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googlegoogle 03-11-2011 07:35 PM

Japan going Chernobyl <-original thread i got banned for. thanks idiot mods.

cdcox 03-11-2011 07:40 PM

Because releasing a little bit of radioactive steam is the same as an explosion that exposes parts of the reactor to air causing it to ignite, and having a radioactive fire spewing fallout over thousands of square miles.

BigMeatballDave 03-11-2011 07:41 PM

The Japanese are impervious to radiation.

teedubya 03-11-2011 07:54 PM

in Fukushima Prefecture, the No. 1 and No. 2, No. 4 in the three groups it can be sufficiently cooled reactor it is gone. Therefore, TEPCO Nuclear Disaster Special Measures Law, "emergency" report made to the State to inform. "Emergency" report is followed by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. NISA, the impact of the leak of radioactive material and immediately but not to the future, we need to examine whether to evacuate nearby residents.


THREE Reactors are in freefall and WILL meltdown. One is already "gone"

They are evacuating within 50km now. :-(


Dante84 03-11-2011 07:56 PM


Change the ****ing thread title, jackass.

BigMeatballDave 03-11-2011 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by teedubya (Post 7484091)
in Fukushima Prefecture, the No. 1 and No. 2, No. 4 in the three groups it can be sufficiently cooled reactor it is gone. Therefore, TEPCO Nuclear Disaster Special Measures Law, "emergency" report made to the State to inform. "Emergency" report is followed by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. NISA, the impact of the leak of radioactive material and immediately but not to the future, we need to examine whether to evacuate nearby residents.


THREE Reactors are in freefall and WILL meltdown. One is already "gone"

They are evacuating within 50km now. :-(


Nice link. My Japanese is off. :LOL:

Donger 03-11-2011 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by googlegoogle (Post 7484035)


Bwana 03-11-2011 08:06 PM



teedubya 03-11-2011 08:06 PM

Ruh Roh

loochy 03-11-2011 08:10 PM

Do you even know what happened at chernobyl or what is happening in Japan? Do you even know how a reactor works?

Sannyasi 03-11-2011 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by teedubya (Post 7484091)
in Fukushima Prefecture, the No. 1 and No. 2, No. 4 in the three groups it can be sufficiently cooled reactor it is gone. Therefore, TEPCO Nuclear Disaster Special Measures Law, "emergency" report made to the State to inform. "Emergency" report is followed by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. NISA, the impact of the leak of radioactive material and immediately but not to the future, we need to examine whether to evacuate nearby residents.


THREE Reactors are in freefall and WILL meltdown. One is already "gone"

They are evacuating within 50km now. :-(


The ":-(" was a nice touch. Was it a part of the original article?

googlegoogle 03-11-2011 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 7484122)

Nuclear emergency declared.

loochy 03-11-2011 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by googlegoogle (Post 7484151)

...and this is like chernobyl how?

teedubya 03-11-2011 08:21 PM

nuclear energy has not been kind to Japan.

loochy 03-11-2011 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by teedubya (Post 7484165)
nuclear energy has not been kind to Japan.

Dude I swear if a giant dinosaur comes up from the ocean ill freak out

pr_capone 03-11-2011 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 7484155)
...and this is like chernobyl how?

Don't you remember the historic Chernobyl earthquake that caused the fallout?

teedubya 03-11-2011 08:31 PM

RT JapanTodayNews UPDATE3: Japan finds radioactive material leak at quake-hit Fukushima plant: T... #Asia #Japan #News

loochy 03-11-2011 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by pr_capone (Post 7484186)
Don't you remember the historic Chernobyl earthquake that caused the fallout?

...and here I thought that chernobyl's situation was caused by lack of quality control and poor engineering. Silly me.

Bugeater 03-11-2011 08:37 PM

Are we dead yet?

Just Passin' By 03-11-2011 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater (Post 7484211)
Are we dead yet?

Radioactive zombies, coming soon.

WoodDraw 03-11-2011 08:42 PM!/arclight

That's a nuclear engineer on twitter that has been answering questions and talking, if anyone wants to read along.

bevischief 03-11-2011 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by BCD (Post 7484047)
The Japanese are impervious to radiation.

