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Bane 05-27-2010 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by KC Fish (Post 6781615)

Thats great!ROFL

I love my Macs but I'm still very unimpressed with G1 I Pads.

Pitt Gorilla 05-27-2010 03:01 PM

iPad goes international tomorrow, IIRC. It will be interesting to see how sales do.

AustinChief 05-27-2010 04:00 PM


Time Warner and NBC told Apple to shove it, they are sticking with Flash and have no plans to change that. Looks like a good chunk of programming (NBC, Hulu, TBS, CW, CNN, TNT, TCM, Cartoon, etc etc) is never coming to the iPad.

Silock 05-27-2010 04:10 PM

They're making Apps for it.

AustinChief 05-27-2010 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Silock (Post 6784765)
They're making Apps for it.

yay! so 10+ more apps to install and manage. What a joke.

..and btw they haven't confirmed they are creating apps... that is just speculation at this point. Hulu is the likely first app you'll see... and it may well be subscription based.

Fish 05-27-2010 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by AustinChief (Post 6784570)
What a silly and fairly meaningless article.

I'm sorry that the iPad murdered your family..

AustinChief 05-27-2010 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by KC Fish (Post 6784806)
I'm sorry that the iTouch Senior Citizen Edition murdered your family..

No. The iPad is just useless. I bear it no ill will, I do however, enjoy pointing out it's silliness to those who defend it in the face of overwhelming facts.

In regards to the article.. I agree that MS is crap.. I just don't see why he would compare MS and Apple... compare HP and Apple or Dell and Apple... those are more appropriate comparisons.

Apple was my first computer.. I would love to see them dominate the industry the RIGHT way.. instead of this closed market, elitist bullshit.

The wrong Steve is leading Apple at the moment.

AustinChief 05-27-2010 04:52 PM

Lead UI developer for Palm just jumped to Android... Palm's biggest strength was the UI... something that Android has been weak on (causing Motorola, HTC and others to develop their own UI overlay)

This is gonna be huge for Android 2.3 and beyond.

Fish 05-27-2010 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by AustinChief (Post 6784818)
No. The iTouch Senior Citizen Edition is just useless. I bear it no ill will, I do however, enjoy pointing out it's silliness to those who defend it in the face of overwhelming facts.

In regards to the article.. I agree that MS is crap.. I just don't see why he would compare MS and Apple... compare HP and Apple or Dell and Apple... those are more appropriate comparisons.

Apple was my first computer.. I would love to see them dominate the industry the RIGHT way.. instead of this closed market, elitist bullshit.

The wrong Steve is leading Apple at the moment.

I understand what you're trying to say. But you're coming off like a jilted lover about it. The importance I got from the article is the recent rise that Apple has made. I don't like the comparison either, but people have been comparing the two, wrongfully or not, for a long time.

AustinChief 05-27-2010 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by KC Fish (Post 6784833)
I understand what you're trying to say. But you're coming off like a jilted lover about it. The importance I got from the article is the recent rise that Apple has made. I don't like the comparison either, but people have been comparing the two, wrongfully or not, for a long time.

If you read what I posted... I am no fan of MS... but as I said, Apple is starting to walk down the same road that lead to MS's stagnation and irrelevance.

As I have said before, I like most Apple products just fine... it's iPhone, iPad, ITunes that bug the crap out of me ... closed minded, closed market BS. Everytime a fan boy buys into their crap... God kills an open source kitten! It's true!

irishjayhawk 05-27-2010 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by AustinChief (Post 6784745)

Time Warner and NBC told Apple to shove it, they are sticking with Flash and have no plans to change that. Looks like a good chunk of programming (NBC, Hulu, TBS, CW, CNN, TNT, TCM, Cartoon, etc etc) is never coming to the iTouch Senior Citizen Edition.

First, if you're going to call his headline misleading, you're being equally misleading. That content will make it to their devices be it iTunes store or an app.

Secondly, I wouldn't be calling anything NBC does a good business move. They've consistently proved they can't handle it. As for Time Warner, they're making a reeruned bet. Hell, the only reason they're wanting Flash is the one of the very reasons piracy is rampant: DRM. Flash provides them with built in DRM and commercial encoding.


Originally Posted by AustinChief (Post 6784818)
No. The iTouch Senior Citizen Edition is just useless. I bear it no ill will, I do however, enjoy pointing out it's silliness to those who defend it in the face of overwhelming facts.

In regards to the article.. I agree that MS is crap.. I just don't see why he would compare MS and Apple... compare HP and Apple or Dell and Apple... those are more appropriate comparisons.

They are compared because one just surpassed the other in market cap. If Microsoft would wise up and build every unit like they did their 360 unit, they'd be in much better shape.

