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Donger 08-04-2011 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Einstein 159 (Post 7801085)
OMG! :eek: I love how selectively you become a foreigner or true blooded American. ROFL

You are not only an idiot, but also a hypocrite.

You may note that I used your words (e.g., "ferner.") because we are both naturalized Americans citizens.

loochy 08-04-2011 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by tooge (Post 7801081)
Frankie, you are wrong. You said "this" and accompanied it with a picture of a plane broken in half lying on the ground. You didn't mention "breaking up" in the air, you said "this' and had the pic. Any intelligent person would look at the header, look at the pic, and put the two together and deduce that you were saying that it is scary to fly because "this" could happen in mid air. I understand what you are saying now that ;you have told everyone that you are saying "something like this" in reality. If you want to end this debate, you should simply state that maybe you should have put a better picture of a plane that has had mid air damage, rather than one that broke in half on the ground.


fan4ever 08-04-2011 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by tooge (Post 7801081)
Frankie, you are wrong. You said "this" and accompanied it with a picture of a plane broken in half lying on the ground. You didn't mention "breaking up" in the air, you said "this' and had the pic. Any intelligent person would look at the header, look at the pic, and put the two together and deduce that you were saying that it is scary to fly because "this" could happen in mid air. I understand what you are saying now that ;you have told everyone that you are saying "something like this" in reality. If you want to end this debate, you should simply state that maybe you should have put a better picture of a plane that has had mid air damage, rather than one that broke in half on the ground.

I've come to the conclusion that rather than being humiliated like any normal person would be, Frankie is absolutely loving all of this attention...while the rest of us consider this a beat down, Frankie is thinking "Hey, I'm pretty popular".

loochy 08-04-2011 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by fan4ever (Post 7801094)
Hey, I noticed your avatar is a scene from "Cool Hand Luke". One of my favorites. Remember the scene where Newman gets his ass beat over and over and over by George Kennedy, only to get up time and time again? Then everyone in the prison gains respect for him out of the ass-kicking he took but never gave up?

Yeah, not so much for Frankie.

Dude your avatar creeps me out.

vailpass 08-04-2011 11:25 AM

I sometimes tag along with my neighbor to a spot out in the desert where he goes shooting with his many exciting and seemingly automatic weapons. There are old water heaters, refrigerators, couches, etc.
Last time we went we unloaded everything on an old fridge til it was so full of holes it was unrecognizable, 3/4 of it was gone.
That's what I picture Frankie looking like in this thread.

Frankie 08-04-2011 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 7800966)
Frankie, the sooner you realize that people thinking you're an idiot has NOTHING to do with your ethnicity, the better off you'll be.

People pile up on idiots here all the time. You're the only one claiming that it's due to you being foreign.

Well, let's see. I was born in the ME. I have lived here 40 years, more than enough times to see the difference between bigots and open-minded Americans. I was fired from my job of 25 years after 9/11, forced to go through 3 years of litigations to prove my ex-boss a "bigot" (actual term used in the court documents) and regain my employment. I watch the news all the time to know racism is still alive and well here. :hmmm:

No my friend, you are right. No one is a bigot. You know why? Because THIS IS AMERICA dammit!

Frankie 08-04-2011 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 7801007)
Ahhh, the old "I WAS JUST TROLLING YOU GUYS" routine. I remember billay did that a couple of times. I'd say you're both equally smart.

Did I really say that? :hmmm: You decide. ROFL

Pants 08-04-2011 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by fan4ever (Post 7801102)
I've come to the conclusion that rather than being humiliated like any normal person would be, Frankie is absolutely loving all of this attention...while the rest of us consider this a beat down, Frankie is thinking "Hey, I'm pretty popular".

No, Frankie doesn't see this as a beatdown. In his head, he has been right the whole time and we're all just idiots ganging up on him. In his head, Frankie has never lost an argument on CP.

EDIT: That should have been "bigoted idiots."

vailpass 08-04-2011 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Einstein 159 (Post 7801112)
Well, let's see. I was born in the ME. I have lived here 40 years, more than enough times to see the difference between bigots and open-minded Americans. I was fired from my job of 25 years after 9/11, forced to go through 3 years of litigations to prove my ex-boss a "bigot" (actual term used in the court documents) and regain my employment. I watch the news all the time to know racism is still alive and well here. :hmmm:

No my friend, you are right. No one is a bigot. You know why? Because THIS IS AMERICA dammit!

