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Gonzo 08-27-2014 12:19 AM

All Things Video Games & Game Reviews
Hey guys...
Thought we could use a thread to help one another out with purchasing new and used games. Now that the next gen consoles are out and the holiday season will soon be upon us, many new games are going to drop. We've been throwing 'reviews' in several different threads or making new threads for each game. I thought we might like to converge and discuss them as a whole. Whether you're on PS3, 360, PS4, XB one or even a wii, PC and Mac, this is a repository for what you're playing and how you rate it.

Let's try to do a 1-10 scale for each game. Take into account the following:

Online functionality
Downloadable content
Length of gameplay

You can use all or some of those as a guide to score the game. If there are other aspects you'd like to tell as about with your game, please do so. These are just suggentions.

Please note what system, (if necessary i.e. It being exclusive to a system) you're playing on and let us know what you think.

1. Sucks, I'd rather watch Brodie Croyle play as our starter. This game is dogshit.
2. Don't waste your time. It's obviously been programmed by a bunch of chimps with syphilis.
3. I'd rather eat tapioca pudding out of my grandmothers colostomy bag, then stick my tongue in her stoma.
4. Meh, there's really better stuff to do, (like waxing my pubes) but I was lazy.
5. This is kinda like purgatory. It's not the best place to be but it could be worse.
6. Not bad at all... It's like I just scored a BJ from my hot first cousin.
7. Entertaining as all hell, kinda like the feeling where you just drank enough not to puke and can still walk.
8. Buy this game, I'm super-cereal. It's got stuff that makes my nipples tingly.
9. HELL F'ing YEAH! I'd talk more about it but I'm gonna be locked in place for a week just playing this ****er.
10. This game is like godfather two and the empire strikes back joined forces to **** your face off with wow. I'm taking all of my PTO days and going on FMLA.

EDIT: We can also discuss upcoming/all things gaming in here as well.

007 08-27-2014 12:26 AM

I expect Uncharted 4 to be 10's across the board. Unfortunately, thats still 15 months away. :deevee:

Gonzo 08-27-2014 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 10852462)
I expect Uncharted 4 to be 10's across the board. Unfortunately, thats still 15 months away. :deevee:

I know... I really wish I could sign up for a beta test. I loved all of them.

Gonzo 08-29-2014 12:31 AM

I might as well start us off here with a double-header.

Since getting my PS4 last weekend, I've been playing, (and I've completed) two games.
Infamous Second Son and Wolfenstein, the New Order.

Let's start with Second Son:

If you're not familiar with the franchise, Infamous is about a group of people that have a genetic predisposition for super-powers. The first two were centered around a guy named Cole who could harness electricity. The first took place in New York, the second in New Orleans (post Katrina). Second Son is centered around a guy named Delsin in Seattle. All three are open world games.
The game allows you to either be a vigilante with 'Bad Karma' or a Hero with 'Good Karma.'

I was a big fan of the first two. Cole was an easy character to like and the games were entertaining, (although a little repetitive).

The protagonist, 'Delsin' is not easy to like, at all. He's actually kind of a douche.
His super powers center around smoke and fire, however you acquire other powers as the game evolves. I won't delve into what powers because they didn't make much sense to me.
The game was obviously originally made for last generation consoles since the story and gameplay mechanics were very similar. However, since it was one of the very first PS4 games, it does try to show off what the console can do. Lasers, Neon lights and fire are so impressive. The sound effects and soundtrack is excellent and the graphics wowed me. It's a beautiful game with a good amount of detail. Things like paper flying in the air when you cause en explosion and embers floating in the air after a fire. Just awesome.

Well, that was the positive. The negative is I beat the main story line in this game in roughly 8 hrs.... (And that was with a lot of side quests).
When I played through a second time, I did it in just over six.
The first infamous was nearly two times longer. IIRC
The story line was sub par at best. A little boring, honestly.
Delsin really is a ****wad. Especially when you play with bad karma and become a vigilante.

The game is playable and very good looking. All in all I enjoyed it and there's a lot of DLC out now which helps. The side missions are far too repetitive but they add another 3-5 hours of boring gameplay.
I give this game a solid 6.5. Kind of like a BJ from an ugly girl.

Wolfenstein the New Order:

I just finished this action-packed FPS. As a fan of the original Wolfenstein from the mid 90's, I couldn't wait to play this even though I've grown to hate the FPS genre.
The game centers around our old hero Capt. William "B.J." Blazkowicz and his undying hate for "Those Nazi ****s."
This is the first Wolfenstein I've played and enjoyed since the original Escape from Castle Wolfenstein. The other games in the series weren't all that good. I did have high hopes for this one from all the online hype and the game trailers.
Let me say... It delivered. BJ is one mean, funny, hardcore badass. The Nazi war machine was literally just that. Giant mutant super soldiers, robotic hell hounds, gigantic Mechs that shoot lasers and a disfigured nazi fräulein.
Just wunderbar.
The storyline is as follows: BJ and his crew get captured on one final push to a German fortress. The games antagonist, General Deathshead is performing inhumane experiments on pow's and asylum prisoners. In the beginning, he makes BJ chose one of his two war buddies for an experiment that will end in death. Choose carefully, btw. The game doesn't make huge wholesale changes between the two but things do change.
(I played both)
Of course you have the huge, epic boss fights SS and all things Wolfenstein. New guns, an all purpose plasma cutter/pulse laser. Armor and health packs galore.
Lots of Easter eggs in this one, btw. One of which is and. BJ takes a nap on a certain bunk and you're suddenly playing a reboot of the original Wolfenstein from the 90's.
The story is great, the action is awesome and the scenery/graphics really show off the next gen.
My one gripe? I beat it in about 7 hours but that's about average for a FPS. However, the replay-ability is high. I truly enjoyed this game. From the battles in 1940's Germany to 1960's London. Oh, get this... You get to walk on the moon. It was a beautiful addition and very convincing.
All in all, a solid pickup if you have the dough. You really can't go wrong if you're looking to waste a day in front of the tube, blowing shit up and drinking beer.

I give this title a solid 8. Give it a try. Used discs are going for 30 bucks now.

The Franchise 08-29-2014 09:24 AM

I just realized that when I bought my last controller for my came with Infamous as a "freebie". I still haven't taken the plastic wrapping off of that game.

Gonzo 08-29-2014 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 10859712)
I just realized that when I bought my last controller for my came with Infamous as a "freebie". I still haven't taken the plastic wrapping off of that game.

It's not a bad game at all. It's a little dated now via the graphics and such but it's enjoyable. It's cutscenes are set up like a comic book.

Gonzo 08-30-2014 10:57 AM

I started playing 'Thief' yesterday...

It's going back to the store for something else. I've been duped twice now with this franchise. I bought 'Dishonored' last year and it was ****ing terrible. You'd think I would learn, right?
Well, with so few games available for the PS4 and the nerdy fanboy behind the desk telling me it was a great game... I bit.

Sneak over here and steal a watch, sneak over there and steal a wallet.
Oh wait, now you have supernatural powers!
**** you
I literally gave this thing four hours of my life that I'll never get back.
**** it, I'll trade it in on MLB or Madden or something.