Also, I'm curious as to the "overwhelming facts" that dwarf the defense of their touch products.


Apple was my first computer.. I would love to see them dominate the industry the RIGHT way.. instead of this closed market, elitist bullshit.

The wrong Steve is leading Apple at the moment.
I'd agree but you cannot deny the polish their system has produced. I love apple and I love Google. That's why I'm really liking this competition. In fact, the only company I loathe that's been of discussion recently is Adobe because most of their system is closed and a lot is in bad shape.


Originally Posted by AustinChief (Post 6784830)

Lead UI developer for Palm just jumped to Android... Palm's biggest strength was the UI... something that Android has been weak on (causing Motorola, HTC and others to develop their own UI overlay)

This is gonna be huge for Android 2.3 and beyond.

This is pretty big but I wouldn't say Android has been weak on it. Hell, HTC's Sense UI is horrendous. It also doesn't upgrade fast enough so users can't keep up with Android versions without ditching Sense.

irishjayhawk 05-27-2010 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by AustinChief (Post 6784848)
If you read what I posted... I am no fan of MS... but as I said, Apple is starting to walk down the same road that lead to MS's stagnation and irrelevance.

As I have said before, I like most Apple products just fine... it's iPhone, iTouch Senior Citizen Edition, ITunes that bug the crap out of me ... closed minded, closed market BS. Everytime a fan boy buys into their crap... God kills an open source kitten! It's true!

Except that open source hasn't produced jack shit in terms of hardware. Hell, open source hasn't really even produced a good mobile OS. Sure, Android is "open source" but they have a dedicated team and Google's backing.

AustinChief 05-27-2010 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by irishjayhawk (Post 6784858)
First, if you're going to call his headline misleading, you're being equally misleading. That content will make it to their devices be it iTunes store or an app.

You aasume the content will get there... but frankly, it isn't available yet and may never be.


Originally Posted by irishjayhawk (Post 6784858)
Secondly, I wouldn't be calling anything NBC does a good business move. They've consistently proved they can't handle it. As for Time Warner, they're making a reeruned bet. Hell, the only reason they're wanting Flash is the one of the very reasons piracy is rampant: DRM. Flash provides them with built in DRM and commercial encoding.

I didn't say it was good business... frankly, it's lazy business, just like Apple is conducting at the moment.


Originally Posted by irishjayhawk (Post 6784858)
They are compared because one just surpassed the other in market cap. If Microsoft would wise up and build every unit like they did their 360 unit, they'd be in much better shape.

True on the 360... still think the article is silly...


Originally Posted by irishjayhawk (Post 6784858)
Also, I'm curious as to the "overwhelming facts" that dwarf the defense of their touch products.

The facts regarding its overall usability when the web has a ton of Flash and they refuse to support it.. instead banking on a technology that has yet to arrive in quantity (h.264 over html5) and may never arrive (html5 more likely to adopt WebM)


Originally Posted by irishjayhawk (Post 6784858)
I'd agree but you cannot deny the polish their system has produced. I love apple and I love Google. That's why I'm really liking this competition. In fact, the only company I loathe that's been of discussion recently is Adobe because most of their system is closed and a lot is in bad shape.

I agree 100% on polish. I am not a fan of Adobe.. BUT 10.1 is a vast improvement... still far from perfect though.


Originally Posted by irishjayhawk (Post 6784858)
This is pretty big but I wouldn't say Android has been weak on it. Hell, HTC's Sense UI is horrendous. It also doesn't upgrade fast enough so users can't keep up with Android versions without ditching Sense.

Meh, I think Androids biggest weakness is the UI.. it's just not as intuitive as it should be. This move should REALLY help them alot.

AustinChief 05-27-2010 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by irishjayhawk (Post 6784862)
Except that open source hasn't produced jack shit in terms of hardware. Hell, open source hasn't really even produced a good mobile OS. Sure, Android is "open source" but they have a dedicated team and Google's backing.

I don't think you can have open source hardware... but you are right that Android is open source but definitely not community driven yet. The nice thing is that it CAN be... that can't be said about Apple.

btw.. side note.. regarding open source projects... have you seen what OLPC is doing? Goal is for a fully plastic (no glass) tablet pc for $75 by 2012.

CES 2011 will have more fleshed out details... and possibly a prototype.

Silock 05-27-2010 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by AustinChief (Post 6784797)
yay! so 10+ more apps to install and manage. What a joke.

Again, you make it sound like a chore. It's just as easy as a bookmark in a web browser. This is a really silly battle to pick, here. There's no "managing" to be done. I guess the apps in the Android OS are somehow different, because they just automatically know when you want to use and install them??

As for the subscription thing, it may be coming to the website, as well. They've both been talked about.

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