I am so not surprised you are one of those guys. You ever get the feeling the coffee at work tastes a little bit like piss?

loochy 08-04-2011 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Einstein 159 (Post 7801112)
Well, let's see. I was born in the ME. I have lived here 40 years, more than enough times to see the difference between bigots and open-minded Americans. I was fired from my job of 25 years after 9/11, forced to go through 3 years of litigations to prove my ex-boss a "bigot" (actual term used in the court documents) and regain my employment. I watch the news all the time to know racism is still alive and well here. :hmmm:

No my friend, you are right. No one is a bigot. You know why? Because THIS IS AMERICA dammit!

There are bigots for sure. Some of the people piling on you may be bigots. But bigotry is clearly NOT the reason for this pile on.

Continue with the herp derp if you wish.

Pants 08-04-2011 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Einstein 159 (Post 7801119)
Did I really say that? :hmmm: You decide. ROFL

Maybe you're unfamiliar with the term "trolling" but it's synonymous with "twirling posters around my finger." Hope that helps.

Donger 08-04-2011 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by Einstein 159 (Post 7801112)
Well, let's see. I was born in the ME. I have lived here 40 years, more than enough times to see the difference between bigots and open-minded Americans. I was fired from my job of 25 years after 9/11, forced to go through 3 years of litigations to prove my ex-boss a "bigot" (actual term used in the court documents) and regain my employment. I watch the news all the time to know racism is still alive and well here. :hmmm:

No my friend, you are right. No one is a bigot. You know why? Because THIS IS AMERICA dammit!

Well, speaking for myself, the fact that you are a "man of two countries" is just icing on the idiot cake that is Frankie. It would be even better if you had a glass eye or something, too.

LOCOChief 08-04-2011 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by Einstein 159 (Post 7801112)
No one is a bigot. You know why? Because THIS IS AMERICA dammit!

You should have left it before you started hating it.

Saul Good 08-04-2011 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Einstein 159 (Post 7800946)
Thanks for selectively absorbing my replies. It's always fair and smart. :rolleyes:

You are willing to take my post replying (with sarcasm) to someone claiming I was spotted points as something you want to believe. Yet you don't want to believe that people are out there who have a bit higher IQ than the average poster here.

That said, as for broadcasting anything, I have been a poster here for a decade. You know quite well how I am always used for target practice by CP bigots and morons ALWAYS in group attacks. I have withstood this for all this time not ever bringing anything like this up. I've had plenty of opportunities to "broadcast" it in ten years. Yet as I posted earlier here (which you conveniently disregarded) I do not consider it necessarily a badge of honor. In fact I have always had serious misgivings about the legitimacy of the IQ Test concept.

As I said in that earlier post, there are many many folks of high IQ out there who never amount to anything. I simply made a comment here in response to one of the shit-tossing CP monkeys who made a totally biased, idiotic judgement about my intelligence. Bigots who cannot accept that having been born in the U.S. is not an automatic indication of intellectual superiority over a "ferner" took that simple statement and ran with it. 'tsall.

I'll grant you this much, Fraknkie. You've gone above and beyond the call of duty in terms of not rubbing our noses in your intelligence over the years.

Bearcat 08-04-2011 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by fan4ever (Post 7801102)
I've come to the conclusion that rather than being humiliated like any normal person would be, Frankie is absolutely loving all of this attention...while the rest of us consider this a beat down, Frankie is thinking "Hey, I'm pretty popular".

It's the only reason he clocked in an hour ago to respond to 12-hour old posts, just like when he bumped the thread yesterday.... not sure how someone can get off on so much negative attention, but whatever.

vailpass 08-04-2011 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 7801181)
It's the only reason he clocked in an hour ago to respond to 12-hour old posts, just like when he bumped the thread yesterday.... not sure how someone can get off on so much negative attention, but whatever.

Beat me, whip me, make me write bad checks.