Gonzo 08-30-2014 08:07 PM

Ok, ok.
I got rid of Thief today and ran through my options for a replacement. Decided to go against my oath of not buying a new Madden until they took some serious time to update and evaluate.
There just wasn't another interesting option so I decided to bite the bullet and give it a shot...
Thus far, I have got to admit.... It's pretty damn good. Then graphics are smooth and the game itself is very intense. They throw you right into the NFC championship game from last year.
It's not as bad as the YouTubers would lead you to believe.
I'll post more later as I get into the game. I've played it for about two hours so far and it looks really pretty good.

Jerm 08-30-2014 08:23 PM

Rogue Legacy is sooooo good, esp. for old school NES fans like myself. It has a great sense of humor and wit to it as well.

Never played a Diablo game before D3 and it's pretty damn good....such an awesome multiplayer game. Highly addictive as the fact that i can jump in and play for 2 hours or 15 mins.

Madden 15 is the best Madden since Madden 2005...the gameplay is immensely better and it's fun to play defense again, esp. with the new camera. I had been waiting for EA to give me a reason to get back into Madden hardcore and they have. Still really miss NCAA Football though. :-\

Right now The Golf Club owns my's what I've always fluff, no goofy boosters or silly gimmicks...just good gameplay that rewards actual skill, critical thinking, and a good golf IQ.

Loving the variance of courses I'm seeing...gonna be incredible once people really get the course creator dialed in.

Playing with ghosts is such a blast...always interesting to see how different people attack the course.

Dayze 08-30-2014 08:36 PM

I tried a demo of a game called 'Payday" a week or two ago. it was pretty fun, but I suspect it might get really repetitive. I liked the concept though.

kcxiv 08-30-2014 08:36 PM

im have been Addicted to Planetside 2 right now. Its PC only right now but it will be coming to the PS4, its a free to play game.

You cant beat 3 factions fighting for territory when its like 150 vs 150 vs 150. its call of Duty on Crack, but with Tanks and fighter aircrafts. lol

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Cant say that shit looks fun when your in them massive battles.

Gonzo 08-30-2014 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 10864702)
Rogue Legacy is sooooo good, esp. for old school NES fans like myself. It has a great sense of humor and wit to it as well.

Never played a Diablo game before D3 and it's pretty damn good....such an awesome multiplayer game. Highly addictive as the fact that i can jump in and play for 2 hours or 15 mins.

Madden 15 is the best Madden since Madden 2005...the gameplay is immensely better and it's fun to play defense again, esp. with the new camera. I had been waiting for EA to give me a reason to get back into Madden hardcore and they have. Still really miss NCAA Football though. :-\

Right now The Golf Club owns my's what I've always fluff, no goofy boosters or silly gimmicks...just good gameplay that rewards actual skill, critical thinking, and a good golf IQ.

Loving the variance of courses I'm seeing...gonna be incredible once people really get the course creator dialed in.

Playing with ghosts is such a blast...always interesting to see how different people attack the course.


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 10864815)
I tried a demo of a game called 'Payday" a week or two ago. it was pretty fun, but I suspect it might get really repetitive. I liked the concept though.


Originally Posted by Fruit Ninja (Post 10864817)
im have been Addicted to Planetside 2 right now. Its PC only right now but it will be coming to the PS4, its a free to play game.

You cant beat 3 factions fighting for territory when its like 150 vs 150 vs 150. its call of Duty on Crack, but with Tanks and fighter aircrafts. lol

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Cant say that shit looks fun when your in them massive battles.

Thank you all for your input here. I really want this thread to be a "one stop shop" for everything gaming.

I've been struggling over madden 15. I really wanted to give it a shit review due to their history of douchebaggery. I haven't even tackled any of the online options yet and I am going to give this game a great review. It looks like EA may have heard our cries of disdain for some reason.
Im very impressed thus far. I'll get into the online stuff next week and give a full review afterwards.

I have to admit something... When you can look up and see shit like "Chiefs Kingdom" (which is lame) on the jumbo-tron and see individual blades of grass on the field... You're making drastic improvements on your product.

Gonzo 08-30-2014 09:49 PM

Ok... So I may have been caught up in Madden 15's aesthetics a little. It really is impressive with it's details.

You know what ? Nahhh
It really is that impressive. Maybe the ****heads at EA really did hear out bitchings this year.
This game is very challenging. It keeps you riveted and interested. I can, (for the first time in years) see myself actively working towards a Lombardi the right way... You know it?

Just the offline version itself holds my interest. Good for you EA, prove to us that you deserve the license.
I'm going to continue playing both off and online features. Hopefully the online has improved a lot.

Gonzo 08-30-2014 09:56 PM

BTW... This just hit me...

Keep in mind that this review is all on a next- gen console. (ps4)
I'm sure the regular versions suck the donkey dick.

Crush 08-30-2014 09:59 PM

I'm currently playing the Shadowgate remake for PC. I would rate it a 10. Of course, I loved the original Shadowgate.

<iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>

Gonzo 08-30-2014 10:44 PM

Of ****ing course... Smith has a broken collar bone. Opening game I have Chase Daniel for my QB over the next 7 weeks. Fuuuuuuuuuu

GoShox 08-31-2014 11:37 AM

I'll bite. I recently played L.A. Noire on the PC. It's kind of like GTA with the ability to drive around in free roam, but it's more story driven, as you're always in a mission. The game takes place in the 1940's and you're a detective in the LAPD after serving in World War II. The storyline is built around the drug scene in LA, and also how you and your fellow marines from WWII come back to LA and fit back into society. The game came out in 2011 I believe.

Storyline: Absolutely amazing and the reason to play the game. The story is soooo good. You have the ability to interrogate people, and actual actors (a lot of them are from Mad Men) did not just voice acting, but actual acting for characters. So during an interrogation you can look at someone's eyes or how their acting and determine if they're lying or not. The acting throughout the game is absolutely amazing and made me want to watch the cut scenes, which I normally skip. You solve arson cases, traffic cases, homocides, and other stuff. The game can be pretty graphic, even if it's just a video game, it's still gory as hell, so if you're not interested in that stuff you might not wanna play it. Many of the cases are based off of real life, which is both fascinating and absolutely horrifying that real people did this stuff.

Challenge: The game is pretty easy, because even if you mess up an interrogation and miss some clues on a crime scene, you pretty much always have enough evidence to continue. There's some gun fights and car chases mixed in but they're all pretty easy. The only missions I really struggled with are the GTA car-trail mission where you have to follow someone, but stay out of their sight, and I struggled because I'm impatient as hell.

Replayability: I think maybe a year from now I'll want to play it again. There's collectables throughout the map, and you have the option to replay any mission you want, but the story is more interesting than the actual missions.

Graphics: The graphics are pretty normal, except for the acting and interrogation scenes which are phenomenal.

Online functionality: There are DLC's which I didn't play. Also, when solving a case, you can use a "lifeline" where you see how everyone else in Rockstar's Social Club did. There's no online mode so that's pretty much all there is to it.

Downloadable content: Again, there's DLC's but I didn't play them.

AI / NPC's: The AI is nice, you can actually have your partner drive you everywhere which is cool. The NPC's are typical Rockstar NPC's, they say random funny quotes and just walk around. There's not much else to them though.

Price: I got it in the Steam sale a few years ago for like $5, so I'd wait till it goes on sale again when it'd cheap.