That is so wrong...LMAO

Just Passin' By 03-11-2011 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 7484174)
Dude I swear if a giant dinosaur comes up from the ocean ill freak out

If a giant dinosaur comes up from the ocean, I'm buying a plane ticket to Japan.

Crush 03-11-2011 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 7484200)
...and here I thought that chernobyl's situation was caused by lack of quality control and poor engineering. Silly me.

Your memory was erased by the government to protect you.

J Diddy 03-11-2011 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 7484155)
...and this is like chernobyl how?

neither one of the countries has english for a first language

Mr. Flopnuts 03-11-2011 08:54 PM

So, has he lost his thread starting privileges again?

J Diddy 03-11-2011 08:54 PM

I watched the first part of that video. They started talking about navy ships being on their way. I thought to myself how messed up would that have been if they pulled the USS Missouri out of retirement to assist in aid.

Donger 03-11-2011 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by googlegoogle (Post 7484151)

Do you want to do this with me?

RJ 03-11-2011 10:45 PM

JD10367 03-11-2011 10:48 PM

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Dave Lane 03-11-2011 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by Dante84 (Post 7484096)

Change the ****ing thread title, jackass.

He really would have had a shot at beating Tom at douchebag of the year.

Tribal Warfare 03-11-2011 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by RJ (Post 7484533)

and they are honestly making an american made reboot of Godzilla also

mikey23545 03-11-2011 11:06 PM

"No Chernobyl is possible at a light water reactor. Loss of coolant means a temperature rise, but it also will stop the reaction," Naoto Sekimura, a professor at the University of Tokyo, said.

"Even in the worst-case scenario, that would mean some radioactive leakage and equipment damage, but not an explosion. If venting is done carefully, there will be little leakage. Certainly not beyond the 3 km radius."


DaFace 03-11-2011 11:18 PM

Huh. Apparently, an attempt to restrict his privs further somehow overrode the ban on thread starting abilities.

teedubya 03-11-2011 11:31 PM

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Dave Lane 03-11-2011 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 7484649)
Huh. Apparently, an attempt to restrict his privs further somehow overrode the ban on thread starting abilities.

Miserable User. Ohhh pllleeeaaaasssee!!!

teedubya 03-11-2011 11:43 PM

Just curious, does anyone know the best place to get a forecast for the jetstream? I can't figure it out on


ReynardMuldrake 03-11-2011 11:43 PM

Stole this from Reddit:


Disclaimer: IAaNRO (I Am a Nuclear Reactor Operator. I work part-time at my college's research reactor)

Short Answer: It's unlikely. It's been shutdown, but the core is still producing heat. It's not impossible for it to meltdown, but the main concern right now is that the steam pressure is rising in the cooling system, to the point where the system might rupture if nothing is done.

(Note: Originally I thought it was impossible for this reactor to meltdown at this point, but I've since been corrected. I've edited my answer slightly to reflect this)

Long answer:

Nuclear power reactors are of two main varieties: Pressurized Water Reactors, and Boiling Water Reactors. The plant in question is a Boiling Water Reactor (BWR). BWRs work by using the core's thermal energy to boil the cooling water into steam, and then channelling the steam in order to turn a steam turbine. After it exits the turbine, the steam is cooled in a condenser, where it turns back to water, and then is sent back into the core. The condenser requires cool water to be actively pumped through it, to keep the pipes upon which the steam condenses from becoming too hot. The water/steam that runs through the core and the turbine is referred to as the "primary cooling system", and the water running through the condenser is the "secondary cooling system." The primary is assumed to be contaminated (that is, it is measurably radioactive), whereas the secondary system is not, since it is isolated from the primary.

As far as I can tell, the chain of events for this particular plant went something like this:

Shortly after the quake, the reactor successfully shut down in anticipation of the tsunami. This means that no more fission is occurring in the core. A meltdown a la Chernobyl is a result of uncontrollable fission. This will not be another Chernobyl. However, just because U-235 is no longer fissioning, doesn't mean that the core isn't producing heat. The fission fragments (those isotopes produced as a result of the U-235 fissioning) will continue to decay through alpha, beta, or gamma emission, until stable elements at the bottom of the decay chain are reached. The decay of these fission fragments and their decay products will cause the core to continue to produce heat for some time after shutdown.