Iowanian 08-04-2011 11:54 AM


To be beaten any more severely, you'd have to be buried up to your neck and have 200 villagers hurl softball sized stones at your cranium until it looked like an old melon stepped on by a cow.

Frankie 08-04-2011 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by tooge (Post 7801009)
Re: IQ. There is quite a difference between sense(read IQ) and common sense. Frankie, the fact that you have carried this torch on for over 500 posts does nothing to prove or disprove your sense, but it says alot about your lack of common sense.

I understand your point tooge. And I appreciate it. But you have not been in my shoes for 10 years here. One thing I learned over those years is you have to talk to the mindless using their own language and act with at least the same amount of stubborn stamina.

As I said before I have tried leaving threads like this, only to have it backfire on me in a future thread when some idiot brings them up "victoriously" and the regular primates posting more insulting comments and smilies with glee in approval. I arrived at the conclusion a long time ago that these things HAVE to end within their own thread, not leaving any reason for the primates to beat off on a perceived victory and validation.

I joined (and frankly still stay in) this forum only for the love of the Chiefs. That said, I have certain political and cultural beliefs (domestic or foreign) that don't sit well with certain close-minded posters here. You should have read the threads when Bush was preparing to attack Iraq. The abuse I got then was way more than I am getting now. But I withstood it and many of those former abusers have now seen the points I was trying to make and changed their position. Some of those have even gone on to graciously extend apologies to me via PMs and reps. So historically I have been targeted even in non-political threads. It hasn't killed me yet only made me stronger.

I will stay in this thread until I'm satisfied that idiots are bored and gone to other playgrounds or until some mod locks it up. Half of these idiots I won't even remember and will probably agree with and rep over a football post. That's how insignificant these folks are. I have even repped Donger, Iowanian on many occasions, bypassing personal clashes. What does that tell you? Hope you understand.

Saul Good 08-04-2011 11:57 AM

Frankie has the most bizarre debating style I have ever seen. When someone make a point, he turns it into some nonsensicle absolute that completely misses the point.

CP: Planes can't just snap in half like that in mid-air.

Frankie: Airplaines are indestructible? Ha!

CP: People aren't calling you dumb out of bigotry.

Frankie: There is no such thing as a bigot? Ha!

Frankie 08-04-2011 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 7801062)
Granted, there are funny examples of trolling, I'll never understand a lot of the trolling that goes on around here... what's the end result? Email a buddy a link to this thread and say "hey man, look at this... I was totally acting like a dumbass, and everyone played along, laughing at me and bashing me for days! Oh, I got them!" :spock:

Just a clarification. I have never partaken in emails that you are referring to. That's only the recourse of desperate cowards and the intellectually deficient. I did not even bother to guess at the frequent "Email received" posts in this thread, though I had a pretty good idea what was going down.


Frankie 08-04-2011 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 7801073)
That's odd...

You have historically had a habit of jumping on every word with a fetish in this forum. In that spirit I ask you this? Do you consider the word "similar" to be the same as "same?"

I won't even demand a Yes or No response like you always do. But do you see the idiocy of your logic here?

Frankie 08-04-2011 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by LOCOChief (Post 7801078)
thanks for the clarifiction frankie. Hey while we're on the topic what's your IQ?

Way above yours, I'm comfortably sure.

loochy 08-04-2011 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Einstein 159 (Post 7801231)
Just a clarification. I have never partaken in emails that you are referring to. That's only the recourse of desperate cowards and the intellectually deficient. I did not even bother to guess at the frequent "Email received" posts in this thread, though I had a pretty good idea what was going down.


"Email received" refers to the fact that you have this thread on subscribe so it emails you when a post is made.

tooge 08-04-2011 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Einstein 159 (Post 7801214)
I understand your point tooge. And I appreciate it. But you have not been in my shoes for 10 years here. One thing I learned over those years is you have to talk to the mindless using their own language and act with at least the same amount of stubborn stamina.

As I said before I have tried leaving threads like this, only to have it backfire on me in a future thread when some idiot brings them up "victoriously" and the regular primates posting more insulting comments and smilies with glee in approval. I arrived at the conclusion a long time ago that these things HAVE to end within their own thread, not leaving any reason for the primates to beat off on a perceived victory and validation.