Length of gameplay: I beat the game in 3 days, it's not very long. However, this is the type of game you should play in tiny bursts. If you play it all at once, kinda like me, the missions can be kind of repetitive and lose their luster. If you play it over a few weeks or a month, I guarantee they'd be much more fun. However I was so into the story that I wanted to beat it just to find out how it ended.

Overall, I'd give it an 8 of 10. I was really impressed by this game and really hope that a sequel comes out.

The Franchise 08-31-2014 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 10865538)
BTW... This just hit me...

Keep in mind that this review is all on a next- gen console. (ps4)
I'm sure the regular versions suck the donkey dick.

PS3 version is slow and sucks major balls.

kcxiv 08-31-2014 06:24 PM

hmmm.. L.A Noire the complete edition is 6 bucks on amazon. thinking about picking it up. I played a little of the game on the 360. for 6 bucks though. PC of course

Dayze 08-31-2014 06:43 PM

I remember plaing the shit out of L.A. Noire. I really liked that game.

Gonzo 08-31-2014 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by GoShox (Post 10866469)
I'll bite. I recently played L.A. Noire on the PC. It's kind of like GTA with the ability to drive around in free roam, but it's more story driven, as you're always in a mission. The game takes place in the 1940's and you're a detective in the LAPD after serving in World War II. The storyline is built around the drug scene in LA, and also how you and your fellow marines from WWII come back to LA and fit back into society. The game came out in 2011 I believe.

Storyline: Absolutely amazing and the reason to play the game. The story is soooo good. You have the ability to interrogate people, and actual actors (a lot of them are from Mad Men) did not just voice acting, but actual acting for characters. So during an interrogation you can look at someone's eyes or how their acting and determine if they're lying or not. The acting throughout the game is absolutely amazing and made me want to watch the cut scenes, which I normally skip. You solve arson cases, traffic cases, homocides, and other stuff. The game can be pretty graphic, even if it's just a video game, it's still gory as hell, so if you're not interested in that stuff you might not wanna play it. Many of the cases are based off of real life, which is both fascinating and absolutely horrifying that real people did this stuff.

Challenge: The game is pretty easy, because even if you mess up an interrogation and miss some clues on a crime scene, you pretty much always have enough evidence to continue. There's some gun fights and car chases mixed in but they're all pretty easy. The only missions I really struggled with are the GTA car-trail mission where you have to follow someone, but stay out of their sight, and I struggled because I'm impatient as hell.

Replayability: I think maybe a year from now I'll want to play it again. There's collectables throughout the map, and you have the option to replay any mission you want, but the story is more interesting than the actual missions.

Graphics: The graphics are pretty normal, except for the acting and interrogation scenes which are phenomenal.

Online functionality: There are DLC's which I didn't play. Also, when solving a case, you can use a "lifeline" where you see how everyone else in Rockstar's Social Club did. There's no online mode so that's pretty much all there is to it.

Downloadable content: Again, there's DLC's but I didn't play them.

AI / NPC's: The AI is nice, you can actually have your partner drive you everywhere which is cool. The NPC's are typical Rockstar NPC's, they say random funny quotes and just walk around. There's not much else to them though.

Price: I got it in the Steam sale a few years ago for like $5, so I'd wait till it goes on sale again when it'd cheap.

Length of gameplay: I beat the game in 3 days, it's not very long. However, this is the type of game you should play in tiny bursts. If you play it all at once, kinda like me, the missions can be kind of repetitive and lose their luster. If you play it over a few weeks or a month, I guarantee they'd be much more fun. However I was so into the story that I wanted to beat it just to find out how it ended.

Overall, I'd give it an 8 of 10. I was really impressed by this game and really hope that a sequel comes out.

Thanks for your input man. Amazingly enough, I just finished playing this about a week ago on my ps3 for like, the third time in a couple years. The DLC is actually worth it and extends the gameplay quite a bit. The story in this game is what drives it. It's very intense and it really makes you feel like you're in 1940's Hollywood.
I totally agree with your assessment here. It's great to play it annually when you get tired of waiting for something new.
The LA Noire Wiki is really helpful should you ever get stuck on something, btw.

I LOVED it when your vice squad partner would use the eras lingo.
"Listen here you stupid dame, you mouth off to me again and I'll give you what-for." LMAO
I really hope they do a sequel as well. It would be magnificent on next gen.

Gonzo 08-31-2014 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Fruit Ninja (Post 10867775)
hmmm.. L.A Noire the complete edition is 6 bucks on amazon. thinking about picking it up. I played a little of the game on the 360. for 6 bucks though. PC of course

Do it... Rock star is the elite game studio. They know how to make sure their consumer gets their money's worth out of every product.

Bowser 08-31-2014 08:15 PM

Just put in Bioshock Infinite for the first time. Loved the first one, was rather meh on the second one, but this one is really pulling me in....

Gonzo 08-31-2014 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 10868483)
Just put in Bioshock Infinite for the first time. Loved the first one, was rather meh on the second one, but this one is really pulling me in....

Yep. That's a winner. Great music, awesome story. Very creative.

kcxiv 08-31-2014 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 10868104)
Do it... Rock star is the elite game studio. They know how to make sure their consumer gets their money's worth out of every product.

yeah, i know. I used to be really cool with their sister studio in 2K Sports. They still send me free games. They are cool as ****. I just send an email and bam, overnight me a game! lol Take-Two Interactive is awesome.

Gonzo 08-31-2014 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by Fruit Ninja (Post 10869172)
yeah, i know. I used to be really cool with their sister studio in 2K Sports. They still send me free games. They are cool as ****. I just send an email and bam, overnight me a game! lol Take-Two Interactive is awesome.

Sweet man. That's a good deal.

I would absolutely LOVE it if Rockstar could get the NFL license, (or at least CFB). Make football more interactive and realistic.

Driving to the stadium, beating your old lady, snort coke, shoot roids, rape a chick in the bathroom etc.
Sweet game.

kcxiv 08-31-2014 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 10869691)
Sweet man. That's a good deal.

I would absolutely LOVE it if Rockstar could get the NFL license, (or at least CFB). Make football more interactive and realistic.

Driving to the stadium, beating your old lady, snort coke, shoot roids, rape a chick in the bathroom etc.
Sweet game.

Since 2K and Rockstar are owned by the same company, they are basically the same thing. Take Two would immediately give the license to Visual Concepts. They all share the same technology and borrow from one another.

Buck 08-31-2014 11:37 PM

Firefall is a free to play FPS / 3PS shooter MMO. Hometeam and I have put about 160 hours into the game in the last couple months. It's really fun if you wanna come play with us. It's free!

Here is a good review.

<iframe width="853" height="480" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Gonzo 09-03-2014 08:14 AM

Been going thru some of the Upcoming titles recently and I'm really looking forward to The Evil Within. It's coming out next month I believe.
Some if the gameplay vids I've seen are spectacular.
Here's some info. There's a thread around here somewhere about it too.

The Franchise 09-03-2014 08:19 AM

Picked up Dragon Age and Uncharted 3 for $10 yesterday.

Gonzo 09-03-2014 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 10875797)
Picked up Dragon Age and Uncharted 3 for $10 yesterday.

You're going to love Uncharted 3. There's a particular scene during a plane crash that is impressive as hell. Have you played 1 & 2?

The Franchise 09-03-2014 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 10875822)
You're going to love Uncharted 3. There's a particular scene during a plane crash that is impressive as hell. Have you played 1 & 2?

Nope. I haven't played any of them yet.

