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keg in kc 04-13-2016 11:08 AM

No Man's Sky
Been hyper-psyched for this one for a while. First game I've preordered since Destiny, comes out in June on PC and PS4. IGN's featuring it this month.

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keg in kc 04-13-2016 11:14 AM

Long article just released a few minutes ago...


How I Spent Two Hours in No Man's Sky -- IGN First

Under the sea and above the stars in the longest hands-on with the epic universe explorer yet.

By Vince Ingenito
13 Apr 2016

Suzy Wallace is acting pretty casually, considering that she’s about to show me the way to the center of the universe. She’s the Senior Producer on No Man’s Sky, and after the past year’s-worth of vague allusions to what might lie at the heart of its galactic tangle, her offer sounds too good to be true; as if men with dark suits and darker glasses will bust in any moment to keep her from spilling the beans. The truth is out there, and all of that.

But the truth will have to wait a while longer it seems. At her prompting, I press a button to bring up the galactic map - a nigh-incomprehensible menagerie of brightly colored solar systems. It is completely overwhelming. Another button press makes things considerably clearer, though. A yellow line connects the cosmic dots, outlining a path from solar system to solar system. I follow it with my eyes for a few seconds, until it lazily spirals out into the darkness of space.

“Think of it like a galactic GPS,” Suzy tells me. She points to a yellow star. “This is where you are, and that,” she says as she gestures towards where the line fades, “is where you’re headed.” I drag my cursor to the next dot over from the one I’m currently in, and a “hyperdrive required” message appears. I ask her if I can get to that next system in this demo build, but she seems unsure. I secretly made it my goal to find out.

Here's what I did, and what I learned over the course of the next two hours with No Man’s Sky.

The Search For Silicates

The big question on many people’s minds, the one left unanswered by virtually every trailer and even the recent round of first hands-on impressions, is this: Exactly what kind of video game lies behind No Man’s Sky’s seemingly impenetrable veneer of procedural sci-fi exploration porn? I’ve read most of these previews, and while they shed some light, they stop short of filing the experience of playing No Man’s Sky down to a point. Perhaps it’s foolish to even try, given how many different things it does, and the grand scale on which it’s trying to do them, but here’s my attempt:

No Man’s Sky is a survival game.

Yes, you can shoot stuff. You can prospect and raid for fun and profit, or make your money exploring and surveying the vast expanses of space. But survival elements like resource gathering, resource management, and crafting are the constants that bind everything together.

If you want to shoot things, you’ll need ammo, and it doesn’t come in little boxes or clips that drop off enemies. You need to harvest an element that can pass as an energy source and make it yourself. And when the things you shoot invariably start shooting back, taking hunks out of your protective energy shield, it isn’t going to magically regenerate; it’s powered by processing the silicates found in much of the space flotsam you see lying around on a planet’s surface. Finally, if you want to go jet-setting from celestial body to celestial body, you’ll need a hyperdrive made from components that don’t exactly grow on trees. You’ll be braving harsh environments or fighting dangerous foes to get them; either way you’re burning through precious resources in the process, and they'll need to be replenished.

This perpetual need for resources drives the minute-to-minute of No Man’s Sky more than any other element. You start to learn unspoken rules about where you’ll find what. Planets of a certain biome type, or distance from its sun will be more likely to have this element or that one, so you trek from one planet to another, mining asteroids along the way. The trip might be longer than you think. Even in this compressed demo star system, my nav computer estimated my travel time from my starting planet to another planet in the same system to be 30 minutes at impulse speed, or 5 minutes at maximum boost. Using an in-system jump engine, I could be there in seconds, but that’s if one is installed, and if you have the fuel to engage it. Thankfully the demo provided both, but ordinarily, that would be one more item added to the shopping list.

Under the Sea

With the icy plains of Balari V (where most of our March preview took place) far in my rearview, I land on the lush, temperate planet of Cavil, which thankfully isn’t immediately hostile to my fragile, fleshy form. Without having to worry about a harsh climate, I’d be able to explore more freely on my hunt for the two components I needed to build a hyperdrive and take one step closer to the center of the universe. A quick pulse of my scanners revealed traces of silicon, carbon, and plutonium over the next hill – not the stuff I’m looking for, but as good a place as any to start.

From the hill’s peak I look down into a verdant valley filled with grazing animals of all sizes, most of which defy description. It’s a Jurassic Park moment. A small flock of leather-winged creatures fly overhead, casting a shadow on a group of human-sized six-legged lizards. Not far from them, a pair of beasts that look mildly triceratops-like plod forth, indifferent to everything around them. Holding the L2 button, I begin hastily scanning them one by one. Each of these critters was a new discovery, so if this had been the full game, I'd be able to register my new lizard buddies, name them, and make a few credits in the process.