Presumably due to the fact that every reactor near the east coast of Japan was being shutdown, offsite power for the secondary cooling system was unavailable, so the power plant had to rely on onsite backup power, but the onsite power only lasted for 8 hours. After that, the secondary cooling system failed, which is what triggered the declaration of the Nuclear Emergency, and evacuation of those living within 3Km of the plant.

Since the core is continuing to produce heat, and consequently steam, the steam pressure inside the primary system is rising above normal levels. They are hesitant to bleed off steam into the containment dome, since the dome was probably damaged in the quake, but obviously bleeding off some steam is better than having the primary system rupture. Thankfully, most of the really nasty decay products have a relatively short half-life. In particular, Nitrogen-16, which gives off pretty high energy betas when it decays, has a half-life of 7.2 seconds. Therefore, releasing the steam is undesirable, but not catastrophic, and probably not even particularly hazardous. The radioactive materials in the cloud will be longer-lived decay products of hydrogen and oxygen in, and as far as I'm aware none of those are particularly active. The cloud will be dilute itself after release, which will lower the intensity of the radiation field significantly. Therefore, the total radioactivity release will be many orders of magnitude lower than that of Chernobyl or Three Mile Island.
So basically, the reactor is offline but overheating due to the power outage, and they may have to vent steam that is mildly radioactive. Very low probability of a meltdown, the evacuation seems to be more of a precaution than anything.

teedubya 03-12-2011 12:04 AM


Primary or core meltdown in the discovery of cesium in the vicinity of the first-Hukushima - NISA

Newsletter March 12 (Sat) 11:14 min delivery
Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry on August 12, the first nuclear power plant damaged by earthquake Toukyoudenryoku Hukuzima East (town Ookuma Fukushima Futaba town) in Unit 1, soluble in hot fuel rods "meltdown" has occurred likely announced.

According to NISA, No. 1 around the detection of radioactive cesium on NIRS team. Cesium is contained in nuclear fuel rods, because of its high melting point, it is estimated that the likely cause meltdown.
According to the Safety Agency, said nuclear power plant Unit 1 reactor water level decreased from 12 am. Temporarily exposed surface of the cooling water from nuclear fuel rods were damaged nuclear fuel is a concern.

ClevelandBronco 03-12-2011 12:22 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I'll play along, tee.

Here. I superimposed the Chernobyl danger areas in scale over a map of Japan. NOW, CAREFUL, EVERYONE. THE COLORED PART IS CHERNOBYL. NOT FUKUSHIMA. Happy worrying!

007 03-12-2011 12:29 AM

I just want to see Ghidorah.

FAX 03-12-2011 12:33 AM

I'm beginning to feel a little sorry for the Japanese peoples of Japan.

Still, looking at the glass half-full, given the nuclear disaster looming on their island, the next generation of Japanese peoples should be able to put together one hell of a circus.


googlegoogle 03-12-2011 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Dante84 (Post 7484096)

Change the ****ing thread title, jackass.

I can't change the title. The mods here ****ed my account up.

googlegoogle 03-12-2011 05:29 AM

Reactor exploded.

Hows that Daface. Thanks for the Ban too. You said it wouldn't happen. I got it right.

CrazyPhuD 03-12-2011 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by googlegoogle (Post 7484946)

Reactor exploded.

Hows that Daface. Thanks for the Ban too. You said it wouldn't happen. I got it right.

Please quit spreading false and inflammatory news. You may have an axe to grind here but everyone expects you to maintain some degree of credibility. When the first three paragraphs rejects your entire comment about the 'reactor 'blowing up''. You lose any ounce of credibility. This is NOT DC....if you can't handle that then please do not come here.

First three paragraphs from the article YOU post.....


An explosion near a nuclear power station north of Tokyo destroyed the walls of a reactor building and injured four people. Japanese officials said the reactor may melt down following yesterday’s record earthquake.

