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Logical 11-30-2000 10:35 AM

Florida judge Jorge Labarga ordered Palm Beach county officials to open up the ballots for Judicial Watch’s inspection this past Monday. Election officials stymied Judicial Watch, but allowed the group on Tuesday to begin reviewing the ballots.
According to his independent auditors, Klayman said ballots reviewed so far show four areas of irregularities and possible fraud:
· The hand counts do not reconcile with the machine counts.
· Election officials used "pink ballots" – replacement ballots for paper ballots they said were destroyed by the machine. This allowed officials to fill out the ballots for the destroyed ballots.
· The canvassing board had no clear methodology when conducting the recount.
· Record keeping was so bad there is no record of who the canvassing committee awarded votes to from each of the questionable ballots.

Feels the demorats have reached a new all-time low.

Fat Homer 11-30-2000 10:43 AM

You know what one of the silliest things I've heard or seen in regards to this election fiasco?

Today on TV they were actually showing news footage of the trucks with the ballots going to Tallahassee...the news media deemed it a true story to show footage of a truck going down the highway...not even a car chase...this is really ****ed.... :(


"The word "genius" isn't applicable in football. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein."
-Joe Theisman, NFL football quarterback and sports analyst

milkman 11-30-2000 10:48 AM

I would like to start a petition that would end the suffrage of all of those hard working citizens in Palm Beach County, it just isn't fair that they should go through this kind of turmoil and all the harsh feeling of being disenfranchised like this again.<BR>

Logical 11-30-2000 10:49 AM

As if they are are somehow insuring the safe delivery of these sacred ballots. If the media really wanted to do some good they should have had cameras on the people doing the recount.

How foolish of me. They can't have Sore win if they did that.

Go Chiefs 11-30-2000 10:53 AM

Daddy, where is this from?

Logical 11-30-2000 10:58 AM

aaaaa 11-30-2000 11:00 AM

Hey Big Daddy,

What recount didn't the media have cameras on? They certainly had cameras on for the manual recounts. I'd bet that at any given time, there were at least 2 major media cameras rolling. Florida is known for having some of the most open government operations in the country. The public is able to watch all kind of stuff there, so I'd be surprised if the machine recounts weren't also open to the media.

By the way, do you know anything about Judicial Watch? I only know that they've been described as a "conservative" group but I haven't heard one way or the other about their credibility. Of course, any organization that takes the time to monitor the activities of our government automatically gets the benefit of the doubt from me!

Logical 11-30-2000 11:05 AM

Don't ASSume T, Here you go.

Fat Homer 11-30-2000 11:18 AM


All hail the sacred ballots.....

I have a great idea...just disregard the entire state of Florida...pretend it didn't exist...invalidate the entire election in Florida...

Or better yet...leave things the way they are...that president for the next four years...geez how bad could it be with choices like Bush and thinks no prez would be better than these two idiots...sorry if I'm offending anyone...but the are both idiots...yes I voted for one of them but in retrospect I should have written in my own name... :mad:


"The word "genius" isn't applicable in football. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein."
-Joe Theisman, NFL football quarterback and sports analyst

Misplaced_Chiefs_Fan 11-30-2000 11:25 AM

<img src="" height="150" width="150">

Fat Homer 11-30-2000 11:27 AM

LOL Mr. Dole, think we can e-mail this to Gore?...

Misplaced_Chiefs_Fan 11-30-2000 11:27 AM

You think it would do any good?

Logical 11-30-2000 11:31 AM

Give them both a gun and have a duel. 10 paces and we have a new president. I am still bias though and would want a Bush win. Imagine how ironic it would be to have Gore shot by the guns he keeps trying to take away.

Doesn't want 4 years of being talked to like I am 6 years old either.

Fat Homer 11-30-2000 11:38 AM

Bob, no probably not, besides, it's the same picture Gore looks at everymorning as he shaves...


That's why I bought my personal defense weapon (Beretta .40 semi auto pistol) before the election...I wasn't taking any chances...the problem with the duel is that no matter who won, their lawyers would contest it..."no, you did not blow a hole throw his head, it's a dimpled hole, so you can't tell if it's actually a hole."....

milkman 11-30-2000 11:40 AM

nobody at all interested in ending their suffrage?

Oh well...

aaaaa 11-30-2000 11:44 AM


Thanks for the reply. It showed me a lot about you and the self-described "non-partisan" Judicial Watch.

