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RunKC 06-05-2013 07:18 AM

Isn't the best way to burn the most calories running sprints or uphill?

morphius 06-05-2013 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Silock (Post 9730236)
It's possible to do a lot of cardio during weights, so long as you aren't taking 5 minutes between sets. I wouldn't call the "during" negligible in that case. As long as you keep the heart rate up, you can burn a ton of calories during weight training.

The great thing about lifting is the lean body mass changes one undergoes. Where most people fail is that cardio tends to me you hungrier than lifting, so you have a tendency to overeat a bit more. If you have self control, though, that's not a problem.

Yup. I do circuits, with only rest between sets, and tends to keep the heart rate between 100 and 145, with an average of 117. So essentially right in that fat burning range.

Omaha 06-05-2013 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Silock (Post 9729974)
He should be lifting more than he should be running (at least 3 days a week of weights, if not 4, combined with 20-30 minutes of medium intensity cardio after). And the number on the scale is irrelevant when compared to body composition changes. If he's gaining enough muscle to offset fat loss, he should be able to see it.


Originally Posted by Brock (Post 9729988)
Every person on earth should be lifting weights.


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 9729996)
I disagree.

Even if his muscles don't get super big because lack of intake, I think that weightlifting is probably the most efficient way to burn calories.

I'm no expert though...

Also he'll gain n00b muscle, regardless of diet during the first few weeks of weight least, I think that's what would happen. One of these smarter guys might be able to corroborate that.


Originally Posted by morphius (Post 9730036)
Yup, lifting weights is said to burn calories longer than cardio.


Originally Posted by Marcellus (Post 9730222)
It will have a longer calorie burning effect after the exercise is complete but if you burn more calories lifting than you do from cardio you aren't doing shit for cardio.

The principal behind lifting to lose weight is simple, muscle uses calories, fat doesn't so more muscle mass equals more calories needed just to maintain weight.

Its not that the exercises used in lifting is burning those calories faster.There is negligible calorie burn from lifting compared to cardio.

IMO anyone wanting to lose weight should lift and do whatever cardio they can. Add a good diet to that and you have a 3 fold effect.


Omaha 06-05-2013 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 9730196)
It has a really bad reputation in the weightlifting community. Planet Fatness is a common nickname due to their "lunk alarm." I have a friend who says he was kicked out of the one here for sweating too much.

But if it works for you, then awesome. My gym is different from the norm so I can't judge.

From what people have told me, it's a joke. Do they really have these things?

- No deadlifting allowed
- No grunting or excess sweating
- Free pizza Mondays
- Lunk alarm

If that stuff is real, it wouldn't be worth my $10.

lcarus 06-05-2013 08:48 AM

I know the "no grunting rule" exists. I was told an alarm was set off because of a pretty minor grunt. Which is astonishingly reeruned....

lcarus 06-05-2013 08:54 AM

I exercised for the first time in a long ass while last night. I did 3 sets of 25 pushups, a shit ton of crunches, and ran a mile. I feel great this morning, but also sore as shit. God I'm out of

el borracho 06-05-2013 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 9729869)
But I have a couple questions..

The first one is for my fat friend. He's been trying to lose weight and consulting me all the while. He started maybe a month or so ago at 280. He's been doing mostly cardio but says he lifts weights occasionally. I told him he shouldn't even bother with weight lifting at this point because he's not going to build a whole lot of muscle while only taking in around 1000 calories a day. Plus muscle weighs more than fat and I figured he may get discouraged if he actually were able to cut down on fat but gain muscle in its place and have the scale show a number he'd be disappointed in.

I said, if I were him, I wouldn't even lift a weight until I hit around 220. Do you disagree? Should he lift some while trying to lose a massive amount of weight?

Silock and others have covered it very well, but I would add that your friend needs to choose an exercise/diet routine that they enjoy. If they don't like it, they won't stick with it. It takes a long time to change your body, they need to understand that they are going to have to work their ass off for a very long time to see dramatic change. This is where many people fail- they may begin with a good exercise/diet routine, but they don't stick with it long enough to see results.

I would also add that your friend should find a workout buddy with similar goals to motivate them and hold them accountable.

