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AphexPhin 06-14-2013 05:44 AM

Movies so bad you couldn't even finish them
Lets all list movies that were so bad you couldn't even finish them. This will give folks a heads up on what films to avoid at all costs.

I'll start...

Gerry - Hands down the most boring film I've EVER seen. It stars Matt Damon & Casey Affleck and its basically just them wandering through out the desert. ****in awful movie. I cant believe the same guy that directed Good Will Hunting and My Own Private Idaho directed this garbage. Avoid at all costs!

Gangster Squad -I couldnt believe how dumb this movie was. The script was terrible as well as the dialogue. And i couldnt believe that all those awesome actors (Ryan Gosling, Sean Penn , Josh Brolin) even agreed to do this shitty film.

Valkerie - THis is the worst Tom Cruise film I've ever seen. I walked out of the theater with about 45 minutes to go it was so stupid and boring. Basically its just a bunch of close up shots of Cruise talking on the phone to other people. Very little suspense or action in this.

Cosmopolis - I Looooooove David Croenberg films but hated this one. Easily his worst film. It stars that Twilight dbag and he cant act worth shit. They should of cast Joseph Gordon Levitt or someone that could actually act for Christs sakes.

Pearl Harbor - Why does Michael Bay get to keep on making movies?

Molitoth 06-14-2013 07:13 AM


KC_Lee 06-14-2013 07:15 AM


CleveSteve 06-14-2013 07:16 AM


Carrie 2 - Pointless. Just bloody.

Lincoln - Same quality dialogue as the History Channel

The Aristocrats - Got a lot of hype. Really wasn't funny.

siberian khatru 06-14-2013 07:17 AM

Batman and Robin

I've tried 3 times to finish it. Can't do. Awful, awful, mind-numbingly loud and stupid movie.

Buehler445 06-14-2013 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by siberian khatru (Post 9751571)
Batman and Robin

I've tried 3 times to finish it. Can't do. Awful, awful, mind-numbingly loud and stupid movie.

Oofta. That's a bad one.

patteeu 06-14-2013 07:31 AM

Dick Tracy with Warren Beatty and Madonna is the only movie I've ever left the theater halfway through.

Buehler445 06-14-2013 07:32 AM

The never ending story. Seriously, my mom thought it I liked it or some shit, I don't even know WTF it is about.

displacedinMN 06-14-2013 07:35 AM

Sliding doors

Both with Gweneth Paltrow-that is not a coincidence.
Cant stand her to this day.

Both were videos at home, but ICK!!!

Should have walked out on "midnight in the garden of good and evil'

Donger 06-14-2013 07:40 AM

Black Rain
The Master

Urc Burry 06-14-2013 07:51 AM

Watchmen. Made it to the blue dong then walked out if the theatre

Molitoth 06-14-2013 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by CleveSteve (Post 9751570)

Lincoln - Same quality dialogue as the History Channel

Actually, I've never finished this movie either... but I attempted to watch it on a plane.

It wasn't a bad movie, I just wasn't in the mood at the time for it.

I need to go back and watch it.

rico 06-14-2013 08:14 AM

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is the first movie that comes to my mind. I HATED that movie. Couldn't finish it. Had high hopes. Pissed me off.

JD10367 06-14-2013 08:16 AM

"The Adventures of Jake Speed". I walked out of the theater and walked into the one next door and watched the second half of "Terminator 2" (which I'd already seen).

"Glengarry Glen Ross". **** ****ity ****ing ****er ****. That was pretty much all I got out of it.

Recently: "Oz". Detested it.

MTG#10 06-14-2013 08:20 AM

Too many to name. Most recently, Lords of Salem. Big Rob Zombie fan, had high hopes for it but it was dreadful.

JD10367 06-14-2013 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by MTG#10 (Post 9751621)
Too many to name. Most recently, Lords of Salem. Big Rob Zombie fan, had high hopes for it but it was dreadful.

Ooh! Forgot about that one! Me too. I walked out midway after she wandered next door and stared at the neon crucifix.

Frazod 06-14-2013 08:31 AM

The last movie I actually walked out of the theater on was the Assassination of Jesse James. Had I been by myself I might have stuck it out, but I was with my wife and a female friend who just went because Brad Pitt was in it, and they were both clearly miserable. Painfully dull and slow, although I did finishing watching it later and it got somewhat better toward the end.

Royal Tennenbaums - holy shit. I wanted to murder every single one of them. Lasted 20 minutes. Deal with people like this in real life, even just a little, and you won't want to watch a movie about them. Unless they all get slowly tortured to death by a chainsaw weilding psychopath. Which I assume didn't happen.

