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BIG_DADDY 11-10-2003 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
What do you want me to say. You expressed your opinion. I read it. You said that my observations about conservatives are similiar in nature. You said that my remarks about the government and military are as well. I'll grant you the remarks about the government and the military as they are entities for which I do speak using a singular voice as an institution.

However, I do not believe that bigoted or racists conservative males on the board are in any way representative of the conservative right at a whole. I think they happen to represent some of the worst that the 'right' has to offer but I do not believe the entire movement is nearly that nasty, or bigoted, or despicable at all. And I reject your implication or assertion that my view of that handful of folks is widespread of ALL conservatives.

Who are you talking about?

BIG_DADDY 11-10-2003 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch
Obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his/her own opinions and prejudices. According to websters you, and me, and most on this BB are bigots. Only the degree varies.....

The queen bee of bigotry according to that definition.

Raiderhater 11-10-2003 02:26 PM


I already knew that raiderhader was a sexist piece of crap. Hell, he's lucky my wife didn't kick his ass at Gators during the 37 Forever weekend. (BTW, it's called respect, Jamie. It's too bad you have none for women. No wonder you're a virgin--and if you talk to all women the way you did that Friday, you better get used to it.)



What_I_do_remember_saying_was_that_my_views_on_women_in_the_military_was_BECAUSE_of_the_RESPECT_I_ha ve_for_women.





Simplex3 11-10-2003 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Mark M
First of all, the stats are being misused. I could say that my workplace is fair because half of the people are minorities, but if I only work with 5 people that's not saying a whole helluva lot.

Why is that not saying a whole lot? Blacks are being overly represented. Or, to take the glass is half empty approach that you do, white are desperately UNDER represented. According to your argument affirmitive action should be what, 50 blacks, THEN 15% black thereafter? No one profession will ever be truly equally representitive of all social groups, because different social groups are attracted to different type of employment.


Originally Posted by Mark M
Second, no one is stopping a white guy from playing FB or BB. If they're good enough, they get a job. Owners and collegiate ADs, on the other hand, are keeping competent, worthy minorities from coaching jobs. Not because they are necessarily racist, but because there's a "good 'ol boy network" going on. How else does Dennis Erickson get another job in the NFL when he sucked total ass the first time around? How the fucking hell does Schottenheimer still have a job? Why did Detroit make up their minds before even interviewing anyone else? Of course, I'm sure you'll say I've been brainwashed by the media, or that I'm PC, or however else you want to justify it.

Why does Dungy still have a job? A head coach's job is to win championships, his playoff record is dismal. Why does Herman Edwards still have a job? His Jets are sucking ass and he's never proven anything. Not every coach is Bill Parcels just waiting for an opportunity. You have no proof or evidence to support your claim unless you have documentation from some coaching search saying:

"Well, we found this great black coach, but I think we'll hire this white loser instead. Hell, it's not like I want to keep my job."


Originally Posted by Mark M
Third, I agree that Affirmative Action doesn't work. Read my post a few pages ago and you'd have seen that.

You don't believe in affirmative action, but half of the employees in a small company being black isn't enough? :spock:

You're crying and whining about representation, but you don't apply it equally. If you want the NFL head coaching positions to not be racist, then we need to break it down:

16 men, 16 women.
5 blacks, 10 hispanics, 2 asians, and 15 whites. Of course we'll be under-representing American Indians, Middle Eastern-Americans, etc. Quite a quandry, huh?

KCWolfman 11-10-2003 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Mark M
First of all, the stats are being misused. I could say that my workplace is fair because half of the people are minorities, but if I only work with 5 people that's not saying a whole helluva lot.

Second, no one is stopping a white guy from playing FB or BB. If they're good enough, they get a job. Owners and collegiate ADs, on the other hand, are keeping competent, worthy minorities from coaching jobs. Not because they are necessarily racist, but because there's a "good 'ol boy network" going on. How else does Dennis Erickson get another job in the NFL when he sucked total ass the first time around? How the fucking hell does Schottenheimer still have a job? Why did Detroit make up their minds before even interviewing anyone else? Of course, I'm sure you'll say I've been brainwashed by the media, or that I'm PC, or however else you want to justify it.

Third, I agree that Affirmative Action doesn't work. Read my post a few pages ago and you'd have seen that.

