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penguinz 05-14-2013 07:57 AM

Aging sucks...
For those of you who have been very physically active how have you handled the depression (is very slight) when you realize your body can no longer do what you want it to do?

Archie F. Swin 05-14-2013 07:59 AM

"One of these days, when you're older, you will sit on your nuts".
~Bob Goldthwait

58-4ever 05-14-2013 07:59 AM

be more specific. Knee injury?

In58men 05-14-2013 08:00 AM

Play bingo

Mr_Tomahawk 05-14-2013 08:01 AM

How old are you?

Sandy Vagina 05-14-2013 08:02 AM

Eh... I'm 38 years old, and while I have some aches and pains I didn't feel years ago, I guess I'm not to a point where I am suffering enough to relate. I sure can't fap a dozen times a day anymore.. or maybe I just don't want to.

Could always be worse. Every day, I watch my neighbor across the street take about an hour (wheelchair) to get himself into his car.

So as far as dealing with the depression (without knowing the extent of age issues), I'd say to not take the good aspects for granted.

penguinz 05-14-2013 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by 58-4ever (Post 9681034)
be more specific. Knee injury?

Knees (have had surgery on one and it is becoming arthritic), achilles (have had one reconstructed and the other is beginning to have the same injury symptoms), two bulging disk in lower back, have separated both AC joints (one is arthritic), tears in both RC's, and arthritic fingers on both hands.

Only 38 and I can tell a tremendous slowdown in recovery and amount of 'pain' over the last year. :(

Mr_Tomahawk 05-14-2013 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by penguinz (Post 9681049)
Knees (have had surgery on one and it is becoming arthritic), achilles (have had one reconstructed and the other is beginning to have the same injury symptoms), two bulging disk in lower back, have separated both AC joints (one is arthritic), tears in both RC's, and arthritic fingers on both hands.

Only 38 and I can tell a tremendous slowdown in recovery and amount of 'pain' over the last year. :(

You been on a lot of Anitbiotics through all of this...?

Old Dog 05-14-2013 08:07 AM

getting older is what it is, but it beats the other alternative

seclark 05-14-2013 08:07 AM


penguinz 05-14-2013 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by Mr_Tomahawk (Post 9681053)
You been on a lot of Anitbiotics through all of this...?

No, I very seldom take any antibiotics. the only drug I use on regular basis is Advair to control Asthma.

stevieray 05-14-2013 08:09 AM

I think of Angelina Jolie having to cut off her bazongas...

seclark 05-14-2013 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by stevieray (Post 9681063)
I think of Angelina Jolie having to cut off her bazongas...

that depresses me.

HemiEd 05-14-2013 08:11 AM

No depression for me, it is just the reality of how things are. I often catch myself wondering wtf happened, I was just a kid not too long ago.

Some of the rewards help offset the issues of aging, like knowing I only have one more year to work after 50 years of working for the man. Then it is going to be my time, all the time. Well, when the Mrs. says it's ok it will be. :D

Probably the most irritating issue is how much more difficult it gets to keep the weight off the older you get. When I was 38 I dropped 20 in a couple months without a problem, in an effort to get my drag race weight down. Now, I have been trying to drop 20 for 6 years now, and it is a losing battle. Walk 3 miles every morning and ride my bicycle to work, not helping. Became a gym rat, and have torn a few muscles, but haven't lost the weight. :banghead:

Luke 05-14-2013 08:12 AM

"you know you're over the hill, when your mind makes a promise that your body can't fill" Lowell George, Little Feat Ole Folks Boogie

kepp 05-14-2013 08:14 AM

I'm 41 and am an avid runner (20 - 30 miles a week). I've been lucky/blessed to not have serious injuries like you have. It definitely does take much longer for me to recover. If I were you, I would try yoga. Increasing your flexibility and strengthening your core can make a HUGE difference. Also, the meditation aspect of some forms of yoga could likely help with depression symptoms.

luv 05-14-2013 08:16 AM

Roller derby is teaching me a few things about that. I used to skate all the time as a kid. I competed in art skating and speed skating. Granted I'm much bigger now than I was then, but I'm finding that falling hurts worse than it used to. I wear knee pads, elbow pads, etc. when playing, but I always seem to land right on my tailbone when I fall. Right when it feels better, I do it again. I live with the pain, but it makes me wonder if my love for the sport is worth the constant pain sometimes. I have a history of back problems, so I tend to be super careful about stuff like that. I'm 36 competing with and against ladies that average being about 5-10 years younger than me.

kepp 05-14-2013 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by HemiEd (Post 9681070)
No depression for me, it is just the reality of how things are. I often catch myself wondering wtf happened, I was just a kid not too long ago.