Saul Good 06-05-2013 09:45 AM

The whole notion that fat people who work out gain weight because they are building heavy muscle is absurd. If you're visibly overweight, there is no way to add muscle weight faster than you lose fat if you are exercising/eating correctly.

When someone is significantly overweight, it's nothing to lose five pounds of bad weight in a month with a little exercise and proper portion control. There is no way in hell that this same person is packing on more than five pounds of muscle in a week. I don't give a **** if you're on roids. It's simply not happening. It's nothing more than living in denial/making excuses.

Aspengc8 06-05-2013 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 9730473)
The whole notion that fat people who work out gain weight because they are building heavy muscle is absurd. If you're visibly overweight, there is no way to add muscle weight faster than you lose fat if you are exercising/eating correctly.

When someone is significantly overweight, it's nothing to lose five pounds of bad weight in a month with a little exercise and proper portion control. There is no way in hell that this same person is packing on more than five pounds of muscle in a week. I don't give a **** if you're on roids. It's simply not happening. It's nothing more than living in denial/making excuses.

Not sure if anyone even said that. If they are working out hard and eating good food, they will recomp a lot. Their scale weight may not drop as FAST as a crash diet, but they will be increasing their LBM at a better rate, all while building some srength. Someone that fat can get away with eating well under maintenance and actually build some muscle because of the high surplus of energy he is already carrying.

el borracho 06-10-2013 11:31 AM

Five sets of five at 250 this morning on the bench. Hope the rest of the (Russian Bench) program goes as well. Three weeks to go!

lewdog 06-11-2013 05:49 PM

I have run a workout log on a different forum for years now. At times I have also been given free supplements to log for various companies and report what I thought. I would be willing to share in a PM for any of those interested in following along.

Silock 06-11-2013 07:26 PM

Send me.

Simply Red 06-11-2013 07:50 PM

Hey you all.

Ok - First off - regarding the grocer thread - I took Buck's advice and went to Trader Joes.

I can NOT believe how cheap it is! Here's what I got for 67USD

Gallon Skim
2#'s boneless/skinless breasts - chicken
Black Forest Bacon
Pepper Corn natural turkey slices - cold cut type - only minimal fillers.
Bag of oranges - ;)
Banana bunch
two filets
two sirloins
Jarlsberg Swiss
TJ Steak sauce
Brussel Sprouts
Organic Broc. bunch/stalk
Diet Orange soda
Brown Sugar Shredded wheat cereal
a lemon

Simply Red 06-11-2013 07:53 PM

I've started working out - yet i've not organized my routine. I'm simply merging into obsession. I have to work toward it in little stages - as I see results, i get more and more obsessive, it's just how I operate. But i've worked out 25 mins every night for a while - I'm just getting started though - bear with me beautiful babies.

Titty Meat 06-11-2013 08:16 PM

Silly question but is there anyway to make jogging easier? I run about a mile and ny ankle that I've severely sprained a few times seems to flare up.

lewdog 06-11-2013 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Bo's Pelini (Post 9745391)
Silly question but is there anyway to make jogging easier? I run about a mile and ny ankle that I've severely sprained a few times seems to flare up.

If you want cardio that is similar in caloric expenditure but easier on the joints, Incline walking (high incline) at a good pace (3.5-4.0 MPH) should be your friend. My preferred cardio to keep my joints happy so I can still lift heavy.

Simply Red 06-11-2013 08:20 PM

billay what sort of shoes are you running in?

Simply Red 06-11-2013 09:08 PM


lewdog 06-11-2013 10:05 PM

Been tracking calories and fasting until noon or 1 each day and eating calories from 12-9. Working out around 4 pm.

Sitting at 175g protein, 70g fat and 100g carbs. Approx 1,750 for calories.

Silock 06-11-2013 10:51 PM

So, a couple of years ago, I got down to mid single digit bodyfat without any crazy diet manipulation. Just a good old fashioned calorie deficit, plenty of protein and low/no carb. Workouts 3 times a week with some soccer sprinkled in. I went through a bit of a maintenance cycle where I gained a bit of weight. Couldn't keep my BF% that low year-round. Was just too much work. Went through a little "mini-bulk" where I just didn't count calories and tried to keep strength levels up while playing soccer 6 days a week. Well, now it's time to really lean down since it's summer time, and I wanted to try something a little different, just to compare the results.