Fourth and last, what I've "scene" on this BBs in this thread is ridiculous. White men crying about how they're soooo mistreated is the most pathetic thing I've ever "scene" in this place, and has shown me a lot about a few of its members.

I already knew that raiderhader was a sexist piece of crap. Hell, he's lucky my wife didn't kick his ass at Gators during the 37 Forever weekend. (BTW, it's called respect, Jamie. It's too bad you have none for women. No wonder you're a virgin--and if you talk to all women the way you did that Friday, you better get used to it.)

I already knew some here think it's okay to throw racial insults around--afterall, people are just "too sensitive" nowadays. I mean, racism is okay as long as it's not the poor, oppressed white man experiencing it.

This thread takes the ****ing cake.

See ya.


Detroit made up their minds to hire a SB winning coach, it really doesn't fit in your argument. We can go through the motions and act like we are going to give a black man a chance at coaching a team (like Jerry Jones did) if that is what the "balanced and fair" want, but it doesn't work. Dallas interviewed black coaches, do you truly believe they were going to hire anyone but Parcells? Why did they interview anyone else? Because they didn't want to be hit with a bogus fine like Detroit was.

Currently there are 3 black coaches out of 32 teams - Dungy, Edwards, Lewis. The black population is approximately 12% of the nation, there is not a whole lot of disparity there at all. While only one was hired after affirmative action was implemented in the NFL, he merely took the spot of another, Green. None of that is justification, it is fact. How did Tony Dungy get another job? Last I saw, he was still black. Why is Herman Edwards still at NY? Seriously, look at his record and give me an answer.

I honestly don't see a multimillionaire have the following issue: "hmm, I love owning my team and having it coached by a white man. Thanks to hiring Schottenheimer, I won't be able to raise ticket prices anytime soon, but at least he is white. I know Marvin Lewis would have got me to the SB, but I would rather be a loser with a white coach than a SB winner with a black one".

Simplex3 11-10-2003 02:39 PM

The only racist people that are multi-millionaires or billionaires inherited it. Like, say, the Kenedys.

Those who earned it did it by working with the best people out there.

How many rich Klansmen do you see? Not very many. I can point to as many rich black "leaders" (like Jesse Jackson).

BIG_DADDY 11-10-2003 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Mark M
First of all, the stats are being misused. I could say that my workplace is fair because half of the people are minorities, but if I only work with 5 people that's not saying a whole helluva lot.

Second, no one is stopping a white guy from playing FB or BB. If they're good enough, they get a job. Owners and collegiate ADs, on the other hand, are keeping competent, worthy minorities from coaching jobs. Not because they are necessarily racist, but because there's a "good 'ol boy network" going on. How else does Dennis Erickson get another job in the NFL when he sucked total ass the first time around? How the fucking hell does Schottenheimer still have a job? Why did Detroit make up their minds before even interviewing anyone else? Of course, I'm sure you'll say I've been brainwashed by the media, or that I'm PC, or however else you want to justify it.

Third, I agree that Affirmative Action doesn't work. Read my post a few pages ago and you'd have seen that.

Fourth and last, what I've "scene" on this BBs in this thread is ridiculous. White men crying about how they're soooo mistreated is the most pathetic thing I've ever "scene" in this place, and has shown me a lot about a few of its members.

I already knew that raiderhader was a sexist piece of crap. Hell, he's lucky my wife didn't kick his ass at Gators during the 37 Forever weekend. (BTW, it's called respect, Jamie. It's too bad you have none for women. No wonder you're a virgin--and if you talk to all women the way you did that Friday, you better get used to it.)

I already knew some here think it's okay to throw racial insults around--afterall, people are just "too sensitive" nowadays. I mean, racism is okay as long as it's not the poor, oppressed white man experiencing it.

This thread takes the ****ing cake.

See ya.


Dude chill the @uck out man, go take a :bong: hit and come back when you have mellowed. First of all I was never complaining about how I had been mistreated just stating where and when such things happened. I guarantee you one thing Mark, go behind bars for a little bit and be white and you will see more aggressive racism against you than you will ever see anywhere else. You want to minimize that because I'm whitey go ahead. My point was completely missed by you even though I posted it over and over. People will always discriminate against others that are not like them on any level. None of it is OK it's just the way it is. WTF did Otter say anyway.


If your going to call people Imperial wizards the least you could do is let us know who you are reffeing to. Second request.