Some of the rewards help offset the issues of aging, like knowing I only have one more year to work after 50 years of working for the man. Then it is going to be my time, all the time. Well, when the Mrs. says it's ok it will be. :D

Probably the most irritating issue is how much more difficult it gets to keep the weight off the older you get. When I was 38 I dropped 20 in a couple months without a problem, in an effort to get my drag race weight down. Now, I have been trying to drop 20 for 6 years now, and it is a losing battle. Walk 3 miles every morning and ride my bicycle to work, not helping. Became a gym rat, and have torn a few muscles, but haven't lost the weight. :banghead:

I can tell you how to keep your weight down, but you probably won't like it. Eat a plant-based diet...or as close to it as you can tolerate. I cut out red meat, poultry, and dairy. I still eat fish; salmon & sushi. Since I started this, my weight has not fluctuated more than 5 pounds from my target weight.

Lzen 05-14-2013 08:20 AM

I'm 41 and I still hoop with my son (Jr in HS) and his friends. I know I don't have the jumping and quickness and all those athletic abilities I used to have. Not that I was every super athletic or anything but I was pretty damn quick in my heyday and could blow by most people. Still, I am able to compete with those youngsters by playing hard and using my experience and not playing selfishly. Some days are really good and some are bad. Usually it's just somewhere in between.

I have had 3 major ankle sprains over my years of hoops. By major I mean on crutches for days/weeks. Not your normal every day tweak that you walk off for a few minutes and then go back to playing. It is really noticeable the mornings after playing hoops. When I first get out of bed I can barely walk. I have to go slow until my ankles loosen up a bit. Also, I only play every other day, at most.

Also, it's really hard for me to play 2 days in a row. Sometimes the boys want to go to the Y say on a Monday and then again on Tuesday. My body just can't take that kind of abuse. The few times I have tried it I'm pretty much not very good that second day. The old body just needs a day in between to recover, I guess. Of course, part of that is because I could stand to be in better shape. :)

Another thing I have noticed is that I have a little soreness in my knee lately. I've been lucky to never have had knee problems so I'm just going to ignore it for now.

Then there is the occasional day where I want to hoop but I can't because my back is killing me. My theory is that I need a new mattress because it always seems to be when I wake up in the morning. I don't know if I just slept on it wrong or what but it sucks.

I also like to walk and take the occasional bike ride.

These are the things you deal with when you get older. But none of this should stop you from staying active.

Lzen 05-14-2013 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by stevieray (Post 9681063)
I think of Angelina Jolie having to cut off her bazongas...


HemiEd 05-14-2013 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by kepp (Post 9681086)
I can tell you how to keep your weight down, but you probably won't like it. Eat a plant-based diet...or as close to it as you can tolerate. I cut out red meat, poultry, and dairy. I still eat fish; salmon & sushi. Since I started this, my weight has not fluctuated more than 5 pounds from my target weight.


We are coming to grips with what you are saying, and it is such a huge departure for us. But we do have to do something, or we won't enjoy those retirement years we have been looking forward to.

Portion size is also the problem I am dealing with as well. I was raised to clean my plate, and of course the plate should be full. On my last visit to my cardiologist, he brought up the revelation that "you don't have to feel full all the time." Another huge departure for me.

We have made a lot of progress towards what you are talking about, and have cut red meat down to twice a week. That is huge stretch, as for years and years we had it at least twice a day.