Gonzo 09-03-2014 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 10875828)
Nope. I haven't played any of them yet.

Huh, that's what I did. I got 3 with my new PS3 after my original finally took a dump. After I played it, I immediately went out and bought the other two.

Uncharted 2 is regarded the best but I disagree. I like 3 a bit more.
The first one was ok, the gameplay and graphics are dated but it's a good story.

007 09-04-2014 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 10875832)
Huh, that's what I did. I got 3 with my new PS3 after my original finally took a dump. After I played it, I immediately went out and bought the other two.

Uncharted 2 is regarded the best but I disagree. I like 3 a bit more.
The first one was ok, the gameplay and graphics are dated but it's a good story.

Uncharted 2, then 1, then 3.

2 just nailed it on all accounts.

Also, I did rate 3 last but I still loved it.

Gonzo 09-09-2014 05:55 AM

Madden 15
So... I decided to say "**** it" and throw some money back into EA's yearly cash cow, Madden on PS4. I was very surprised and impressed by the next gen version.
As a fairness, I went over to my friend's house and played the PS3 version as well. That game is pretty much the same shit it's been over the past 8 years. I'm sure many can elaborate there.
Here are my thoughts:

Next Gen:
I went in with low expectations. I've heard mixed reviews but none of them awful and some of them were very good. I decided to give it a shot and I'm happy I did. I got home, struggled with the wrapper, (seriously, they're a pain in the ass) and put the disc in my brand new, shiny PS4.
I launched the game and was instantly placed into last years NFC title game as the Carolina Panthers. 4th quarter, a couple minutes on the clock. I failed to win but was immediately impressed. You're placed in the huddle as Newton and you're calling plays. The crowd is insanely loud and the graphics were blowing me away. After the game, you are launched into a full tutorial with Cam Newton explaining all the new features of the game.
I highly recommend sticking with it to learn the 'in's and out's' of the game but you can always go back to it.
The offline features:
You have all the offline stuff madden has always offered. Play as a coach, owner or player. You can control everything on the field and off. There are hundreds of skill drills, draft scouting, player and coach upgrades and all that jazz. The skills app is really a lot of fun and they do improve the team.
They deal a lot with the 'confidence factor' this year which I do find a little monotonous.
The gameplay is exquisite. The graphics are beautiful and the physics are realistic. The LB's can't jump 8 feet in any direction to nab those pesky int's anymore.
I thoroughly enjoy this game.
Online: EA does a great job with this aspect as well now. There's very little lag, they pair you well with an opponent and the graphics don't suffer at all. Huge upgrade over the former.

Ok... Current gen:
The lag!!! Omg load times are horrid. The graphics are pretty much the same and they tried to pack way too much into this game. The gameplay is a little improved but the tackling is still meh.
I can just write the following for current gen and you all will understand...

"It's the same as it ever was." What can you do, though? I'm sure we'll be saying this exact line for next gen in two years anyway. There's only so much they can do in a year. There are some decent features but it is what it is.

Next Gen Version: 8.5 out of 10
Current Gen: 6 out of 10

Gonzo 09-13-2014 11:08 AM

Killzone Shadow Fall
I picked up Killzone Shadow Fall as a "WTF" purchase a couple days ago. For those of you unfamiliar with the title, it's a futuristic FPS taking place on another planet in the year 2300 (or something).
This game is your typical FPS, killing waves and waves of enemies. However, it has a lot of complimentary elements that really show off the next gen capabilities. You have a little robotic assistant called an OWL. It will fly ahead and scout, stun or shoot enemies, revive you if you're carrying first aid kits, (with adrenaline) and it hacks alarms and doors. It will also expedite your journey by firing zip lines.
You can immediately tell that this game was the one that was developed to really show what the PS4 could do. It may have been rushed a bit, however. I've noted a few weird glitches. One of which are your feet. Seriously, if you stand on anything uneven and look down, your feet spaz out and it looks like you are river dancing.
The aesthetics in this game are really what sells it. The scenery is just beautiful and the game makes sure to show it off on some long cut-scenes where you're just flying from point A to point B. You'll fly over a huge city and see every little detail.
The AI: now then, it's not the dumbest I've ever encountered... The OWL does a great job at recognizing what I want it to do. The enemies are actually a bit challenging but they don't organize themselves well. They'll come at you at different angles at times and surprise you if you don't use your "super stealthy secret sonar" enough. The sonar will actually make the enemies glow from a distance, taking a page right out of the game Resistance 2, Fall of Man.
This gives you the opportunity to sneak up and dispatch them before they have a chance.
Overall, he AI is pretty good.
The battlefields: each level gives you a few directives to follow. You can ignore some of the side missions, should you choose. However, I have found them to be worth completing so far. I've found myself getting a little lost on how to complete goals. For instance: door A is locked and it doesn't give me any indication that it will open once I complete some random task because it looks like every other door.
I complete said task. Now I'm wandering about for ten minutes wondering wtf is next.
I go back to door A and it's magically open. The ****?

Graphics: they're about the best you're going to get.

Replay-ability: easily replayable. The levels are huge and take a long time to get thru.

Storyline: this is a big MEH. I haven't completed the game yet and I can definitely tell what's going to happen. The characters are stale.
All in all I give this one a 7 out of 10. The graphics really help it out here. The gameplay is smooth and the price of the game is cheap since it's been out a while now.
I'd recommend it as a good time waster while you're drinking beer with nothing to do.

DJJasonp 09-13-2014 09:17 PM

Had the house to myself this afternoon, popped in the tomb raider reboot in the living room with 7.1 dolby.....shook the house....

Wow...I'm impressed. having a great time so far. The graphics are insane (for PS3), the controls are solid....I'm hooked.

Gonzo 09-15-2014 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 10907933)
I picked up Killzone Shadow Fall as a "WTF" purchase a couple days ago. For those of you unfamiliar with the title, it's a futuristic FPS taking place on another planet in the year 2300 (or something).
This game is your typical FPS, killing waves and waves of enemies. However, it has a lot of complimentary elements that really show off the next gen capabilities. You have a little robotic assistant called an OWL. It will fly ahead and scout, stun or shoot enemies, revive you if you're carrying first aid kits, (with adrenaline) and it hacks alarms and doors. It will also expedite your journey by firing zip lines.
You can immediately tell that this game was the one that was developed to really show what the PS4 could do. It may have been rushed a bit, however. I've noted a few weird glitches. One of which are your feet. Seriously, if you stand on anything uneven and look down, your feet spaz out and it looks like you are river dancing.
The aesthetics in this game are really what sells it. The scenery is just beautiful and the game makes sure to show it off on some long cut-scenes where you're just flying from point A to point B. You'll fly over a huge city and see every little detail.
The AI: now then, it's not the dumbest I've ever encountered... The OWL does a great job at recognizing what I want it to do. The enemies are actually a bit challenging but they don't organize themselves well. They'll come at you at different angles at times and surprise you if you don't use your "super stealthy secret sonar" enough. The sonar will actually make the enemies glow from a distance, taking a page right out of the game Resistance 2, Fall of Man.
This gives you the opportunity to sneak up and dispatch them before they have a chance.
Overall, he AI is pretty good.
The battlefields: each level gives you a few directives to follow. You can ignore some of the side missions, should you choose. However, I have found them to be worth completing so far. I've found myself getting a little lost on how to complete goals. For instance: door A is locked and it doesn't give me any indication that it will open once I complete some random task because it looks like every other door.
I complete said task. Now I'm wandering about for ten minutes wondering wtf is next.
I go back to door A and it's magically open. The ****?