BIG_DADDY 11-10-2003 02:53 PM

BTW, Shottenheimer was the 2nd winningest coach of the 90s. Some may feel that he is worthy of another shot. I know that is a real reach for you being a Chiefs fan but the numbers are the numbers.

BIG_DADDY 11-10-2003 03:11 PM

OK I saw what Otter wrote now. I think we have all been there before. I remember when Brock Landers decided to make a comment about a picture I had posted of my father and myself suggesting there was some homosexual activities taking place there. I just blasted him and moved on. It may not have been the classiest thing to write to you Taco but I am surprised to see you pull the race card on this one.

jettio 11-10-2003 03:14 PM

KC Wolfman is race obsessed, a day does not go by where he does not use his poor me white victim of politcal correctness and affirmative action crybaby sh*t.

He has used Yao Ming to play Kill the Ni**er against Shaquile O'Neal and then creates a signature that makes fun of "Chinese" Eyes.

A day does not go by where he does not proclaim that white people are the current primary victims of racism.

And even though he is always bringing up race.

He has to hurry up and use his moderator powers to prevent Taco from airing a beef with a white guy that has offended him by what he has taken as a racial attack.

Wolf had no business locking down the thread. He could have just let it play out without confronting Taco and then locking down the thread as a step in his war against Taco.

I recommend that we have a moratorium on race discussions. Just end all of the crybaby crap altogether. This might deprive KC Wolf of his favorite topic, but he was the guy that just could not bear to have a beef aired out that was a possible example of a white guy being racially insensitive.

Since the Eagles are on TV tonight and KC Wolfman has already expressed that he now plans on playing Kill the Ni**er QB for as long as McNabb is in the NFL, maybe we could throw him bone and start the Race moratorium tomorrow.

Raiderhater 11-10-2003 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by BIG_DADDY
OK I saw what Otter wrote now. I think we have all been there before. I remember when Brock Landers decided to make a comment about a picture I had posted of my father and myself suggesting there was some homosexual activities taking place there. I just blasted him and moved on. It may not have been the classiest thing to write to you Taco but I am surprised to see you pull the race card on this one.



Raiderhater 11-10-2003 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by jettio
KC Wolfman is race obsessed, a day does not go by where he does not use his poor me white victim of politcal correctness and affirmative action crybaby sh*t.

He has used Yao Ming to play Kill the Ni**er against Shaquile O'Neal and then creates a signature that makes fun of "Chinese" Eyes.

A day does not go by where he does not proclaim that white people are the current primary victims of racism.

And even though he is always bringing up race.

He has to hurry up and use his moderator powers to prevent Taco from airing a beef with a white guy that has offended him by what he has taken as a racial attack.

Wolf had no business locking down the thread. He could have just let it play out without confronting Taco and then locking down the thread as a step in his war against Taco.

I recommend that we have a moratorium on race discussions. Just end all of the crybaby crap altogether. This might deprive KC Wolf of his favorite topic, but he was the guy that just could not bear to have a beef aired out that was a possible example of a white guy being racially insensitive.

Since the Eagles are on TV tonight and KC Wolfman has already expressed that he now plans on playing Kill the Ni**er QB for as long as McNabb is in the NFL, maybe we could throw him bone and start the Race moratorium tomorrow.






memyselfI 11-10-2003 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by BIG_DADDY


If your going to call people Imperial wizards the least you could do is let us know who you are reffeing to. Second request.

Don't worry, you aren't one of them. Delusional about female sexuality, misguided about liberal female povs, homosexual hypocrit, perhaps. Imperial wizard, no.

MrBlond 11-10-2003 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
Don't worry, you aren't one of them. Delusional about female sexuality, misguided about liberal female povs, homosexual hypocrit, perhaps. Imperial wizard, no.

If not Big Daddy who are these imperial wizards that post racial remarks almost daily? I'd be interested on keeping an eye on these neo-nazi's. How about just a short list of the worst offenders. I'll give you otter. after that just list the top 3 so I can search for these posts and attempt to have them banned for violating the terms of the BB.

That is all I am asking for. The top 3 racists posters on chiefsplanet. I'll begin a post by post search and start a thread here listing them. 3 posters have got to be easy since it is such a frequent occurence.