The Thin Red Line. I have yet to meet a person who liked this piece of shit - just critics whom I suppose were all highly compensated for their gushing reviews. Everybody I ever talked to about it either quit watching after the first hour or wish they had quit watching after the first hour. A war movie without war. Sort of like a porno where everybody stays dressed and just have voiceover thoughts of ****ing. Ugh.

I had to be physically restrained from walking out on Moonstruck. Another critically acclaimed piece of crap. I tried to watch it later thinking perhaps I was just in a bad mood that day - nope, it just sucks. Maybe you have to be Italian to get it. Or drunk. Or reeruned. Or all of the above.

I certainly wish I had walked out on Batman and Robin. And Tango and Cash, for that matter. And Gods and Generals. Oh my God. How could the same people who made Gettysburg make this piece of crap? It was like a boring high school history lecture.

Oh, and Urc Berry - you're a ****ing heathen. Watchmen was brilliant.

rico 06-14-2013 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 9751639)

The Thin Red Line.

It seems like every time I see Jim Caveziel in a movie, he ends up getting his ass kicked someway, somehow. Gets killed in The Thin Red Line. Gets his ass brutally beaten in Passion of the Christ. Was tortured/whipped in the Count of Monte Cristo. Every time I see him on TV, I think to myself, "it's just a matter of time before this innocent-faced man gets his ass kicked."

siberian khatru 06-14-2013 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 9751639)
The last movie I actually walked out of the theater on was the Assassination of Jesse James. Had I been by myself I might have stuck it out, but I was with my wife and a female friend who just went because Brad Pitt was in it, and they were both clearly miserable. Painfully dull and slow, although I did finishing watching it later and it got somewhat better toward the end.

Royal Tennenbaums - holy shit. I wanted to murder every single one of them. Lasted 20 minutes. Deal with people like this in real life, even just a little, and you won't want to watch a movie about them. Unless they all get slowly tortured to death by a chainsaw weilding psychopath. Which I assume didn't happen.

The Thin Red Line. I have yet to meet a person who liked this piece of shit - just critics whom I suppose were all highly compensated for their gushing reviews. Everybody I ever talked to about it either quit watching after the first hour or wish they had quit watching after the first hour. A war movie without war. Sort of like a porno where everybody stays dressed and just have voiceover thoughts of ****ing. Ugh.

I had to be physically restrained from walking out on Moonstruck. Another critically acclaimed piece of crap. I tried to watch it later thinking perhaps I was just in a bad mood that day - nope, it just sucks. Maybe you have to be Italian to get it. Or drunk. Or reeruned. Or all of the above.

I certainly wish I had walked out on Batman and Robin. And Tango and Cash, for that matter. And Gods and Generals. Oh my God. How could the same people who made Gettysburg make this piece of crap? It was like a boring high school history lecture.

Oh, and Urc Berry - you're a ****ing heathen. Watchmen was brilliant.

Gods and Generals was INTERMINABLE. I almost fell asleep during it. Ironically, it's worth staying to the end -- or fast-forwarding to the end -- for the death of Stonewall Jackson. IMO, that's the highlight of the movie. Stephen Lang gave a fantastic performance. But it takes over 3 hours to get there.

Silock 06-14-2013 08:48 AM

Some of the movies in here are WTF. Some really quality ones being named, and shouldn't be.

The last movie I couldn't finish was from Netflix called Wasted on the Young. Boring.

Frazod 06-14-2013 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by siberian khatru (Post 9751654)
Gods and Generals was INTERMINABLE. I almost fell asleep during it. Ironically, it's worth staying to the end -- or fast-forwarding to the end -- for the death of Stonewall Jackson. IMO, that's the highlight of the movie. Stephen Lang gave a fantastic performance. But it takes over 3 hours to get there.

There was probably about an hour of decent movie buried in there. Unfortunately, it was lost amid three hours of endless, sappy, preachy, violin-accompanied monologues. I knew something was amiss when Chamberlain's wife droned on forever before he even left the house.

keg in kc 06-14-2013 09:03 AM

Battlefield Earth. Batman & Robin.

AndChiefs 06-14-2013 09:05 AM

Gone with the wind.

My wakefulness was gone with the wind.

Frazod 06-14-2013 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by AndChiefs (Post 9751678)
Gone with the wind.

My wakefulness was gone with the wind.

