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keg in kc 03-30-2011 12:57 PM

Doctor Who
Been meaning to start a thread on this for years and never have for some reason. Big fan of both the original (what I've seen/remember of it...) and the rebooted series.

New doctor:

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Hays 03-30-2011 01:45 PM

I have watched the first 5 seasons and like it a lot.

Didn't or haven't watched any of the earlier versions of it.

kc rush 03-30-2011 01:58 PM

I grew up on the Tom Baker version, but didn't get back into it until Matt Smith (the newest Doctor) was brought on board. I have caught up on the reboot (the last few seasons) over the last month thanks to Netflix and a couple of sick days.

BTW - I am in love with Karen Gillian

Silock 03-30-2011 04:05 PM

I couldn't get past the first episode of the reboot. The stupid mannequin hand had me face palming. So dumb. I wanted to like it, but I just couldn't.

Jewish Rabbi 03-30-2011 04:13 PM

My roommate is watching it right now, not sure which version. Looks gay as hell to me.

keg in kc 03-30-2011 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Silock (Post 7527389)
I couldn't get past the first episode of the reboot. The stupid mannequin hand had me face palming. So dumb. I wanted to like it, but I just couldn't.

A lot of people like Eccleston, but I thought the first season was by far the weakest. The 3rd, 4th and 5th are about as good as anything on TV. David Tennant was brilliant as the doctor, and Matt Smith has turned out to be I think an inspired casting.

They do have their occasional episode with the bizarre alien (must be a british thing - mannequins and clowns and weird shit) but for every episode that has me cringing there's 5 or 6 more that blow me away.

The_Doctor10 03-30-2011 08:37 PM

The girlfriend got me into it about two months ago before she went away to Cuba. Have to say, it's absolutely brilliant. Some of the visuals are a bit cheesy, but that really adds to its charm.

Season 1 was one of the weaker efforts IMO; Ecclestone wasn't a bad Doctor, but he's better suited to more villainous roles; just my two cents, but he would've been absolutely KILLER as the Master. Still, he got me into the show.

David Tennant was beyond brilliant. It's rare you see an actor inhabit a character so completely the way he did. The writing for his tenure on the show was spot-on, and one of the best episodes of any tv show ever was done during his run; season 3 has an episode called 'Blink' and even if you've never seen an episode of Doctor Who in your life, Megavideo it or torrent it or something. It's so well-done, you owe it to yourself to give it a watch.

I like Matt Smith. I bought his Sonic Screwdriver. But I'm not entirely convinced by him yet. He's funny, but sometimes his shouting lacks impact and comes across as rather childish and un-Doctorlike. But he definitely brings an energy that the role requires. Can't wait for the new season to start, that's for sure.

Oh, and for those of you that have watched the new seasons, rank the Doctor's companions.

1. Martha Jones (Freema Ageyman)
2. Amy Pond (Karen Gillian)
3. Rose Tyler (Billie Piper)
4. Donna Noble (Catherine Tate)

Google at your own discretion

deadbabyseal 03-30-2011 09:28 PM

Here's a couple of 4 minute "minisodes" they did for comic relief a couple of weeks ago.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The_Doctor10 03-30-2011 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by deadbabyseal (Post 7528065)
Here's a couple of 4 minute "minisodes" they did for comic relief a couple of weeks ago.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

What would we do with two Amy Ponds indeed, Doctor :p

Third Eye 03-31-2011 12:01 AM

5 Attachment(s)
The new season can't get here soon enough. I grew up watching Tom Baker reruns on PBS and have been a fan ever since. During the summer of '09 I spent a few months in Ireland. My last week there I took the ferry over to Wales and headed inland to Cardiff where they film alot of Doctor Who and its spinoff, Torchwood. While I was there I went to a Doctor Who exhibition which was a total nerdgasm for me. I've attached a few pics from the exhibition for anyone who cares, plus a couple pics from a block down the street of Roald Dahl Plass, the fictional entrance to the Torchwood Institute, and the Wales Millenium Center.

Megbert 03-31-2011 01:44 AM

I've been hooked since the Eccelston episodes started. I am happy they are showing the episodes the same day as they are airing in the UK instead of waiting 2-3 months.

I have 2 apps on my phone 1 is a 'sonic screwdriver' app and the other is an app that makes you sound like a Dalek.

I've downloaded all the Tom Baker episodes and started to watch them but haven't warmed up to his acting yet. I've only watched 3-4 episodes so maybe he'll grow on me.

Can't wait to see the first couple of episodes this season since they are the first ones FILMED in the good ol USofA. While others have taken place in the US they weren't entirely filmed here.

Last year at Phoenix Comicon I saw a guy with 2 girls which was weird to begin with. The guy was dressed as the Doctor 1 girls dress looked like a gold Dalek and the other girls dress looked like the TARDIS and the front part opened up to show off the inside of the Tardis.

big nasty kcnut 03-31-2011 01:54 AM

Amy pond is so hot i would make her moans my name and call me the doctor of her sweet pussy

keg in kc 03-31-2011 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by Unleash_the_Phury (Post 7527928)
Oh, and for those of you that have watched the new seasons, rank the Doctor's companions.

1. Martha Jones (Freema Ageyman)
2. Amy Pond (Karen Gillian)
3. Rose Tyler (Billie Piper)
4. Donna Noble (Catherine Tate)

For me it would be

1. Amy Pond (Karen Gillian)
2. Rose Tyler (Billie Piper)
3. Martha Jones (Freema Ageyman)




4. Donna Noble (Catherine Tate)

Donna Noble just annoyed the living shit out of me.

Rose and Martha were kind of a 2a/2b to me, with Rose getting the nod based on how her character arc ended.

If River Tam was considered a companion, she might be number 1.

If we're doing youtube clips, gotta throw out this one

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

keg in kc 03-31-2011 06:53 AM

I hate episodes with kids. They love kids.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

kc rush 03-31-2011 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by Unleash_the_Phury (Post 7527928)
The girlfriend got me into it about two months ago before she went away to Cuba. Have to say, it's absolutely brilliant. Some of the visuals are a bit cheesy, but that really adds to its charm.

Season 1 was one of the weaker efforts IMO; Ecclestone wasn't a bad Doctor, but he's better suited to more villainous roles; just my two cents, but he would've been absolutely KILLER as the Master. Still, he got me into the show.

David Tennant was beyond brilliant. It's rare you see an actor inhabit a character so completely the way he did. The writing for his tenure on the show was spot-on, and one of the best episodes of any tv show ever was done during his run; season 3 has an episode called 'Blink' and even if you've never seen an episode of Doctor Who in your life, Megavideo it or torrent it or something. It's so well-done, you owe it to yourself to give it a watch.

I like Matt Smith. I bought his Sonic Screwdriver. But I'm not entirely convinced by him yet. He's funny, but sometimes his shouting lacks impact and comes across as rather childish and un-Doctorlike. But he definitely brings an energy that the role requires. Can't wait for the new season to start, that's for sure.

Oh, and for those of you that have watched the new seasons, rank the Doctor's companions.

1. Martha Jones (Freema Ageyman)
2. Amy Pond (Karen Gillian)
3. Rose Tyler (Billie Piper)
4. Donna Noble (Catherine Tate)

Google at your own discretion

Flip Amy and Martha for me, but both are beauties.

I thought Tennant was great, adding some much needed humor to the role. It felt like they tried to pack too much into the last few episodes of his tenure, and tried to make Donna Noble more interesting than she really was.

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