I joined (and frankly still stay in) this forum only for the love of the Chiefs. That said, I have certain political and cultural beliefs (domestic or foreign) that don't sit well with certain close-minded posters here. You should have read the threads when Bush was preparing to attack Iraq. The abuse I got then was way more than I am getting now. But I withstood it and many of those former abusers have now seen the points I was trying to make and changed their position. Some of those have even gone on to graciously extend apologies to me via PMs and reps. So historically I have been targeted even in non-political threads. It hasn't killed me yet only made me stronger.

I will stay in this thread until I'm satisfied that idiots are bored and gone to other playgrounds or until some mod locks it up. Half of these idiots I won't even remember and will probably agree with and rep over a football post. That's how insignificant these folks are. I have even repped Donger, Iowanian on many occasions, bypassing personal clashes. What does that tell you? Hope you understand.

Well, we're different people, and have different motives and ways of dealing with lifes pains in the asses. I'd simply have told everyone about five hundered posts ago that I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, but you are not me. I understand what you are saying and respect that it is the way you roll. I'll just say this, your mathcing of their stubborn stamina is probably causing you more pains in the ass than not replying at all. It's a message board man.

Pants 08-04-2011 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Einstein 159 (Post 7801231)
Just a clarification. I have never partaken in emails that you are referring to. That's only the recourse of desperate cowards and the intellectually deficient. I did not even bother to guess at the frequent "Email received" posts in this thread, though I had a pretty good idea what was going down.


Jesus, Frankie, you really are an idiot. They were talking about you receiving an email notification every time someone posted in this thread.


loochy 08-04-2011 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Einstein 159 (Post 7801214)
I understand your point tooge. And I appreciate it. But you have not been in my shoes for 10 years here. One thing I learned over those years is you have to talk to the mindless using their own language and act with at least the same amount of stubborn stamina.

As I said before I have tried leaving threads like this, only to have it backfire on me in a future thread when some idiot brings them up "victoriously" and the regular primates posting more insulting comments and smilies with glee in approval. I arrived at the conclusion a long time ago that these things HAVE to end within their own thread, not leaving any reason for the primates to beat off on a perceived victory and validation.

I joined (and frankly still stay in) this forum only for the love of the Chiefs. That said, I have certain political and cultural beliefs (domestic or foreign) that don't sit well with certain close-minded posters here. You should have read the threads when Bush was preparing to attack Iraq. The abuse I got then was way more than I am getting now. But I withstood it and many of those former abusers have now seen the points I was trying to make and changed their position. Some of those have even gone on to graciously extend apologies to me via PMs and reps. So historically I have been targeted even in non-political threads. It hasn't killed me yet only made me stronger.

I will stay in this thread until I'm satisfied that idiots are bored and gone to other playgrounds or until some mod locks it up. Half of these idiots I won't even remember and will probably agree with and rep over a football post. That's how insignificant these folks are. I have even repped Donger, Iowanian on many occasions, bypassing personal clashes. What does that tell you? Hope you understand.

It seems like those with with a liberal stance always accuse anyone that doesn't agree with them of being closed minded. Why are you so sure that you aren't the closed minded one?

fan4ever 08-04-2011 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 7801104)
Dude your avatar creeps me out.

Yeah, it's pretty weird, but fun. It's a whimsical cowboy sculpture I've finished since then entitiled "Bug-Eyed Bob"

Michael Bolton creeps me out, so we're even ;)

loochy 08-04-2011 12:19 PM


Frankie 08-04-2011 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by tooge (Post 7801081)
Frankie, you are wrong. You said "this" and accompanied it with a picture of a plane broken in half lying on the ground. You didn't mention "breaking up" in the air, you said "this' and had the pic.

I agree I should have chewed the food for them so they could swallow it. I believe I have already addressed that in a previous post though.


Originally Posted by tooge (Post 7801081)
Any intelligent person would look at the header, look at the pic, and put the two together and deduce that you were saying that it is scary to fly because "this" could happen in mid air.