MrBlond 11-10-2003 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by MrBlond
TJ will not be back until he has really good Chiefs smack. Maybe a playoff loss or a major injury. First he will start with the "Thanks for all the support. I've put this behind me." Next will be the fake sympathy: "I know what its like to suffer a catastrophic loss. We did that right before we won back to back superbowls". Then the passive aggressive smack: "you guys had all the pieces. Too bad you blew it". Then the outright smack: "You still suck and Denver is the best team in the AFCW!"

I swear I can see the future.

Thanks to jettio's help, step one is now complete!

memyselfI 11-10-2003 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by MrBlond
If not Big Daddy who are these imperial wizards that post racial remarks almost daily? I'd be interested on keeping an eye on these neo-nazi's. How about just a short list of the worst offenders. I'll give you otter. after that just list the top 3 so I can search for these posts and attempt to have them banned for violating the terms of the BB.

That is all I am asking for. The top 3 racists posters on chiefsplanet. I'll begin a post by post search and start a thread here listing them. 3 posters have got to be easy since it is such a frequent occurence.

You keep focusing on one aspect of my statement and that is the racial aspect and you appear to be taking my statement as an indictment of the entire board. Someone pointed out earlier that my statement sounded like an indictment of the board and I posted a clarification of that.

I will not name names of people who are perennial posters of racist or sexist remarks. Unless and until I see them in white sheets then I'll not publically label them as such. Of course, in your search you might uncover times when I've actually asked a couple of them if they had attended any recent meetings. :D

redbrian 11-10-2003 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
You keep focusing on one aspect of my statement and that is the racial aspect and you appear to be taking my statement as an indictment of the entire board. Someone pointed out earlier that my statement sounded like an indictment of the board and I posted a clarification of that.

I will not name names of people who are perennial posters of racist or sexist remarks. Unless and until I see them in white sheets then I'll not publically label them as such. Of course, in your search you might uncover times when I've actually asked a couple of them if they had attended any recent meetings. :D

Sound kind of like Macarthism (sp?) does it not, I have a list this list has the names of known members of the KKK who post on this board, but I won’t show you this list.

MrBlond 11-10-2003 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
You keep focusing on one aspect of my statement and that is the racial aspect and you appear to be taking my statement as an indictment of the entire board. Someone pointed out earlier that my statement sounded like an indictment of the board and I posted a clarification of that.

I will not name names of people who are perennial posters of racist or sexist remarks. Unless and until I see them in white sheets then I'll not publically label them as such. Of course, in your search you might uncover times when I've actually asked a couple of them if they had attended any recent meetings. :D

The truth is that there are no outright racists posts or posters on chiefsplanet. You deliberatly threw that false accusation out there to shade what you consider to be a right leaning BB. When asked for proof you posted a CYA "clarification". Standard MO for the left.

As for the sexist part, I'll give you that. I have posted them without regard for the female membership and have seen many, many others. If offended please notify the mods and I will apologize and omit that type of posting in the future.

It is too easy to throw the "racist" label and stick innocent people in that web. I know it is not the tone of this board. I am not going to let you use it as a throwaway line without asking for specific examples. If you can't or won't provide specific examples to this serious accusation, I would hope you would apologize yourself and explain why you attempted to mislabel the members as racists.

I expect more squiggle, though.

memyselfI 11-10-2003 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by MrBlond
The truth is that there are no outright racists posts or posters on chiefsplanet. You deliberatly threw that false accusation out there to shade what you consider to be a right leaning BB. When asked for proof you posted a CYA "clarification". Standard MO for the left.

As for the sexist part, I'll give you that. I have posted them without regard for the female membership and have seen many, many others. If offended please notify the mods and I will apologize and omit that type of posting in the future.

It is too easy to throw the "racist" label and stick innocent people in that web. I know it is not the tone of this board. I am not going to let you use it as a throwaway line without asking for specific examples. If you can't or won't provide specific examples to this serious accusation, I would hope you would apologize yourself and explain why you attempted to mislabel the members as racists.

I expect more squiggle, though.

I'll help you, Mr. B.

Do a search for 'bigot' and see if the same names don't continually come up with offended posters pointing out certain tendencies of offensive persons. I'm sure you might come up with a handful that are on my top 3-5 list.

redbrian 11-10-2003 05:28 PM

"I'm sure you might come up with a handful that are on my top 3-5 list"

Damn I just knew she had a list.

MrBlond 11-10-2003 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
I'll help you, Mr. B.