Mr. Laz 05-14-2013 08:49 AM

suddenly just failing apart :(

eyes went from 20/20 to needing reading glasses
blood pressure is now a concern
memory complete shit
Arthritis this early?

yea, getting old sucks

tooge 05-14-2013 08:57 AM

I don't mind getting old. See, as I get older, I get, for the most part, smarter. I don't dive for balls in the outfield as much, I don't pull a hammy strying to stretch a triple, etc., and I get overly drunk and act like an idiot on only rare occasions. As such, I don't really feel any different.

MahiMike 05-14-2013 09:13 AM

Thanks for the thread. I was gonna start one for fitness over 50.

I've always been extremely active. Get up early on Saturday to do yard work, followed by round of golf, cookout w/beers,etc.

I'm 53 in September and my body just never feels right. I work out every other day. Different than I used to. I do my videos for 15 mins per day. But no matter how much I exercise, I never seem to 'catch up'. I'm always sore/stiff.

I'm trying to stay in shape to play golf w/my 15 y/o son. I did have rotator cuff surgery 7 mos ago. That set my whole body back big time. But I can still do 10 chinups, curl 25 lb weights, etc. Just always sore, tired.

Anybody over 50 w/any ideas? Any secret supplements to ease the pain?

Carlota69 05-14-2013 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by penguinz (Post 9681027)
For those of you who have been very physically active how have you handled the depression (is very slight) when you realize your body can no longer do what you want it to do?

Dude, it is ****ing tough. I was super active, gym4x a week, trampoline workouts, and softball 2-3 nights a week. Then, I tore my ACL and miniscus in October, and have been sedentary ever since. I had the surgery almost 3months ago, and Im just beggining to get back to the gym, in a very limited way with supervision. Add to the fact that Im 44, meaning Im no spring chicken anymore. It has been murder on my psyche. Ive gained weight, Im depressed and feeling behind the 8 ball. Some people around me cant even begin to understand why this injury, and age to boot, has been so hard on my mind, not just my body. But it has.

Wat Im doing now, that Im beginnig a workout program to go with PT, is focusing ont he things that made me feel good, like healing foods, juices, Kombucha. Trying to focus on the good things I did for my body before the injury.

So far, not bad. I see the light at the end of the tunnel, although the light is far away. But at least I see it.

sd4chiefs 05-14-2013 09:25 AM

I just turned 60 last month and I have been able to keep in good shape with no health problems. My greatest fear is getting dementia like my Father did.

Holladay 05-14-2013 10:14 AM


Only 38

Knees (have had surgery on one and it is becoming arthritic), achilles (have had one reconstructed and the other is beginning to have the same injury symptoms), two bulging disk in lower back, have separated both AC joints (one is arthritic), tears in both RC's, and arthritic fingers on both hands.
Holy Crap. You are screwed....

bevischief 05-14-2013 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by HemiEd (Post 9681070)
No depression for me, it is just the reality of how things are. I often catch myself wondering wtf happened, I was just a kid not too long ago.

Some of the rewards help offset the issues of aging, like knowing I only have one more year to work after 50 years of working for the man. Then it is going to be my time, all the time. Well, when the Mrs. says it's ok it will be. :D

Probably the most irritating issue is how much more difficult it gets to keep the weight off the older you get. When I was 38 I dropped 20 in a couple months without a problem, in an effort to get my drag race weight down. Now, I have been trying to drop 20 for 6 years now, and it is a losing battle. Walk 3 miles every morning and ride my bicycle to work, not helping. Became a gym rat, and have torn a few muscles, but haven't lost the weight. :banghead:

It's your diet.

Radar Chief 05-14-2013 10:20 AM

I feel your pain. I’m 46, recently bought an upright bass and have been learning to play. When I practice too long I get a touch of tendinitis, in my right arm especially, which weakens my grip for fapping. Getting old sucks.

Holladay 05-14-2013 10:21 AM

Limme guess. Your real name is Earl Campbell?

penguinz 05-14-2013 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Holladay (Post 9681322)
Holy Crap. You are screwed....

Thanks for the positive thoughts dickhead. if I get even more depressed and kill myself it is because of you. :p

R8RFAN 05-14-2013 10:22 AM

I thought I had depression once and doc actually put me on a pill for a few months but I don't have depression, I have stress... And it gets to me alot more than it should...