Tokyo Electric Power Co., Asia’s biggest utility, said there was an explosion near the No. 1 reactor at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power station at 3:40 p.m. Japan time today. Four people were injured and radioactivity levels are rising, spokesman Taisuke Tomikawa said in by telephone.

Serious damage to the container of the reactor is believed to be unlikely, Kyodo News reported, citing unidentified nuclear safety agency officials. Fuel rods at the reactor may be melting after radioactive Cesium material left by atomic fission was detected near the site, Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency spokesman Yuji Kakizaki said by phone earlier today.

Dave Lane 03-12-2011 07:21 AM

Nuclear plant issues in Japan are the least of their worries
by Rod Adams
My thoughts and prayers are with all of the people who are struggling to deal with one of the worst natural disasters in recorded history. I have spent most of the past 24 hours trying to grasp the extent of the tragedy. It has been incredible to watch video replays that remind me of Hollywood movies that can best be enjoyed by employing the technique of "suspension of disbelief" that I learned while studying fiction story telling techniques. It is very difficult to imagine what it would be like to live in a comfortable, modern city one day and find it washed away within minutes. That wave could recede after having threatened your life, taken away all that you know and killed many people that you love.

There are fires at refineries, breaks in hydroelectric dams, explosions associated with natural gas systems, and massive quantities of contaminated land where the water overturned or damaged what were thousands of well designed containers full of hazardous materials. (For example, every automobile and truck that you see overturned by a wave contains a lead acid storage battery and tanks containing somewhere between 10-200 gallons of hydrocarbons. There is a 100% chance that some of that material has been released in an uncontrolled manner to the environment.)

The aftermath of this event will be a long and difficult clean up. Even in a well ordered and wealthy society like the one that exists in Japan, there will be places where physical evidence of the disaster will be detectable for decades. No one alive in Japan today will ever forget where they were on the afternoon of March 11, 2011. I can make those statements in such a positive manner because the record of recoveries from extensive natural disasters is as long as recorded human history; there is no reason to believe that this one will be substantially different.

What is incredible to me, however, is that there are many people who are focusing on the wrong thing and worrying about low consequence details of the damage that should only be a major concern for the people who are directly involved in accident response. I know it is hopelessly rational of me, but when faced with a confusing array of dangers, I have been trained to handle the ones most likely to hurt me or my loved ones first. Prioritization and triage are important tools in damage control; wasting resources on those aspects that are being well handled means you have less time and tools available to respond to the really pressing details.

There is at least one nuclear power plant that is apparently in danger of suffering long term damage. The operators are doing what they have been trained to do and working hard to keep their already shut down nuclear core covered with cooling water as the fission products decay away. Because they are in a place where all basic services have been cut off, getting electricity to their cooling water supply pumps is a serious challenge. As hospitals in Louisiana found out after Katrina, emergency diesel generators only supply power if you also manage to continue to deliver a sufficient supply of fuel to keep them running.

The almost certain scenario at all of the nuclear plants in Japan is that all of the hazardous material will be contained within the carefully engineered and constructed reactor pressure vessels and the surrounding containment building that were installed before the plants were ever started. During the course of events, there will almost certainly be a need for at least some of the the plant operators to carefully release non-condensible gases from their containment building. Some of those gases will be chemically inert "noble" gases that contain radioactive isotopes. No one will receive a high enough dose of radiation to cause any negative health effects.

I have no first hand knowledge of the specifics at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, or at the Fukushima Daini plant or any of the other plants that might experience similar challenges during the next few days. However, I spent a decade or so being trained and serving as an operator and department head for a nuclear power plant cooled by ordinary water (what we call "light water"). That deeply engrained experience helps me to have a pretty fair idea what must be going on at standard issue reactor plants constructed to international standards in the case where supplying even emergency electrical power is nearly impossible.

I have also studied the reports of the post accident material autopsies conducted at Three Mile Island Unit II in enough detail to be reasonably confident of my understanding of what might happen if the struggling operators are unable to power their cooling water pumps for an extended period of time.