Do a search for 'bigot' and see if the same names don't continually come up with offended posters pointing out certain tendencies of offensive persons. I'm sure you might come up with a handful that are on my top 3-5 list.

A search of "bigot" yielded 119 posts. Out of 1.3 million in the database.

Just down the list we have Clint in Wichita, Morphius, Flowergirl, GMan, Joe Seahawk, Baby Lee, Frazod, logical, Big Daddy, elvislivesinKC, etc to name a few.

Mods, is there a way to track how many "report this posts to a mod" complaints were related to racists posts? Any idea of how many warnings, bannings, etc were issued? I'd love to pin down how prevalent the racism runs in here. I don't see it but according to Denise, it is a regular cross-burning around here.

memyselfI 11-10-2003 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by MrBlond
I don't see it but according to Denise, it is a regular cross-burning around here.

Once again, your interpretation and redistribution of my words. Racist and sexist lingo...not just racist.

You are boring me with your insatiable curiousity but I'll give you another hint. One of them has not been around much of late but he posted stuff that was more to the point (and in some really weird ways, inherently more honest, can you say irony) than others of likemind, Ernie. Now, I must go fix dinner. Happy hunting.

redbrian 11-10-2003 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
Once again, your interpretation and redistribution of my words. Racist and sexist lingo...not just racist.

You are boring me with your insatiable curiousity but I'll give you another hint. One of them has not been around much of late but he posted stuff that was more to the point than others of likemind, Ernie.

Now, I must go fix dinner. Happy hunting.

Ernie maybe a ridge runner from Jefferson Co. but a card carrying member of the KKK I think not, unless you have proof I suggest you retract your statement.

memyselfI 11-10-2003 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by redbrian
Ernie maybe a ridge runner from Jefferson Co. but a card carrying member of the KKK I think not, unless you have proof I suggest you retract your statement.

YOU said he's a card carrying member. I happen to think he's an honorary member. Probably too cheap to pay for a card or the robe.

I'll be happy to retract my insinuation that he's got sheets for more than his bed...

as soon as he retracts some of his garbage.

mikey23545 11-10-2003 05:50 PM

I'm sure I'd much rather be a Mexican than a whiny-ass, bedwetting, overly sensitive liberal...

redbrian 11-10-2003 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
YOU said he's a card carrying member. I happen to think he's an honorary member. Probably too cheap to pay for a card or the robe.

I'll be happy to retract my assertion that he's got sheets for more than his bed...

as soon as he retracts some of his garbage.

Ok so now we have gone from known Imperial Wizards to honorary member, do you have pictures of him picking up trash on the Rosa Parks Hwy, or attending a cross burning, or is he just guilty for spouting the party line.

Otter 11-10-2003 06:24 PM

Like I said before, not one of you have any idea what went on until Tac0 told you exactly what he wanted you to know and its really none of your business anyway.

I'm not going anywhere, **** this whole thing. Yes, it was in jest.

KCWolfman 11-10-2003 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
I will not name names of people who are perennial posters of racist or sexist remarks. Unless and until I see them in white sheets then I'll not publically label them as such. Of course, in your search you might uncover times when I've actually asked a couple of them if they had attended any recent meetings. :D

You already have labeled them. The only difference between you and Otter is that at least he is honest enough to keep his insults directly toward the individual.

You are nothing but a cowardly hypocrite. If you didn't want to name names, then you shouldn't have made the statement to begin with.

KCWolfman 11-10-2003 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
Once again, your interpretation and redistribution of my words. Racist and sexist lingo...not just racist.

You are boring me with your insatiable curiousity but I'll give you another hint. One of them has not been around much of late but he posted stuff that was more to the point (and in some really weird ways, inherently more honest, can you say irony) than others of likemind, Ernie. Now, I must go fix dinner. Happy hunting.

You can go search for them, but I won't tell you.

At least Otter has honor, you are nothing but a sh*t stirring coward.

Brock 11-10-2003 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Otter
I'm going to leave the board for a little while because I think this has gotten way out of control, I feel partialy responsable and it may help if I shut my mouth and went away for awhile.

Are you kidding? You finally become interesting and now you're leaving? ;)

Raiderhater 11-10-2003 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Brock Landers
Are you kidding? You finally become interesting and now you're leaving? ;)


Michael Michigan 11-10-2003 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
You can keep repeating it and it doesn't make it true. I said I'd probably not be a REGULAR here. And compared to some folks, I ain't. I did not say I would not ever post here because I did the first day and did sparcely thereafter.