For now though, I'll settle for glancing at all the flora and fauna I've catalogued in my discovery journal, which I'm sure will give any Pokédex a run for its money in no time at all. I ping my sensors again to see if I can pinpoint some of the resources I detected earlier. The bundle of blips that pop up on my hud are color-coded to indicate what kind of resources they’re leading me to, a luxury of the particular scanning suite I have installed on my weapon. I follow them to some jettisoned supply containers and space debris at the far end of the valley, where I start picking through them.

One of the larger ones yields something perhaps more valuable than raw materials: a blueprint for a new tech upgrade. This one is a suit attachment that increases my oxygen capacity when exploring underwater. At this point I think back to when I first entered the planet’s atmosphere, recalling that large swathes of it were covered with blue oceans. Maybe the components that had eluded me on the surface would be found below it? I shifted focus to scrounging up the materials to build my new toy, and once I had, I headed straight for the nearest body of water I could find.

As I approached shore, I noticed for the first time that as I hovered my reticule over trees and crystal deposits, an indicator would come up on my HUD to indicate what kind of resources could be harvested from it. Unsurprisingly, trees were rich in carbon, which I had precious little of, so I switched my weapon from its boltcaster to its mining attachment and began to slowly break the tree down like the tree-hating industrialist I am.

My transgression against nature did not go unnoticed however. A planet-monitoring Sentinel robot floats over – it’s roughly the size of a basketball – giving me a sideways glance with its cold-looking metallic eye. It doesn’t open fire, it just wants me to know that it sees me, and it is not happy with the choices I’ve made. I’m not interested in a fight (yet) so I quit making like George Washington with the cherry tree and move along. Besides, I’ve got an ocean to explore.

And what an ocean it was. Teeming with exotic creatures and plants that looked like nothing if not alien, I was at a loss to even choose where to begin. I dove as deep as I could and just picked a direction, scanning every other-worldly fish I could along the way. Eventually I happened upon a yellow crystal deposit that looked quite unlike any I had seen up on the surface. I mined it out and as luck would have it, it was one of the two minerals I needed to build my hyperdrive. I was halfway there!

My elation was short-lived, though. I had suddenly started taking damage, and a quick glance upwards revealed two Sentinels hovering above sea level while taking pot-shots at me. In a panic, I swam back the way I had come and just hoped they’d stop pursuing me. One of them did, but the other followed me all the way back to shore, where I had no choice but to defend myself.

Breaking the Law

The firefight proves longer and more dangerous than expected. This angry little floating box soaks up a surprising amount of punishment before giving up the ghost. If he’d been any tougher, I would have died, seeing as my shields were now gone and I was living on a sliver of health. It wasn’t for nothing though; upon defeat, he dropped the second resource I needed for my ticket out of this system...just not nearly enough of it. But now I knew where the rest was going to come from.

But I wouldn’t be heading there until I could be sure I wasn’t being followed. Killing a Sentinel had jumped me to a two-star rating on No Man’s Sky’s GTA-esque “wanted” scale. I’d need to get far away, and stay out of sight until they gave up the chase. Barely alive, I made a dash for a large alien monolith and hid behind it until the coast was clear. As I limped my way back towards my ship, I was feeling like a bonafide scoundrel, all the way up until a coiled-up, harmless looking plant violently uncurled and scratched away the last of my life. Slain by a plant, I had died much as I had a hardened space criminal.

Thankfully I respawned fairly close to my ship, so I took one last look at the planet where my life of crime had begun and blasted off into space once more with a mind to explore a third planet, and pick a fight with as many Sentinels as I could in order to get the last of what I needed. But not before I lived life on the edge as only a notorious galactic kingpin can. I set my sights on a group of moderate-sized supply freighters to get a better sense of what combat was like.

It’s here where I start taking more notice of No Man’s Sky’s flight model. I was happy to find that pitch, yaw, and roll were all controllable, though roll was oddly mapped to the L1 and R1 buttons so that the right analog could be used to aim guns independently within an arc in front of my ship. It took some adjustment, but it wasn’t long until I was able to pull banks and immelman turns much like I would in any other space flight game. Of course, no amount of fancy flying could change the fact that I was in a ship mostly specced for hauling cargo, trying to take on three ships that were many times my size. I certainly did some damage, taking out a few gun emplacements and cargo-spheres along the sides of one freighter, but the end result was, ultimately, a predictably fiery death.

Live to Fight Another Day

With tail tucked firmly between my legs, I respawned at a nearby space station, and took off for the scorched, unpronounceable planet of Yzheleuz. I had acquired a blueprint for a tech upgrade that extends the life of my thermal protection, so I cobbled that together and slapped it in a free slot on my suit before rolling out. My purpose: to stir up enough trouble to lure another sentinel out to play. This didn’t end up being so hard; in fact, I somehow managed to bite off more than I could chew.

