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Old 09-28-2000, 12:15 PM   #5

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I must admit it is, but...

1) I appologise at any undo offense taken.

2)These statements weren't neccesarily intended to slap all persons of a group in the face. My main point was that this individual had made some pretty rediculous statements lumping all white people together. I truely don't intend to lable a group with specific stereotypes. I find the irony that the comments in the post i was responding to display the same characteristics, that when made by a white person are considered racist and outlandish.

I am prone to type o's, sorry about that.

I mean no offense by my statements. They were made, half in gest to show the ignorance of that poster.

2. I am tired of the assumption by many, that all white people have a golden spoon in their mouth at birth. I have stated here before that I grew up in the poorest county in Iowa as a farmer. No one in my family has ever been given anything. I have worked from an early age for anything and everything that I have including the loans for my college education that I will be paying for the next 10 years.

I really meant no offense, I just get tired of on one hand being told(and do) to respect others and not stereotype people only to be thrown into a category by those same people.

My intentions aren't to come off as a hill billy racist, because I'm not....though a rural back ground and a bit of a drawl may lead to that conclusion by those that don't understand MY back ground.

I have been raised to earn my keep, and I only wish more people would do the, white, red or green.
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