Graphics: they're about the best you're going to get.

Replay-ability: easily replayable. The levels are huge and take a long time to get thru.

Storyline: this is a big MEH. I haven't completed the game yet and I can definitely tell what's going to happen. The characters are stale.
All in all I give this one a 7 out of 10. The graphics really help it out here. The gameplay is smooth and the price of the game is cheap since it's been out a while now.
I'd recommend it as a good time waster while you're drinking beer with nothing to do.

I'm adding something to this...

They're the most ****ing random I've ever seen. They make no sense to me at all. I'll get through a huge chunk of a level, die and have to do it all over again. Then later, I have saves every 3 minutes.

Physics: very impressive... You actually get to float around in space in nothing but a space suit and a jet pack. You also get to free-fall into a planets atmosphere that's been nuked.
Pretty cool stuff.

Fire Me Boy! 10-03-2014 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 10862481)
I started playing 'Thief' yesterday...

It's going back to the store for something else. I've been duped twice now with this franchise. I bought 'Dishonored' last year and it was ****ing terrible. You'd think I would learn, right?
Well, with so few games available for the PS4 and the nerdy fanboy behind the desk telling me it was a great game... I bit.

Sneak over here and steal a watch, sneak over there and steal a wallet.
Oh wait, now you have supernatural powers!
**** you
I literally gave this thing four hours of my life that I'll never get back.
**** it, I'll trade it in on MLB or Madden or something.

I just started playing Dishonored and actually like it quite a bit so far. I got the GOTY edition. But I like the slower-paced games that aren't all action all the time. I love the Elder Scrolls games because it's not all fighting. Games like Wolfenstein bore the crap out of me after the first 30 minutes.

Is Thief like Dishonored?

I bought the original Uncharted when it came out. Finished it in like 6 hours, and while those 6 hours were pretty good, I felt completely ripped off. A game you can complete in that little time shouldn't cost $60.

The Franchise 10-03-2014 12:59 PM

Bought Dishonored and still haven't unwrapped it yet. I did only pay $19.99 for it though.

Fire Me Boy! 10-03-2014 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 10975582)
Bought Dishonored and still haven't unwrapped it yet. I did only pay $19.99 for it though.

Me too.

Gonzo 10-03-2014 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Fried Meat Ball! (Post 10975566)
I just started playing Dishonored and actually like it quite a bit so far. I got the GOTY edition. But I like the slower-paced games that aren't all action all the time. I love the Elder Scrolls games because it's not all fighting. Games like Wolfenstein bore the crap out of me after the first 30 minutes.

Is Thief like Dishonored?

I bought the original Uncharted when it came out. Finished it in like 6 hours, and while those 6 hours were pretty good, I felt completely ripped off. A game you can complete in that little time shouldn't cost $60.


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 10975582)
Bought Dishonored and still haven't unwrapped it yet. I did only pay $19.99 for it though.

Ok... Uncharted 1 is pretty short gameplay. Sorry you had to start there. Seriously though, get 2 or 3 and 1 will seem quaint and pretty fun. Just seeing how far the franchise progressed.

Anywho, I totally agree with constant action in games. Things like Wolfenstein are fun for a while but get monotonous. There are so few titles out for next gen that it was the best from what I had to chose from.

Thief is a lot like Dishonered. Yes.
I think I disliked Dishonored because I'm not that into magic spells and such in my games. It has it's merits... Good graphics and a lot of stealth. But it was just soooo much looting and it's so easy to tip off the watchmen. Edit: thief is exceedingly linear. They try to hide it but it is.

If you like dishonered, you'll probably like thief.

Gonzo 10-03-2014 10:44 PM

Next review being written now. I'll try to have it up tonight.

Gonzo 10-04-2014 12:34 PM

Metro Redux - Next Gen re-release review

For those of you unfamiar with the franchise, here's a link:
And another:

Metro Redux is a re-release of a two different games, Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light. These are both based on novels. (see above links)

The game itself...

It's a FPS that will cause people to up their anti-depression meds come the first half hour. You're in Russia after the nukes fell. You play a character named Artyom, a young man who has recently shown interest in joining a peacekeeping faction called The Order. You've lived your whole life in a massive underground subway system, a "Metro" Derp!
Artyom has been tasked to deliver a message to a colonel in The Order after his home was attacked by mutant beasts that make you want to shit yourself.
The entire metro has several factions but there are three prominent ones. The Order, The Reich and the Communist Reds.
As you progress in 2033, you find out more to the story. Apparently there's some extremely dangerous mutants called The Dark Ones that threaten all of humanity. They have super secret mind meld powers. Blah blah. You'll see once you get into it.
Moving along... This FPS is in no way linear whatsoever. True the tunnels you advance through keep you on path but there are several different ways to complete objectives.
You can stealth past certain situations or go balls out and throw thousands of rounds out. The guns are exactly what you'd expect in the given situation. Pieced together with scrap metal and old parts. You buy them from merchants, (ammo as well) and you can pay for upgrades and mods. There aren't a lot of different types of weapons unfortunately. However, you see a big difference with the upgrades.
Moving on...
The storyline and environments are first class. You can eavesdrop on several different conversations to learn more about your community.
The environment is dark and gloomy yet beautiful in it's own way.
I've seen the graphics for the ps3 and the next gen blows it away.
When you go to the surface, 'Moscow in ruins' is massive and very detailed. Very depressing and dark but detailed.

A challenging addition to this game is the gas mask. You have to constantly monitor your filters and swap them out or you'll suffocate.
Your watch will alert you when you're running out of air, basically.

In Metro Last Light, (part two of this game) the story continues. It gets a little awkward when you escort a 'Dark One' on the surface. The game is basically trying to get you to deal with certain subjects like war and humanity, Etc. It does a good job with this until late in the sequel when it gets a little weird.
There's another thing about the sequel that is out of place. Gratuitous sex scenes. Well, lap dances I guess. You end up in a strip club and you can buy a lap dance from a pale, (yet hot) stripper.
Great boobs, btw.
You have a suddenly forced romantic relationship with a fellow soldier, Anna as well. The storyline in the sequel just kind of fell apart.

However, this is an interesting series and I do hope to see more. The environment is top notch. The enemy AI is fairly smart. They take cover and if they see a fallen 'comrade' they'll freak out and call backup.
The enemy mutants aren't all that smart but they are fast as hell. Especially the demons.
For a FPS this game held my interest because of all the different ways to navigate levels and it kept me interested in the story. The horror element was better than average as well. The boss battles were a little monotonous. They all do the same "run right at you" move and if you don't play it smart, you'll run out of ammo quickly.

I'm sure some of you are familiar with this game since it's been out a while. The re-release is worth checking out. You'll get about a solid 20+ hours of gameplay here.

I'm going to score it at about a 7.5. It gets a lot right but like I said, it can be a downer.

Kidd Lex 10-04-2014 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 10978372)
Next review being written now. I'll try to have it up tonight.

Great thread, loving the reviews. I'll jump in from time to time, keep it going Gonzo!! :thumb:

Gonzo 10-04-2014 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by The God Hypothesis (Post 10979659)
Great thread, loving the reviews. I'll jump in from time to time, keep it going Gonzo!! :thumb:

Hey, thanks brother. I'm glad you're enjoying them. I was iffy on keeping it up.

