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Oxford 09-04-2000 10:57 PM

Not that I liked losing, but I saw some things to draw hope from.

1- Vastly improved team play overall.

2- Defense looked like it had a clue

3- Offense was opened up somewhat

4- Rookies looked good for a first game

I thought overall the team played much better than preseason. Maybe Gun was playing that badly to set low expectations.

Defense held the Colts in check pretty well. It was shaky at first, then Kurt actually made some adjustments that seemed to help. Take away the Grbac interception for a TD and let Alexander catch the ball and you have a whole new ball game. (on paper we would have won 21-20.) If we continue to improve at this rate by mid-season we could be a threat. I really liked Wesley and Dennis did well as well.

First unit offense moved the ball (considering all the drops) pretty well but the O-Line didn't open many holes for TRich. I say to Gun feed TR the ball 20-25 times a game. Let him get a rhythm and punish the other team.

The rooks looked good, the Cat can play and I think with some seasoning and a high draft pick (just in case we tank this season.) We could make a move for a Drew Brees or a good RB and be very strong next year. Hope it doesn't come to that but next year could be sweet. I love the youth movement! Anyone else like it??

Still I dream of a cold frosty day probably too far away when the Chiefs are still playing football in mid January

Stuckinbama 09-04-2000 11:10 PM

Really Dave??
The Chiefs looked far to close to the conservative-mistake-prone team they have had for the past 2 seasons to me. Dennis did look good in the nickle but that's about it. Way to easy to convert 3rd and long and way too many dropped passes. Raye's game plan KILLED us (6 runs to start and running Bennett wide???), Kurt STILL can't adjust to screens and the Special Teams hurt us again. NOTHING good comes from losing, especially at home. It would be wise for the Chiefs NOT to reach at straws for "moral victories" because they count as a LOSSES!

Oxford 09-04-2000 11:33 PM

Raye is obviously still a major liability. I never said that he wasn't. I did say I saw improvement which was good to see. I've written this season off for a super bowl appearance but what I want to see is improvement on both sides of the ball. Stock and Raye are complete buffoons and should be fired in mid-game if it was up to me.

But if we can get improvement each game we can crawl back into the playoff picture if just because we are in such a weak division. Denver looked good tonight but the defense YIKES!

We will be 1-2 after San Diego and it's from there we will have to make any move that we can make. Tough schedule but with a little luck could end up 9-7 again or even 10-6.

Stuckinbama 09-04-2000 11:47 PM

Well maybe so but I don't think the glass is half full. I'm sticking to my preseason prediction 6-10 and 4th place, no playoffs, remain clueless on offense with leaky Special teams. If all that happens, Raye and Stock are gone! Right?? I'm afraid if the Chiefs do somehow manage to stay in the division race (the Wild Card is out of the question)and finish 8-8 or better, management just might see it as a plus because of the hard schedule. I want NO DOUBT where the blame should fall. Sometimes you have to hit bottom to get better. I hate always being on the brink.

Misplaced_Chiefs_Fan 09-05-2000 07:27 AM

Bob Dole would hope that Martha Raye and Stockboy would get the boot, but Bob Dole is still trying to figure out why they didn't after last season.

The 3 runs-punt, 3 runs-punt crap was enough to have Bob Dole dropping f-bombs at top volume. That was nothing but idiotic coaching, and Bob Dole doesn't see it getting any better any time soon. (Unless someone can do a quick and efficient brain transplant...)

Bob Dole writes off the dropped passes to jitters for the most part. (Though Bob Dole thinks it seems to be a pattern with Alexander.)

Morris looked really good for a newbie and should be moved to #1 on the depth chart, as far as Bob Dole is concerned.

milkman 09-05-2000 07:34 AM

Dole - You are correct about that play calling. There was nothing good in the playcalling, I saw no improvment there. I blame this completely on Gun, as he was the one who told him that if we are on our end of the field then we need to run or go for the home run ball. Well we ran and got nowhere when we could have had some momentum.

milkman 09-05-2000 07:40 AM

Some things that I liked - <UL TYPE=SQUARE>
<LI>We tackled pretty well, not very many missed tackles.
<LI>Grbac looked OK, you really can't drive down the field if your receivers drop 3rd down passes. I also liked that he just threw the ball up for Morris, let your playmakers make plays.
<LI>Our young defense didn't give up many huge TD's, though Warfield gave up way to many first downs.</UL>

morphius 09-05-2000 07:43 AM

Did the Chiefs play twice on Sunday? The team I watched embarrassed themselves by making more mental errors than Dan Quayle.

This is my signature!! There are many like it but this one is mine!!

Oxford 09-05-2000 10:19 AM


I think we are talking improvement here. After our complete ineptitude in preseason we played the Colts tough and had a chance to win it. Against a Super Bowl contender that's about all you can hope for.

The real problem was the O-line. Where are the holes? We are supposed to have one of the top lines in the game. If we had gone 6 running plays and taken it to the house, everyone would be yapping about how we pounded the Colts into submission. We had to try it, when it didn't work they mixed it up at least a little.

One real problem I have with this team: why is it when a RB has a couple of good runs they "spell" him and put in a new back like Cloud in. TR had a couple of decent runs then boom in comes Cloud. Whats that all about? Its like Greg Hill and his 30 yard run on the first game 3 years ago. One run and the sit him almost the rest of the game. I don't get it.

morphius 09-05-2000 10:20 AM

It's piss-poor coaching.

This is my signature!! There are many like it but this one is mine!!

TheBigChief 09-05-2000 10:36 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Helvetica, verdana, ariel">quote:</font><HR>The real problem was the O-line. Where are the holes? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I disagree. We have an outstanding OL... one of the best (if not the best) in the NFL.

The problem was Indy stacking the line with 8 men. We came out & did EXACTLY what Mora, the media, and ALL of the fans knew we would do: run right up Grunny's butt. Apparently, Grbac is not allowed to audible - or he is just not smart enough to realize what to do - or our O is so confident in the OL's ability to open up holes, that we pound our heads into a wall.

Clint summed it up: 'piss-poor coaching'

TheBigChief 09-05-2000 10:37 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Helvetica, verdana, ariel">quote:</font><HR>The real problem was the O-line. Where are the holes? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I disagree. We have an outstanding OL... one of the best (if not the best) in the NFL.
The problem was Indy stacking the line with 8 men. We came out & did EXACTLY what Mora, the media, and ALL of the fans knew we would do: run right up Grunny's butt. Apparently, Grbac is not allowed to audible - or he is just not smart enough to realize what to do - or our O is so confident in the OL's ability to open up holes, that we pound our heads into a wall.

Clint summed it up: 'piss-poor coaching'

TheBigChief 09-05-2000 10:38 AM

sorry about the double-post.

Austin - you going to allow us to delete our own posts? I know it is an option in UBB.

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