I disagree. Part of what we call "intelligence" compels us to do analytic thinking and arriving at the possibility that someone's wording, as imprecise as it may inadvertently be, could represent a scenario slightly more general than the gospel, one track, comprehension that sparks in one's brain. The unintelligent among us is the one who unthinkingly gets himself off on insulting or belittling others based on the said one track mind. It never fails to amaze me how many people think in such limited parameters.


Originally Posted by tooge (Post 7801081)
I understand what you are saying now that ;you have told everyone that you are saying "something like this" in reality.

Thank you. When one allows himself to understand one understands. The problem with the rest is they are too blinded by their personal biases to allow themselves to think and understand.


Originally Posted by tooge (Post 7801081)
If you want to end this debate, you should simply state that maybe you should have put a better picture of a plane that has had mid air damage, rather than one that broke in half on the ground.

I have said that already. But here, I'll say it in your words:

Maybe I should have put a better picture of a plane that has had mid air damage, rather than one that broke in half on the ground.

Frankie 08-04-2011 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 7801088)
Try reading what I wrote again more slowly and see if you can understand it.

Intelligence and fortitude are not necessarily linked. In fact, they can be quite independent of each other.

I did, and you linked them. No less than my wording of the thread topic should be considered linked to a particular incident.

Stop being a two faced hypocrite.

evenfall 08-04-2011 12:27 PM

This thread delivers!

Dumbassery like this belongs in the smithsonian.

Frankie 08-04-2011 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by fan4ever (Post 7801102)
I've come to the conclusion that rather than being humiliated like any normal person would be, Frankie is absolutely loving all of this attention...while the rest of us consider this a beat down, Frankie is thinking "Hey, I'm pretty popular".

I did not say that. But go ahead post the the way those voices in your head translate my posts.

loochy 08-04-2011 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 7801283)

(yeah, uh huh)
(oh God)

Iowanian 08-04-2011 12:29 PM

Space and flight museum. duh.

Frankie 08-04-2011 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 7801105)
I sometimes tag along with my neighbor to a spot out in the desert where he goes shooting with his many exciting and seemingly automatic weapons. There are old water heaters, refrigerators, couches, etc.
Last time we went we unloaded everything on an old fridge til it was so full of holes it was unrecognizable, 3/4 of it was gone.
That's what I picture Frankie looking like in this thread.

You would. But that's because your ass hurts from before.

Frankie 08-04-2011 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 7801133)
I am so not surprised you are one of those guys. You ever get the feeling the coffee at work tastes a little bit like piss?

No tell me about it. How does piss in your coffee taste?
I drank my own tea BTW. Nice try.

Iowanian 08-04-2011 12:34 PM

Silly goose, Frankie doesn't go to work.

And yes, he annoyed the F out of his former coworkers.

Frankie 08-04-2011 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by LOCOChief (Post 7801149)
You should have left it before you started hating it.

Only a deficient brain like yours read what I said as "Hating America." I don't hate America. I love it. But I'm observant and realistic and you are an ideologue with your head up your ass.

Frankie 08-04-2011 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 7801181)
It's the only reason he clocked in an hour ago to respond to 12-hour old posts, just like when he bumped the thread yesterday.... not sure how someone can get off on so much negative attention, but whatever.

Oh I didn't know posts/insults had a shelf life. Silly me.

Frankie 08-04-2011 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by Iowanian (Post 7801207)

To be beaten any more severely, you'd have to be buried up to your neck and have 200 villagers hurl softball sized stones at your cranium until it looked like an old melon stepped on by a cow.

Funny, I don't feel beaten in the least. In fact I feel totally on top of you.

Iowanian 08-04-2011 12:38 PM

Because you're Teri Shiavo.

And for the record, ass'd never get on top of me.

loochy 08-04-2011 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Einstein 159 (Post 7801321)
Oh I didn't know posts/insults had a shelf life. Silly me.

They kind of do. The conversation shifts and moves away from topics and replying to old posts disrupts the natural flow of things. It's like building a dam and rerouting a river.

Pants 08-04-2011 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Iowanian (Post 7801328)
Because you're hel'n Keller.

It would be hilarious seeing Frankie react to this thread after he was given a shred of intellect for 15 minutes. Frankie's world is sure a nice place for ol' Frankie.

threebag 08-04-2011 12:42 PM

Frankie 08-04-2011 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 7801215)
CP: People aren't calling you dumb out of bigotry.