Guys, I have an extensive collection of PS3 games and I've played about everything. If there's anything you're interested in on the PS3 or 4, let me know. I may have it or I may be purchasing it...

Gonzo 10-04-2014 01:08 PM

(Except Destiny... I'm refusing to buy that for about a year)

007 10-04-2014 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 10979698)
Hey, thanks brother. I'm glad you're enjoying them. I was iffy on keeping it up.

Guys, I have an extensive collection of PS3 games and I've played about everything. If there's anything you're interested in on the PS3 or 4, let me know. I may have it or I may be purchasing it...

plants vs zombies shooter.

Gonzo 10-04-2014 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 10979751)
plants vs zombies shooter.

LMAO. I'm going to have to ask for assistance on this one. I don't really play a lot of online only FPS. I've seen the game a lot and it looks like fun. You picked one of the few newer titles in unfamiliar with.

DJJasonp 10-04-2014 04:18 PM

Just finished the Tomb Raider reboot.....gotta say, outside of maybe "Last of Us".....this has been my favorite game of the year!

Tomb Raider
Last of Us
Bioshock Infinite

Cant praise TR enough though....had a great time.

Gonzo 10-04-2014 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by DJJasonp (Post 10980009)
Just finished the Tomb Raider reboot.....gotta say, outside of maybe "Last of Us".....this has been my favorite game of the year!

Tomb Raider
Last of Us
Bioshock Infinite

Cant praise TR enough though....had a great time.

You cannot go wrong with any of those.

My next is going to be on TLOU Remastered.
I just put it in the PS4 and we're going to find out wether paying for this game a second time is worth it.

kcxiv 10-04-2014 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by DJJasonp (Post 10980009)
Just finished the Tomb Raider reboot.....gotta say, outside of maybe "Last of Us".....this has been my favorite game of the year!

Tomb Raider
Last of Us
Bioshock Infinite

Cant praise TR enough though....had a great time.

Yeah Tomb Raider reboot is a ****ing blast. Love how you get to see her transform from the young and innocent Lara to the bad ass she becomes. To bad only xbox One owners will get the 2nd installment for a while. ****ing timed exclusives

007 10-04-2014 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Fruit Ninja (Post 10980245)
Yeah Tomb Raider reboot is a ****ing blast. Love how you get to see her transform from the young and innocent Lara to the bad ass she becomes. To bad only xbox One owners will get the 2nd installment for a while. ****ing timed exclusives

And it still won't make me want an xbox one

Kidd Lex 10-04-2014 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 10980164)
You cannot go wrong with any of those.

My next is going to be on TLOU Remastered.
I just put it in the PS4 and we're going to find out wether paying for this game a second time is worth it.

TLOU was amazing on the ps3, but i tired of killing clickers by the end. Definitely let us know what you think of the ps4 version, I am considering picking it up.

kcxiv 10-04-2014 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 10980459)
And it still won't make me want an xbox one

Same here, im PC only now. If i ever do think about getting a newer console its going to be a ps4, but i dont see that until a price drop if any.

Gonzo 10-05-2014 12:42 AM

The Last of Us - Remastered - PS4
The Last of Us - Remastered - PS4

I wouldn't think that I'd need to write a review on the merits of this game on it's own... but WTF, why not? Just on the off-chance one of you have been in a coma for the last year or so, I will. This will be a two-part review. First on the game itself as it stood a year ago on PS3 and then the Remastered version that was recently released for next gen consoles.

The Last of Us is a masterpiece. Everyone has written or blogged a review regarding this game and it's one of those rare games that lives up to the hype.
The game creates a new spin on a post-apocalyptic US. The cordyceps fungus has jumped species from insects to humans. Thusly you have these super-violent infected 'zombies' (see 28 days later) that are after your ass. Joel is tasked to take a 14 year old immune girl (Ellie) across the US to meet with a group of insurgents called the Fireflies, (whom are tasked to find a cure for the plague). You are to protect her from the infected, bandits and what's left of the US government.
You start in Boston and you need to eventually get to Utah. This journey happens over the course of a year and the longer you go, the tougher it gets.
That's a very VERY light summary of the storyline. I don't want to give too much of it away just in case you have regained consciousness from the afore mentioned coma.
This is a game that is beyond comparison. Unlike a lot of games, "such and such is like COD with mutants" this is an original plot line and the gameplay is different than any other out there. The stealth mechanics need to be in use here in almost every situation.
Joel has super sensitive hearing and it works a bit like sonar. You can zone in on enemies that are behind walls, etc.
I suppose you'd call this a third person horror game, really. However, the game doesn't over-do the horror aspect. It's perfectly in place. In other words, there's not a lot of the 'Horde Modes' you get in other games. Waves after waves of enemies just don't happen here. I'd estimate that the most you'll see in any particular group is fifteen with an average of 5 or 6 in any given situation. However, your ammo is so limited at times that you have got to utilize the stealth mechanics to either get by or assassinate your foe up close with a shiv.
For those of you familiar with Naughty Dog from their recent works on Uncharted 2 and 3, you'll get a basic comprehension of the stealth needed. Take that times 150 and you're in the ballpark. Zombies, (Clickers) don't drop ammo for you very often, however. Lol
The graphics on the PS3 version are among the best you will get. The gameplay is smooth and the environment is very realistic. You will not find better in a previous gen game.
The replay-ability is average since the storyline is so great. Imagine your favorite movie as a kid and you lucked out and got it on VHS or DVD. How many times did you watch it when you first got it?
10-12 times? You could say every line of the movie on cue.
This is similar but you'll find some aspects wear on you after the 2nd play thru.
This is one of those games you'll play 2 or 3 times, then put away for a few months.
I'd give the game as a whole a perfect 10. It's something the game studios need to aspire to. Naughty Dog is, by far, the greatest game studio in the biz.

The Last of Us - Remastered - PS4

As we all know, the options out there for PS4 and Xbox one games are few and far between right now. That's one of the reasons why I decided to say WTF, I'll give it a shot.
I'm very familiar seeing that I was in line opening day to get my reserved copy. I must've played this PS3 copy a dozen times over the year but I finally put it on the shelf until a few days ago. I saw it collecting dust so I threw it in the 'ol reliable' pS3 and booted it up. I played for about an hour and decided to see what all the remastered fuss was about. I traded in the old copy at GameStop and got this one.
I must admit, I was skeptical. I mean, its the exact same game, (along with the DLC from a few months ago). I figured that since the graphics were already superior, there would be minimal room for improvement. Just another 'cash grab' you know?
I couldn't be more wrong. This game is so different. It's so much smoother, Christ you can see individual eye-lashes and arm hair. The clothing moves with the characters. The scenery and environment just feels different.
I'm trying to think of an analogy... Let's say you watched The Empire Strikes Back 20 times two years ago on Beta Max and the imperial walkers were only 10 feet tall, then you bought the Blue Ray and they were actual size. It's like that.
The movements aren't jerky, the AI is even smarter, some of the loot drops are in different areas and they added a lot of dialogue. I'm only through the first two levels and I've seen a huge difference. I was so pleasantly surprised. They took a first class game and made it better. I was really expecting that they went all 'Spielberg' of it and just made the graphics a little better.
This, my friends is why I will be trading in my PS3 copy of GTAV next month for the next gen model.