I had to get off the happy pills... That shit is poison
Sad part is, I have no reason in the world to be stressed.

No money problems
Great loving wife
Wonderful kid...

Get my rest, do what I want and buy basically what I want...

Stress will probably kill me eventually if I don't figure out how to manage it.

Mosbonian 05-14-2013 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by kepp (Post 9681086)
I can tell you how to keep your weight down, but you probably won't like it. Eat a plant-based diet...or as close to it as you can tolerate. I cut out red meat, poultry, and dairy. I still eat fish; salmon & sushi. Since I started this, my weight has not fluctuated more than 5 pounds from my target weight.

With companies doing Biometrics now to better balance cost of insurance and to assign lower/higher deductibles, it pays to be in better shape.

At the beginning of this year I went to eating veggies/salads as much as possible, with cutting out red meat to only once or twice a month. That was the killer coming from a beef-fed lifestyle in the midwest. And getting rid of the sodas, no matter how "diet" or "low calorie" they might be. Drink more water and juices these days, especially cranberry juice more regularly.

I love having salmon but man the smell in the house after you cook it...and sushi? Not sure why but i can't really get a handle on the taste of it.

Why did you leave our poultry? I have always heard that chicken isn't bad for you.

Phobia 05-14-2013 10:27 AM

I'm 42 and feel like I've aged 10 years in the past 2. It's rough. But I stopped playing volleyball and started playing softball. I can play softball smarter and more efficiently providing more value to my team even without the blazing speed I once depended upon so frequently. It's humbling. I guess I'm trying to say that I refocused my energies to a less physically demanding sport.

keg in kc 05-14-2013 10:30 AM

I'm in somewhat the same boat. I'm 39, and have had recurring problems with my left knee for the last year. I finally had to give in to the fact that I just can't run anymore. I'm cycling at least every other day, and walking on the days I don't bike. And now the knee problem is nearly gone. I'd eventually like to stabilize my weight under 200 so that I'm comfortable going to the pool, just to give myself an alternative lower-impact. Probably a year off on that one, since at the end of the day, my biggest problem's my diet.

Holladay 05-14-2013 10:30 AM

All kidding aside. As you age, more things in moderation.

Best routine for me is row 20 min(works more muscles without the stress on knees), set of 3 pushups/crunchies/dumbell curls, hot tub, stretch, bed. Takes about 1 hour. I wake up without groaning.

Eat, also, in moderation. Small portions coupled with the BEST exercise of pushing ones chair away from the table.

When Im on the phone at work, I pace/walk. Prolly walk 3 miles/day.

Depression is a state of mind that we all have. I try and think that I got it lucky. I'm ONLY 49. I have many clients that are 80+. I'm just a pup.

HemiEd 05-14-2013 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by bevischief (Post 9681340)
It's your diet.

Yeah, there is no dodging that fact, thanks. Sitting a desk 9 hours a day doesn't help either, and that will end soon.

I eat much healthier and less than half what I used to, but need do much better, no doubt.

I am really intrigued by the vegan direction, as the more veggies I eat, the more I like them. We had Kale last night, and it was pretty tasty. I used to hate the stuff.

It is my understanding that those are free foods, and you can eat as much as you want of them, correct?

suzzer99 05-14-2013 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by MahiMike (Post 9681183)
Thanks for the thread. I was gonna start one for fitness over 50.

I've always been extremely active. Get up early on Saturday to do yard work, followed by round of golf, cookout w/beers,etc.

I'm 53 in September and my body just never feels right. I work out every other day. Different than I used to. I do my videos for 15 mins per day. But no matter how much I exercise, I never seem to 'catch up'. I'm always sore/stiff.

I'm trying to stay in shape to play golf w/my 15 y/o son. I did have rotator cuff surgery 7 mos ago. That set my whole body back big time. But I can still do 10 chinups, curl 25 lb weights, etc. Just always sore, tired.

Anybody over 50 w/any ideas? Any secret supplements to ease the pain?