ChiefsAlltheWay 11-30-2000 11:45 AM

Bob Dole

How do you add pictures?? I got one in e-mail that is pretty funny.

Dr. Red 11-30-2000 11:48 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Helvetica, verdana, ariel">quote:</font><HR> the problem with the duel is that no matter who won, their lawyers would contest it. . . <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
LOL, the image of democratic leadership hefting AlGore around, day after day, through a 4 year term [a la - Weekend at Bernie's].

"No, he's alive." [waving Al's hand] "Hello ladies."

Dr. Red 11-30-2000 11:50 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Helvetica, verdana, ariel">quote:</font><HR> nobody at all interested in ending their suffrage? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Morph - did you see Jimmy and Adam on 'The Man Show' on the street getting signatures to 'stop all the female suffraging?'<BR>

Misplaced_Chiefs_Fan 11-30-2000 11:54 AM

Just regular HTML, scooter.

milkman 11-30-2000 11:54 AM

JC - yeah, that is where the idea came from. I think I have watched parts of that show twice, and that is one piece I caught. I just have a feeling if they are too ignorant to use the butterfly ballot then they might sign up for this if we used the correct wording.

ChiefsAlltheWay 11-30-2000 11:55 AM

Check out this's pretty good

milkman 11-30-2000 11:59 AM

Scooter -

Logical 11-30-2000 11:59 AM

1. Show me where I said that.
2. If you read the entire page you see that they were ordered to use an independent firm to go over the ballots and it was their conclusion.
3.Are you insinuating that these pink ballots don't exist?.
4. Since you are accusing me of not being nuetral. You haven't said a word about the heavily democratic people making this re-count, but you are the first to point out that Juditial Watch might be bias. Where is your nuetrility (is that a word?) Where is your outrage at the dimpled ballots or our military boys not being able to vote?.How about Sore wanting to throw out some of the military vote on top of that?. Exactly. I am not a republican but I'll bet your a democrat.

Rests his case

Dr. Red 11-30-2000 12:01 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Helvetica, verdana, ariel">quote:</font><HR> nuetrility (is that a word?) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I think I'm on safe ground in saying, NO.

Logical 11-30-2000 12:04 PM

Oh well, it sounded good

DIEHARDCHIEF 11-30-2000 12:07 PM

For those who want to get politically active. 250 rallies this Saturday across the USA. This link has all of the cities and locations.

No More Gore!!


Political Observer 11-30-2000 12:07 PM

Maintaining the neutrality necessary for the well-being of all parties involved, the Spelling Police will confirm that nuetrility is not a real word.

Logical 11-30-2000 12:10 PM

BTW, judicial watch did go after Giuliani for illegal campaign contributions.

[This message has been edited by BIG_DADDY (edited 11-30-2000).]

aaaaa 11-30-2000 05:01 PM


Luzap 11-30-2000 06:10 PM

Dan T:

I will say first and foremost that I am a Republican. I want no question as to that, as I am sure you already know.

But your apparent immediate labeling of Judicial Watch is a little unfair. I would admit that they are probably more conservative leaning, but no more than Greenpeace is a liberal-bent organization.

Quite frankly I don't believe that there truly exists a "non-partisan" watchdog group.


Kilgore is a noun, not a verb..

aaaaa 11-30-2000 06:36 PM

Hey Mark,

If you mean that you've looked over the Judicial Watch website and still feel they are non-partisan, then I obviously was mistaken in thinking that any intelligent conservative on this board would conclude otherwise, as you're definitely one of the folks on this board I had in mind.

I agree that it's rare for any group that concerns itself with government to be completely non-partisan, but I wrongly supposed that no one would have a standard for partisanship so rigorous as to exclude a docket that's 90+% against a single party.

Greenpeace is an environmental activist group--not a government-oversight group-- and, so far as I know, doesn't claim to be non-partisan.

I don't think there's any real harm in a governmental-oversight group being partisan, so long as they don't misrepresent themselves. As I said earlier, I'm pretty much inclined in favor of any oversight group: they do the work of angels. In Chicago, we have one or two groups that keep an eye on the courts and that enjoy a reputation for fairness. They are often consulted before judicial-retention elections, for example. There are also "good government" groups in a lot of places that have similar reputations for fairness.

I used to think it was pretty easy for folks to agree on what is fair and what isn't. I still think that, on an abstract level, folks can pretty much agree on standards of fairness. They just seem to disagree on how to apply them to particular situations, I guess!

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