Enter: Ultimate Diet 2.0 by Lyle McDonald. It sounds strangely like the CarbNite plan, but with a lot more science to it and a lot more structure and planning. I'm sticking to it 100% and not doing any crazy crap on my carb loads.

The basic premise is that you do super low carb, pretty big deficit with 1-1.5g per lbs of lean mass for 3.5 days. During this time you do 2 big "Depletion workouts." The point of these workouts is to get rid of all the muscle glycogen in your system. So, it's basically hell. 15-20 reps, 5-6 sets per body part, 1 minute of rest . . . then you get to do it all again the next day.

Wednesday is basically a rest day, but you still keep the carbs low and protein high, as well as the same intake from Monday and Tuesday. Thursday you do a morning cardio workout and eat 75% of what you ate on M/T/W. Then, at night, you do one more "Intensity Workout" of 2-3 sets per bodypart, 6-12 reps, 2 minutes of rest and then do a 24 hour carb load after that. But it's not just ANY carbs. Specifically, you're focusing on high GI carbs. So, pasta, pancakes, bread, dextrose sugar candies, etc. Some fructose is fine, and improves the carb load, but you can't have too much, and the majority should come from the quickest sugars. I'm modifying this a bit, which is permitted in the plan, and keeping Thursday the same as Wednesday, and not starting the carb load until Friday morning, and moving that Thursday PM Intensity workout to first-thing Friday morning. Just works better with my schedule that way.

The rest of that Friday is just resting and eating carbs (7-8g/lbs), keeping protein high (1-1.5g/lbs), and fat LOW. That's the real key. No donuts for me. Not butter or tons of oils. The idea here is that you can, supposedly, keep the fat burning going while all the carbs you eat go straight to your muscles. So, eating a ton of cals isn't going to make you gain fat. I'm skeptical, but willing to give it a try. It's different than carbnite, because this requires you to do the depletion workouts, or the whole thing doesn't work. Saturday is a Power Workout day, where you keep the rest periods long, reps low and focus on really building strength. Carbs aren't nearly as high today; more in the range of 2-2.5g/lbs, and more complex carbs are permitted here (cereal, here I come). Sunday is back to a low-ish carb day, where carbs should come in the morning and taper off by night. P.M. cardio is encouraged. Then it starts all over again.

So, this is my experiment. You are not supposed to do this diet until you are sub 15% BF. You are supposed to eat at or above maintenance levels for two weeks before starting this, as well, so that your metabolism comes in without being slowed down already.

Silock 06-11-2013 10:52 PM

Day 1:

Man, this depletion workout blows ass. It's hard as **** and I felt like I was going to puke about halfway through. I didn't, though, much to my surprise. I went to a soccer game after, just to sub for a few minutes and get some running in. Well, they didn't have any subs, so I ended up playing the whole game. It was NOT pretty. I had no legs. It was BAD. It definitely didn't help that I've played every day for 14 days straight, and am currently playing in 6 soccer leagues. That's ending now, though, thankfully. I need the mental and physical break. But I made it through the game without puking or ****ing up too badly.


Warm-up on bike, 3 minutes. Already sweating from just coming in from the heat outside. Hit up the foam roller on my legs and back and off we go!

Hack Squat - 3 sets, 20 reps each. Legs burning. It was hard, but doable.
Leg curl, single leg - 3 sets, 20, 17, 15 reps. Can barely walk.
Incline chest press machine - 3 sets, 20, 20, 18 reps. Easy enough.
Seated Cable row - 3 sets, 20 reps. Doable, but had to lower weight on last set to hit reps.
Lateral Raise machine - 3 sets, 20 reps, lowered weight each time.
Bicep Curls (DB) - 2 sets, 20, 15 reps. OW.
Tricep Rope Pushdown - 2 sets, 20, 18 reps. OWWWW.
Leg Extension - 2 sets, 20 reps. OMG.
Leg curl (two legs) - 2 sets, 18, 15 reps. Can't walk. Had to put my head in between my knees and sit so I didn't pass out.
Chest Press Machine - 2 sets, 18 reps, 15 reps (barely).
Seated Row Machine - 2 sets, 20 reps.