Frankie: There is no such thing as a bigot? Ha!

Let me chew it up good for you so you can swallow it once and for all. When I have NEVER EVER started my CP relationship with ANY poster with disrespect but I have not been treated the same by some, and when this kind of shit started exactly when I first declared on this BB where I was born, it does not take a genius to figure out the hidden agenda in some of these posters.

Like I said, I have seen enough ducks to know how they look, walk, and swim.

I'm not angry about it. I'm just realistic. THERE ARE BIGOTS IN EVERY COUNTRY AND CULTURE. Some just deny that they are bigots and can't stand being called out on it.

LOCOChief 08-04-2011 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Einstein 159 (Post 7801325)
Funny, I don't feel beaten in the least. In fact I feel totally on top of you.

Oh my.

4th and Long 08-04-2011 12:47 PM

Frankie 08-04-2011 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 7801243)
"Email received" refers to the fact that you have this thread on subscribe so it emails you when a post is made.

Thanks. Like I said, i did not bother to give it much thought. I stand corrected.

But I also stand firm on the understanding that CP primates do commonly PM and/or email each other for participation.

Frankie 08-04-2011 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by tooge (Post 7801244)
Well, we're different people, and have different motives and ways of dealing with lifes pains in the asses. I'd simply have told everyone about five hundered posts ago that I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, but you are not me. I understand what you are saying and respect that it is the way you roll. I'll just say this, your mathcing of their stubborn stamina is probably causing you more pains in the ass than not replying at all. It's a message board man.

Acknowledged. :thumb:

loochy 08-04-2011 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Einstein 159 (Post 7801358)
Thanks. Like I said, i did not bother to give it much thought. I stand corrected.

But I also stand firm on the understanding that CP primates do commonly PM and/or email each other for participation.

Maybe they do. I have never done so, but I'm not part of the ChiefsPlanet cool kids crowd. I'm more a of a CP loner/nerd.

4th and Long 08-04-2011 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Iowanian (Post 7801207)

To be beaten any more severely, you'd have to be buried up to your neck and have 200 villagers hurl softball sized stones at your cranium until it looked like an old melon stepped on by a cow.

Saulbadguy 08-04-2011 12:50 PM


Frankie 08-04-2011 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 7801299)

Wrong again. But you being wrong is the norm anyway.

loochy 08-04-2011 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Einstein 159 (Post 7801368)
Wrong again. But you being wrong is the norm anyway.

You aren't? Your sig picture, while not explicitly stating that, gives folks that impression.

Frankie 08-04-2011 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by threebag02 (Post 7801341)

Thanks for the warning threebag. We won't come near you.

Frankie 08-04-2011 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 7801363)
Maybe they do. I have never done so, but I'm not part of the ChiefsPlanet cool kids crowd. I'm more a of a CP loner/nerd.

Glad to hear you don't get involved in that shit. It's such a cowardly thing.

LOCOChief 08-04-2011 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 7801369)
You aren't? Your sig picture, while not explicitly stating that, gives folks that impression.

Even the enemy of frankies enemy is not his friend, he’s just another infidel.

Frankie 08-04-2011 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 7801369)
You aren't? Your sig picture, while not explicitly stating that, gives folks that impression.

The fact that I believe corporate billionaires are sucking this country dry is a proof that I'm an Obama fan? I see Obama either as too weak to stand up to them or part of that system after all. Either way it's depressing and makes me no fan of his.

vailpass 08-04-2011 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 7801333)
It would be hilarious seeing Frankie react to this thread after he was given a shred of intellect for 15 minutes. Frankie's world is sure a nice place for ol' Frankie.

Flowers for Algernon?

Pants 08-04-2011 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 7801413)
Flowers for Algernon?

Had to look that up and now I have something new I need to read.

Saul Good 08-04-2011 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 7801413)
Flowers for Algernon?

That's hilarious. I was just about to make the exact same reference. Great minds (albeit minds less great than Frankie's) think alike, I guess.

