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Jerm 11-19-2014 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by The Herpe (Post 11125922)
I don't see why people buy single player games like Farcry. $60 for a game that has very little if any replayability? I just use gamefly during the summer when there is a gaming drought and get to play all of the single player games I missed during the winter/spring for 30-50 bucks.

I could understand buying games like Skyrim, Borderlands and Fallout because you can get 100+ hours out of games like that, but I beat Farcry 3 in like 15 or 20 hours.

If you go through everything there is, FC could easily take you 50-60 hours....

007 11-19-2014 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by The Herpe (Post 11125922)
I don't see why people buy single player games like Farcry. $60 for a game that has very little if any replayability? I just use gamefly during the summer when there is a gaming drought and get to play all of the single player games I missed during the winter/spring for 30-50 bucks.

I could understand buying games like Skyrim, Borderlands and Fallout because you can get 100+ hours out of games like that, but I beat Farcry 3 in like 15 or 20 hours.

I wait for price drops but I only like single player games. I can never meet up with anyone for group multiplayer games because I just don't have enough time in my day to play them. I can't rent because I don't just plop down and beat a game in a day. Plus, gamefly ****ing sucks for getting new games. Tried it for 3 months and could never get the games I wanted.

Destiny is another issue. Everyone outranks me by a ton and nobody wants to play with someone so far beneath them. I would love to do some of the more difficult strikes but I hate playing with strangers that don't communicate.

ThaVirus 11-19-2014 05:25 PM

**** Official PS4 Discussion Thread ****
I used to be a single player gamer but ever since Modern Warfare 2 I've switched over to almost exclusively playing online.

Which reminds me, does PSN have a lot of issues with its online services being down? I feel like it does but maybe I'm just remembering that huge hack that took months to sort out. I couldn't imagine buying a console and not being able to play online for months at a time.

007 11-19-2014 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 11126695)
I used to be a single player gamer but ever since Modern Warfare 2 I've switched over to almost exclusively playing online.

Which reminds me, does PSN have a lot of issues with its online services being down? I feel like it does but maybe I'm just remembering that huge hack that took months to sort out. I couldn't imagine buying a console and not being able to play online for months at a time.

That happened one time. they were down for a couple weeks and it hasn't been a problem since. They do a maintenance period every couple weeks but it is only for a couple hours and generally during the afternoon or overnight.

GoShox 11-19-2014 06:33 PM

What's the report on GTA V? Worth getting?

millz 11-19-2014 07:56 PM

I'm not that impressed with GTA. I've only played a bit of it so far and I'm not noticing much of a graphical difference. There's frame rate issues and it just doesn't look as good as I thought...

I'm so fkn sick of these remastered HD collections, games we have already beat on the old gen and there selling them again. It's such a fkn money scheme.

Pretty much, I paid $70 for a FPS view while driving and walking. this shit is trash..

Gonzo 11-19-2014 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by millz (Post 11126939)
I'm not that impressed with GTA. I've only played a bit of it so far and I'm not noticing much of a graphical difference. There's frame rate issues and it just doesn't look as good as I thought...

I'm so fkn sick of these remastered HD collections, games we have already beat on the old gen and there selling them again. It's such a fkn money scheme.

Pretty much, I paid $70 for a FPS view while driving and walking. this shit is trash..

You know what... I was originally going to completely disagree with this but I'm going to go 50/50. The graphics aren't that much better, you're right. Basically yes, the improvements or changes are the landscape, first person, more traffic, better sound quality, and the underwater scenery is much better. However, I'm going to go ahead and agree that it wasnt worth the trade in so far. I haven't played any multiplayer at all yet so I'll reserve complete judgement until then. I'm not big on multiplayer anyway.

Mav 11-19-2014 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 11127055)
You know what... I was originally going to completely disagree with this but I'm going to go 50/50. The graphics aren't that much better, you're right. Basically yes, the improvements or changes are the landscape, first person, more traffic, better sound quality, and the underwater scenery is much better. However, I'm going to go ahead and agree that it wasnt worth the trade in so far. I haven't played any multiplayer at all yet so I'll reserve complete judgement until then. I'm not big on multiplayer anyway.

The only thing I really noticed was I nearly shit myself when I was swimming and a Damn killer whale swam up next to me.

Next the cats and dogs roaming the streets.

I loved the game so I'm not complaining but there isn't that much difference.

Mother****erJones 11-20-2014 12:21 AM

Far cry is so fun. You can replay it. There's a lot of map to run around and find treasures and other things.

millz 11-20-2014 02:35 AM

Far cry looks nice and fun but I can't help but bashing Ubi-soft products and not noticing that this game looks identical to far cry 3 in every single way except the map is different.

gameplay mechanics and everything look the same and not to say that it's a bad thing but I'm just not noticing anything unique or that would blow me away.

