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chiefs2034 09-28-2000 11:43 AM

making such ingorant comments:

"Reading, Writing and Arithmatic (that means math) should be considered more important that rythem, rappin, and ebonic.....IT's amazing how much farther a good education will take you than hiphop street skills."

"ol whitey isn't the one who pulls the race card everytime life deals him a little bit of misfortune. PC!!!!!!!! I have never heard of a United Honkey College Fund."

1st-If you are going to nit pick at the intelligence level of blacks, you should first check your own....

Arithmatic=Arithmetic. (And in the sense in which you were using it, there should have been an "s" on the end). (There should have also been one on the end of ebonic)

And saying "that means math".. was completely uncalled for.Just the mere suggestion that you think a black person would not know what arithmetics means is utter ignorance.

Oh... and...rythem=rhythm

And maybe "ol whitey" does not pull the race card because he has never had to.. As far as your last comment, it is my belief that unless you are black, grew up in a black neighborhood, have black parents, or have mostly black friends, then you are completely unfit to make any comments about blacks, the way they live their lives, or anything else to do concerning them. And no, I'm not saying that I at all agree with the young black man whom you were responding to on the other bulletin board, because I most certainly do not, but your comments were way out of line.


chiefs2034 09-28-2000 11:59 AM

And I am not trying to take a stab at white people because... I am half white myself, My mother has pale skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes. She's about as white as they come. Half of my family is white, I grew up in an all white neigborhood, and I go to a white college. So i have nothing against white people.... I just felt that I had to respond to your comments.

mlyonsd 09-28-2000 12:13 PM


It doesn't look like you are going to get any arguments.

Racism is a issue that needs to be discussed in an open forum before the problem will ever be resolved.

The key is that the dialog in that forum has to be in the form of an intelligent, calm nature, not the kind you quoted from another thread.

There are two sides to the issue and understanding will never occur with racist dialog.

bishop_74 09-28-2000 12:14 PM

Where did you get this? And why on earth would this person feel it neccessary to reverse discriminate?

Iowanian 09-28-2000 12:15 PM

I must admit it is, but...

1) I appologise at any undo offense taken.

2)These statements weren't neccesarily intended to slap all persons of a group in the face. My main point was that this individual had made some pretty rediculous statements lumping all white people together. I truely don't intend to lable a group with specific stereotypes. I find the irony that the comments in the post i was responding to display the same characteristics, that when made by a white person are considered racist and outlandish.

I am prone to type o's, sorry about that.

I mean no offense by my statements. They were made, half in gest to show the ignorance of that poster.

2. I am tired of the assumption by many, that all white people have a golden spoon in their mouth at birth. I have stated here before that I grew up in the poorest county in Iowa as a farmer. No one in my family has ever been given anything. I have worked from an early age for anything and everything that I have including the loans for my college education that I will be paying for the next 10 years.

I really meant no offense, I just get tired of on one hand being told(and do) to respect others and not stereotype people only to be thrown into a category by those same people.

My intentions aren't to come off as a hill billy racist, because I'm not....though a rural back ground and a bit of a drawl may lead to that conclusion by those that don't understand MY back ground.

I have been raised to earn my keep, and I only wish more people would do the, white, red or green.

Iowanian 09-28-2000 12:21 PM


The post was called "leave terrell owens and the brothas alone"

2034 took these statements from a post off of the other bb. They were a response to a post about how all white people have no rythem, are to PC and.....

I am not a racist, but I can see how these quotes can be taken that way...not intended.

It was mostly a back handed slap at someone who took some irrational pot shots at "all white people".

Partially my intention was to show the opposite side of a stereotype on a group.

I would again appologise at anyone offended. Don't take every word to heart as my legit feeling.....its like when clint said " a NAZI" reguards to an argument with a raider fan over slandering DT's name.

[This message has been edited by Iowanian (edited 09-28-2000).]

mlyonsd 09-28-2000 12:24 PM


I am glad you realize that to fight racism with racist comments doesn't work.

If you have a point to make on the subject it is best to not fall to the racist level.

Your credibility will retained if you don't.

chiefs2034 09-28-2000 12:32 PM

I am not calling anyone a racist because I realize how harsh of a statement that can be. And to the person who said I was looking for arguments.. I am in no way trying to start an argument, because I wish that racism didnt even exist in the first place and that it would just die down.. And I have no harsh feelings towards iowanian.. I just dont think thaty ANYONE... black or white should make unjust comments about the other.

Bob Dole 09-28-2000 12:34 PM

What, exactly, is a "white college" anyway?

HankStram 09-28-2000 12:37 PM

Chiefs2034, In going along with what you just said, the comments made initially over at the other board were in themselves unjustified and uncalled for.

chiefs2034 09-28-2000 12:38 PM

Bob Dole- Let me clarify: I should not have phrased it the way I did. This is what I meant.. and I apologize for my statement. I go to Texas A & M University, and what I meant was that I attend a PREDOMINATELY white college. Meaning that the majority of the students and faculty are white.

[This message has been edited by chiefs2034 (edited 09-28-2000).]

chiefs2034 09-28-2000 12:40 PM

Hank- Agreed. I was in no way trying to justify the initial comments. It is my belief that they were just as ignorant.

ChiTown 09-28-2000 12:41 PM

There is no such thing as a "White College", but I would dare say there are plenty of Black Colleges. That is racist. Call it what you want, but it is racism.

Lightning Rod 09-28-2000 12:42 PM

Good question Bob,

I've been looking for some place called "long legged blond college" but I'm not sure where it is. <BR>

Iowanian 09-28-2000 12:42 PM


i really!!! don't want anyone taking sides and fueding over statements that I made.

Alena, I'm glad you don't hold a grudge. It is much easier to discuss football, without holding animosity. Props to you for your rationality. i again appologise to you.

FWIW I did have a handful of Black friends at college...I have always admitted to being a little sheltered culturally, and welcome opportunties to learn from people on the "other side of the argument".

When I'm wrong, intended or not, I was taught to take my lumps.

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