As far as getting attention...

I've mentioned before that the ignore option is there in theory and in practice. Feel free to use if you don't want to pay attention to me or TJ vs. whining about the attention you believe is being sought or given.

Naw--you said it. It was something like good luck Kyle---I won't be posting.

We were all just crushed.

Just because you keep denying it doesn't make it true.

And why would I put you on ignore? I don't mind your posts---just like to point out the obvious.

You crave attention and this is the largest audience you can get for it.

TJ was the same way (RIP)

Now maybe if you two combined your talents and started a whole new board.....

KCWolfman 11-10-2003 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Michael Michigan
Naw--you said it. It was something like good luck Kyle---I won't be posting.

We were all just crushed.

Just because you keep denying it doesn't make it true.

And why would I put you on ignore? I don't mind your posts---just like to point out the obvious.

You crave attention and this is the largest audience you can get for it.

TJ was the same way (RIP)

Now maybe if you two combined your talents and started a whole new board.....

That would be interesting.

Raiderhater 11-10-2003 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by KCWolfman
That would be interesting.

KCWolfman 11-10-2003 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by raiderhader

Nope, that's Al Franken's homepage.

Michael Michigan 11-10-2003 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by raiderhader

Raiderhater 11-10-2003 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by KCWolfman
Nope, that's Al Franken's homepage.


KCWolfman 11-10-2003 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by raiderhader

Neither does Al Franken.

Where's a rimshot when you need one?

Raiderhater 11-10-2003 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Michael Michigan


Michael Michigan 11-10-2003 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by KCWolfman
Neither does Al Franken.

Where's a rimshot when you need one?

No kidding.

Raiderhater 11-10-2003 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by KCWolfman
Neither does Al Franken.

Where's a rimshot when you need one?




stevieray 11-10-2003 08:47 PM

Truth be told, TJ and Denise are both hypocrites. He and his mullett wearing, camaro driving smaque, and denise with her "trailer trash" insult of Iowanian's new wife. Might not outright call them cracker, but the WHITE trash insult is as transparent as the media induced paranoia they fuel their hatred from.

I think MM nails it....need for attention.

KCWolfman 11-10-2003 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by stevieray
Truth be told, TJ and Denise are both hypocrites. He and his mullett wearing, camaro driving smaque, and denise with her "trailer trash" insult of Iowanian's new wife. Might not outright call them cracker, but the WHITE trash insult is as transparent as the media induced paranoia they fuel their hatred from.

I think MM nails it....need for attention.

Teej displayed that perfectly with his "I'm leaving" post, then his "no, really I mean it" post, then his "will you tell the guys I am really leaving" post by proxy.

The more I read from the attention whore, the more proud I am that he blames me for running with his tail between his legs.

Bwana 11-10-2003 10:21 PM

No way in hell am I sifting through all this Bullchit. All I will say is don't let the door hit you in the azz T-aco.

memyselfI 11-11-2003 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Michael Michigan
Naw--you said it. It was something like good luck Kyle---I won't be posting.

We were all just crushed.

Just because you keep denying it doesn't make it true.

And why would I put you on ignore? I don't mind your posts---just like to point out the obvious.

You crave attention and this is the largest audience you can get for it.

TJ was the same way (RIP)

Now maybe if you two combined your talents and started a whole new board.....

You are getting closer to the truth. "Good luck, Kyle. I won't be posting much..." I created the screen name 'dabreeze' (who's posting database was corrupted and ended up with a Greenbay fan's posts) so I could blow in and out like the wind. I posted I probably would not post much and might never be a regular. Not the same as saying I'd never post here. It's funny, there have been people who've confirmed this over the past couple of years and a group of people have a vested interest in perpetuating the lie they've created...if it makes YOU feel better, good but it's not the truth.

It does make ME feel better that you cling onto that untruth as it's humorous that most people have moved WAY beyond it...just a select few still clinging desparately. ROTF

In addition, I don't 'crave' an audience. If I have an 'audience' it's because people have chosen to partake of my comments for their own reasons. There are people, perhaps like yourself, who are regularly ignored or otherwise not much of a presence on the board. Doesn't mean you seek to be boring or otherwise just means people have chosen to respond to you in that fashion. Same goes in reverse.