People talk about this like it's on the same level with classics like Casablanca or Citizen Kane and I want to slap them. Way, way, way too long. And God I hated Scarlett. Did Vivian Lee sound that annoying in everything she did? Fran Drescher's voice isn't that bad. Fiddle-de-dee? Fiddle-de-**** YOU BITCH SHUT UP. It would have been much better if Rhett had shot her in the face at the end.

Which, if you're watching it with commercials, comes about five hours after the movie begins.


DMAC 06-14-2013 09:16 AM

The Lost World

When Jeff Goldblums black daughter starting doing gymnastics to fight off dinosaurs, I started doing laundry.

keg in kc 06-14-2013 09:16 AM

I think I made it about 30 seconds into gone with the wind.

AndChiefs 06-14-2013 09:30 AM

And here I thought Gone With the Wind might be controversial.

The Franchise 06-14-2013 09:33 AM

Nacho Libre
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

CleveSteve 06-14-2013 09:34 AM

ah, thanks for reminding me.

Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter goes on the list, too. Just terrible.

AphexPhin 06-14-2013 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by DMAC (Post 9751694)
The Lost World

When Jeff Goldblums black daughter starting doing gymnastics to fight off dinosaurs, I started doing laundry.


Frazod 06-14-2013 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by AndChiefs (Post 9751711)
And here I thought Gone With the Wind might be controversial.

For its time it was spectacular. But it has not aged well, IMO.

Joe_Camel 06-14-2013 09:48 AM

I think that Holy Man might be the only movie that I have walked out of the theater.

The Franchise 06-14-2013 09:48 AM

Here's the thing about Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. The book was ****ing awesome. The movie could have been just as awesome....but they went with all action and skipped the ****ing build up that the book had. In the could understand WHY Lincoln hated the took a couple of chapters of build up. In the movie.....5 minutes in and it wasn't even the same ****ing thing. ****ing disappointed.

DMAC 06-14-2013 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 9751746)
Here's the thing about Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. The book was ****ing awesome. The movie could have been just as awesome....but they went with all action and skipped the ****ing build up that the book had. In the could understand WHY Lincoln hated the took a couple of chapters of build up. In the movie.....5 minutes in and it wasn't even the same ****ing thing. ****ing disappointed.

It can't be worse than The Running Man book/movie comparison.

Frazod 06-14-2013 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 9751746)
Here's the thing about Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. The book was ****ing awesome. The movie could have been just as awesome....but they went with all action and skipped the ****ing build up that the book had. In the could understand WHY Lincoln hated the took a couple of chapters of build up. In the movie.....5 minutes in and it wasn't even the same ****ing thing. ****ing disappointed.

Agreed. Everything clever and cool about the book was replaced by Matrix ripoff action sequences and 'splosions in the movie. It was nearly Dune-level butchery.

The Franchise 06-14-2013 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by DMAC (Post 9751752)
It can't be worse than The Running Man book/movie comparison.

I've never read the I couldn't really compare them. This book/movie translation ****ing sucked though......hardcore.

Aries Walker 06-14-2013 09:58 AM

I made it about ten minutes into Elf.

T-Town 06-14-2013 09:59 AM

The Room. Just the worst movie ever. I swear it was written by an 12 year old.
Hereafter was a close second.

Dayze 06-14-2013 09:59 AM

The Expendables
The Burbs
Mullholand Drive
Men In Black
Independnce Day

'Hamas' Jenkins 06-14-2013 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 9751639)
. And Tango and Cash, for that matter.

Hey! **** you, guy.

The Franchise 06-14-2013 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 9751769)
The Expendables
The Burbs
Mullholand Drive
Men In Black
Independnce Day

What the **** man? I actually liked "The Burbs".

Frazod 06-14-2013 10:01 AM

I don't get the Running Man hate, but I never did read the book. Typical campy Arnie, and Richard Dawson basically playing an evil version of his gameshow persona was great.

Frazod 06-14-2013 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins (Post 9751770)
Hey! **** you, guy.

Oh come on. By the time they got to that ****tarded monster truck finale I wanted to stab somebody in the face with an icepick.

Fritz88 06-14-2013 10:03 AM

After Earth.

rico 06-14-2013 10:04 AM

The Day After Tomorrow.

Predarat 06-14-2013 10:05 AM

The 1st time I saw Rocky 4, I left the theatre sobbing when Apollo Creed died and did not return. Does that count?

Dayze 06-14-2013 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 9751773)
What the **** man? I actually liked "The Burbs".

