.

Brad: Let's get together and gang up on the Raiders and Donx in the spirit of brotherly love.

Star BB Chaplain


JOhn 06-16-2001 01:32 PM

Logical's bandwagon....
Gonna have to jump onboard with Jim's logic. I've tried to stay out of all the "bickering" and such, but Jim does have a point or 2 KCJ. I too was a supporter of all that was Marty ect... But time moves forward, as do me beloved CHIEFS. I will always have a soft spot for Marty but I'm on my CHIEFS bandwagon, and will always remain there. So hope on, and hang on for a FUN ride KCJ.

KCJohnny 06-16-2001 01:41 PM

The fun is going to be all mine when the Chiefs look more like the '95-97 model or even the '99 version by December.

Stay tuned!


redfan 06-16-2001 03:22 PM

KCJ: Yer not the only one that is wary of the complete Ram -ification of the Chiefs. I'm not sure I like it when my team has such sweeping changes, no matter where they come from. It just seems a little wierder when it's the cross-state team. Actually, I'm fairly certain I don't like it when my team goes through a major shakeup like my team just went through.

I will remain cautiously optimistic, just like I usually be.

KCJohnny 06-16-2001 05:15 PM

Somebody will most certainly accuse me of posting under the log in name of red head...

shoot me an email at


Chiefaholic 06-16-2001 09:55 PM

Why do you guys keep calling our new offense "Martzyball". Guys, it's not as if the Rams invented their offense. The Chargers version of Air Coryell (sp) will be a more similiar offense to compare ours to. The Chargers used their TE ALOT. And I can all but guarantee you Gonzalez will be a focal point next year as well.

I watched our former offense ALMOST get us there for a decade. Times have changed guys. Players are faster and quality CB's are hard to come by. I can't think of a better time to change our offensive scheme.

Hang in there KCJ.... I have a gut feeling you'll warm up to out new offense once Vermeil gets the men on the field he prefers.

Chiefaholic 06-16-2001 09:56 PM

How many posts do I need to get this silly "lurker" title from beneath my name? I read this site nearly every day. But, there's not much to talk about during the offseason.

milkman 06-16-2001 10:12 PM

It takes about 30 posts.
As for the "MartzyBall" tag, no amount of reason is going to sway Johnny from using another name. He just wants to see anything that's not Martyball as evil, and this offense, as far as he's concrned was devised by the evil, antiMarty, Martz.

Logical 06-16-2001 10:57 PM


If you change your profile I believe you can put any words you want where Lurker now exists.

See I just changed mine to say Happy Dads Day

You edit under Custom User Text:

There is no doubt you can do it if you are a regular.

milkman 06-16-2001 11:01 PM

I could be wrong about this, but I believe you have to have 100 posts before you can make that kind of change.

Dave Lane 06-17-2001 01:25 PM

How could you possibly not be HAPPY!
My god (sorry KCJ) what an improvement this team has undergone since last year. It's like someone opened up a Xmas present early for me. Gunther (who I actually liked) is gone, done in by his pitiful staff, the three stooges are dead (I feel like singing here!!), We have a RB that has rushed for 1,000 yards, DV thinks he wants to give TR the ball, Grbaby is gone and I think TG is a definate upgrade. We have a KR in Horne, Minnis shows promise. Chester the Molester and cry-baby Hasty are gone this is a team that shows MAJOR promise.

KCJ I remember your prediction last year as the reigning RBBC guru that RBBC would put the Chiefs at #3 or #4 in the league in rushing and we would grind it out for 2,000 ++ yards. Wrong! This team may not go much better than 8-8 this year but it is on its way. This is a tough division or I would predict 10-6. I like what DV is doing to this team and I think we are 3 years from a SB run. We have to have some luck between now and then (injuries etc.) but I LOVE a team that attacks on Offense and Defense.

Marty will NEVER win a SB unless he changes his philosophy on offense. Conservative offense will never win a SB unless your defense is the 00 Ravens or the 85 Bears. It's hard to win with defense but not with balance and that means including a attacking opportunistic offense just like a normal Chief defense.

Look for the good things this is going to be very cool! I'm getting excited just thinking about it!!

Homer Dave

PS NO one hates St. Louis more than I do, but I feel like we are ripping the guts of what made them successful away from them (which gives me a big smile :D ) This is just plain smart business!

KCJohnny 06-17-2001 01:44 PM

First of all, it is true that I predicted a 2,000 yd rushing season for the '00 Chiefs but that was based on Tony Richardson being the starting tailback all year. NOWHERE have I EVER averred that RBbC was a superior philosophy to having a fulltime HB/FB. I simply defended the results. You cannot reasonably argue against the results: four top 5 rushing performances from 1995-99. It wasn't my fault that Donnell Bennett got hurt and that Gun decided to move TR back to FB! It wasn't my fault that the Chiefs 'discovered' that they had the NFL's 5th passing offense and 8th best offense overall.

Martzyball: investing everything you have on offense and putting 11 warm bodies on the field on defense. It depends a lot on carpet, indoor non-weather conditions and speed. How else can you explain Martz putting the most potent offense in NFL history on the field and losing 6 games. When I invoke the pejorative 'Martzyball' I am using humor as a play on words (Martyball) and using sarcasm to point out the lopsided emphasis that Dick Vermiel SEEMS to have put on offense with the Chiefs.

1. I NEVER have praised RBbC as a CONCEPT: only lauded its legitimate achievments.
2. I LIKE Trent Green (though not the way he was brought to KC) and I think Tony Horne is awesome. I think Peter Guinta will have his hands full.
3. I am NOT a Redskins fan, though I wish them every success in the world due to the Chiefization of their squad.
4. I will eat TONS of crow if the Chiefs finish above .500 next year.
And I'll like it!


Dave Lane 06-17-2001 06:33 PM

I still see a glass half full

I don't remember you ever pushing the concept of RBBC as superior, I think we all agree that a 2,000 tailback would be vastly superior to RBBC but you felt we could plug in anyone and get 2,000++ out of them. I argued for Dillon last year because it was the best option available. I would have traded Sly in minute for Dillon but that is MHO.

It think your statement about the misuse or TR speaks volumes. I liked Gun but damn it he surrounded himself with the worst cast of assistants possibly ever assembled. We were a hammer them, grind it out beat them in the 4th quarter team, no thats a throw it ever down pass happy team, no thats a we're not sure team. The philosophy changed from game to game and sometimes series to series for no apparent reason. There was no continuity to our play and in the end it lost the players.

I liked Marty and I liked Gun but its an experiment that didn't work. They had their chance, now its time to move on and embrace all things from the new Chiefs. "For all things there is a reason and a season under the sun" join the new age Chiefs and lets watch a real Pro team of assistants get us to the promised land!

As a CEO of a pre-public company I'll tell you the number one things investors and Venture Capitalists look for is the management team. I think we have the best staff out there. Who would you trade staffs with??

htismaqe 06-18-2001 12:11 PM


First of all, let me agree with some others that the self-pity diatribe is not becoming of a man of your stature...

Get over Gun...I'm a die-hard through and through, but even I could tell that Gun couldn't hack it as an HC...and he surrounded himself with quite possibly THE WORST staff in the history of football.

Yes, the players are the guys on the field, but when the plays being called were so bad, it really ISN'T their fault. For all the lamenting you do about our defense, it's GUNTHER, not Vermeil, that put our glorious Chiefs' D in the gutter.

You should pay closer attention to Vermeil, he hasn't abandoned the defense, he knows how important it is to fix what is broken...

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