HOWEVER, it's the same game guys. I mean, it's gorgeous and I almost wish I'd waited to make the trade until it got a little cheaper but I'm satisfied and I knew what I was getting into.

So... Basically what I'm saying is the game you've got on your shelf can sit there a while. Let it collect dust and wait until Xmas when the price drops 10- 15%. Then go get this new version. Maybe play a level or two beforehand so you'll remember exactly what the previous gen was like. You wouldn't think they could improve upon perfection but they did.

TLOU scored a 10.
TLOU remastered gameplay - 10
TLOU remastered as a must have replacement? I'd give it a 7.

It's beautiful but not something you should shell out full price on right now. Wait a while.

Fire Me Boy! 10-05-2014 04:36 AM

All Things Video Games & Game Reviews

Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 10981127)
The Last of Us - Remastered - PS4

I wouldn't think that I'd need to write a review on the merits of this game on it's own... but WTF, why not? Just on the off-chance one of you have been in a coma for the last year or so, I will. This will be a two-part review. First on the game itself as it stood a year ago on PS3 and then the Remastered version that was recently released for next gen consoles.

The Last of Us is a masterpiece. Everyone has written or blogged a review regarding this game and it's one of those rare games that lives up to the hype.

The game creates a new spin on a post-apocalyptic US. The cordyceps fungus has jumped species from insects to humans. Thusly you have these super-violent infected 'zombies' (see 28 days later) that are after your ass. Joel is tasked to take a 14 year old immune girl (Ellie) across the US to meet with a group of insurgents called the Fireflies, (whom are tasked to find a cure for the plague). You are to protect her from the infected, bandits and what's left of the US government.

You start in Boston and you need to eventually get to Utah. This journey happens over the course of a year and the longer you go, the tougher it gets.

That's a very VERY light summary of the storyline. I don't want to give too much of it away just in case you have regained consciousness from the afore mentioned coma.

This is a game that is beyond comparison. Unlike a lot of games, "such and such is like COD with mutants" this is an original plot line and the gameplay is different than any other out there. The stealth mechanics need to be in use here in almost every situation.

Joel has super sensitive hearing and it works a bit like sonar. You can zone in on enemies that are behind walls, etc.

I suppose you'd call this a third person horror game, really. However, the game doesn't over-do the horror aspect. It's perfectly in place. In other words, there's not a lot of the 'Horde Modes' you get in other games. Waves after waves of enemies just don't happen here. I'd estimate that the most you'll see in any particular group is fifteen with an average of 5 or 6 in any given situation. However, your ammo is so limited at times that you have got to utilize the stealth mechanics to either get by or assassinate your foe up close with a shiv.

For those of you familiar with Naughty Dog from their recent works on Uncharted 2 and 3, you'll get a basic comprehension of the stealth needed. Take that times 150 and you're in the ballpark. Zombies, (Clickers) don't drop ammo for you very often, however. Lol

The graphics on the PS3 version are among the best you will get. The gameplay is smooth and the environment is very realistic. You will not find better in a previous gen game.

The replay-ability is average since the storyline is so great. Imagine your favorite movie as a kid and you lucked out and got it on VHS or DVD. How many times did you watch it when you first got it?

10-12 times? You could say every line of the movie on cue.

This is similar but you'll find some aspects wear on you after the 2nd play thru.

This is one of those games you'll play 2 or 3 times, then put away for a few months.

I'd give the game as a whole a perfect 10. It's something the game studios need to aspire to. Naughty Dog is, by far, the greatest game studio in the biz.

The Last of Us - Remastered - PS4

As we all know, the options out there for PS4 and Xbox one games are few and far between right now. That's one of the reasons why I decided to say WTF, I'll give it a shot.

I'm very familiar seeing that I was in line opening day to get my reserved copy. I must've played this PS3 copy a dozen times over the year but I finally put it on the shelf until a few days ago. I saw it collecting dust so I threw it in the 'ol reliable' pS3 and booted it up. I played for about an hour and decided to see what all the remastered fuss was about. I traded in the old copy at GameStop and got this one.

I must admit, I was skeptical. I mean, its the exact same game, (along with the DLC from a few months ago). I figured that since the graphics were already superior, there would be minimal room for improvement. Just another 'cash grab' you know?

I couldn't be more wrong. This game is so different. It's so much smoother, Christ you can see individual eye-lashes and arm hair. The clothing moves with the characters. The scenery and environment just feels different.

I'm trying to think of an analogy... Let's say you watched The Empire Strikes Back 20 times two years ago on Beta Max and the imperial walkers were only 10 feet tall, then you bought the Blue Ray and they were actual size. It's like that.

The movements aren't jerky, the AI is even smarter, some of the loot drops are in different areas and they added a lot of dialogue. I'm only through the first two levels and I've seen a huge difference. I was so pleasantly surprised. They took a first class game and made it better. I was really expecting that they went all 'Spielberg' of it and just made the graphics a little better.

This, my friends is why I will be trading in my PS3 copy of GTAV next month for the next gen model.

HOWEVER, it's the same game guys. I mean, it's gorgeous and I almost wish I'd waited to make the trade until it got a little cheaper but I'm satisfied and I knew what I was getting into.

So... Basically what I'm saying is the game you've got on your shelf can sit there a while. Let it collect dust and wait until Xmas when the price drops 10- 15%. Then go get this new version. Maybe play a level or two beforehand so you'll remember exactly what the previous gen was like. You wouldn't think they could improve upon perfection but they did.

TLOU scored a 10.

TLOU remastered gameplay - 10

TLOU remastered as a must have replacement? I'd give it a 7.

It's beautiful but not something you should shell out full price on right now. Wait a while.

I'm only writing because you said you thought they went "Spielberg" and improved the graphics.... I think your mean Lucas.


Otherwise, thanks for the detailed write up. I may look into this.

Gonzo 10-05-2014 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Fire Me Boy! (Post 10981204)
I'm only writing because you said you thought they went "Spielberg" and improved the graphics.... I think your mean Lucas.


Otherwise, thanks for the detailed write up. I may look into this.

You're right. It was late.

SAUTO 10-06-2014 08:20 PM

Awesome reviews gonzo

Gonzo 10-06-2014 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by JASONSAUTO (Post 10990013)
Awesome reviews gonzo

Thanks brother. I appreciate the input.

Gonzo 10-10-2014 06:24 PM

Hey all. Just got an email alert that my reserved copy of The Evil Within for my PS4 will be in Monday night at midnight.
If you haven't reserved it yet, I have a feeling this game is going to be ****ing epic.
After I pick up, I'll let you know what I think.

Kidd Lex 10-12-2014 06:11 PM

I haven't even heard this game mentioned prior to your mention. Looking forward to your review Gonzo.

Here's the link of the preview from IGN:

kcxiv 10-12-2014 06:29 PM

Anyone play 7 days to die? Its on sale on steam and im thinking about possible getting it.

Gonzo 10-12-2014 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by The God Hypothesis (Post 11009135)
I haven't even heard this game mentioned prior to your mention. Looking forward to your review Gonzo.

Here's the link of the preview from IGN:

I'll be picking that bad boy up ASAP.
Planning on a burbon fuled evening of pants-shitting fun. Lol
I've really looked forward to this one. Hope it lives up to the hype.