Soccer, 80 minutes.

MCT Oil (2 tsp) + Trutein Pumpkin Pie shake
24 oz chicken breast, baked
1 scoop ON Casein

Totals: 1076 cals, 204g protein, 23g fat, 14g carbs.

Day 2:

Didn't snap any pics yesterday, so I got some from today:

Immediately post-depletion workout #2 -- I look fat and paler than Jim Gaffigan.

Four hours post-workout, back to looking somewhat normal:


Hack Squat - 5 sets, 20 reps.
Leg Curl (two legged) - 5 sets, 20 reps. Now I really can't walk.
DB Bench press - 3 sets, 20 reps, 15 reps, 12 reps. Not good that I didn't make the rep goal, so I'll have to make it up later in the workout.
DB Row - 3 sets, 20 reps. Not as good of a back workout as the seated cable row. Noted.
DB Lateral Raise - 3 sets, 15 reps, decreasing weight. Could barely do 10 lbs DBs on the last set. OUCH.
DB Bicep curl - 3 sets, 20, 15, 15 reps.
Tricep rope pushdown - 3 sets, 15 reps. ARMS ON FIRE.
Incline Chest Press Machine - 2 sets, 20, 15 reps. Arms gave out before chest. Going to have to figure out a better way to hit chest.
Seated Machine Row - 2 sets, 20 reps. Still not a good back workout. Good thing I did it okay yesterday.

Soccer AGAIN - 40 minutes of playing time in indoor. Legs even more dead than yesterday. Got outrun by guys 10 years older than me. Obviously not normal. I just have nothing in the tank. Was going to mow the lawn, but I don't think I can push the mower up the hill more than twice (seriously). Too tired.


(Will sum up when I finish eating today)

Hammock Parties 06-11-2013 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Silock (Post 9746184)
Immediately post-depletion workout #2 -- I look fat and paler than Jim Gaffigan.

Hammock Parties 06-11-2013 11:15 PM

How is that 200g of protein BTW?

Sorter 06-11-2013 11:23 PM

I think it's pretty cool Rory MacDonald A) Lost Weight, B) Got a sweet tat, and C) posts on Chiefsplanet.

Sorter 06-11-2013 11:25 PM

His length is going to be interesting at 155. Really going to have to focus on his lateral movement though for fights against Bendo, Pettis (after he loses to Jose) and Gil.

Silock 06-11-2013 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Branden Albert's Huge Balls (Post 9746222)
How is that 200g of protein BTW?

Trutein shake (2 scoops) - 48g
24 oz chicken breast - 132g
1 scoop casein - 24g

Bowser 06-11-2013 11:37 PM

Christ, you did that workout on 1,000 calories? Bravo. I would have stroked out.

RunKC 06-11-2013 11:41 PM

I started doing high intensity workouts yesterday.

Jogged half a mile to the park and then did 6 40 yard sprints and then jogged half a mile back...oh and I nearly threw up. Probably didn't help that my dumbass did this workout in 90 degree weather.

Silock 06-11-2013 11:42 PM

Actually, I did it on zero calories. I fasted until it was all over, and then I ate.

Bowser 06-11-2013 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by Silock (Post 9746262)
Actually, I did it on zero calories. I fasted until it was all over, and then I ate.

Props. How many hours was the fast, and is that a daily thing?

Sorter 06-11-2013 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by Silock (Post 9746262)
Actually, I did it on zero calories. I fasted until it was all over, and then I ate.

Personally, I really enjoyed the years of my life spent working out several times a day on 0 calories.

Makes you appreciate food. Especially when you begin having dreams about it.

Silock 06-11-2013 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 9746265)
Props. How many hours was the fast, and is that a daily thing?

Thanks. Yeah, it's daily (except for the carb loading on Friday, Saturday and Sunday).

It was about a 16 hour fast.

Silock 06-11-2013 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Sorter (Post 9746269)
Personally, I really enjoyed the years of my life spent working out several times a day on 0 calories.

Makes you appreciate food. Especially when you begin having dreams about it.

