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TinyEvel 06-16-2008 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by irishjayhawk (Post 4797042)
After finally playing with the PS3 (after having a 360 for a long while) I have to say I like it better. I like their menu system rather than the blades. I like the graphics better (they ARE better). I like the quietness. I like pretty much everything over the 360 except for: Xbox LIVE and the actual hardware design of the system.


(be careful the CP 360 guys might kick you out of their club!)

irishjayhawk 06-16-2008 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by TinyEvel (Post 4797047)

(be careful the CP 360 guys might kick you out of their club!)


It's interesting because before the 360 I was a huge Sony Playstation fan. Had the 1 and then 2. And had to constantly defend 2 against the XBoX due to its release a full year before XBOX, which accounted for the hardware differences.

Sure-Oz 06-16-2008 11:36 PM

I thought this thread was about sharron collins, my bad

irishjayhawk 06-17-2008 02:02 PM

Overall, superb game.

My cons:

- Too short
- Epilogue was kinda bad, I thought.

little jacob 06-17-2008 02:22 PM

my only gripe about the control is that if you are taking cover behind something and want to shoot over it, there's no option to pop up and fire. you have to use triangle to get off the wall then X to manually stand up and shoot, exposing yourself to gunfire for much longer.

and i dont like how it moves you up to a kneeling position if you are crawling on your stomach and try to crawl over a body. that got me detected once.

overall fantastic game stilk. i saw IGN gave it a perfect 10.

irishjayhawk 06-17-2008 06:09 PM

So I'll elaborate:


Story wise, I thought it was pretty weak. I liked some aspects of the story and hated a lot of the rest. I loved the ties, even if they were obvious, to MGS of previous. And I loved some of the continued story lines (Meryl & Snake, Raiden, Naomi). However, it didn't feel very continuous. And the epilouge was pretty lame, I thought. I just felt it didn't live up to the rest of the stories and tried too much to bring Snake Eater into the fold.

Graphics wise, it's simply amazing. Like MGS1, MGS4 revolutionizes graphics again. Blows everything away. The cut scenes, while long in areas, were amazing. My favorite was a tie between Raiden's entrance and Big Mama evacuating the premises.

Presentation wise, it has revolutionized games. The music blew me away. The scenes, flashbacks, the way the story (however bad) was told, the gameplay and cinema dual screen and the audio really, really sent this. It overcame the story itself.

Finally, the biggest gripe was the length. I was anticipating a 50 hour game. And I beat it in 18. And that's with the good 3-4 hours of cutscenes. That was the most disappointing thing. The last of the saga happened to be the shortest. And I don't know if that's because I got older and therefore it got easier or if it was simply truncated.

I'd love for them to go back and completely update MGS 1 and 2. Oh, that'd be sweet.

Valiant 06-17-2008 06:20 PM

I have only played it a little bit, since my roommate bought it.. Looks amazing.. Roommate hates it though because it is too short.. He says he has beaten it three times, which is possible since he took a vacation day off to play.. Never beaten the other ones, are they all this short??

irishjayhawk 06-17-2008 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Valiant (Post 4798646)
I have only played it a little bit, since my roommate bought it.. Looks amazing.. Roommate hates it though because it is too short.. He says he has beaten it three times, which is possible since he took a vacation day off to play.. Never beaten the other ones, are they all this short??

No. MGS1 and 2 were long. And had better stories.

This one shit on their stories, frankly. Though in and of itself, its a good story but it didn't follow the other ones.

It's a damn good game with good gameplay and even better presentation. Just short.

irishjayhawk 06-18-2008 10:30 PM

No one else finish?

ZootedGranny 06-19-2008 02:11 AM

As a whole, MGS4 exceeded my expectations. Gameplay wise, I enjoyed it more than some of the other notable titles of the past year, like Halo 3, GTA IV, CoD4 and the like.

In previous Metal Gear games, I felt limited by the controls being too obtuse and clunky. Paired with the extended alert stages, simply being seen by an enemy was an instant exercise in annoyance, with your options being kill the enemy and then bring on stronger, larger forces, or play the waiting game by hiding in a corner and laying still until the alert went away two to three minutes later.

