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Old 11-06-2013, 11:43 PM   #920

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Originally Posted by Alex Smith 4Ever View Post
Most bullies don't want to be stood up to. I was bullied when I was younger as I skipped 2nd grade so I was a year behind everyone growth wise and one of the smallest kids in class till I hit a big growth spurt and the weight room in 9th grade. When I started High School I may have weighed 100 pounds soaking wet with change in my pockets. I went in the weight room before school and a bunch of senior football players tied me up and hung me upside down from a squat rack. They left me alone in there, but I was able to free myself. I went back the very next day, they actually left me alone from then on. Fast forward by the start of junior year I was a solid 205 pounds and the strongest guy in the school, and was participating in boxing matches. I then went around and started protecting people from bullies. I found bullies to be some of the biggest cowards around when faced with some one who they think can whip their butts. I had some guys begging me on their knees in front of crowds not to hurt them seconds after I caught them picking on some small nerdy guy. Not everyone has the nerve to stand up to a bully or wants to fight, but hopefully someone puts the bully in his place. Bullying is grade school stuff and has no place anywhere especially amongst grown men.
This was all like 18 weeks ago?
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