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Rausch 01-08-2003 03:18 PM


Originally posted by KCChiefsMan

have you ever waited tables before? I really don't think you know what you are talking about.

I wait tables every day I work.

Not only do I have to take your order, bring you your food, server you your beer, and then clean up after you, but I also have to cook the shit and take phone orders.

I do MORE than you do, and don't make %10 of the tips you do. And somehow manage to not cry like a baby because Mr.X and his family didn't pick up the tab for my car payment....:rolleyes:

VonneMarie 01-08-2003 03:20 PM


Originally posted by BRAD_CAUDLE

Well Mr.Know it all, for one I had something happend to me at the country club back in high school.

THis one doctor never left a tip. NEVER. Was there three days a week and made MAJOR $$$. After about a month you can expect the service he got from most of the guys. However, I was the new guy and didn't need to get chewed out for not doing my job. I figured fug it, life will catch up with him. I'll just do the job and go on.

Come Late October (golf course work is obviously seasonal) he comes in the pro shop and gives my boss 4 envelopes. There was $100 in each one. There were 6 guys that worked there then, and the two total assholes got nothing. Not a penny. Myself and the other three had a keg party...:D

Dang, and where do you work at?...I'm thinking pizza hut.

Iowanian 01-08-2003 03:20 PM

edited because it wasn't nice.
well kccm...

I bagged groceries for 3 years in HS, worked the checkout, and have been in a job my first 3 years out of college where I changed the addresses of every person in 4 counties....sent them a letter with an 800 number and my name, and work with the public now on a regular basis. I've also worked with a business I run on the side doing custom ink drawings for people.

so no...other than volunteering at fall dinners at a church, I've never waited tables....But I do have a log book where I recieved over 700 calls in 4 weeks from pissed off people, and was able to deal with all of them in a courtious manner......except the drunk guy that came in my office at 9am and threatened me.

so Paul, maybe I DO know something about dealing with people, even though I'm not responsible for such demanding duties as filling their Tea and bringing the Pie cart..

VonneMarie 01-08-2003 03:24 PM

I quoted the wrong thing..but do you work at pizza hut Brad?

KCChiefsMan 01-08-2003 03:57 PM

Re: edited because it wasn't nice.

Originally posted by Iowanian
well kccm...

so Paul, maybe I DO know something about dealing with people, even though I'm not responsible for such demanding duties as filling their Tea and bringing the Pie cart..

I know a hell of a lot about dealing with people, and some people are just plain and simply assholes, you don't think they exist or something? I've worked at a McDonalds all throughout high school, I was an assistant manager there for 2 years after high school while I attended a JUCO, believe me, my job there required that I be nice to everybody and I did just that, I've never realized what kind of assholes and white trash there are in this world until I worked there. So I do know things about dealing with people.

I never asked you guys to agree with the way I do things, but this is how it is. Yes, I judge the hell out of people because they I have to rely on their tips to make any money at all.

Iowanian 01-08-2003 04:03 PM

Listen for the bell, Listen for the Bell
DING! fries are done DING! Fries are done.

anyone who works with the public realizes there are a-holes abound, People with BO, Halitosis, attitude problems, bad days taken out on us blah blah blah.

On the Same token...I realize that alot of those same people work in fast food and the service industry.

The difference is that most of us don't have the option for a tip for good service...its our job and duty to provide quality service to the best of our ability for no additional compensation.

Pennywise 01-08-2003 04:03 PM


Originally posted by pHoBiA
I'll throw on my ostrich boots and beaver felt hat and take the wife out to eat.

HOLY SHIT! They make hats that big?:eek:

That has to put some sort of dent in the Beaver population. :D

Iowanian 01-08-2003 04:04 PM

Just like his college sex life.....I'll bet the hat is Faux-beaver.

Phobia 01-08-2003 04:07 PM


Originally posted by PennyWise
HOLY SHIT! They make hats that big?:eek:

That has to put some sort of dent in the Beaver population. :D

Crazy, isn't it? They had to special order that SOB.

Valiant 01-08-2003 04:21 PM

man some of you are shoulda woulda is it wrong that he discriminates shitty customers, but nothing is wrong when we discriminate shitty broncos fans...:p :p

Rausch 01-08-2003 04:22 PM


Originally posted by Chiefsgurl18

Dang, and where do you work at?...I'm thinking pizza hut.

Nah, it's a mom and pop pizza place...

Rausch 01-08-2003 04:24 PM

Re: Re: edited because it wasn't nice.

Originally posted by KCChiefsMan

I know a hell of a lot about dealing with people

No you don't. Apparently you know nothing at all about how to deal with people...

PastorMikH 01-08-2003 04:37 PM

If I remember right, Paul is working in pre-law. Paul, you have the makings of a fine lawyer.:)

Seriously, people are going to stiff you. You are going to bust your tail with a $50 table and get stuck with no tip. It happens. Some people are going to act like complete jerks. Basically because some of them are. It is all part of working with the public.

Maybe you recognize those people the next time they come in, but it still doesn't make your actions right.

Personally, I would have much more respect for a waiter/waitress if they caught me on the way out and mentioned to me that they noticed the tip was a little slim and if there was some problem with the service rather than take out thier frustrations on me the next time a come in.

Shoot, for all you know, the bus boy could be slipping some of the top before you get to your tips.

Phobia 01-08-2003 04:44 PM


Originally posted by pastormikh
Shoot, for all you know, the bus boy could be slipping some of the top before you get to your tips.
Especially if said bus boy is aware of your "convictions" about a percentage of your clientel.

KS Smitty 01-08-2003 05:12 PM


1) if you come in and I've served you before and I know you don't tip, then they'll just get the worst service in the world (and NO I wouldn't ever spit in the food or shit like that, just no refills and really really slow and rude service)
2) if the person is wearing ANYTHING with the confederate flag on it
3) if the person is wearing ANYTHING with Nascar on it
4) if the person has a mullet
5) if they are rude to me regardless of what you look like
6) if they are missing teeth (unless they are really polite)
7) if they look like they are in high school
8) if they are wearing dirty t-shirts
9) if they are wearing John Deer hats
10) if I just get the "I'm not getting a tip from this table vibe"
We fit some of your criteria yet in a reply to this thread we said the following:


We usually tip a minimum of 15% unless the service (not the meal) sucked. It's always based on the bill. We have a friend that does only tip a couple of bucks everytime we go out together and I make sure that we augment it to at least 15%.
You also told us to stop by Carlos O Kelleys (in October) and now you're at Applebees? What happened? Surely it wasn't anything on your part. :rolleyes:

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