I thought I would too. but man...I made it about a half hour into it. maybe it got better after that?

'Hamas' Jenkins 06-14-2013 10:07 AM

The only movie I've ever walked out of was Eyes Wide Shut.

The worst movie I've ever seen was Short Cuts. I became physically angry watching that.

I would have relatively few to list because I am probably far too prejudiced in selecting films to potentially watch. I can zoom through hundreds of choices on Netflix and never even be tempted to select something.

'Hamas' Jenkins 06-14-2013 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 9751777)
Oh come on. By the time they got to that ****tarded monster truck finale I wanted to stab somebody in the face with an icepick.

You have to embrace the essential terribleness of that movie. The dialogue is so bad and the plot is so implausible that I wonder if the director actually made it as an ironic critique of 80s action films.

Of course, you are talking to someone who would teach a seminar in 80s action films if such options were allowed to me.

DMAC 06-14-2013 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 9751775)
I don't get the Running Man hate, but I never did read the book. Typical campy Arnie, and Richard Dawson basically playing an evil version of his gameshow persona was great.

The book is brilliant. And nothing like the movie.

The Franchise 06-14-2013 10:11 AM

Oh....and I've never EVER walked out of the theater. All of the movies that I've stopped have been on DVD and at my house. I don't go to the movies as much as normal people do. For me to go to the has to be a movie that I really want to see and know that I'll like.

DMAC 06-14-2013 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 9751804)
Oh....and I've never EVER walked out of the theater. All of the movies that I've stopped have been on DVD and at my house. I don't go to the movies as much as normal people do. For me to go to the has to be a movie that I really want to see and know that I'll like.


MTG#10 06-14-2013 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by JD10367 (Post 9751632)
Ooh! Forgot about that one! Me too. I walked out midway after she wandered next door and stared at the neon crucifix.

Same here. Dumbest ****ing movie scene ever. And the saddest part was that it didn't even help that it was only a dream.

L.A. Chieffan 06-14-2013 10:14 AM

I dont think Ive ever walked out of a movie in a theater. Ill usually stick it out if not at least to make fun of it.

MTG#10 06-14-2013 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 9751715)
Nacho Libre

Agreed. JB cracks me up most of the time but that was just terrible.

siberian khatru 06-14-2013 10:19 AM

C'mon, Tango and Cash is a fun movie. It doesn't take itself seriously.

"I wish I could be as forgiving, but I can't. Because ... this whole thing ... ****ING SUCKS!"

Now, Cobra ... that SUCKED, because it took itself way too seriously.

mr. tegu 06-14-2013 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by Aries Walker (Post 9751765)
I made it about ten minutes into Elf.

Haha. What exactly did you expect of that movie that would push you to start watching it but not finish it?

RealSNR 06-14-2013 10:23 AM

Never walked out of a theater.

I once rented The International starring Clive Owen and shut it off after 30 minutes. Boring, boring, boring, boring ****ing movie.

Mosbonian 06-14-2013 10:23 AM

I don't go to the movie theaters much lately since alot of people seem to forget the "turn off your cell phone" and "please don't talk during the movie" messages. It seems everyone wants to play Siskel and Ebert during the movie. So I mostly watch DVD's at home...some I watched recently and feel like I wasted my money:

The latest Die Hard
Hansel & Gretel (was hoping for better but got the same disappointment as I did from Snow White & The Huntsman)
The Great & Powerful Oz
Gangster Squad
Red Dawn (I actually liked Marine 3 with The Miz more than I liked this movie)

Amongst the older movies..

Battlefield Earth
Anything with Nicolas Cage (Other than the original National Treasure)
The Warrior and The Sorceress (if you have seen this movie you are older and none the wiser)
Cloud Atlas

DMAC 06-14-2013 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Mosbonian (Post 9751837)
Anything with Nicolas Cage (Other than the original National Treasure)

I loved him in Kick Ass.

...cuz he burned

Frazod 06-14-2013 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by siberian khatru (Post 9751823)
C'mon, Tango and Cash is a fun movie. It doesn't take itself seriously.

"I wish I could be as forgiving, but I can't. Because ... this whole thing ... ****ING SUCKS!"

Now, Cobra ... that SUCKED, because it took itself way too seriously.

Cobra sucks, but it has my favorite Stallone line - where the guy threatens to blow up the supermarket, and he says "That's okay, I don't shop here." LMAO

The Franchise 06-14-2013 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Aries Walker (Post 9751765)
I made it about ten minutes into Elf.