Because standard water cooled nuclear reactors need to be supplied with more water as fission products decay and they cool down, their fuel can be damaged if the water is not delivered. Without water, even the ceramic fuel pellets that can withstand extremely high temperatures can melt. However, the fact that even moderately well trained nuclear specialists may not fully grasp is that the melted fuel is only generating enough heat to melt itself; it is not generating sufficient heat to melt through the thick steel pressure vessel where it resides.

At TMI, the widely predicted and discussed "China Syndrome" did not happen, even though 20-30% of the core melted and slumped to the bottom of the pressure vessel. That melted corium froze again once it contacted the thick metal walls - the maximum measured penetration was just 5/8ths of an inch. Anyone who has ever watched as welder employs a torch to cut through a thick steel wall will understand just how much concentrated power it takes to melt several inches of steel. Avoiding the China Syndrome was not a matter of luck - the scenario is imaginary and only works in fiction. Physics and material science make it impossible.

The plant's containment dome will be contaminated as a result of being the reception location for the steam that boils away while the operators are trying to restore cooling flow. That water will have contacted the core and will contain some of the core material as the cladding gets overheated and damaged.

Radiation levels inside the containment will be many times higher than usual, but that is okay because no one needs routine access inside containment buildings and no humans will be over exposed. The containment walls, reactor coolant piping, and other equipment inside the containment building will condense and capture much of the radioactive materials that are entrained in the water. Other than those vented noble gases mentioned above, essentially nothing will be released to the environment.

If you do not believe me, please read the compact, two page article that was published in the 20 September 2002 issue of Science Magazine titled Nuclear Power Plants and Their Fuel as Terrorist Targets. That article, jointly written by 11 of the most eminent nuclear specialists in the United States clearly lays out the possible consequences of the worst possible damage that can occur at a light water reactor with a containment dome licensed to "Western" standards.

Though technically incompetent professional fear mongers like Harvey Wasserman and Congressman Edward Markey will do their best to use the Japanese tsunami as another arrow in their quiver of antinuclear propaganda, the aftermath will show that all of the hype and fear will signify nothing. There may well be some damage at the plant, but the damage will be contained as a result of the defense in depth strategy that is enabled in nuclear power plants because of the exceedingly compact nature of the fuel material. Since nuclear fuel is so compact and so inexpensive, we can afford to surround it with several protective layers and still produce power plants whose output is affordable and normally very reliable.

From a nuclear power plant point of view only, the worst long term effect of the earthquake will be the fact that there might be a dozen or so plants that remain shutdown for an extended period of time. Because there is so much fear associated with radioactive materials, the standards set for inspection before restarting the plants is quite high. Based on the experience of the less consequential earthquake that affected the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear station on 16 July 2007 it may take a couple of years before plants that were shaken by the 11 March 2011 quake are allowed to start up and begin supplying customer needs. At Kashiwazaki-Kariwa only three of seven plants had been started up by June 2010, three years after an earthquake did not substantially damage them. It takes a long time to inspect the large quantities of piping and equipment associated with large nuclear power plants to the exacting standards applied.

As the Japanese economy recovers from the quake and power customers get their supplying wires restored, the demand for power will be met by importing more fuel oil, importing more Liquified Natural Gas and importing more coal.

Those additional demands on an already stressed fossil fuel market will cause world wide prices to be even higher than they would have been. There are already investors who are working hard to figure out how to play that very predictable consequence of the accident for their own gain. If you do not believe that statement, I recommend reading Bloomberg's March 11, 2011 article titled Japan’s Post-Quake Energy Import Surge Will Boost Reliance.

Only after putting you through the experience of reading the above do I feel good about sharing a completely different and breathless kind of report from a journalist who makes a number of technically incorrect statements in an attempt to tell a story that he just does not understand, but which he and his producers think will attract viewers so they will watch the commercials that keep his employer in the black. Watch the below at your own risk - it is designed to scare you and to provide the same kind of entertainment that some pay for when they watch badly scripted disaster movies.

morphius 03-12-2011 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyPhuD (Post 7484960)
Please quit spreading false and inflammatory news. You may have an axe to grind here but everyone expects you to maintain some degree of credibility. When the first three paragraphs rejects your entire comment about the 'reactor 'blowing up''. You lose any ounce of credibility. This is NOT DC....if you can't handle that then please do not come here.