Since mining the environment seems to immediately pique the Sentinel’s interest, I started stripping every red crystal formation I could find for plutonium. Sure enough, one of my old, floating friends showed up, but this time, he brought backup. A single Sentinel had proven to be a challenge, but taking on three would be suicide. I picked one of them to focus on, and unloaded with everything I had while trying to bob and weave through the incoming fire from the other two. I was taking hits, but my target was beginning to billow smoke – in a few more shots he would go down and I could grab my spoils and run.

Only there wouldn’t be a few more shots. I was out of ammo, and out of the resources I needed to craft any. With three Sentinels bearing down on me, my shields on the verge of giving out, and my thermal protection layer eroding away by the second, the only sane thing to do was to hightail it back to the ship. I make a run for it, jumping into the cockpit with barely any health left, and taking off in the nick of time with the three Sentinels still giving chase. A daring escape for sure, but I wasn’t out of the woods yet.

Sentinels aren’t the only peacekeepers in the galaxy, and as soon as I broke free of the toasty planet’s atmosphere, an enemy fighter was in hot pursuit. Much less imposing than the hulking cruisers that felled me before, I dispatch him with relative ease. I take my finger off the throttle and just float in space for a moment until my wanted stars blink away. I ponder how the last pieces that I needed slipped through my fingers as a trade ship or two whiz gently by to a nearby docking station.

See You Space Cowboy…

So that’s the story of the time I failed to build a hyperdrive and get to the next system over. What I’ve written here is just the CliffsNotes version though. There was an in-atmosphere dog-fight that ended poorly, there was the time I blew open a building I wasn’t supposed to be in, and another time when I spent a cold, harsh night evading deadly predatory animals. Survival really is the beating heart of this gorgeous enigmatic beast. Only time will tell if my 20th or 200th hours with No Man’s Sky will hold a similar sense of driving purpose, but my first two most certainly did, and that’s a good start.

007 04-13-2016 05:10 PM

Is this just another grindy game?

Jerm 04-13-2016 05:14 PM

Easily my most anticipated of the reasons I preordered PSVR, hoping this will come to it. Makes perfect sense...

keg in kc 04-13-2016 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 12176986)
Is this just another grindy game?

It's literally whatever you want it to be. There's not really any defined goals, so how much you play will depend entirely on how much you enjoy playing. Your gear will depend on what you want to do, there's little to no interaction with other players so you don't have to 'keep up' in that sense of grinding, it's just about surviving and exploring and you can do it as quickly or as slowly as you want.

It's a really hard game to describe...

hometeam 04-13-2016 09:10 PM

looks pretty sweet, have been watching it a while

jiveturkey 04-14-2016 08:10 AM

I'm also all over this one. I like the occasional single player game I can just relax in.

CoMoChief 04-14-2016 10:25 AM

Pilot/jet fighter games are great.

Cant' wait for Ace Combat 7 to come out for ps4

Bowser 04-14-2016 11:28 AM


keg in kc 04-27-2016 12:47 PM

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Gonzo 06-05-2016 10:17 PM

I guess they've delayed the release date for two months.

That sucks hardcore. I'm wondering now what's up with Horizon Zero Dawn and the new South Park. I haven't heard any news on those two either.

BigBeauford 06-06-2016 01:44 PM

Yeah this was my most anticipated game this year. I am worried with all of these set backs. I might not pick it up if it isnt 60 FPS on Ps4.

BleedingRed 06-06-2016 01:46 PM

This game has a cool concept but "EH" factor when it comes to fun..

Yall should however check out Star Citizen, that shit is going to be amazing

Beef Supreme 06-06-2016 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by BleedingRed (Post 12262834)
This game has a cool concept but "EH" factor when it comes to fun..

Yall should however check out Star Citizen, that shit is going to be amazing

No Man's sky looks cool, but kinda grindy and boring unless I'm missing something.

Star Citizen looked cool several years ago and raked in a bunch of money from people, but they haven't exactly delivered much.

BleedingRed 06-06-2016 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by BigChiefTablet (Post 12262864)
No Man's sky looks cool, but kinda grindy and boring unless I'm missing something.

Star Citizen looked cool several years ago and raked in a bunch of money from people, but they haven't exactly delivered much.

They showed ALOT of progress last E3 man, you have to watch the videos.....

keg in kc 06-06-2016 03:33 PM

No Man's Sky is basically built on a core of classic science fiction. I'm a lot more interested in it than I would ever be in Star Citizen. At least insofar as I've been able to garner details. And I love grinds.

keg in kc 07-07-2016 05:46 PM

So...It went gold a few hours ago...

It's actually coming out!!!

Gonzo 07-08-2016 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 12304890)
So...It went gold a few hours ago...

It's actually coming out!!!


keg in kc 07-14-2016 03:23 PM

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stumppy 07-14-2016 08:58 PM

I haven't played any games to speak of for many years but this one has got my attention. I've watched several of the videos that are out and it look pretty damn interesting. I have't convinced myself to buy it yet but I might go ahead and do it.

