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Mult9 09-30-2000 11:10 AM

We all see the worrisome elements of this game, but its a MNF at Arrowhead, and the Chiefs seem to be a more balanced team than they were last year when we tried to maulball Seattle last year. The main reasons I feel confident are that our F4 is much improved and that if Seattle stops the run, they don't necessarily stop the Chiefs. Although Gun could get out-foxed again, I think the Chiefs players are playing at a playoff caliber now and will only improve as the young guys get smarter.
Seattle will come at us with their 3-step drop dink game, so Kurt had better get ready. I see the Chiefs scoring between 23-34 points, so all that will be needed is a solid game from the D and no stupid TOs by the offense.

wutamess 09-30-2000 11:28 AM


I expect that you are dead on concerning the short passing game. The Broncos moved the ball almost at will with that Offense. And Holmgren is not going to let Kitna lose the game with a big mistake.

Despite the success of our Defense, I still have very little faith in Schottenheimer. He must develop a plan to cover Watters out of the backfield. We have been getting pressure with our front four, so that bodes well for some QB-crushing, though Kitna will not be holding the ball as long against the Chiefs. The Linebackers will carry the brunt of the campaign against the Seahawks' Offense. Stuff Watters at the line and cover the dink passes. Can Schottenheimer do this? I hope so, but I have serious doubts as to his ability. He certainly showed his incompetence the last two times we played this team.

We are also in DESPERATE NEED of a rushing attack. Grbac has played good [if spotty] football over the last couple of games, but it scares me to depend on him leading a passing attack clear down the field. If the enemy knows we are going to pass, I fear the INT. Still, we have to take what the enemy D gives us and throw if they are the fifth team to try and stack the line against us.

Arrowhead used to be a powerful advantage, but some of the luster is gone. The crowd has become disturbingly fickle, IMO. Perhaps we can reclaim it this season. For now, though, home field advantage is not what it used to be.

maybe just having an off day.<BR>

Mult9 09-30-2000 08:14 PM

Just do me one favor. When the Chiefs crush Seattle on MNF, come back here and laud Air Elvis and give Kurt the credit he will be due.
As of now, Kurt's D has only given up 55 points in 4 games (13.7 ppg) against the AFC champs, the 13-3 Colts, and the '00 AFC highest scoring team (DEn). This is a GOOD defense and Seattle is NOT going to do anything against us.
OTOH, we will be able to pass against the #28 pass D or run against the #25 run D, so do us all a favor and come back here Tuesday morn and EXHALE.
Not just seeing homervision

DaKCMan AP 09-30-2000 08:39 PM

This game is definitely going to test how far Kurt's come as a DC. The Seattle games were arguably his two worst performances. If he can come back with a good gameplan against them it would be very uplifting. So far, I'm very happy with his red zone D, and mildly satisfied with the rest (he IS playing two rookie DBs).

wutamess 10-01-2000 09:54 AM


I am not sure that I will EVER trust Schotteneheimer again. He almost lost the NE game with his stinking Prevent [thank you, goalpost] and he DID lose the Titans game. Once MIGHT have been forgivable, twice is not.

Some apologists on the BB claim that if we had attacked O,Donnell and the rookies got burned, that we would all blame Schottenheimer. That is nonsense. I can accept a Defense that attacks and gets burned. What I cannot accept is the gutless Prevent “sure go ahead and march down the field, we don’t mind” Defense.

Attacking is what a Defense SHOULD do and it used to be the forte of the Chiefs Defense, before the Spineless Stooge took over. Now, we are a “bend, don’t break” D. That is unacceptable to an old Defense Homer like me.

We have good players on D, but our DC lacks spine and fire. I want Gunther back. And I NEVER want to see the stinking Prevent Defense again.

thinks our Defensive players deserve better.<BR>

wutamess 10-01-2000 10:01 AM


As far as “Air Elvis” is concerned, if Seattle stacks the line, we should throw over them. That is the kind of thinking I have been BEGGING for. Had Raye used that philosophy in the opener, we might have stolen a game from Indianapolis. We caught them on a down day and had a real shot at winning that one, had Raye/Gunther not been so busy “establishing the run” that they failed to attack the opening in the Colts’ Defense.

The problem with “Air Elvis” is Grbac’s history of making bad decisions when the pressure comes on. We survived the last two games solely on his arm, despite some bad decisions along the way. Without a running game, I do not expect “Air Elvis” to continue as it has.

This is not meant as a slam on Grbac. He has played fairly well this season. If he can keep improving, I will have to re-evaluate him as QBOTF. But there are very few QBs who can carry a team on their own efforts. Elway was one. Favre was another. Is Grbac that kind of QB? I don’t think so, but I have been wrong in the past and will most likely be wrong again some time in the future. It would be wonderful if this were one of those times.

wants something between “Air Elvis” and “Butt Grunhard.”<BR>

Duck Dog 10-01-2000 12:18 PM

Hawks 13

KC 3 td's, 1 fg, 1 safety

Duck Dog 10-01-2000 12:18 PM


should read 4 td's

AZChief 10-01-2000 12:45 PM

i wish we would go back to the style of defense we had a couple of years ago. does anyone remember when buffalo had a first and goal with a minute or so left and the chiefs blitzed 4 times in a row and stopped them? now that was some good defense. i know we could still do that.

~Thats why they call me slim shady~

ansonsdad 10-02-2000 07:48 AM

Last chance..............GO CHIEFS!!!

wutamess 10-02-2000 01:52 PM

I hope the Chiefs are taking tonight’s game more seriously than we are here on this BB. I realize that arfing on Broncos fans is all good fun, but we have a date with the team that out-coached and whupped us twice last season. Arrowhead is not the advantage it used to be. We have no running game. And the Stooges are still in control.

A loss to Seattle further debases Arrowhead, destroys the lead we have in conference play and probably ends our hopes at the AFC West championship [we must sweep at least 3 of 4 conference teams to combat the cushy schedules of the Raiders and Broncos].

If those factors are not enough to cause extreme shrinkage, just imagine the Broncos fans swarming over this BB like a herd of roaches to hoot down the Chiefs [paybacks are hell]…

worried that overconfidence is contagious and might spread to the team.<BR>

Misplaced_Chiefs_Fan 10-02-2000 01:57 PM

IF [Gun brings out last years game plans used on the Seahawks] THEN Chiefs 10 Seahawks 13

ELSE IF [Grbac calls own plays] THEN Chiefs 23 Seahawks 13


[This message has been edited by TheFly (edited 10-02-2000).]

sd4chiefs 10-02-2000 02:03 PM

The winner of this game will have won back to back afc west road wins, that is HUGE...If the winner of this game takes care of business at home they will be no worse than 6-2 in the division. I know Holmgren will have our guys ready..I am looking forward to a great close game.....Joe

May the better team win.

Gaz 10-02-2000 02:05 PM

Why am I so leary about this game? Of course I was that way for the last 2 games as well. I think I am having an anxiety attack...

Chief Joseph 10-02-2000 02:06 PM

Tihs my first post on this BB. (A great board!!)
I've been a Chiefs fan since Lenny the Cool threw to Otis, and I've seen the good times and the lean years. I'll always be a Chiefs fan; it's in my blood now. OK, now I've got to get my schverve on and get outa the office because I've got an very important appointment at the LOUDEST AND BEST STADIUM IN THE NFL!! I want everyone at the game to cheer until their vocal chords are RED!! I know I'll have no voice tomorrow!! I AM READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!!!! GO CHIEFS!!!
Final score: CHIEFS 35 Seahawks 15 (5 fg's)<BR>

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