First three paragraphs from the article YOU post.....

And yet he wonders why some mod took away his ability to post threads...

googlegoogle 03-12-2011 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyPhuD (Post 7484960)
Please quit spreading false and inflammatory news. You may have an axe to grind here but everyone expects you to maintain some degree of credibility. When the first three paragraphs rejects your entire comment about the 'reactor 'blowing up''. You lose any ounce of credibility. This is NOT DC....if you can't handle that then please do not come here.

First three paragraphs from the article YOU post.....

This is not an explosion to you huh? You guys banned me for this article?


Here you go you abusive worthless moderator.

See how many links show up? See you're smarter than them.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


This is what i just got in my inbox-


You have received an infraction at ChiefsPlanet
Dear googlegoogle,

You have received an infraction at ChiefsPlanet.

Reason: False Thread Title or fake news

Are you kidding. What Bull S H * T ! :thumb:

Ebolapox 03-12-2011 03:22 PM

you don't appear banned to me, dipshit.

Donger 03-12-2011 03:24 PM

The reactor didn't explode. The building surrounding the containment dome (which surrounds the reactor) experienced an explosion and a corresponding structural failure.

|Zach| 03-12-2011 03:27 PM

No worries GG. You are not the first poster that isn't smart enough to understand what being banned is.

Hammock Parties 03-12-2011 03:32 PM

In my day, when you thought you were banned, you actually suffered!

googlegoogle 03-12-2011 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by H5N1 (Post 7485472)
you don't appear banned to me, dipshit.

I'm banned dipshit from starting threads.

Pants 03-12-2011 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by googlegoogle (Post 7485482)
I'm banned dipshit from starting threads.


googlegoogle 03-12-2011 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 7485474)
The reactor didn't explode. The building surrounding the containment dome (which surrounds the reactor) experienced an explosion and a corresponding structural failure.

That's called a reactor explosion to the mainstream.

Go educate the press then if you feel it's not.

Rams Fan 03-12-2011 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by googlegoogle (Post 7485482)
I'm banned dipshit from starting threads.

Your words, not mine, dipshit:


This is not an explosion to you huh? You guys banned me for this article?

googlegoogle 03-12-2011 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by |Zach| (Post 7485476)
No worries GG. You are not the first poster that isn't smart enough to understand what being banned is.

It's the same as a ban.

And do other posters get the same treatment. NO.

I've seen the most ridiculous lies in thread topics before.

Mine was pretty accurate since the reactor did explode.

Nightfyre 03-12-2011 03:43 PM

Googlegoogle's lack of attention to detail is astounding. It borders on demonstrating an iq lower than 50.

|Zach| 03-12-2011 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by googlegoogle (Post 7485488)
It's the same as a ban.

And do other posters get the same treatment. NO.

I've seen the most ridiculous lies in thread topics before.

Mine was pretty accurate since the reactor did explode.

There are not many people in the history of this board who have made as terrible of threads as you.

Love it.

|Zach| 03-12-2011 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Nightfyre (Post 7485489)
Googlegoogle's lack of attention to detail is astounding. It borders on demonstrating an iq lower than 50.

Cooling system exploded. Not the reactor. That information matters little to him.

googlegoogle 03-12-2011 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by |Zach| (Post 7485490)
There are not many people in the history of this board who have made as terrible of threads as you.

Love it.

Can't back it up can you. Just same old attacks. I don't post new threads often at all.

Just some vindictive mods like Sofa King who banned me for calling people Socialist or Communists.

mlyonsd 03-12-2011 03:48 PM

Ok, without wading through all the BS is the containment dome still intact as reported this morning?

I've been gone most the day.

Nightfyre 03-12-2011 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by |Zach| (Post 7485491)
Cooling system exploded. Not the reactor. That information matters little to him.

Its the little details, you know, chernobyl versus damaged nuclear facility.
Reactor explosion versus cooling system explosion.
Ban versus thread creation priviledges revoked.

He is almost a microcosm of the modern media. Whichever is the most sensationalist approach, that is the approach he will take.