C3HIEF3S 07-15-2016 02:16 AM

It's been a looong time since I have been excited about a video game, but I am eagerly awaiting the release of this one. I love exploration in video games, thankfully this one comes out well-before classes start for me.

keg in kc 07-20-2016 05:53 PM

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hometeam 07-20-2016 08:08 PM

I think its very easy to compare this game to Elite:Dangerous

The exploration/space mode looks simpler but still very good (relative if you like simpler or not)

The planet exploration looks better

the combat looks worse.

Still think it will be a cool time waster but not for my 60 bucks~ Ill wait for it to go to like 15 bucks.

Fish 07-20-2016 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 12315735)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Wow... that is really solid. Looks incredibly huge. Will PC and PS4 versions interact or separate? Couldn't tell..

keg in kc 07-22-2016 06:17 PM

Didn't expect this for another week.

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jiveturkey 07-23-2016 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 12328955)
Didn't expect this for another week.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Best one yet. That has shown more of the game than we've seen in the last year.

keg in kc 07-27-2016 03:00 PM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Buck 07-27-2016 03:34 PM

This game is going to be garbage compared to expectations.

Gonzo 07-27-2016 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 12337647)
This game is going to be garbage compared to expectations.

Shit, do you really think so? The graphics aren't what I was hoping for but the concept seems awesome.

I'm really afraid you're right. I got over the "planet graphics" after the first couple vids but I'm starting to worry that it's just "Minecraft in space" basically.

All I've heard about is mining etc. makes me kinda down.

Beef Supreme 07-28-2016 08:17 AM

That's why I'm gonna wait a while and hear what it's really like. This game seems to have a lot of stuff I would like, but the hype train is a little too full for me to hop on at this point.

I can imagine this huge universe to explore and **** all to do in it.

keg in kc 07-28-2016 05:30 PM

I'm not sure what "expectations" anybody has. There's been very little information about anything aside from the fact that it's a procedurally generated universe with 18 quintillion planets, that you gather resources to survive and trade, that there are 4 npc factions, space stations and, ah, not much else is known.

I suppose my "expectation" is that it's a singleplayer game where I'll essentially have the entire universe to myself, and be left free to do pretty much whatever the **** I want for as long as I want.

jiveturkey 07-28-2016 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 12339948)
I'm not sure what "expectations" anybody has. There's been very little information about anything aside from the fact that it's a procedurally generated universe with 18 quintillion planets, that you gather resources to survive and trade, that there are 4 npc factions, space stations and, ah, not much else is known.

I suppose my "expectation" is that it's a singleplayer game where I'll essentially have the entire universe to myself, and be left free to do pretty much whatever the **** I want for as long as I want.

And I am very much looking forward to that.

Fish 07-28-2016 08:30 PM

Mass Effect Minecraft mod...

Sorce 07-29-2016 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 12340472)
Mass Effect Minecraft mod...

This is kind of what I'm thinking, if the game doesn't have a story or something to make me want to do stuff it will get old quick. I admit I'm not super familiar with it but without actual content to keep me entertained I will burn out quick. I will probably pass on this one.

keg in kc 07-29-2016 03:17 PM

It looks to be about as far from Mass Effect (my favorite game series to date...) as you can get. There's no evidence that there's any story at all, and there appear to be zero cinematics. I've never played minecraft so I can't speak to that reference.

I have watched some gameplay today from an individual who bought the game off someone on eBay last night. It looks pretty much like what I thought it was.


keg in kc 07-29-2016 04:41 PM

Little bit more...


keg in kc 07-30-2016 01:09 PM

I have no idea what I'm looking at, but this is the guy's image for today (he's not doing any more videos):

And he posted the following a few hours ago:

just had my official first shit-your-pants cool moment. At least for me.

They weren't kidding with secrets in this, some of this shit is sick guys. Avoid big spoilers you won't regret it.

keg in kc 07-30-2016 01:11 PM

This was his image from yesterday:

Buck 07-31-2016 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 12339948)
I'm not sure what "expectations" anybody has. There's been very little information about anything aside from the fact that it's a procedurally generated universe with 18 quintillion planets, that you gather resources to survive and trade, that there are 4 npc factions, space stations and, ah, not much else is known.

I suppose my "expectation" is that it's a singleplayer game where I'll essentially have the entire universe to myself, and be left free to do pretty much whatever the **** I want for as long as I want.

Maybe not you, but the level of hype for this game is unreal. Also in the very first sentence of this thread you mentioned being super hyped lol.

keg in kc 07-31-2016 05:56 PM

I'm just super hyped to get a space exploration game.

Buck 07-31-2016 07:18 PM

I've played enough Space Exploration games recently enough to know that they are fun for about 6 hours before they get repetitive as hell.