Raiderhater 11-11-2003 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
You are getting closer to the truth. "Good luck, Kyle. I won't be posting much..." I created the screen name 'dabreeze' (who's posting database was corrupted and ended up with a Greenbay fan's posts) so I could blow in and out like the wind. I posted I probably would not post much and might never be a regular. Not the same as saying I'd never post here. It's funny, there have been people who've confirmed this over the past couple of years and a group of people have a vested interest in perpetuating the lie they've created...if it makes YOU feel better, good but it's not the truth.

It does make ME feel better that you cling onto that untruth as it's humorous that most people have moved WAY beyond it...just a select few still clinging desparately. ROTF

In addition, I don't 'crave' an audience. If I have an 'audience' it's because people have chosen to partake of my comments for their own reasons. There are people, perhaps like yourself, who are regularly ignored or otherwise not much of a presence on the board. Doesn't mean you seek to be boring or otherwise just means people have chosen to respond to you in that fashion. Same goes in reverse.


Michael Michigan 11-11-2003 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
You are getting closer to the truth. "Good luck, Kyle. I won't be posting much..." I created the screen name 'dabreeze' (who's posting database was corrupted and ended up with a Greenbay fan's posts) so I could blow in and out like the wind. I posted I probably would not post much and might never be a regular. Not the same as saying I'd never post here. It's funny, there have been people who've confirmed this over the past couple of years and a group of people have a vested interest in perpetuating the lie they've created...if it makes YOU feel better, good but it's not the truth.

It does make ME feel better that you cling onto that untruth as it's humorous that most people have moved WAY beyond it...just a select few still clinging desparately. ROTF

In addition, I don't 'crave' an audience. If I have an 'audience' it's because people have chosen to partake of my comments for their own reasons. There are people, perhaps like yourself, who are regularly ignored or otherwise not much of a presence on the board. Doesn't mean you seek to be boring or otherwise just means people have chosen to respond to you in that fashion. Same goes in reverse.

I'm just stating my recollection about how the planet came to be. Hell you complaining over at the old Star BB and destroying it was a big part of that.

We all owe you a thank you for that.

Revise history all you wish if it makes you feel better.

And you are correct. I don't use this board to post controversial topics and responses just to draw attention to myself.

Unlike you--I really don't need it.

Michael Michigan 11-11-2003 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by raiderhader

I hope that continues...

The last thing I would ever want to do is excite Denise.

Look what happened to Rich Gannon.

Raiderhater 11-11-2003 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Michael Michigan
I hope that continues...

The last thing I would ever want to do is excite Denise.

Look what happened to Rich Gannon.


JOhn 11-11-2003 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Michael Michigan
I'm just stating my recollection about how the planet came to be. Hell you complaining over at the old Star BB and destroying it was a big part of that.

We all owe you a thank you for that.

Revise history all you wish if it makes you feel better.

And you are correct. I don't use this board to post controversial topics and responses just to draw attention to myself.

Unlike you--I really don't need it.

I believe the term is squiggle. ;)

the Talking Can 12-18-2003 07:43 AM

what was the over/under on our favorite drama queen returning?

somebody won some money....

Taco John 12-18-2003 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by the Talking Can
what was the over/under on our favorite drama queen returning?

somebody won some money....


BigRedChief 09-21-2004 03:21 PM

This explains alot

Mr. Kotter 12-21-2007 01:02 AM

I won't miss you.... :)

***SPRAYER 07-27-2008 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Taco John (Post 1380729)
Please delete my account...

I don't want to be tempted to return, so I ask for the account to be completely jaked. It's one thing to be harassed by racist jackasses in PMs... It's another thing being harassed for shedding light on the racist jackasses. If you're going to bend the rules to protect racist jackasses, then I'd just as soon you delete my account immediately.

I know I'll take heat because people hate these kinds of threads... But whatever.

So in retrun to all the "good riddance" cat calls this is sure to evoke, I say 'have a nice life.'



Por que, Paco?

Mr. Kotter 02-05-2019 07:09 PM

This was a dandy.... too, too sad he welched out on it... :hmmm:

scho63 02-15-2019 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Kotter (Post 4470732)
I won't miss you.... :)

12 years later you two are still like an old married couple! ROFL

ToxSocks 08-30-2019 05:08 PM


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