I just don't work out well with food in me. It tends to make me nauseated from the blood leaving my stomach. I guess that's a good thing, as it means I work out hard.

Sorter 06-11-2013 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Silock (Post 9746271)
I just don't work out well with food in me. It tends to make me nauseated from the blood leaving my stomach. I guess that's a good thing, as it means I work out hard.

I can't work out, play sports, etc. after eating.

Hammock Parties 06-11-2013 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by Sorter (Post 9746274)
I can't work out, play sports, etc. after eating.

Yeah I'm finding more and more if I eat a big meal I really do not want to work out afterwards.

That's why I looooove fasted workouts.

Although the other day almost killed me when I did a 9 mile bike ride immediately after the gym.

Sorter 06-11-2013 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by Branden Albert's Huge Balls (Post 9746279)
Yeah I'm finding more and more if I eat a big meal I really do not want to work out afterwards.

That's why I looooove fasted workouts.

Although the other day almost killed me when I did a 9 mile bike ride immediately after the gym.

Hill heavy?

I detest bikes. Probably due to the many years I had to deal with the exercise variant.

Hammock Parties 06-11-2013 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by Sorter (Post 9746283)
Hill heavy?

I detest bikes. Probably due to the many years I had to deal with the exercise variant.

There are two enormous ****ing hills in it, and a lot of uphill riding on the way back.

It's pretty awesome.

I detest running, so biking works for me.

Bowser 06-12-2013 12:05 AM

I'll be honest - I've avoided this thread like the plague. I have put my weight back on that I worked so hard to take off a couple of years ago, and it's had a really negative impact on my psyche. I've started dabbling with workouts again the last couple of weeks, and have put forth an effort to re-do my diet, but today was not a good day.

My problems are all between my ears, as most of ours are. The bummer is that I just got stuck in this loop of beating myself up about letting myself go so badly, again. The good news is that I seem to be getting my potato salad eating ass back to a place where I appear to be motivated to do something about it, so I'll be checking in here to help with some motivation from time to time.

Thanks for the quick free therapy!

Sorter 06-12-2013 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by Branden Albert's Huge Balls (Post 9746288)
There are two enormous ****ing hills in it, and a lot of uphill riding on the way back.

It's pretty awesome.

I detest running, so biking works for me.

I hate running too. The only way I really can "enjoy" it is to be on trails with a lengthy podcast. Music and running outside on the street was fine for the first 8+ years of doing it. Now it's so ****ing boring, it's unbearable.

Sorter 06-12-2013 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 9746293)
I'll be honest - I've avoided this thread like the plague. I have put my weight back on that I worked so hard to take off a couple of years ago, and it's had a really negative impact on my psyche. I've started dabbling with workouts again the last couple of weeks, and have put forth an effort to re-do my diet, but today was not a good day.

My problems are all between my ears, as most of ours are. The bummer is that I just got stuck in this loop of beating myself up about letting myself go so badly, again. The good news is that I seem to be getting my potato salad eating ass back to a place where I appear to be motivated to do something about it, so I'll be checking in here to help with some motivation from time to time.

Thanks for the quick free therapy!

The hardest thing to do is getting back into your routine. Once you're in, you're golden, pony boy.

el borracho 06-12-2013 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 9746293)
I'll be honest - I've avoided this thread like the plague. I have put my weight back on that I worked so hard to take off a couple of years ago, and it's had a really negative impact on my psyche. I've started dabbling with workouts again the last couple of weeks, and have put forth an effort to re-do my diet, but today was not a good day.

My problems are all between my ears, as most of ours are. The bummer is that I just got stuck in this loop of beating myself up about letting myself go so badly, again. The good news is that I seem to be getting my potato salad eating ass back to a place where I appear to be motivated to do something about it, so I'll be checking in here to help with some motivation from time to time.

Thanks for the quick free therapy!

Welcome back... now get your ass to the gym!

AphexPhin 06-12-2013 12:11 AM

good thread fellas. Fitness is very important to me and should be to everyone. I try to run 3 times a week but I want to run more(normally just 3 miles). I definitely need to stretch better cause I've been sore all week.

Hammock Parties 06-12-2013 12:18 AM

That's one drawback to biking...probably unwise to be plugged in. At least where I ride.