HGH if you've got the $$. All the movie stars do it. It's pretty much a miracle drug with no side effects if you're over 40.

Mosbonian 05-14-2013 10:39 AM

I played softball until I was 53 and realized I was an old man playing in a league full of 20 and 30-something kids who thought the real name for a pitcher was "target". I took a shot to the shin from a smart-a guy who thought it was funny he hit me with a line shot. I couldn't walk for a week without feeling a stabbing pain in my shin. Had it checked out and no damage done except an indentation in my shin that is still there almost 4 years later.

I will be 57 in about 3 weeks and it seems that the "repair" time gets longer. I had major ankle injuries in my late teens playing ball, and then in my early 30's my left knee went thru a car speaker in my 91 Camry during a wreck. Funny what plastic can do to a knee at that rate of speed. Working out is a pain no matter what.

boogblaster 05-14-2013 10:40 AM

yup .. put in a spinal injury ta-boot .. now other shit is breakin down too .. but have lost bout 70 lbs since december . so gona move alittl better ....

MahiMike 05-14-2013 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by suzzer99 (Post 9681404)
HGH if you've got the $$. All the movie stars do it. It's pretty much a miracle drug with no side effects if you're over 40.

Yeah, thought about it. Tried testosterone and B12 shots. Helped a bit but not cheap. Looked into the anti-aging outfits around here. They insert a little seed in your ass with a slow release of all the stuff you need. But at $400/mo. I'll pass.

2bikemike 05-14-2013 10:43 AM

Worst thing for me is that when a really cute young girl of about 25 says something like nice bike or nice truck. I don't think it would be a good idea to ask her to go for a ride. This just happened the other day, and I thought If only I were 20 years younger.

MahiMike 05-14-2013 10:43 AM

Here's the other issue. Whenever I over-work myself (which is all the time) I need something for the pain. What's better than alcohol? I need something strong for the pain but that just evens out the weight loss I had from all the exercise!

It's a vicious circle. Maybe I can ask some kid for a dime bag...)

sd4chiefs 05-14-2013 10:45 AM

I just turned 60 last month and I have been able to keep in good shape with no health problems. My greatest fear is getting dementia like my Father did.

Mosbonian 05-14-2013 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by HemiEd (Post 9681403)
Yeah, there is no dodging that fact, thanks. Sitting a desk 9 hours a day doesn't help either, and that will end soon.

I eat much healthier and less than half what I used to, but need do much better, no doubt.

I am really intrigued by the vegan direction, as the more veggies I eat, the more I like them. We had Kale last night, and it was pretty tasty. I used to hate the stuff.

It is my understanding that those are free foods, and you can eat as much as you want of them, correct?

I used to hate cauliflower, spinach, broccoli, and peppers. Now they seem to be a staple of what i eat along with lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots and the occasional venture into weirder veggies you can find at Whole Markets.

I still eat pasta but don't gorge myself on it. Like someone said above, sometimes you just leave the table not feeling full. That was the hardest part for me to fathom...well that and not drinking sweet tea or sodas.

bevischief 05-14-2013 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by HemiEd (Post 9681403)
Yeah, there is no dodging that fact, thanks. Sitting a desk 9 hours a day doesn't help either, and that will end soon.

I eat much healthier and less than half what I used to, but need do much better, no doubt.

I am really intrigued by the vegan direction, as the more veggies I eat, the more I like them. We had Kale last night, and it was pretty tasty. I used to hate the stuff.

It is my understanding that those are free foods, and you can eat as much as you want of them, correct?

The biggest thing is to eliminate sugar from your diet and processed foods.

Mosbonian 05-14-2013 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by bevischief (Post 9681448)
The biggest thing is to eliminate sugar from your diet and processed foods.

It's probably all mental, but it gets harder as you get older doing those things. Bad habits are hard to break....especially if you have picked them up again after you dropped them for a while previously.

I've done that...but it still doesn't have the same effect as they did when I was late 30's and lost 60 lbs.

suzzer99 05-14-2013 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by sd4chiefs (Post 9681207)
I just turned 60 last month and I have been able to keep in good shape with no health problems. My greatest fear is getting dementia like my Father did.