Phobia 08-04-2011 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 7801215)
Frankie has the most bizarre debating style I have ever seen. When someone make a point, he turns it into some nonsensicle absolute that completely misses the point.

CP: Planes can't just snap in half like that in mid-air.

Frankie: Airplaines are indestructible? Ha!

CP: People aren't calling you dumb out of bigotry.

Frankie: There is no such thing as a bigot? Ha!

Didn't Frankie say he speaks 3 other languages earlier in the thread? I think we've identified the problem. He doesn't speak English. We're actually all agreeing in Farsi.

Saul Good 08-04-2011 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 7801426)
Had to look that up and now I have something new I need to read.

I figured you were alluding to it with your post. Since you aren't as bright as Frankie, there is a Futurama episode where Frye goes to college with a monkey roommate that is in the same vein. You might need to start there.

vailpass 08-04-2011 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 7801426)
Had to look that up and now I have something new I need to read.

One of my faves when I was a kid. A worthwhile read.

vailpass 08-04-2011 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 7801430)
That's hilarious. I was just about to make the exact same reference. Great minds (albeit minds less great than Frankie's) think alike, I guess.

Sweet! We could put our heads together and be like a really smart something. What's 159 + 159?

Pants 08-04-2011 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 7801441)
I figured you were alluding to it with your post. Since you aren't as bright as Frankie, there is a Futurama episode where Frye goes to college with a monkey roommate that is in the same vein. You might need to start there.


Saul Good 08-04-2011 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 7801441)
I figured you were alluding to it with your post. Since you aren't as bright as Frankie, there is a Futurama episode where Frye goes to college with a monkey roommate that is in the same vein. You might need to start there.

If you prefer, there is also a Simpsons episode wherein it is discovered that Homer is dumb because of a crayon that was shoved up his nose.

Donger 08-04-2011 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Einstein 159 (Post 7801239)
You have historically had a habit of jumping on every word with a fetish in this forum. In that spirit I ask you this? Do you consider the word "similar" to be the same as "same?"

I won't even demand a Yes or No response like you always do. But do you see the idiocy of your logic here?

No. Similar means having characteristics in common and/or alike in essentials.

loochy 08-04-2011 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 7801369)
You aren't? Your sig picture, while not explicitly stating that, gives folks that impression.


Originally Posted by Einstein 159 (Post 7801391)
The fact that I believe corporate billionaires are sucking this country dry is a proof that I'm an Obama fan? I see Obama either as too weak to stand up to them or part of that system after all. Either way it's depressing and makes me no fan of his.

It's not proof but it gives that impression. Conversely, if I had a banner talking about how I think government handouts are sucking this country dry, you'd assume I was a Republican or Tea Partier.

Donger 08-04-2011 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Einstein 159 (Post 7801289)
I did, and you linked them. No less than my wording of the thread topic should be considered linked to a particular incident.

Stop being a two faced hypocrite.

No, I really didn't. I can understand why you WANT to think I did, however.

BigCatDaddy 08-04-2011 01:33 PM

Can we now make Frankie's name Charlie Gordon?

Mr. Flopnuts 08-04-2011 01:50 PM

This thread has jumped the fire.

OnTheWarpath15 08-04-2011 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Flopnuts (Post 7801532)
This thread has jumped the fire.


loochy 08-04-2011 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Flopnuts (Post 7801532)
This thread has jumped the fire.

Get me outta here!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!

Frankie 08-04-2011 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 7801481)
No, I really didn't.

I don't believe you.

Donger 08-04-2011 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Einstein 159 (Post 7801617)
I don't believe you.

There's a shock.

Frankie 08-04-2011 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 7801636)
There's a shock.

You aren't smart enough to catch my using your own sentence (in this very thread) back on yourself. THAT... is a shock!

Donger 08-04-2011 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Einstein 159 (Post 7801642)
You aren't smart enough to catch my using your own sentence (in this very thread) back on yourself. THAT... is a shock!

Desperation sets in at last.

Donger 08-04-2011 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Einstein 159 (Post 7801642)
You aren't smart enough to catch my using your own sentence (in this very thread) back on yourself. THAT... is a shock!

I couldn't help be confused about this. Do you know why, Frankie?

loochy 08-04-2011 02:52 PM

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