Gonzo 10-12-2014 09:36 PM

Game Review: Telltale's The Walking Dead - Season 2 (Complete)
Let's start out with the following...


Well, I finally completed season two. I fully expected a sophomore slump this go around. I don't know why, for sure. Maybe it was the complete awesomeness of the first season? I was kind of thinking, "how can they make this poor kid go through even more terrible shit?"
Well... good for us, bad for Clementine. This poor kid has had a rough couple years.
Let's do a brief summary of season one as a refresher, shall we?
As I'm sure you're aware, telltale games does video games a little differently. It tells a story and let's you make decisions on how the primary characters interact with each other and the environment. These decisions effect how the game progresses. They've done this with several popular pop-culture titles, (Back to the Future comes to mind) and they've been somewhat popular with the indie crowd. The Walking Dead title was an instant hit over a year ago and went totally mainstream. They released five episodes that related to the comic more than the show. They showcased an entirely different cast of characters during the zombie apocalypse. However, they did a few cameos from the comic.
Season one centered around a character named Lee who was a convicted murderer on his way to prison. Zombie events ensue, he escapes custody and meets a little Asian girl named Clementine.
He ends up being a good guy, protects her throughout all five episodes and teaches her how to survive. *Spoiler* Lee does die at the end of season one and 'Clem' is on her own.
The first season was excellent. Just a gripping story that made me check to see if the next episode was available on a daily basis.
Season two picks up with Clementine about a year or two older. She's with two people from her previous group, Christa and Omid, (a married couple). A mistake is made by Clem and *Spoiler* Omid dies.
After that, things get more difficult for her. She notices all she can do is count on herself and she ends up alone again after being attacked by bandits.
Clem survives due to things Lee taught her. You can instantly tell she has matured beyond her years. She kills the undead without remorse or hesitation.
I have to admit, the first three episodes of season two really kept me glued. I would play each one two or three times to see which decisions or conversations were really pertinent to the story.
You can make Clem become a hard ass or you can try to have her keep some of her childhood innocence. She comes across another group and meets an old friend from season one that ends up being a very big part of the finale. I won't spoil who, just in case.
By episode four, I realized that this game was taking an even darker course. Telltale did an excellent job of really sticking to the comics' storyline of people being more dangerous than the undead and how terrible the human race can be to one another.
As I mentioned, the gameplay is very basic. Hit certain buttons to say certain things and make decisions. This isn't a game where you go around making head-shots on zombies. However, there's plenty of action and you'll stay entertained. Each episode will last about 1 or 2 hours. You can buy a season pass for both seasons for about 50 bucks, (check for special deals, I could be wrong). This will get you roughly 15 hours of gameplay.
You will find yourself immersed in the story wether you're a fan of the comics/series or not. The graphics are very artistic and comic/cartoon based. The characters and environments are very well drawn and colorful. The replay-ability is fairly good depending on how you would like the story to progress. I have a feeling that we are going to see at least two or three more seasons as well.
I played this via my PS3 and you can download it via their online store or buy the discs from GameStop.
The story is really very good and it'll be something you can enjoy when all your favorite TV shows are in reruns.
I give both seasons combined a solid 8. (Season 1 is a 9, Season 2 is a 7). The second seasons finale brought it down just a little for me but I'm still a little pissy about the decisions I made.
BTW a cool feature of this game is after you complete an episode, you can see what percentage of the other players made the same decisions as you. There's also a pretty good add-on DLC episode that ties in to the main story. If you get it, play it before season 2.

I know it's been out a while but I fell behind a bit. If you're on the fence on this one, I recommend you give it a shot. There's a lot of YouTube vids out there but don't ruin the story by watching too much!

The Franchise 10-13-2014 09:32 AM

Have yet to olay Season 2.

Interested to see what "Tales from the Borderlands" looks like. Telltale Games is making a game based on the Borderlands universe.

ragedogg69 10-13-2014 09:42 AM

Can I just say that the reviews and discussion in this thread is by far the best I have read this year compared to gaming "sites." It is refreshing. Makes me want to beat some games, just so I can participate in this thread. The problem is, if I get stuck in a spot and die 3 or 4 times in a row, I move on to another game. It kinda takes me much longer to beat a game if at all. I give gamers credit that can lose their shit and power through even when the game makes them lose their mind:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

ThaVirus 10-13-2014 09:57 AM

I think you mentioned it in the TWD video game thread, Gonzo, but I also didn't like how they "changed" Kenny in the second season. Near the end I downright hated the direction they went with him..

Gonzo 10-13-2014 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 11010731)
I think you mentioned it in the TWD video game thread, Gonzo, but I also didn't like how they "changed" Kenny in the second season. Near the end I downright hated the direction they went with him..

I did mention that, yes. I hated it too. He was such a loveable guy, especially after trying to save Ben.
The way they portrayed him here really disappointed me. I tried siding with him throughout the entire series to see if he keeps from losing his shit, no. Still went bat shit.

Gonzo 10-13-2014 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by ragedogg69 (Post 11010689)
Can I just say that the reviews and discussion in this thread is by far the best I have read this year compared to gaming "sites." It is refreshing. Makes me want to beat some games, just so I can participate in this thread. The problem is, if I get stuck in a spot and die 3 or 4 times in a row, I move on to another game. It kinda takes me much longer to beat a game if at all. I give gamers credit that can lose their shit and power through even when the game makes them lose their mind:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Thanks man, that's good to hear. I used to be that way, too. I remember losing my ****ing mind with the original Mario Bros.
I found that with the way games are made nowadays, I can't put them down at times. I really enjoy the storylines and creativity out into them.
If you really want a good game to beat and get totally immersed in, go with Uncharted 2 or 3.

The Franchise 10-13-2014 07:49 PM

Picking up Borderlands: The Presequel tomorrow. Too many games to ****ing play right now. Pretty sad that Destiny is just going to sit in my drawer for a while. It's not pressing me to play it.

Gonzo 10-13-2014 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 11012060)
Picking up Borderlands: The Presequel tomorrow. Too many games to ****ing play right now. Pretty sad that Destiny is just going to sit in my drawer for a while. It's not pressing me to play it.

Let us know how it is, man. I'm curious.

Gonzo 10-13-2014 10:12 PM

I'll be picking up The Evil Within tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to it. I was going to grab it tonight but I need sleep.

The Franchise 10-14-2014 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 11012370)
Let us know how it is, man. I'm curious.

I'm a HUGE fan of the Borderlands series. I easily put well over 100 hours into Borderlands and Borderlands 2. Only disappoint I have right now is that it's not available on next gen.

Mother****erJones 10-14-2014 09:25 AM

Hoping to get evil within today if not I will Friday! Can't wait

ragedogg69 10-14-2014 10:00 AM

Please give your thoughts on The Evil Within. The reviews are all over the place, from middling to amazing.

Gonzo 10-14-2014 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by ragedogg69 (Post 11013063)
Please give your thoughts on The Evil Within. The reviews are all over the place, from middling to amazing.


Gonzo 10-14-2014 01:43 PM

Y U NO Graphics

Gonzo 10-14-2014 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Mother****erJones (Post 11012964)
Hoping to get evil within today if not I will Friday! Can't wait

You might want to stand by. I'm two hours in and it better pick up the action.

Gonzo 10-14-2014 02:56 PM

Oh god, no please.

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