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Old 03-03-2013, 11:27 AM   #12

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Originally Posted by DaFace View Post
Facebook CAN be incredibly obnoxious, but if you put a little effort into it, I find it hard to believe anyone can really have a major issue with it. The problem many people run into is that they try to make it a dick measuring contest and adding/accepting every person they've ever met. When you do that, you end up with a giant wall of information about people you don't care about.

If you're either 1) very selective of who you are friends with or 2) go through the effort to move people who you don't care much about into your acquaintances list, your feed will be filled with a really easy way to keep up with what's going on in the lives of people you care about. Using groups for people you REALLY want to know everything they're up to (and clicking on that group specifically once in a while) can help as well.
Agreed. It is easy to tweak if you have a basic understanding of very simple technology.
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