BigBeauford 08-05-2016 09:59 AM

I watched a stream of this. It's everything I have wanted in an exploration game. The vastness of space,seamlessly taking off and landing and from planets. They nailed the music, I just cannot wait.

Gonzo 08-06-2016 12:08 PM

I'm heavy into story-driven games like Uncharted and far cry but this has me really interested. It's going to either be the game of the year or a disappointment. I don't see it having a middle ground.
However, I fully expect the Devs to add a lot to the game down the road.

Take Destiny and Fallout 4 for instance.
When they were released, people were somewhat disappointed, (especially in destiny) but with all the new additions, they're greatly improved. I loved fallout 4 from the start but it's so much better now with the DLC.

Gonzo 08-06-2016 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 12352728)
I watched a stream of this. It's everything I have wanted in an exploration game. The vastness of space,seamlessly taking off and landing and from planets. They nailed the music, I just cannot wait.

I'm purposely not watching a damn thing.

keg in kc 08-06-2016 06:13 PM

I haven't watched anything related to the mythology/motivation of the game. ie the races, history, languages, atlas, etc. But I have watched a lot of random gameplay. Pretty clear to me I'll play for a long time whether or not it's any deeper than explore and survive (which it may not be...), simply because I dig the gameplay.

I think it'll be fun to play a game without a constant gear grind (although I'll always want to upgrade), without any competitive side, without any guides to follow saying 'you must do this and this and this.' The only real motivation to play being whatever new thing I'll find over the next hill, on the next world, in the next system, in the next galaxy.

hometeam 08-07-2016 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 12355000)
I haven't watched anything related to the mythology/motivation of the game. ie the races, history, languages, atlas, etc. But I have watched a lot of random gameplay. Pretty clear to me I'll play for a long time whether or not it's any deeper than explore and survive (which it may not be...), simply because I dig the gameplay.

I think it'll be fun to play a game without a constant gear grind (although I'll always want to upgrade), without any competitive side, without any guides to follow saying 'you must do this and this and this.' The only real motivation to play being whatever new thing I'll find over the next hill, on the next world, in the next system, in the next galaxy.

Pretty sure the game is a constant resource/upgrade cycle type grind.

eDave 08-07-2016 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 12355000)
I haven't watched anything related to the mythology/motivation of the game. ie the races, history, languages, atlas, etc. But I have watched a lot of random gameplay. Pretty clear to me I'll play for a long time whether or not it's any deeper than explore and survive (which it may not be...), simply because I dig the gameplay.

I think it'll be fun to play a game without a constant gear grind (although I'll always want to upgrade), without any competitive side, without any guides to follow saying 'you must do this and this and this.' The only real motivation to play being whatever new thing I'll find over the next hill, on the next world, in the next system, in the next galaxy.

Lucky for you it's a mile wide and an inch deep.

keg in kc 08-07-2016 08:40 AM

Frikkin Amazon hasn't shipped my copy yet. Wtf.

jiveturkey 08-07-2016 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 12355524)
Frikkin Amazon hasn't shipped my copy yet. Wtf.

I decided to cancel my Amazon order and grabbed the digital version off the PS Store. It's installed and ready for Tuesday.

Here's the first patch

I've avoided all the leaks so far so I'll be going in fresh.

keg in kc 08-07-2016 01:45 PM

Wow. That's...a lot.

eDave 08-07-2016 03:58 PM

News about update 1.03 on the official website


Gonzo 08-08-2016 10:32 PM

I'm up and running. Picked up my copy 2 hrs before release. ;)

I will name a my micropeniss Planet. Lol

Gonzo 08-09-2016 12:26 AM

Ok, took me a while to get up and running. I had to figure out the mining tool. Off and running. Once I get my warp drive going, it should be really awesome. I loved how it took 10 mins of flying time, (w/o my warp drive repaired) to get to the next planet. Awesome work so far.

bowener 08-09-2016 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12358459)
I'm up and running. Picked up my copy 2 hrs before release. ;)

I will name a my micropeniss Planet. Lol

Shouldn't you just name it "Chiefs"?

DC.chief 08-09-2016 03:12 PM

So how is it?

BigBeauford 08-09-2016 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by DC.chief (Post 12359370)
So how is it?

Played for one hour last night, and 2 hours this morning. It is the game that was promised. Each planet is procedurally based, with different life forms, weather patterns, and small "objectives" to locate. These can range from becoming more familiar with an alien language to open up trade options, to finding upgrades to your ship, suit, and weapon. The music is great, changing to fit whatever is happening on screen. The graphics aren't fantastic, but the artwork is unique and some planets have lots of color. The sense of scale is incredible; these planets can be absolutely huge, and would likely take real days, or weeks to walk across.