Sorter 06-12-2013 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by Branden Albert's Huge Balls (Post 9746311)
That's one drawback to biking...probably unwise to be plugged in. At least where I ride.


I fear no cars while running on trails.

Aspengc8 06-12-2013 08:27 AM

Well its been 4 weeks today since I started eating paleo and trying to get all my cals into just 3 meals. Starting weight was 226, weighed in 214 this morning. Visibly leaner though most of that loss is from water. Finally pulled 500lb for a easy double, i havent really ventured past 405 since since college. My goals this year were to get down to 200-205, and be able to hit 315/405/500 on the big 3. Been running on 5/3/1 four day program with hill sprints 2x week, taking only sunday off. If anyone knows some good bench assistance work throw it at me.. all I've been adding in is dumbell bench with fat grips and weighted dips.

tooge 06-12-2013 08:43 AM

that prowler looks cool, but loud in the street. I'm old school. I have an old truck tire and I pull it running up my driveway (about 75 yards) and then back down again at full sprint. I do this three or four times. I'm 46 yo and can still get up and go pretty well running. I pull it with a rope and chain. Works for me and it was free.

Omaha 06-12-2013 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Branden Albert's Huge Balls (Post 9746311)
That's one drawback to biking...probably unwise to be plugged in. At least where I ride.


Originally Posted by Sorter (Post 9746318)

I fear no cars while running on trails.

I've got a little bluetooth speaker that I listen to on long rides. It's much safer than wearing earbuds. I mostly ride trails, but I have to ride on the street to get to them.

Saul Good 06-12-2013 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Bo's Pelini (Post 9745391)
Silly question but is there anyway to make jogging easier? I run about a mile and ny ankle that I've severely sprained a few times seems to flare up.

Get some good shoes and pop a couple of Advil before you run. As your body adjusts to running, you will tend to get inflammation in your knees and ankles. Advil will help with that.

Silock 06-12-2013 11:37 PM

Day 3:

Crazy how much water weight I've lost. I don't own a scale or even use one, but just visually, it's pretty ridic.

That's about 26 hours after the last gym photo.


I'm not really supposed to have a workout today, because it's pretty close to the next intensity workout. However, because that's moved to Friday, per the plan options, I went ahead and did a light one this evening. Didn't feel like I hit chest and back as hard as I could have yesterday. So, I decided to give them one final hit to make sure I was really depleted there.

Incline BB Press - 3 sets, 20, 18, 15 reps.
Seated Cable Row - 3 sets, 20 reps
Cable crunch - 3 sets, 20 reps
Cable Fly - 3 sets, 20, 20, 18 reps
Seated Cable Row - 3 sets, 20 reps.
Cable crunch - 3 sets, 20, 18, 15 reps.


Hammock Parties 06-12-2013 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Omaha (Post 9746582)
I've got a little bluetooth speaker that I listen to on long rides. It's much safer than wearing earbuds. I mostly ride trails, but I have to ride on the street to get to them.

Oh, awesome. Link?

silver5liter 06-13-2013 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by lewdog (Post 9745416)
If you want cardio that is similar in caloric expenditure but easier on the joints, Incline walking (high incline) at a good pace (3.5-4.0 MPH) should be your friend. My preferred cardio to keep my joints happy so I can still lift heavy.

Pretty much what I do every night at the gym. set the incline to 11-12 and cruise at 3.5

Aspengc8 06-13-2013 06:33 AM

Worked up to 265x8 squat last night, then hit 315x4, 365x1, and 405x1, which is a PR since my ACL reconstruction 2 years ago. Finished with glute haim raise 5x8-10, some cable crunshes and called it a night. Tried to do some power cleans but the gym doesnt have bumper plates. I dropped 185 to see what it sounded like and it was not good lol. Hill sprints tonight yay!

Omaha 06-13-2013 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Branden Albert's Huge Balls (Post 9748725)
Oh, awesome. Link?

I've got the boombot1. It's incredibly lightweight and it has a clip that attaches to my backpack. They also make a bike mount if yo want to attach it to your handlebars.