Originally Posted by sd4chiefs (Post 9681445)
I just turned 60 last month and I have been able to keep in good shape with no health problems. My greatest fear is getting dementia like my Father did.


Frosty 05-14-2013 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by HemiEd (Post 9681403)
I am really intrigued by the vegan direction, as the more veggies I eat, the more I like them. We had Kale last night, and it was pretty tasty. I used to hate the stuff.

It is my understanding that those are free foods, and you can eat as much as you want of them, correct?

Here's a decent approach:

suzzer99 05-14-2013 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by MahiMike (Post 9681433)
Yeah, thought about it. Tried testosterone and B12 shots. Helped a bit but not cheap. Looked into the anti-aging outfits around here. They insert a little seed in your ass with a slow release of all the stuff you need. But at $400/mo. I'll pass.

Testosterone has a lot of side effects - shrinking balls, road rage, potential for gyno when you go off it (man-boobs, fat in other female places). But if you stick to low does and take HCG with it I guess it's manageable.

From my understanding, most insurance will cover testosterone replacement therapy if your free testosterone is below 300. Although maybe it's a different standard for over 50.

Predarat 05-14-2013 10:56 AM

God fails us, we should be able to live like we are 20 until we are in our 80s then just fall down dead.

Ugly Duck 05-14-2013 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by sd4chiefs (Post 9681207)
I just turned 60 last month and I have been able to keep in good shape with no health problems. My greatest fear is getting dementia like my Father did.

If thats all you have to worry about at 60.... you've done OK! I'll be 60 on the 1st of June, but I'm optimistic in spite of all the problems. Took the ChiefsPlanet Weight Loss Challenge & dropped 40 lbs down to 180. That helps, but does not cure degenerative disc disease or multilevel bilateral neuroforaminal stenosis.

Anyway, here's my learned advice to those Planeteers concerned about aging.... If you don't NEED erectile dysfunction drugs - don't take them! Seriously - you could break something. During a doctor visit I falsely told her that I have problems maintaining an erection. I saw those commercials on TV & figured that if they can turn an impotent man into a stud, they'd turn me into SuperPenis. Unfortunately, that's exactly what happened.

First there's the shock.... OMG!! OMG!! WTF IS that thing! It looks angry!! Then when the wife sees it.... "OMG!! OMG!! Its looking right at me! Its after me! AHHHH!!!!"

Sounds like fun sporting a third leg? It ain't. Blew up so big it popped a vessel & I came blood. Almost had to go to the ER. Don't mess with the stuff if you don't have an ED problem... you might break your toy.

HemiEd 05-14-2013 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Mosbonian (Post 9681446)
I used to hate cauliflower, spinach, broccoli, and peppers. Now they seem to be a staple of what i eat along with lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots and the occasional venture into weirder veggies you can find at Whole Markets.

I still eat pasta but don't gorge myself on it. Like someone said above, sometimes you just leave the table not feeling full. That was the hardest part for me to fathom...well that and not drinking sweet tea or sodas.

Pasta is my weakness, we don't dare cook it, damn I love that stuff.
There you go, the not feeling full part is just so darn foreign after having probably over 60,000 meals.


Originally Posted by bevischief (Post 9681448)
The biggest thing is to eliminate sugar from your diet and processed foods.

Do you include bread, buns etc. in the processed foods? Most carbs turn to sugar in the system, correct?

Mr. Laz 05-14-2013 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by suzzer99 (Post 9681404)
HGH if you've got the $$. All the movie stars do it. It's pretty much a miracle drug with no side effects if you're over 40.

price is just stupid

12k a year if you get it from a normal clinic etc
2k a year if you just buy the HGH from a pharmacy company

of course buying it directly from a pharmacy in China is sketchy.

complete ripoff

everyone should consider HGH after the age of 50.

Acceleration of any cancer cells is the biggest issue. imo.

Mr. Laz 05-14-2013 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by HemiEd (Post 9681491)
Pasta is my weakness, we don't dare cook it, damn I love that stuff.
There you go, the not feeling full part is just so darn foreign after having probably over 60,000 meals.

