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Oregon Chief Fan 10-05-2000 04:44 PM

Anyone who posted on the other topic please post here also. Thanks.<P>

Multi1 10-05-2000 04:45 PM

GWB gets my vote.

Gore - kill the inocent (babies), save criminals (guilty types)

Bush - babies live (inocent), criminals that deserve it die (guilty).

Some how it doesn't seem to me that it's much of a choice.

If you look at the "programs" they both say they have the solution, when actually neither of them do.

Best presidential canditate to date:
Alan Keyes!!!!!!

Gracie Dean 10-05-2000 04:47 PM


I have a game in History where students pick the best candidate without knowing who the people are.

Lincoln had no formal education after the 8th grade and he is considered one of the best presidents ever...

Durtman 10-05-2000 04:48 PM

I think your straw poll is pretty much on the money. Bush has a huge lead nationwide among white males. So unless all the nicknames on the BB are attached to Cantonese women, I'm not a bit surprised.

Phobia 10-05-2000 04:49 PM

Tom - hope you don't mind. I removed your duplicate post.

Holladay 10-05-2000 05:06 PM


I'm against

$4 gas
greatest threat to man...gas combustion engin
$12 pack of cigs
killing babys
more gvt
drink to much lemonade and using the toilet
I've planted/harvest it...sis dies of cigs
trial lawyers as millionaires
guns kill do ball peen hammers
I'm smarter than you...ppffftttt

you git the idea<BR>

BIG_DADDY 10-05-2000 05:20 PM

Oregon Chief Fan,
It started as an envirementalist type party and developed very socialist roots. I am far from an expert on the party though.<BR>

DanT 10-05-2000 05:29 PM

Ralph Nader.

revolver808 10-05-2000 05:45 PM


Gave a little thought to Nader, who is probably a little more in line with my viewpoints, but I didn't exactly want to see 3 Clarence Thomas clones get appointed to the Supreme Court.


Smltheppl 10-05-2000 07:07 PM

This is a tough one.

I absolutely dislike Bush as a person. There's something about him that just annoys me. I also dislike Cheney. But, Bush's values and beliefs and programs are things that tend to go along with what I believe in.

I dislike Gore a little less, he comes off as more personable. I also really like Lieberman. Unfortunately, Gore agrees with very little that I believe in.

So the sticking point for me is the fact that whoever is elected President is going to be in charge of nominating Justices. And I want a President that will nominate conservative Justices that will back up the Constitution.

So, reluctantly, I'll be voting for Bush.

PostalChief 10-05-2000 08:37 PM

George W. Bush

As a lifelong Republican, GWB is my only recourse. I think McCain would have made a better candidate.

Not disgruntled....yet.

Red and Gold Mania 10-05-2000 08:48 PM


chief_red_pants 10-05-2000 08:48 PM

Millions of Americans will benefit from the Bush Presidency...

... as long as they are white, Christian and make more than 50,000 dollars a year.

I wish I could list the many issues that compel me to vote a certain way but my dyslexia make my typing very laborous.

As a resident of the state of Texas I can say with some confidence that George Bush lacks the capacity to make important decisions for our country.

One reason I say that Is because his views will be distorted by powerful oil companies, the religious right and the NRA.

I will vote for Al Gore
A Chiefs/Royals/Jayhawks Fan Living Where Cowboys/Rangers/Longhorns Fans Live...Help!

[This message has been edited by chief_red_pants (edited 10-05-2000).]

morphius 10-05-2000 08:58 PM


Middle class and know the onl way I will get a tax cut will be if Bush is elected.

Don't trust Clinton and am beginning to trust Gore even less, how can one man have a new lie to tell us every day?

KCWolfman 10-05-2000 09:19 PM

Hmmm trust a man with a now admitted track record to lying about being in Texas to help with govt assistance in crisis situations, comparing his mother inlaws drugs to his dogs, schoolchildren with no chairs, old ladies gathering cans in the snow to pay for prescriptions, inventing the internet, and being on the front in Vietnam....

or a man who realizes he has faults and deficiencies (as ALL of us do) and strengthens those shortcomings by surrounding himself with others who are qualified in the areas that he is lacking?

Is this some sort of trick question?

George W. and Dick Cheney

Puttin' on my game face!

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