Silock 06-13-2013 11:09 PM

Day 4:

Rough day. Not so much the hunger, although it was pretty bad. I just had zero energy. Took the dogs to the park and didn't even feel like walking around. Too bad, I had a soccer game tonight. Went to play, and was just the walking dead. Forced myself to run, but it wasn't fun. Mind over matter. Had to be. Had to play the whole game, as we had no subs.


Just a soccer game. No lifting.


Casein Shake
Broiled 26 oz Scallops

Totals: 1019 cals, 4g carbs, 38g fat, 180g protein

RunKC 06-13-2013 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Silock (Post 9751285)
Day 4:

Rough day. Not so much the hunger, although it was pretty bad. I just had zero energy. Took the dogs to the park and didn't even feel like walking around. Too bad, I had a soccer game tonight. Went to play, and was just the walking dead. Forced myself to run, but it wasn't fun. Mind over matter. Had to be. Had to play the whole game, as we had no subs.


Just a soccer game. No lifting.


Casein Shake
Broiled 26 oz Scallops
Casein Shake

Totals: 1226 cals, 12g carbs, 35g fat, 228g protein

just curious, are casein shake's good? I've had bad experiences trying any kind of whey protein shake's. Every single one I've tried tasted horrible.

Simply Red 06-13-2013 11:13 PM

casein ehh?

Simply Red 06-13-2013 11:15 PM

I had a nice little workout - 44 mins - i'm back up to 197 - dude, I don't get it - i'm whiffing somewhere.

Simply Red 06-13-2013 11:16 PM

water i guess - i drink water all day. I'm definitely tightening up - so i'm not sure what the deal is w/ the 3lbs.

Simply Red 06-13-2013 11:19 PM

I'd imagine it's pretty badass to be in a soccer league - I sometimes regret I never played soccer.

Simply Red 06-13-2013 11:20 PM

here's one for you all - how often do you eat red meat and how often do you eat chicken. Silock my Fedex dude is hardcore - he said red meat once per month is plenty.

Silock 06-13-2013 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by RunKC (Post 9751294)
just curious, are casein shake's good? I've had bad experiences trying any kind of whey protein shake's. Every single one I've tried tasted horrible.

Depends on the brand.

Optimum Nutrition chocolate cake batter casein is awesome.

Trutein is great -- Pumpkin pie and Cinnabun are amazing.

As far as whey goes, Myofusion has great flavors, as does Optimum Nutrition (Although ON isn't "quite" as good).

Silock 06-13-2013 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red (Post 9751314)
here's one for you all - how often do you eat red meat and how often do you eat chicken. Silock my Fedex dude is hardcore - he said red meat once per month is plenty.

Just about every day. There's nothing wrong with red meat. Just about everything in moderation is fine.

silver5liter 06-13-2013 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Silock (Post 9751317)
Depends on the brand.

Optimum Nutrition chocolate cake batter casein is awesome.

Trutein is great -- Pumpkin pie and Cinnabun are amazing.

As far as whey goes, Myofusion has great flavors, as does Optimum Nutrition (Although ON isn't "quite" as good).

Scivation has amazing chocolate whey. ON is decent but not great

Silock 06-13-2013 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by silver5liter (Post 9751322)
Scivation has amazing chocolate whey. ON is decent but not great

Scivation also has less protein per scoop and more fat. It BETTER taste good.

I don't like ON's double chocolate, but ON's extreme chocolate milk is awesome, as is caramel toffee fudge.

Simply Red 06-13-2013 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by Silock (Post 9751318)
Just about every day. There's nothing wrong with red meat. Just about everything in moderation is fine.

i think the quiet calories - the calories that are getting me in trouble are: Milk and Natural Peanut Butter - over doing it a tad maybe - but i'm still hanging around 1500-1700 per day - so i found it odd i weighed in at 197 versus a week agos 194 - ughhh - the frustration. I guess at least i'm SEEING some results - so there's that.

Simply Red 06-13-2013 11:40 PM

I've been using this one from Whole Foods - the lady swore by it.

Simply Red 06-13-2013 11:45 PM

I'm open to criticism - I want to fine-tune - I'm open for any and all advise - I'm really enjoying the challenge, TBH.

