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wutamess 09-15-2000 01:22 PM

Did everyone leave work early and start drinking already???

scooter 09-15-2000 01:28 PM

Drinking would make the prospect of Gun and Raye running Richardson into the middle of the SD line easier to take. *L*

sd4chiefs 09-15-2000 01:32 PM

It seems to me that it's always pretty quiet. Since the split with KC Star both boards have really slowed down. I wonder if there is a good way to advertise this site to attract some additional memebers.


wutamess 09-15-2000 01:41 PM

Thats a good idea. Maybe via yahoo or one of the other search engines?

sd4chiefs 09-15-2000 01:42 PM

Bishop, I just looked at your Yosef post. How do you submit your picture to that site?


DaKCMan AP 09-15-2000 01:46 PM

AZ - Send an email to Bob Dole, and he will add you...

sd4chiefs 09-15-2000 01:48 PM

thx. I just bought a cheap scanner yesterday so I can finally participate!


Raiderhater 09-15-2000 01:48 PM

Im ready to start drinking...Im ready to try out that new drink receipe that bsquared posted earlier.

It will help ease the pain of our first 0-3 start since 1980.

wutamess 09-15-2000 01:51 PM

No way... we can't lose this one. *knock on wood*

DaKCMan AP 09-15-2000 01:51 PM

AZ - Why not try to see if you can link up with the Wichita Newspaper for starters. Maybe you can work a deal where you have one of their Chiefs stories on your front page and they will put a link here from their Chiefs page. I'm sure there are some better idea's, but that is the first that popped into my head. It can't hurt to contact them, because they don't have a forum like this one.

Raiderhater 09-15-2000 01:53 PM

bishop: dont think? Well if we do actually win this one, it will be a long time until win #2 at SF in November.

DaKCMan AP 09-15-2000 01:54 PM

Titus - For that comment I hope you go bald.

Not overly original.

Dr. Red 09-15-2000 01:54 PM

Greg - Don't make me come over there and pull you in from the window ledge

Trust me, this week will be our first win. It may not be pretty, but it will be a W.


ColoradoChief 09-15-2000 01:56 PM

I'm not drinking yet, but if the Chiefs somehow lose this game Sunday, there won't be enough alcohol in MO to drown my sorrows.


DaKCMan AP 09-15-2000 01:57 PM

Does anyone have any place to put pics so that we can use them on the BB? I have tried a couple things, but have failed so far...

Warrior5 09-15-2000 01:58 PM

Chin up Titus

The Chiefs will bounce back. After all this coaching staff brought us a 9-7 record last season. Nothing has changed bar the release of several over-rated and over-paid players. Yeah, it's frustrating watching the pathetic play-calling, but the bottom line is we played the AFC champions to within an inch of an 0-2 start for themselves last week.

Keep shouting

sd4chiefs 09-15-2000 02:05 PM

Morph, that's a good idea to increase our hits. I'll suggest that to AustinChief. What kind of pictures are you trying to post.

KCTitus, please don't say that!! We need a win so badly! Man, 0-3 would be terrible for our team. I'm gonna remain optimistic just based on the strength of the team we've lost to.


wutamess 09-15-2000 02:07 PM

... bald... that is a riot!!! And may the many Gods of Vishnue, seal your rectum for 3 weeks straight!!!! ( in Apu's voice)

[This message has been edited by bishop_74 (edited 09-15-2000).]

BIG_DADDY 09-15-2000 02:09 PM

You could also try, Greg Hall has been trying hard to get the word out about his site. Associating himself with this forum might help draw interest.

Raiderhater 09-15-2000 02:09 PM

Gents, I dont mean to sound that bad, but I just am really not sure whether I want them to win Sunday or not.

If we win and it's a pathetic game that we won because of a lucky break or the result of the referees or something, I'll be even more frustrated because it will, in a way, validate the JR/Gun offensive style.

If we win and we actually play the Y2k version of NFL football, I will be much more reassured that coaching staff are not complete and total morons.

I tend to think the former will happen before the latter. If that's the case then for all intents and purposes we lose until the staff is replaced.

DaKCMan AP 09-15-2000 02:13 PM

AZ - I got bored one night and made a little pic, I guess I could upload it to a homestead hompage of my own and go with that.