Rams Fan 03-12-2011 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by googlegoogle (Post 7485493)
Can't back it up can you. Just same old attacks. I don't post new threads often at all.

Just some vindictive mods like Sofa King who banned me for calling people Socialist or Communists.

Except Sofa King isn't a mod....

Ebolapox 03-12-2011 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by googlegoogle (Post 7485493)
Can't back it up can you. Just same old attacks. I don't post new threads often at all.

Just some vindictive mods like Sofa King who banned me for calling people Socialist or Communists.

hey tard, sofa king isn't a mod.

googlegoogle 03-12-2011 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by |Zach| (Post 7485491)
Cooling system exploded. Not the reactor. That information matters little to him.

The cooling system is not an intrinsic part of a reactor?ROFL

Wow you guys must be paid to say this bull sh it. How many mod blowjobs do you get? LMAO

Pants 03-12-2011 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by googlegoogle (Post 7485488)
It's the same as a ban.

And do other posters get the same treatment. NO.

I've seen the most ridiculous lies in thread topics before.

Mine was pretty accurate since the reactor did explode.

Dude, SHUT THE **** UP. It is not the same as a ban. If you were banned, you wouldn't be able to read or post anything on CP. And no, the reactor did not explode, you ****ing monkey.

googlegoogle 03-12-2011 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by H5N1 (Post 7485501)
hey tard, sofa king isn't a mod.

Are you so sure? Thats not what he says tard.

Ebolapox 03-12-2011 03:52 PM

you have NO idea how tempting it would be to give you a few infractions over your language. t'would be HILARIOUS.

WilliamTheIrish 03-12-2011 03:52 PM

Just for the sake of your thread starting stupidity, please tell me what the original title of the thread and I'll make the decision for myself.

Rams Fan 03-12-2011 03:52 PM

The mods are:
Austin Chief
Bob Dole

CrazyPhuD is a supporter and I believe Sofa King isn't.

Ebolapox 03-12-2011 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by googlegoogle (Post 7485502)
The cooling system is not an intrinsic part of a reactor?ROFL

Wow you guys must be paid to say this bull sh it. How many mod blowjobs do you get? LMAO

quoted to keep the filter bypass evident.

|Zach| 03-12-2011 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by googlegoogle (Post 7485506)
Are you so sure? Thats not what he says tard.

Sofa King is not a mod.

As usual you have no idea what you are talking about.

Nightfyre 03-12-2011 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by WilliamTheIrish (Post 7485508)
Just for the sake of your thread starting stupidity, please tell me what the original title of the thread and I'll make the decision for myself.

He indicated that the japanese nuclear reactor was going chernobyl.

googlegoogle 03-12-2011 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 7485505)
Dude, SHUT THE **** UP. It is not the same as a ban. If you were banned, you wouldn't be able to read or post anything on CP. And no, the reactor did not explode, you ****ing monkey.

The reactor did blowup asshole. Look at a ****ing paper or read the news. If that happened at wolf creek , what do you think the headlines would be?

The banning is vindictive bull sh it. They don't do it to anyone else. I've seen ton of over the top topics posted everyday.

|Zach| 03-12-2011 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by googlegoogle (Post 7485520)
The reactor did blowup asshole. Look at a ****ing paper or read the news. If that happened at wolf creek , what do you think the headlines would be?

The banning is vindictive bull sh it. They don't do it to anyone else. I've seen ton of over the top topics posted everyday.


Rams Fan 03-12-2011 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by googlegoogle (Post 7485520)

The banning is vindictive bull sh it. They don't do it to anyone else. I've seen ton of over the top topics posted everyday.

You're not banned, genius. If you were, you wouldn't have been able to make that post.

Rams Fan 03-12-2011 03:56 PM

I think googlegoogle's the one having a meltdown here....

googlegoogle 03-12-2011 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Nightfyre (Post 7485518)
He indicated that the japanese nuclear reactor was going chernobyl.

And the reactor did blowup.

The mods now look stupid and like little bitches.

Ebolapox 03-12-2011 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Rams Fan (Post 7485522)
You're not banned, genius. If you were, you wouldn't have been able to make that post.

he may be banned if he keeps bypassing the filter.

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