Originally Posted by mr. tegu (Post 9751833)
Haha. What exactly did you expect of that movie that would push you to start watching it but not finish it?

Exactly.....did you go into this shit blind? Never see the cover?

Will Ferrell in an Elf costume? This shit is going to be riveting.

10 minutes later......WHAT THE **** IS THIS SHIT!??!?! I WAS EXPECTING A SERIOUS MOVIE!!!!

Frazod 06-14-2013 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by DMAC (Post 9751841)
I loved him in Kick Ass.

...cuz he burned

Not a big Nicolas Cage fan, either. He generally annoys the crap out of me even when he's in good movies.

His best performance (and best movie) is Lord of War.

DMAC 06-14-2013 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 9751852)
Not a big Nicolas Cage fan, either. He generally annoys the crap out of me even when he's in good movies.

His best performance (and best movie) is Lord of War.

Matchstick Men was good.

rico 06-14-2013 10:46 AM

I liked Cage in Raising Arizona.

KevB 06-14-2013 10:47 AM

Grown Ups, and somehow they're making a second one.

Baby Lee 06-14-2013 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 9751639)
And Tango and Cash, for that matter.

Last one I recall actually physically walking out on. But then I've been on the home theater tip for quite a while now.


Originally Posted by JD10367 (Post 9751618)
"Glengarry Glen Ross". **** ****ity ****ing ****er ****. That was pretty much all I got out of it.

That is a classic, sure there's lots of cursing, but its a supreme work of screenwriting.

ThaVirus 06-14-2013 11:26 AM

Ill second Watchmen. What a piece of shit borefest that was..

underEJ 06-14-2013 11:29 AM

This thread is a fine example of why there needs to be so much content created. People are very very different. I absolutely love some of the movies others hate, like The Thin Red Line, and Assassination of Jesse James, and Short Cuts. To each his own proves very true for entertainment, I guess!

I walked out of Bonfire of the Vanities.

Amnorix 06-14-2013 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by rico (Post 9751616)
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is the first movie that comes to my mind. I HATED that movie. Couldn't finish it. Had high hopes. Pissed me off.

That movie was whacked. I finished it, but don't really take any pride in doing so.

I'm honestly not sure I've ever walked out on a movie. Think we probably feel like we paid we should watch it 'til the end. There's quite a few that we SHOULD have walked out on. Where the Wild Things Are is the one that leaps to mind first. Even the kids didn't like it.

Amnorix 06-14-2013 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by underEJ (Post 9751910)
I walked out of Bonfire of the Vanities.

HA nice. I put down the book. I was on page 200 or whatever and realized I hated every character and didn't give a crap about any of them or the plot. Time to move on...

Pablo 06-14-2013 12:42 PM

Sideways was an awful movie. I made it about 20 minutes.

Frazod 06-14-2013 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Pablo (Post 9752050)
Sideways was an awful movie. I made it about 20 minutes.

Good call, I forgot about that one. I think I lasted half an hour.

JD10367 06-14-2013 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Aries Walker (Post 9751765)
I made it about ten minutes into Elf.

I'm not a big Will Ferrell fan, but at least "Elf" had Zooey Deschanel in it. :hump:

mr. tegu 06-14-2013 12:54 PM

I loved Watchmen. I am surprised at the number of mentions it has gotten.

Ceej 06-14-2013 12:57 PM


Cage's best flick was obviously CON AIR!

Ceej 06-14-2013 12:59 PM

I've never walked out of a theater.

But, I couldn't finish Royal Tennenbaums, or Hunger Games.

'Hamas' Jenkins 06-14-2013 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by mr. tegu (Post 9752068)
I loved Watchmen. I am surprised at the number of mentions it has gotten.

I didn't care for it. I didn't hate it, but it wasn't my favorite. And goddamn, Malin Akerman is alleyway-porno bad as an actress.

Frazod 06-14-2013 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by CJizzles (Post 9752081)
I've never walked out of a theater.

But, I couldn't finish Royal Tennenbaums, or Hunger Games.

I finally watched the Hunger Games recently. I didn't think it was a bad movie, but I found the subject matter (children murdering other children for sport) to be very disturbing. Which is the point, I guess, but still it was pretty offensive. I'm very surprised by the amount of teenie-bobber types who get all gushy over it.

Frazod 06-14-2013 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins (Post 9752092)
I didn't care for it. I didn't hate it, but it wasn't my favorite. And goddamn, Malin Akerman is alleyway-porno bad as an actress.

You liked Tango and Cash, but didn't like Watchmen?


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