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kcxiv 12-03-2009 05:55 PM

Spartacus: Blood and Sand
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I am very interested. New show that starts in Jan on Starz

kpic 12-04-2009 05:07 AM

Looks awesome - hopefully they will tell us up front that it will last two seasons before they cancel it because it costs too much money (see "Rome" - HBO)

kpic 01-14-2010 05:35 PM

Wow, bumping my own reply to remind everyone (and my future self) that it starts on Jan. 22 - set your DVR now!

Jenson71 01-14-2010 06:09 PM

A bit 300 much?

keg in kc 01-14-2010 06:11 PM

Three words...

Lucy. Lawless. Naked.


L.A. Chieffan 01-14-2010 06:23 PM

I saw the first couple of episodes a little while ago. The first episode is absolutely brutal. And not in a good way. It was like the writers took a porno and 300, snorted about 20 8-balls and mashed it all together. TOTAL cheeseball. The second ep. was much better in my opinion at least from a continuous show standpoint. Hopefully they keep it somewhat realistic.

Fish 01-15-2010 09:59 AM

Looks pretty awful. But entertaining. I'm a total sucker for cheesy low budget crap like this though. As long as it doesn't bill itself as something it's not.

L.A. Chieffan 02-17-2010 12:45 PM

I'm really starting to dig this show now. Much improved over the pilot. It looks like the writers decided to slow down and develop the characters and the story. The violence is delightfully brutal but not over done in a CGI cartoonish way.

It ain't ROME, and it ain't perfect, but it's officially part of the rotation at the moment.

Pants 02-17-2010 12:55 PM

Man, Rome was so so so good. Sometimes I hate HBO for loving their shows so much only to see them die prematurely (Deadwood, anybody?). I don't get Starz, though, so I'll probably have to watch at parent's house or DL it if you say it's [even somewhat] close to Rome.

PhillyChiefFan 02-17-2010 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by L.A.Chieffan (Post 6539356)
I'm really starting to dig this show now. Much improved over the pilot. It looks like the writers decided to slow down and develop the characters and the story. The violence is delightfully brutal but not over done in a CGI cartoonish way.

It ain't ROME, and it ain't perfect, but it's officially part of the rotation at the moment.

I'm glad I continued to tune in after the pilot cause it didn't impress me at all. But now, if I can't watch it on Sat night, I catch it on Netflix. Pretty good show.

Tribal Warfare 02-17-2010 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Metrolike (Post 6539396)
Man, Rome was so so so good. Sometimes I hate HBO for loving their shows so much only to see them die prematurely (Deadwood, anybody?). I don't get Starz, though, so I'll probably have to watch at parent's house or DL it if you say it's [even somewhat] close to Rome.

Silock 02-17-2010 01:14 PM

I dig it. It's not the best series ever, but it's entertaining, and that's ultimately all I ask for out of a TV show.

blazzin311 02-17-2010 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Silock (Post 6539462)
I dig it. It's not the best series ever, but it's entertaining, and that's ultimately all I ask for out of a TV show.

You're exactly right...I mean after all isn't that the entire point. To be entertained? It doesen't have to be the most well written, directed, and acted tv show to be entertaining.

Kyle DeLexus 02-18-2010 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by blazzin311 (Post 6540076)
You're exactly right...I mean after all isn't that the entire point. To be entertained? It doesen't have to be the most well written, directed, and acted tv show to be entertaining.

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Silock 02-20-2010 01:26 PM

****ing awesome episode last night. This show is really picking up steam. Brutal cliffhanger!!!!

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