Do you include bread, buns etc. in the processed foods? Most carbs turn to sugar in the system, correct?

switching to whole grain breads and pasta helps

sugar is terrible

suzzer99 05-14-2013 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Laz (Post 9681498)
price is just stupid

12k a year if you get it from a normal clinic etc
2k a year if you just buy the HGH from a pharmacy company

What's the dosage on that? How many IUs per week?

frankotank 05-14-2013 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by HemiEd (Post 9681070)
Probably the most irritating issue is how much more difficult it gets to keep the weight off the older you get. When I was 38 I dropped 20 in a couple months without a problem, in an effort to get my drag race weight down. Now, I have been trying to drop 20 for 6 years now, and it is a losing battle. Walk 3 miles every morning and ride my bicycle to work, not helping. Became a gym rat, and have torn a few muscles, but haven't lost the weight. :banghead:

there has got to be some scientific reason for this and a subsequent solution!

kepp 05-14-2013 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Laz (Post 9681502)
switching to whole grain breads and pasta helps

sugar is terrible

Yes...use whole grain products. And as for the sugar, I switched to using stevia in my coffee and, for most other things that need sweetening, I use honey (but try to get organic, locally-grown honey).

exterminator 05-14-2013 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by penguinz (Post 9681061)
No, I very seldom take any antibiotics. the only drug I use on regular basis is Advair to control Asthma.

Wait till your 60.

Nzoner 05-14-2013 12:03 PM

I hate having more hair in and on my ears than on my head.

MahiMike 05-14-2013 12:08 PM

I basically cut out anything white; bread, sugar, pasta, dairy. I don't really miss it.

Drink gluten-free protein shakes. Vanilla w/berries or chocolate w/almond butter.

Almond butter is my new chocolate replacement. Cut up an apple and dip it in. Great snack.

The shakes I eat for breakfast every day. I've lost 10 lbs on this. 5 to go.

MahiMike 05-14-2013 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Nzoner (Post 9681650)
I hate having more hair in and on my ears than on my head.


Me too. But being bald in Florida has its advantages. Tan all over...

BlackHelicopters 05-14-2013 12:10 PM

Start smoking crack

penguinz 05-14-2013 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by exterminator (Post 9681649)
Wait till your 60.

At the rate i am going 30% of my body will be titanium and silicon so I will probably feel better. I am hoping to hold out for the bionics and transform into Steve Austin.

Lzen 05-14-2013 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by R8ers (Post 9681361)
Sad part is, I have no reason in the world to be stressed...

Uhhhhh.....Raiders fan?


Lzen 05-14-2013 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Ugly Duck (Post 9681489)
If thats all you have to worry about at 60.... you've done OK! I'll be 60 on the 1st of June, but I'm optimistic in spite of all the problems. Took the ChiefsPlanet Weight Loss Challenge & dropped 40 lbs down to 180. That helps, but does not cure degenerative disc disease or multilevel bilateral neuroforaminal stenosis.

Anyway, here's my learned advice to those Planeteers concerned about aging.... If you don't NEED erectile dysfunction drugs - don't take them! Seriously - you could break something. During a doctor visit I falsely told her that I have problems maintaining an erection. I saw those commercials on TV & figured that if they can turn an impotent man into a stud, they'd turn me into SuperPenis. Unfortunately, that's exactly what happened.

First there's the shock.... OMG!! OMG!! WTF IS that thing! It looks angry!! Then when the wife sees it.... "OMG!! OMG!! Its looking right at me! Its after me! AHHHH!!!!"

Sounds like fun sporting a third leg? It ain't. Blew up so big it popped a vessel & I came blood. Almost had to go to the ER. Don't mess with the stuff if you don't have an ED problem... you might break your toy.

Nzoner 05-14-2013 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by R8ers (Post 9681361)

Stress will probably kill me eventually if I don't figure out how to manage it.

I got this from the American Heart Association and you can bet I'm showing this to the mrs.


