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AustinChief 09-06-2000 05:18 PM

Like many of you, I found little positive these last few days, until now.

In classic shock radio tactics, Fat Albert DEMANDS that Gunther resign as he is not acting as a head football coach .... never mind the fact that holding up signs in rival stadiums calling the QB gay is not acting as a sportswriter. Gunther confronts Whitlock today, getting within an inch of his face and saying "I'm not blinking now". Instead of addressing the issue and repeating his request for Gunther to step down, Fat Albert plays cowardly lion and merely asks, "How do you feel about your statements over the last couple of days".

Next Duane Clemons steps past Fat Albert stares at him and says, "What are you looking at FAT A$$?". Whitlock is actually stupid enough to admit he did not realize it was Duane Clemons as he does not know what he looks like.

Finally Tim Grunhard gives a soundbyte to the Jerry Springer of sports radio and says that 810 is as bad as Rey Sanchez in getting their stories right, only connecting on an average of .205.

<fontcolor = red>SMACK, BAM, POW<fontcolor = black>

Right or Wrong, I loved seeing the heat come out of the team and staff.

It is nice to see the team finally develop some backbone and strike back. Now they need to realize that the offending station is small beans and turn that anger on their next opponents.

Puttin' on my game face!

[This message has been edited by KCWolfman (edited 09-06-2000).]

[This message has been edited by KCWolfman (edited 09-06-2000).]

AustinChief 09-06-2000 05:26 PM

Gotta love it! I hope they turn their media anger on their next opponent!

htismaqe 09-06-2000 05:50 PM


I love it!

Can you give me a source and the full story?

hmmm... the team rallying around gun?...

AustinChief 09-06-2000 05:54 PM

Luz - I heard it on 810 on the way home. I am still looking for more info on the web as we speak.<BR>

AustinChief 09-06-2000 05:59 PM

Luz - To be more precise, I heard Timmy's statements as they were recorded and played back, the other two items were courtesy of the station's viewpoints of reality.

Puttin' on my game face!

Mike 09-06-2000 06:20 PM

Awesome! I knew there was a reason I liked Gun. I disagree with his coaching style (1950's offense) but you can't question the guy's intensity. I wish he and Whitlock got into it. It's also nice to see Clemons stand up for Gun too. Hopefully we see a team united behind Gunther go into Adelphia and kick some *** . Well, maybe that's asking too much, but I still like the way the team is rallying around each other.

[This message has been edited by G_Man (edited 09-06-2000).]

BroncoFan 09-06-2000 06:24 PM

Just another incident from the most un-disciplined squad (I refuse to use the word "team") in football right now.

Whitlocks job is to write and state his opinion. Gunthers job is to coach a football team not get in the face of civilians (see Raiders game in Oakland last year.) Now this. Clemmons job is to play football. BTW, who is Duane Clemmons anyway, does he play for the Chiefs? Ohhh yeah, I forgot!

Russ, Luz, when are you two going to come out of denial?

DaKCMan AP 09-06-2000 06:47 PM

Kurt - I guess we should hope that the team supports a reporter over their coach? That doesn't make any sense, what would you like to see them say, or do you like WHB so much that any critisizm of it hurts you personally?

Just doesn't get some people, but I hate to use the word "people" (grin).

Baby Lee 09-06-2000 07:05 PM

Personally I don't really care what it takes to get this squad playing as a team. Anything at this point has to be a positive. Not that I ever considered this team to be in serious trouble,But they have seemed to be playing without any kind of emotion. Going through the motion so to speak. Whitless is such a jerk! He's the first to jump on board when things are great and the first to bail when they aren't. But at least he had the guts to show up at the press conference in front of Gun and the Boys.

WarPaint 09-06-2000 07:28 PM

They should be more concerned about their game preparation than a reporter who is trying to be controversial.

htismaqe 09-06-2000 07:44 PM

I know nothing about this incident other than what I'm reading here, but there is an observation I want to make that is real and valid.

Every man and woman that has ever been charged with the responcibility of motivating their people understands that there is nothing that will unite you more than an outside threat.

Whitlock, Keitzman, et al have been absolute enemies of this team. Until now, their vitrol has generally been aimed at the administration (mainly Carl, but including Lamar). Every player knows these two, but that's not the same as sharing blood, sweat, and tears on a daily basis. Thus is the relationship that Gun has with this team.

And now, ONE OF THEIR OWN is under attack!

I love hearing about Gun standing up for himself and about Grunny and Clemmons defending him. These clowns in the media might just accidently have given this team the unifying mission it needs.

If each man on this team deep down believes he has something to prove, and finds his pride, then watch out NFL ~ this team can rock!

mark my words...

dabreeze 09-06-2000 07:50 PM

It would be nice to see some of that heat coming out on the playing field. Its one thing to get in Jason Whitlock's face, now how about getting in Jevon Kearse's face. Gunter would be better off just admitting that this episode happened and move on. By not telling the truth, all he does is extends the redicule that is coming from the media and fans.

If Gunter wanted to quit after last sunday, Lord knows what he will want to do after the Chiefs get destroyed this week! Better put a suicide watch on him after the game.

AustinChief 09-06-2000 08:29 PM

As Alan stated, I don't care if it is wrong or right. If it is a basis to come together as a team, I say put a poster of Fatlock on the locker and pound it on the way out to the field.

Kurt - I guess if I just wanted to be negative all day and work to find nothing good about the team, I could agree with you. However, I have never understood the concept of working to be unhappy.

broncosrule 09-06-2000 08:43 PM

If the 1st game of the season in your own crib in front of thousands of hungry fans isn't enough to motivate you, especially considering the offseason we had, then I don't think a lard a$$ beat writer is going to do it...

BroncoFan 09-06-2000 08:45 PM

Russ-That's it! (Two inches from your face.) You've gone and done it now!!!!!!!!!! You sorry son of a beach, I've had it! I see plenty of positives on this team, here are just a few; Tony G, S. Morris, Donnie E, John T, Will S, TRich. You think I am angry you dam bet you. I am sick to death of people defending the inept management of this team. I am sick to death of some of my favorite players in the NFL playing their guts out for at least two @ssholes that need to spend 100% less time worrying about what the media is saying about them and a little more time worrying about how to gel the talent that they do have together.

H ell, I don't even know why I'm talking to you, Luz or Morph either for that matter. You are so in denial. I give the h ell up.

Just go ahead and turn your head to the obvious fact that this team was not and is not ready to play the game. (I guess that three offsided penalties and two plays with only 10 men on the field in the first quarter alone Sunday are Chiefs positives.)

Like I said, I give the h ell up, you are obviously in denial that there is a problem with this squad. AND IT AINT FREAKING TWITLOCKS FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :MAD:

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