While the controls are still clunky in MGS4, the improvements made to the first person perspective, and the additions of the octocamo and Drebin's shop make for a more enjoyable experience. They all open the game up to be played as more of a pure action game, and the octocamo allows you to quickly hide should you not want to go that route. Not having to constantly access my camoflauge patterns via a menu ala MGS3 eased my suffering, and Drebin always being on call doesn't restrict you to the type of ammo hording I experienced in MGS2.

My biggest complaint with MGS is its convoluted cast of characters and ridiculous multi-threaded story. MGS4 attempts to rectify that by filling you in on what you've missed, but they fail in their attempt to do so by going too far into the minutiae. I wanted the info that was on a Need-to-know-basis, but instead was deluged with detail after detail about previous MGS plot points that, seven years removed from MGS2 and 4 after MGS3, I either completely forgot, or never cared about in the first place. By the end of the game, what would be huge plot twists to the hardcore MGS fan had me simply sitting there almost oblivious. That said, despite their shortcoming, clearly the hardcore fan could've gotten exactly what they wanted from the game's story.

Now that that block of text is out of the way, here's my quick list of spoiler heavy thoughts that I don't feel like expanding upon in paragraph form.


There's more I'll think of later, but that's a decent summation of my current thoughts.

TinyEvel 06-19-2008 08:54 AM


THis video shows some secret weapons you can get in the game. My favorite is the old japanese gun that evokes a "divine wind" (tornado) on your enemies.

too bad it doesn't show HOW or WHERE to get them :cuss: I'll have to scour my game guide...

irishjayhawk 06-19-2008 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by ZootedGranny (Post 4800973)
As a whole, MGS4 exceeded my expectations. Gameplay wise, I enjoyed it more than some of the other notable titles of the past year, like Halo 3, GTA IV, CoD4 and the like.

In previous Metal Gear games, I felt limited by the controls being too obtuse and clunky. Paired with the extended alert stages, simply being seen by an enemy was an instant exercise in annoyance, with your options being kill the enemy and then bring on stronger, larger forces, or play the waiting game by hiding in a corner and laying still until the alert went away two to three minutes later.

While the controls are still clunky in MGS4, the improvements made to the first person perspective, and the additions of the octocamo and Drebin's shop make for a more enjoyable experience. They all open the game up to be played as more of a pure action game, and the octocamo allows you to quickly hide should you not want to go that route. Not having to constantly access my camoflauge patterns via a menu ala MGS3 eased my suffering, and Drebin always being on call doesn't restrict you to the type of ammo hording I experienced in MGS2.

My biggest complaint with MGS is its convoluted cast of characters and ridiculous multi-threaded story. MGS4 attempts to rectify that by filling you in on what you've missed, but they fail in their attempt to do so by going too far into the minutiae. I wanted the info that was on a Need-to-know-basis, but instead was deluged with detail after detail about previous MGS plot points that, seven years removed from MGS2 and 4 after MGS3, I either completely forgot, or never cared about in the first place. By the end of the game, what would be huge plot twists to the hardcore MGS fan had me simply sitting there almost oblivious. That said, despite their shortcoming, clearly the hardcore fan could've gotten exactly what they wanted from the game's story.

Now that that block of text is out of the way, here's my quick list of spoiler heavy thoughts that I don't feel like expanding upon in paragraph form.


There's more I'll think of later, but that's a decent summation of my current thoughts.

I don't know, I thought MGS 1 and 2's story was top notch. This one kinda shit on it. But it did wrap things up.

Rausch 09-29-2008 03:22 PM

Ok, just got a chance to play MGS4 and I'm not impressed.

Graphics are kick ass but I'm getting fragged before I can clear a wasted middle eastern city block.

You can't kill anyone or a mob of baddies slaughters you. So far I can't sneak much further than the APC the troops unload out of at the start of the game.

Buck 09-29-2008 03:25 PM

I got all the way through ACT 4, each act was kickass, but I don't want to play 5 because then I'd be done with the game. Its been like 2 months since I stopped playing.

aturnis 09-29-2008 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 5067307)
Ok, just got a chance to play MGS4 and I'm not impressed.

Graphics are kick ass but I'm getting fragged before I can clear a wasted middle eastern city block.

You can't kill anyone or a mob of baddies slaughters you. So far I can't sneak much further than the APC the troops unload out of at the start of the game.

Kind of the point of the game, and why it's so great. It's for a more patient tactical player. Not your average run and gun shooter.

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