Maybe I'm just jealous cause I want it, in fact reviews and comments have been positive and pretty good for the game. I still can't help but feeling in a month or so, the price will drop down and people will be complaining about it or bashing it.

Games to me nowadays don't feel the same as the PS2/PS3/360 days, it's all about your brand and name. It's all about how over hyped it is, people just want the newest latest game and 95% of the time especially for next gen, it most likely always fails to deliver. bugs, glitches, frame rate issues, it's annoying.

PS3 didn't seem like that nor did PS2. I remember actually being excited for a game and getting it the day it comes out and it actually lived up to those expectations. It's pretty fkn sad that Tomb Raider is the best game I've played so far on PS4.

millz 11-20-2014 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 11127055)
You know what... I was originally going to completely disagree with this but I'm going to go 50/50. The graphics aren't that much better, you're right. Basically yes, the improvements or changes are the landscape, first person, more traffic, better sound quality, and the underwater scenery is much better. However, I'm going to go ahead and agree that it wasnt worth the trade in so far. I haven't played any multiplayer at all yet so I'll reserve complete judgement until then. I'm not big on multiplayer anyway.

Multiplayer has never been my thing for GTA games, it's a single player experience.

Even tho I heard the online is nice. I really do not care.

To me, GTA hasn't been the same since San Andreas. call it how you want but 4 was an absolute dud and while 5 was better, it didn't live up to expectations.

So for whatever reason, I ended up getting this AGAIN. Could it be the trailers making it seem like a new improved game? Could it be everyone and there friends over hyping the ****k out of this because its a huge name and series.

Idunno when it started but near the end of the PS3 era, companies decided to re release these games as HD collections ( Metal gear, Jax n daxter, ratchet and clank, devil may cry, etc. ) and while it was cool and refreshing in the beginning, it's become incredibly stale especially on the next gen.

Last of us is an amazing game and graphically way better then GTA on the ps4 but again, I got suckered into buying that again despite beating it and trading in my copy on the ps3.

Where are the original titles? It's nothing but sequels and HD remakes for essentially a 5-600 dollar next gen system.

I'm still gonna play GTA but I'm not rushing to turn my PS4 on right now and experience it and that's the feeling I miss with games. It's gonna collect dust just like watch dogs, destiny, killzone, last of us, etc.

007 11-20-2014 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by millz (Post 11127565)
Far cry looks nice and fun but I can't help but bashing Ubi-soft products and not noticing that this game looks identical to far cry 3 in every single way except the map is different.

gameplay mechanics and everything look the same and not to say that it's a bad thing but I'm just not noticing anything unique or that would blow me away.

Maybe I'm just jealous cause I want it, in fact reviews and comments have been positive and pretty good for the game. I still can't help but feeling in a month or so, the price will drop down and people will be complaining about it or bashing it.

Games to me nowadays don't feel the same as the PS2/PS3/360 days, it's all about your brand and name. It's all about how over hyped it is, people just want the newest latest game and 95% of the time especially for next gen, it most likely always fails to deliver. bugs, glitches, frame rate issues, it's annoying.

PS3 didn't seem like that nor did PS2. I remember actually being excited for a game and getting it the day it comes out and it actually lived up to those expectations. It's pretty fkn sad that Tomb Raider is the best game I've played so far on PS4.

A to the ****in MEN

Chest Rockwell 11-20-2014 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 11126669)
Destiny is another issue. Everyone outranks me by a ton and nobody wants to play with someone so far beneath them. I would love to do some of the more difficult strikes but I hate playing with strangers that don't communicate.

I'm pretty casual and would play with anyone here regardless of level (not that any of mine are all that high), but I haven't been on much the last couple of weeks due to being out of the country.

But I'm back now. Is there a regular time you're around? I think I've only seen you online like once...

And I'm same with single vs. PvP. I ****ing suck at PvP unless I'm on a decent team. Then I suck slightly less.

I'm not far into FC or GTA V so I'm sure I haven't gotten to any of the fun stuff, but I'm enjoying both (granted I'm a huge FC fan in general and I avoided GTA until the current release, soooo...) especially the option to toss bait and watch apex predators wreck shit. I giggle every time. Pagan Min also seems to have potential to be my favorite antagonist in a while. We'll see where I land on them in a few days.

Also, y my name no in OP? I has a sad.

Mother****erJones 11-20-2014 12:16 PM

Far cry 3 was good. Why change shit and make a mess like AC unity?

Mother****erJones 11-20-2014 12:18 PM

GTA is the same exact except for first person. I'm not knocking I love GTA but you can't knock far cry like that.

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