That being said, this game is clearly not for everyone. It has a very relaxed pace to it, and nearly no sense of direction. You are dropped into the game with minimal button prompts and actions, and only one true objective. There aren't really side quests along the way like Fall out 4, nor is there a lot of combat besides dealing with sentinels and rare(I haven't seen it) aggressive life forms.

If you enjoy resource gathering, exploring, and the "equipment upgrade feedback loop", this is definitely a game for you, or even if you have a strong interest in sci fi and space, there is something to be said about exploring an infinite universe. While this game has a casual feel to it, I think there is enough mechanics and the survival elements to say this game isn't for very casual players. I really dig it, but enjoy off the beaten path, non AAA games, so take that into consideration of you are a Call of Duty, Assasins Creed, Madden type of gamer.

jiveturkey 08-09-2016 05:31 PM

It's exactly what I thought it would be and I love it.

Beef Supreme 08-09-2016 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 12359498)
Played for one hour last night, and 2 hours this morning. It is the game that was promised. Each planet is procedurally based, with different life forms, weather patterns, and small "objectives" to locate. These can range from becoming more familiar with an alien language to open up trade options, to finding upgrades to your ship, suit, and weapon. The music is great, changing to fit whatever is happening on screen. The graphics aren't fantastic, but the artwork is unique and some planets have lots of color. The sense of scale is incredible; these planets can be absolutely huge, and would likely take real days, or weeks to walk across.

That being said, this game is clearly not for everyone. It has a very relaxed pace to it, and nearly no sense of direction. You are dropped into the game with minimal button prompts and actions, and only one true objective. There aren't really side quests along the way like Fall out 4, nor is there a lot of combat besides dealing with sentinels and rare(I haven't seen it) aggressive life forms.

If you enjoy resource gathering, exploring, and the "equipment upgrade feedback loop", this is definitely a game for you, or even if you have a strong interest in sci fi and space, there is something to be said about exploring an infinite universe. While this game has a casual feel to it, I think there is enough mechanics and the survival elements to say this game isn't for very casual players. I really dig it, but enjoy off the beaten path, non AAA games, so take that into consideration of you are a Call of Duty, Assasins Creed, Madden type of gamer.

I'm gonna wait for a sale, probably. Maybe I would like it, maybe get bored too fast. All of that sounds good, except I would rather land on a planet and after searching around for a bit you run into some giant ruins of a long dead alien race or some shit and then end up having a shootout with the predator aliens that came to loot the ancient technology.

I just don't know if cataloging a new species and looking at the nice view is going to cut it after the first few hours.

C3HIEF3S 08-09-2016 05:52 PM

Like Beauford said, this game is not for everyone. You have to be a SciFi/exploration fan to really enjoy it. I've always been a nerd for this sort of thing, so I enjoy it very much. But, I am sure there are plenty of disappointed people out there today with even more coming in the next week.

I've been waiting for last night for a while, so I played through the night. I haven't made too much progress travel-wise because I keep getting side-tracked. There really isn't much of a specific quest, but that doesn't mean there aren't things to do. If mining, trading, travelling, exploring (and A LOT of those four things) at a slow pace aren't your things, don't bother with this one. If they are? You're in for a treat. But I really don't think there's much of a middle ground, people are either going to love it or hate it.

This is the kind of game where you sit down with time to waste, grab a few beers, and let the game play itself out.

keg in kc 08-09-2016 09:24 PM

I've so far spent four hours doing nothing but exploring my starting planet. At this rate I'll make it into space sometime next month. Just kidding. Sort of. Ship's been prepped for flight a couple hours but I keep getting more unknown location prompts. Surprising variety so far. At least three kinds of ancient artifacts, a couple of abandoned outposts, a couple of manufacturing plants, a few shelters, a hub that looks like an airport with multiple landing pads and a big seating area with a galactic market terminal, about 20 korvax language markers and what seems like about 50 waypoints. And I'm guessing I've actually explored very little of the surface area.

Love it so far.

Gonzo 08-10-2016 02:06 AM

It's a beautiful game, I'll give it that.
I already made it to a certain area that's basically your "half way mark."
I've spent a lot of time hitting monoliths to uncover language.
I'll explore every planet and moon in each system for about a half hour.
I bought a new ship for a quarter mill and it looks like an x wing.
I'm running into a lot of aggressive animals lately. My only bitch so far is that the damn sentinels are a bit overly sensitive.
I found a huge stockpile of a rare metal and just had to mine it. Those little ****ers were on my ass in no time.

You know what this game is?
It's Minecraft in space without the multiplayer or construction.

My kid is going to love this when he gets just a little older. It's a bit too technical for him right now.

jiveturkey 08-10-2016 06:40 AM

I've hit two large Atlas anomalies and one black hole so far. If I find a planet with chill sentinels, decent weather and chill animals I'll stay until I'm full of materials. If it's the opposite I immediate nope out.