Learn to say "no." Don't promise too much. Reduce the amount of tension by having a shorter of list items that must be done. This may require you to reevaluate priorities and make difficult choices, but everyone must learn to live within manageable limits.

stevieray 05-14-2013 12:57 PM

ya, the last ten years..... in diapers and kidney failure....


R8RFAN 05-14-2013 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Lzen (Post 9681752)
Uhhhhh.....Raiders fan?


I am sure it's a part of it

Originally Posted by Nzoner (Post 9681777)
I got this from the American Heart Association and you can bet I'm showing this to the mrs.

Power to the people :thumb:

Groves 05-14-2013 01:46 PM

Figuring out new situations can bring some discomfort. It sounds like your body is aging normally.

If that's indeed the case, then the problem isnt your body or life. Go visit some people who've been suffering for decades.

Perspective adjusted.

Problem solved.

Ugly Duck 05-14-2013 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Lzen (Post 9681774)

I am serious. Stuff was called Levitra.... It may put an impotent guy back in the saddle again, but it'll take a normal guy places he may not wanna go. Beware!

Hootie 05-14-2013 02:09 PM

I had a real scare with my knee but I think it's 90% now...been playing football and softball on it and outside of subtle soreness the next day my performance is up to previous standard.

CanadianChief 05-14-2013 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Ugly Duck (Post 9681921)
I am serious. Stuff was called Levitra.... It may put an impotent guy back in the saddle again, but it'll take a normal guy places he may not wanna go. Beware!

Please tell me more...I'd like to freak the guys at the office out!!!!

DeepPurple 05-14-2013 02:15 PM

The old phrase 'use it or you'll lose it' hit home with me. I smoked for 35 years and didn't do a lick of exercise. I never got overweight, in fact I had a hard time keeping weight.

It's now six years since I quit, but what happened next after I quit made me really wake up. My doctor sent me for a stress EKG and I needed a stent in my heart. Then I was diagnosed with diabetes II and diabetic neuropathy in my feet. You can throw in severe carpal tunnel in both hands, although that wasn't caused by smoking but did require surgery on my hands.

Since 2009 I walk or ride a bicycle twice a week for 45 minutes. I play golf twice a week, I use to walk the course until I got bunions on my feet from the neuropathy, so now I ride a cart. I work out 2 or 3 times a week in the home, usually for two hours using two 20 pound hand weights, resistance bands and a ten pound medicine ball. Every Saturday morning I play shortstop for my softball team, we play three 14 game seasons a year.

I'm 5'8" and 160 pounds, so for my age I think I'm doing the exercise and eating OK. In fact, I look forward to doing so sort of exercise everyday. Being retired helps, I'm 62, will be 63 in July. I only wish I had started this many years ago. My advice is if you're not doing something now, then start. If you smoke, then quit.

Radar Chief 05-14-2013 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by CanadianChief (Post 9681946)
Please tell me more...I'd like to freak the guys at the office out!!!!

He burst a vessel and spooged blood. I’d think that would do what you’re looking for.

tooge 05-14-2013 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia (Post 9681382)
I'm 42 and feel like I've aged 10 years in the past 2. It's rough. But I stopped playing volleyball and started playing softball. I can play softball smarter and more efficiently providing more value to my team even without the blazing speed I once depended upon so frequently. It's humbling. I guess I'm trying to say that I refocused my energies to a less physically demanding sport.

you should take up tennis

keg in kc 05-14-2013 02:22 PM

Wait, this isn't a thread about blow jobs from older women?

Beef Supreme 05-14-2013 02:30 PM

I used to carry a condom in my pocket. Now I carry a pack of Rolaids.

penguinz 05-14-2013 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by BigChiefTablet (Post 9681995)
I used to carry a condom in my pocket. Now I carry a pack of Rolaids.

You should try and find condom flavored rolaids!

MahiMike 05-14-2013 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by penguinz (Post 9681027)
For those of you who have been very physically active how have you handled the depression (is very slight) when you realize your body can no longer do what you want it to do?

As far as this original post goes, I'm still not admitting I can't do what I used to. It may take me a week to recover, but I'm still gonna try. Ran a 15K in March. Lotta alcohol that week.

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