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Dr. Red 09-05-2000 09:25 AM

I wasn't at Sunday's game, but I was at a few games last year and listened/watched all the games in the last several. It seems to me that the only time our crowd is into the game is at the opening minutes of kickoff and our first series on Defense.

I have noticed that our Offense (offensive) takes the crowd completely out of the game with the play calling. You have this huge home field advtg. and it is withered to 50% (Defense only) because of an inept, unimaginative offense. I was watching the Rams crowd, and they are fully into the game and charged when the Rams are on offense. They have something to be excited about. They know they can score on any play.

What a great advtg it would be if the Chiefs could get the other 50% of the crowd participation during the game, but I don't imagine we'll see it until we get a new OC and a few playmakers.

WarPaint 09-05-2000 09:31 AM

There is no advantage anymore. Grbac booed during introductions, coaching staff booed 3 plays into the game, half the crowd left when there was still a chance at making a comeback. KC fans have become a bunch of spoiled bandwagoners.

Dr. Red 09-05-2000 09:59 AM

Chiefnj -

I would have to agree that the Chief crowds can be apathetic, bandwagoners at times, but the offense is so boring and predictable that it is hard for the fans to stay involved.

I blame the Chiefs coaches for not taking advtg of the crowd involvement they could get, if their team showed more enthusiam (and imagination)on offense. There are only so many 3 and outs you can take.

Yosef_Malkovitch 09-05-2000 10:11 AM

I think there should be a rule against 3 runs in a series (even at the end of the game when the clock is being killed). I know it sounds silly but many of the recent rules changes are being geared towards fan entertainment. Kickoff rules changes come to mind.

Fat Homer 09-05-2000 10:13 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Helvetica, verdana, ariel">quote:</font><HR>KC fans have become a bunch of spoiled bandwagoners.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I cannot disagree more!! KC fans are informed, intelligent and loyal. We KNOW when we are presented with an inferior product. The crowd is not to blame for ANYTHING. 80K showed up to support a very bad team Sunday. Correction: a POORLY COACHED team.

AustinChief 09-05-2000 10:18 AM

As a Chiefs fan for going on 20 years, the idea that I'm a bandwagon fan because I'm disappointed in the way the team performed on Sunday is insulting.

I am not spoiled, nor a bandwagoner. I don't expect a SB appearance, because we haven't had one in so long.

ChiefsPlanet Administrator
[i]baked...not fried</I>

redbrian 09-05-2000 10:23 AM

How can any Chiefs fan be spoiled? Spoiled by those first round playoff embarrassments at home? I don't think so.

I just expect my team to play like grown men, not reeruned women. So far my expectations are not being met.

This is my signature!! There are many like it but this one is mine!!

WarPaint 09-05-2000 10:25 AM

Since when is booing your QB before he steps on the field for the start of the season considered "informed, intelligent, and loyal"? Oh no, the other team scored lets leave early to avoid traffic.

Watch a Browns game if you want to see real loyal fans.

ROBHONDA 09-05-2000 10:29 AM

Chiefnj - Were you at the game? I was and did not hear Elvis get booed during the introductions. There were definately plaenty of boos after our first two 3 and outs and boos after players dropped easy passes. I did not boo ever and never do (except the other team and the refs).

Fat Homer 09-05-2000 10:31 AM

nj - watch it.

redbrian 09-05-2000 10:33 AM

Give the Browns about 3 or 4 more years of this crap. Right now they're just glad to have a team, but that'll change in a hurry if they continue to win 2 or 3 games per season. It would happen in any NFL city eventually.

I've read about how Michael Jordan used to LOVE getting booed, the louder the better. It was the ultimate motivator for him...he loved proving his detractors wrong. If Elvis, or any other Chief can't handle getting booed at home OR on the road, they have no business playing in the NFL.

This is my signature!! There are many like it but this one is mine!!

redbrian 09-05-2000 10:35 AM

I was at the game, and Elvis was greeted with about a 50/50 mix of boos and cheers. He was only Chief greeted with any boos at all, including Alexander.

This is my signature!! There are many like it but this one is mine!!

WarPaint 09-05-2000 10:37 AM


Watch what?


This isn't about the players not being able to take it. I'm just noting that there is no huge Arrowhead advantage anymore.

ROBHONDA 09-05-2000 10:40 AM

Hmmmmm, I heard no boos at all. And I was listening for them too.

redbrian 09-05-2000 10:44 AM


I wasn't that far from where the players come out of the tunnel, and the boos were loud and clear.

This is my signature!! There are many like it but this one is mine!!

Fat Homer 09-05-2000 10:44 AM

nj - nevermind - I re-read your post... thought you were saying 'go watch insert team name here' if you don't plan on being a 'homer'.

Browns fans aren't so perfect -- there are boo-birds in every town. I would think the Cleveland fans would know better than to expect too much from a second-year team.

redbrian 09-05-2000 10:49 AM

Chitown was exactly right when he stated that the offense takes the crowd out of the game. It took all of 3 plays for the crowd to stop cheering and start booing, and with good reason. The Chiefs had just sacrificed a possession in an attempt to set up ONE long play action pass later in the game, which never came. It's as if the crowd EXPECTS to be pissed of by the offense before the game even starts.

At least the D never got booed.

This is my signature!! There are many like it but this one is mine!!

sun 09-05-2000 01:25 PM


If you think there is no Arrowhead advantage anymore why don't you listen to the interview of Manning after the game. He clearly stated how tough the crowd was.

dabreeze 09-06-2000 08:05 PM


The team is boring. The fans cant get an identity with the players because its a revolving door of free agents year after year. I dont know about you, but I cant get excited about six dive plays in a row.

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