My only wish list item right now is a way to track needed resources. I have a piece of scrap paper next to me with 8 elements that I need. If I could tag them in the game I could then scan for them on planets and see a star next to them in a trading menu.

Fish 08-10-2016 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12360387)
It's a beautiful game, I'll give it that.
I already made it to a certain area that's basically your "half way mark."
I've spent a lot of time hitting monoliths to uncover language.
I'll explore every planet and moon in each system for about a half hour.
I bought a new ship for a quarter mill and it looks like an x wing.
I'm running into a lot of aggressive animals lately. My only bitch so far is that the damn sentinels are a bit overly sensitive.
I found a huge stockpile of a rare metal and just had to mine it. Those little ****ers were on my ass in no time.

You know what this game is?
It's Minecraft in space without the multiplayer or construction.

My kid is going to love this when he gets just a little older. It's a bit too technical for him right now.


hometeam 08-10-2016 08:15 AM

Game is getting panned except by fanboys.

Gonzo 08-10-2016 12:01 PM

It's a good game. Very relaxing and I truly enjoy seeing different wildlife and planets.
However, this should not be on anyones top 5 lists for goty.

Maybe a top 10 depending on what else is released this year. The new Deus Ex, South Park and Horizon will definitely be up there. Dark Souls III as well.

We'll see how many improvements they make in the next few weeks. My biggest bitch?

The goddamned inventory system. What a pain in the ass. I have to save up money to buy a ship that can do 20 slots instead of 18. The only way to make cash fast is to mine. You can't mine too many rare metals without the goddamned inventory filling up quickly. Not to mention the ****ing sentinels will come after your ass.

I found a huge ****ing meteor in space made of gold. I blasted the **** outta it. Damn pirates came after me.

eDave 08-10-2016 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12360960)
It's a good game. Very relaxing and I truly enjoy seeing different wildlife and planets.
However, this should not be on anyones top 5 lists for goty.

Maybe a top 10 depending on what else is released this year. The new Deus Ex, South Park and Horizon will definitely be up there. Dark Souls III as well.

We'll see how many improvements they make in the next few weeks. My biggest bitch?

The goddamned inventory system. What a pain in the ass. I have to save up money to buy a ship that can do 20 slots instead of 18. The only way to make cash fast is to mine. You can't mine too many rare metals without the goddamned inventory filling up quickly. Not to mention the ****ing sentinels will come after your ass.

I found a huge ****ing meteor in space made of gold. I blasted the **** outta it. Damn pirates came after me.

Swanman 08-10-2016 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12360960)
It's a good game. Very relaxing and I truly enjoy seeing different wildlife and planets.
However, this should not be on anyones top 5 lists for goty.

Maybe a top 10 depending on what else is released this year. The new Deus Ex, South Park and Horizon will definitely be up there. Dark Souls III as well.

We'll see how many improvements they make in the next few weeks. My biggest bitch?

The goddamned inventory system. What a pain in the ass. I have to save up money to buy a ship that can do 20 slots instead of 18. The only way to make cash fast is to mine. You can't mine too many rare metals without the goddamned inventory filling up quickly. Not to mention the ****ing sentinels will come after your ass.

I found a huge ****ing meteor in space made of gold. I blasted the **** outta it. Damn pirates came after me.

Out of any game, this one screams for unlimited inventory slots. It's just too much of a chore micro-managing inventory slots. I am still enjoying the game, however. Although it did crash on my last night, which was annoying.

Gonzo 08-10-2016 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by eDave (Post 12360976)

Yeah, I found a couple of those. Still though, what a pain in the ass.
I know it's about the journey, not the destination. I'm enjoying the game for sure. I look forward to the improvements I'm sure they'll make.

Gonzo 08-10-2016 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Swanman (Post 12360991)
Out of any game, this one screams for unlimited inventory slots. It's just too much of a chore micro-managing inventory slots. I am still enjoying the game, however. Although it did crash on my last night, which was annoying.

Yep, twice for me so far. Always seems to happen right after coming out of warp for me.

Beef Supreme 08-10-2016 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12360960)
It's a good game. Very relaxing and I truly enjoy seeing different wildlife and planets.
However, this should not be on anyones top 5 lists for goty.

Maybe a top 10 depending on what else is released this year. The new Deus Ex, South Park and Horizon will definitely be up there. Dark Souls III as well.

We'll see how many improvements they make in the next few weeks. My biggest bitch?

The goddamned inventory system. What a pain in the ass. I have to save up money to buy a ship that can do 20 slots instead of 18. The only way to make cash fast is to mine. You can't mine too many rare metals without the goddamned inventory filling up quickly. Not to mention the ****ing sentinels will come after your ass.

I found a huge ****ing meteor in space made of gold. I blasted the **** outta it. Damn pirates came after me.

Sounds "very relaxing."

