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NaptownChief 06-28-2001 09:28 PM

More Clinton Slim
I have not verified the truth to this but I received this email. Knowing Sick Willie and Hillary as we all do, this does not seem like a stretch....Pretty disgusting if it is true.

"Talking about the Clinton's, it's common knowledge that, in order
for her to establish NYS residency, they purchased a million + house in upscale Chappaqua, NY. Makes sense. Now, they are entitled to Secret Service protection for life. Still makes sense? Here is where it becomes interesting. A residency had to be built in order to house the Secret Service agents. The Clinton's now charge the Secret Service rent for the use of said residence, and that rent is just about equal to their mortgage payment, meaning that we, the tax payers, are paying the Clinton's mortgage and it's all perfectly legal."

Cannibal 06-28-2001 09:30 PM

Whoopty fuggin do!

Get over Clinton. You got a woody for this guy or what?!

NaptownChief 06-28-2001 09:57 PM


Originally posted by Cannibal
Whoopty fuggin do!

Cannibal, watching slim like them steal millions of tax payer dollars pisses me off. When I get up and bust my a$$ every single day to earn a decent living and have to send nearly half of my living to the god damn government so that I can fund garbage like this makes me sick..

You might be sending countless thousands to the government every year also and it may not bother you in the slightest....But my guess is you file your taxes every year and probably get back damn near everything you paid thus you don't give a $hit about how other peoples tax dollars are getting wasted...I probably wouldn't either...But if I were in that position I would be smart enough to understand that it would piss off someone who does cough up a lot of taxes to the point I wouldn't be an inconsiderate prick about it.

DaWolf 06-29-2001 01:33 AM

Even if this is true, which is questionable, I'm sure if we wanted to, we could look at any former president and ways they used taxpayer money in legal ways to do things we may think were unnecessary. Clinton is just under a witch hunt, and it seems like anything he does will get either exaggerated or blown out of proportion in relation to what others may have done and hadn't been reported.

Frankly the government wastes a lot of our money. Notice that they're spending $12-20 million just to send us letters a couple of weeks before we get our tax checks to notify us that those checks we are getting are tax checks. Now while that amount in the greater scheme of things is chump change, it could still be put to better use, and they could save money by including a note with the check, telling whatever dumbass is too stupid to understand what the check is for, what the check is for.

The government is wasting our money every day. Bill Clinton is the least of our concerns...

Bob Dole 06-29-2001 01:37 AM

That $12-20 million is just the offset for the USPS tax we pay every April along with our Federal Income Tax.

Bob Dole is anxiously awaiting the implementation of the Tele-Tax 900 Number...

Mi_chief_fan 06-29-2001 05:17 AM


Originally posted by Robert_Dole
That $12-20 million is just the offset for the USPS tax we pay every April along with our Federal Income Tax.

Bob Dole is anxiously awaiting the implementation of the Tele-Tax 900 Number...

I was unaware the USPS received any tax money.

Also, DaWolf is dead on: not only the ex- Presidents Bush, Reagan, Carter, and Ford get secret service protection, but many former senators as well. The Clintons didn't design the system, nor are they the first to take advantage of it. They're just easy targets, and rightfully so. Look at it this way: at least Republicans & Democrats can agree to give themselves exorbitant fringe benefits once they leave office, so you know they can work on something together.

Bob Dole 06-29-2001 05:32 AM

The USPS generates revenue from every tax return that's mailed. Since (until relatively recently) anyone with income was <b>required by law</b> to mail a tax return with an affixed postage stamp that ain't free, it sure sounds like a tax to Bob Dole. It has <b>always</b> irritated the crap out of Bob Dole that the IRS <b>forces</b> you to mail them something, but makes you pay for the stamp.

Bob Dole has always been surprised that the refund checks don't arrive C.O.D..

Alton deFlat 06-29-2001 07:37 AM

Check out this site.

It's devoted to net hoaxes and rumors.

Cannibal 06-29-2001 10:20 AM

All politicians waste our tax dollars. And yes the republicans do to.

But Clinton is being singled out. It's like a fuggin witch hunt.

I bet many politicals have done what you mention, but because it's not Clinton, no one mentions it.

Bob Dole used to have an extraordinarily large staff of full time assistants that all made upper 5 figure, to 6 figure incomes.

I bet that costed taxpayers a helluva lot more than what you mention, but why don't you mention that?

Bob Dole 06-29-2001 11:13 AM

Bob Dole hopes that question was not directed at Bob Dole...

You should know, however, that Bob Dole's staff still includes Ariel (hired away from Prospero), and Bob Dole won't hesitate to loose the harpy in your direction, Caliban.

Oh're Cannibal. Bob Dole's bad.

NaptownChief 06-29-2001 12:05 PM

All politicians waste ungodly amounts of money and that is what I was pissed about...I wasn't making this a party issue...Just wasted money issue. However, Clinton seems to abuse every possible avenue far beyond any other previous president regardless of party affiliation...Recent example was his post presidency office issue...He eventually back down and moved it to Harlem but his normal reaction was always to abuse as much as possible...


As for him not creating the system...That is kinda true but he did put in the legislation to end life time Secrete Service protection for all Presidents that follow him...If that is such a good idea why did he decide not to include himself?

bkkcoh 06-29-2001 12:08 PM

Is it a constitutional issue on something like the Secret Service issue?? Like the salary increase didn't take effect until the new president came into the office. Is this the same situation....

Mi_chief_fan 06-29-2001 12:09 PM

I agree, but that's a better question for him, and also the Republican controlled house & congress that approved it.

Bob Dole,

Where does it say it has to be sent through the mail? You could always go to UPS or FedEx, they'd be happy to send you're letter, although it may cost slightly more than $.34.

NaptownChief 06-29-2001 12:18 PM


I don't think that was a bill that went through congress...I beleive that was one of those last minute statue type laws that a President can put on the books without going through congress...

Off the top of my head I can't think of the correct term for that process, maybe someone in here can help?

Mi_chief_fan 06-29-2001 12:20 PM

Kinda like a pardon? ;)

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