Yet again answering his own question because he didn't think hard enough before asking...

DaKCMan AP 09-15-2000 02:19 PM

Titus - I can't wait to see their new trick play where they have 3 TE's in the game and run the ball off Grunhard's butt, because that will confuse the D's.

Logical 09-15-2000 02:24 PM

Leave early and start drinkin' huh? Alright, you talked me into it.

"Beer. Proof that God likes us and wants us to be happy" -Ben Franklin

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Raiderhater 09-15-2000 02:27 PM

What makes me wonder is they have even stopped talking about 'opening' up the offense this week.

Last week we were treated to a KC Chiefs version of an 'open' offense where we attempted 6, read that again 6 (SIX) passes in the first half.

Now this week, Gun is talking about running a Joe Gibbs style of offense. Uhh, dont you need a friggin RUNNING BACK to run that style of offense.

I mean hells bells, our starting RB has been more invisible than Big Foot or the Loch Ness Monster.

[This message has been edited by KCTitus (edited 09-15-2000).]

DaKCMan AP 09-15-2000 02:30 PM

Shakes - Isn't the quote Wine or Alcohol and not Beer?

DaKCMan AP 09-15-2000 02:32 PM

Titus - Maybe the talk was trying to fake out the Titans that we were going to pass, but instead we ran the ball. So now that he is talking about the run, maybe we will pass? A man can dream can't he? I really feel that the big losses we had in preseason knocked Gun so far back in his shell that nothing may ever bring him back to 4 and 5 WR sets.

Raiderhater 09-15-2000 02:36 PM

morph: remember, preseason doesnt matter. *snicker* Of course when you come out and look just as pathetic in the regular season it does matter.

Also, we actually ran the shotgun in one play during the preseason. Of course it was on 3rd and long and we got 1 yard so it was the same as a run on 3rd and long.

Keep dreamin', morph, I want us to fall flat.

darkchief 09-15-2000 02:36 PM

I started drinking early, but I haven't left work yet.

Logical 09-15-2000 02:38 PM

Morph, I'm not sure. That's the only version I've ever heard.
How about,"24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence?" -Steven Wright

Logical 09-15-2000 02:39 PM

Are you hiring?

DaKCMan AP 09-15-2000 02:39 PM

Titus - Since you want us to fall flat, does that mean that you will root for the other teams every week?

DaKCMan AP 09-15-2000 02:42 PM

Shakes - I saw the quote on a fairly expensive bottle of wine last weekend, so I figured it probably wasn't beer. Steven rocks!

every night after my father would tuck me into bed he would lean over and whisper, "snakes don't wear vest 'cause they don't have arms", and would then close the door.

Raiderhater 09-15-2000 02:51 PM

No Morph. Never root for the other teams, I want our current style of 'play' to fall flat or change.

If we change and play y2k style football, I'll be much more optimistic about KC. Until Gun and JR prove otherwise, I want their philosophy to fail and fail miserably because in the long run that's the best for my favorite team.

DaKCMan AP 09-15-2000 02:59 PM

Titus - It is sad to say, but basically we are the Titans, we both play the same type of football. I just can never imagine wanting my team to lose, call me silly. I think if we were to lose this game their would be a offensive shakeup.

Raiderhater 09-15-2000 03:10 PM

exactly, Morph. If we lose Sunday, there would be changes. MUCH NEEDED changes. I guess Im rooting for the changes moreso than a win on Sunday.

DaKCMan AP 09-15-2000 03:15 PM

Titus - I can't feel that way, I'm actually going to be at the game. So if they lose I will not be happy...

Duck Dog 09-15-2000 03:15 PM

While I am greatly in favor of much needed changes, I still have a hard time with the losing bit.

Clint in Wichita 09-15-2000 03:30 PM

Have some sugar and wake up a little.

wutamess 09-15-2000 04:21 PM

Oh, that is hilarious. This one is going to all of my friends. That looks like me on a slow day.

wutamess 09-15-2000 04:23 PM

Well, guys, I have had enough. I am going to go have some BOOZE!!! I will be with you in spirit on Sunday if you are at the game.


DaKCMan AP 09-15-2000 05:54 PM

Boy, and people thought it was slow earlier, but now it is really slow now.

[This message has been edited by morphius (edited 09-15-2000).]

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