Seriously, I'm sick of just about every game with the inventory management metagame bullshit. Yeah, it's not realistic to carry a half ton of junk in my pockets. But it sure as shit isn't any fun to spend half my time playing a game sorting through inventory trying to make decisions about what I should keep or throw away or sell, especially when I have no idea what value different objects have because they don't introduce that shit until later.

Rant off/

Pants 08-10-2016 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 12360203)
I've so far spent four hours doing nothing but exploring my starting planet. At this rate I'll make it into space sometime next month. Just kidding. Sort of. Ship's been prepped for flight a couple hours but I keep getting more unknown location prompts. Surprising variety so far. At least three kinds of ancient artifacts, a couple of abandoned outposts, a couple of manufacturing plants, a few shelters, a hub that looks like an airport with multiple landing pads and a big seating area with a galactic market terminal, about 20 korvax language markers and what seems like about 50 waypoints. And I'm guessing I've actually explored very little of the surface area.

Love it so far.

I feel like I've seen you say you're [an almost OCD] completionist when it comes to games. What's your plan on tackling this? Are you going to just completely explore everything possible on each planet you visit until you're done playing the game?

The only reason I ask is that I'm very similar in my approach to games and am strongly considering getting this.

By the way, the completionist approach rules because it usually means I get incredible bang for the buck in terms of hours of enternaiment per dollar spent. :)

Buck 08-10-2016 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 12361491)
I feel like I've seen you say you're [an almost OCD] completionist when it comes to games. What's your plan on tackling this? Are you going to just completely explore everything possible on each planet you visit until you're done playing the game?

The only reason I ask is that I'm very similar in my approach to games and am strongly considering getting this.

By the way, the completionist approach rules because it usually means I get incredible bang for the buck in terms of hours of enternaiment per dollar spent. :)

You haven't got your money's worth in any game until Buck TK's you at least 10 times in said game.

C3HIEF3S 08-10-2016 10:56 PM

Be weary of black holes. Right now there is a bit of an issue with them going through the community. For example, I went through a black hole and now I am 70,000 light years away from the waypoints that I cannot deselect, with no way of getting to them, and no way of advancing in the atlas path or any other aspect of the game because of it. Well, unless I manually flew 70,000 light years back to my waypoints of course.

It is currently one of the top subreddits on all of Reddit:

Pants 08-10-2016 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 12362001)
You haven't got your money's worth in any game until Buck TK's you at least 10 times in said game.

MW2, thems were some good times.

Feeling all the feels now...

Swanman 08-11-2016 08:59 AM

I have been tooling around my first planet and getting a lot of stuff done. I found some deposits of Emeril (bam!!!!) so sold that at the space station for some good coin. I just get in my shape and fly around until my scanner detects a question mark then I go in and land. I upgraded my suit inventory around 4 times and got an upgraded multitool with 8 inventory slots and have learned about 10 words.

BigBeauford 08-11-2016 12:01 PM

Still having some fun with this game. However there are some recent controversies involving the main guy behind the game, and promises he has made. It appears that you will never be able to meet another person in game, when he has stated this was possible.

DC.chief 08-11-2016 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 12362631)
Still having some fun with this game. However there are some recent controversies involving the main guy behind the game, and promises he has made. It appears that you will never be able to meet another person in game, when he has stated this was possible.

I saw something on IGN earlier where they quoted murray saying it would be possible although extremely unlikey

Beef Supreme 08-11-2016 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 12362631)
Still having some fun with this game. However there are some recent controversies involving the main guy behind the game, and promises he has made. It appears that you will never be able to meet another person in game, when he has stated this was possible.

Still having some fun?

It's been out what? Three days?

BigBeauford 08-11-2016 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by BigChiefTablet (Post 12362698)
Still having some fun?

It's been out what? Three days?

It's the only game I have been playing this week. I seem to chunk off about 2 hours each play session, which hasn't occurred in my adult life for the past 3 years. I am certainly not blind to the criticism this game has been getting. But I can see myself at a minimum completing the quest to get to the center of the Galaxy. No doubt this will be the most polarizing game released this year.

I've played games like Doom(lasted 2 hours and haven't played since), COD (lasted 2 hours, haven't played since) The Division(didn't even make it an hour), so I think for a game to captivate me this long bodes well for how long I will spend on it.

Gonzo 08-11-2016 01:00 PM

I finally ran into a galaxy that had been discovered by someone. It's roughly my 30th warp. He didn't name anything creatively but it was kinda cool.

I'm learning more and more and it's definitely making the game better. Once you really get involved and start really upgrading your items you get into it.
I don't like grinding so much for materials but you get use to it.

I landed on a planet last night that had more gold than I knew what to do with. Hundreds of huge boulders. Of course it wasn't worth as much at the local trader so I warped out with it and sold it all for about 20% more.

Got a badass new bright yellow ship with great mobility and speed. Bought it for just over 900k. It looks kinda like an A-10 with folding wings.

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