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Old 04-05-2013, 12:13 AM   #173

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Originally Posted by Peyton's Princess View Post
I don't necessarily disagree...

I just find it odd that I, a 5.5 year member at the time known as a diehard Chiefs fan who loved debating football with the likes of Milkman, Hamas Jenkins, etc...

was banned for sharing information that crossed a line

That's fine. I understand. Deservedly so.

But you, and I think you have fantastic morals and you have generally been the voice of reason on this board for over a decade, you are the last person I figured would turn a blind eye to a man who, fully aware a member had a child with special needs, would allow another member to go after his child and refer to him as a reerun who breeds reerun children.

When I didn't here you chime in right away I assumed you were away from the board or taking a vacation.

I just found it hard to believe you let something that vile slip through the cracks. I was in awe that Dane actually said something like that and I was literally at a loss for words when I was following that thread at the time.

Couldn't believe what I had seen. I figured in Dane's emotional state he was trying to get banned and I figured as soon as you saw that he would have succeeded.

Was surprised when it didn't happen.
I wasn't around for any of that. Still haven't seen any of it. Haven't asked about it. Haven't been told. Period. That's why we have a team. I'll trust that the rest of the team have handled it in an appropriate manner. If they haven't then our team should have a discussion about it and figure out how to both rectify the current situation and prevent it in the future. But spring is crazy busy for me. CP is very, very low on my list. I come here for a few minutes late at night before turning in.
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