Silock 06-13-2013 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red (Post 9751336)
i think the quiet calories - the calories that are getting me in trouble are: Milk and Natural Peanut Butter - over doing it a tad maybe - but i'm still hanging around 1500-1700 per day - so i found it odd i weighed in at 197 versus a week agos 194 - ughhh - the frustration. I guess at least i'm SEEING some results - so there's that.

Don't go by the scale. Why do you think I"m taking pictures every day? I don't even own a scale. My gym's scale is broken. I'm going simply by visuals, because that's more important. I don't need to "make weight" for anything.

You can fluctuate up to 10 lbs in just a single day due to water fluctuations.

There's nothing wrong with milk or natural PB. But most natural PB has added sugar, as well as a lot of fat. You're better off just eating peanuts, because 1) they have fiber, so it's easier to fill up on them, and 2) the energy in whole, raw nuts is less bioavailable, so you can eat a lot of them without actually consuming all of the calories it says you did.

Silock 06-13-2013 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red (Post 9751352)
I'm open to criticism - I want to fine-tune - I'm open for any and all advise - I'm really enjoying the challenge, TBH.

Okay-- Your protein powder sucks and is way overpriced. :)

Simply Red 06-13-2013 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by Silock (Post 9751354)
Okay-- Your protein powder sucks and is way overpriced. :)

Fair enough - I'd like a few that you'd recommend. I'm almost through this one.

Simply Red 06-13-2013 11:59 PM

i like to put a little natural peanut butter in the shaker - choc. pb protein shake FTW!

Simply Red 06-14-2013 12:01 AM

they don't register Sugar in the listing of ingredients - however you're correct - mine shows 1g - Sugar. Funny how they're tricky in that regard.

Simply Red 06-14-2013 12:02 AM

& thanks Clay for the rep/set ratio - that was a nice balance. Ok - obnoxious n00b out!

Silock 06-14-2013 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by Simply Red (Post 9751366)
Fair enough - I'd like a few that you'd recommend. I'm almost through this one.

I've recommended a few just in the last few posts.

silver5liter 06-14-2013 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by Silock (Post 9751334)
Scivation also has less protein per scoop and more fat. It BETTER taste good.

I don't like ON's double chocolate, but ON's extreme chocolate milk is awesome, as is caramel toffee fudge.

We are talking 2 grams of fat and about 1gram protein depending if you get gold standard. For the value its pretty good.

Simply Red 06-14-2013 12:17 AM

I hate that protein powder by Biochem gets the thumb down from silock - I was looking forward to the seal of approval - hey - their dairies use cows who are steroid free. so there's that - yeah boyeeeeeeee! and it's mixing capability is phenomenal. How does the biochem stack up in fat comparison?

silver5liter 06-14-2013 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by Simply Red (Post 9751404)
I hate that protein powder by Biochem gets the thumb down from silock - I was looking forward to the seal of approval - hey - their dairies use cows who are steroid free. so there's that - yeah boyeeeeeeee! and it's mixing capability is phenomenal. How does the biochem stack up in fat comparison?

Just go to hyvee and pick up a lb of ON and see if you like it. its good stuff, stay away from any vanilla imo. never tasted a good vanilla protein.

Simply Red 06-14-2013 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by silver5liter (Post 9751413)
Just go to hyvee and pick up a lb of ON and see if you like it. its good stuff, stay away from any vanilla imo. never tasted a good vanilla protein.

actually mine is chocolate - i just used that photo because it was the first I ran into. what is ON?

Simply Red 06-14-2013 12:26 AM

got it - thanks.

Silock 06-14-2013 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by silver5liter (Post 9751395)
We are talking 2 grams of fat and about 1gram protein depending if you get gold standard. For the value its pretty good.

Scivation has 21, ON has 24. And not that it makes a HUGE difference, but scivation also uses more concentrate in their blends than ON does. They both have bcaas, which is equally stupid, but ON also has glutamine in it, so you don't have to add it.

Scivation's nutrition info doesn't add up to the claimed calorie number, either. It's actually about 10 cals more than they say it is.

I'm not trying to bash Scivation. The differences aren't huge. It just seems as though ON is a little more honest and gives a higher quality protein than Scivation does.

Scivation's XTend is an awesome product, though. I love it.

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