View Full Version : What is the least $ for which you would sell your forehead as ad space (1 month)?

Rain Man
01-27-2005, 12:15 PM
Poll coming. I think this CEO really overpaid.


$37,375 payday: That's using
your head!
Web designer sells
himself to advertiser

The Associated Press
Updated: 4:59 p.m. ET Jan. 25, 2005

OMAHA, Neb. - A Web-page designer who auctioned off the use of his forehead for advertising space is letting it go to his head.

Andrew Fischer, 20, of Omaha, who put his forehead for sale on eBay as advertising space, received $37,375 on Friday to advertise the snoring remedy, SnoreStop.

Fischer will display the SnoreStop logo on his forehead for one month.

“I look forward to an enjoyable association with Andrew — a man who clearly has a head for business in every sense of the word,” SnoreStop CEO Christian de Rivel said.

“People will always comment on something out of the ordinary,” Fischer said in his sales pitch. “People like weird.”

But there were limits: He refused from the outset to be the conduit for any message or product deemed tasteless or unacceptable in traditional advertising formats.

01-27-2005, 12:17 PM
I'd do that in a minute.

A year's wages for alot of people, for a month of something I can't see except for the twice a day I'm brushing my teeth?

I think its pretty damn clever. Stupid, but Clever. Wish I'd thought of it first.

I'd do it for 5-10K for a month, with no travel or personal appearances....thats extra.

01-27-2005, 12:19 PM
SHIT!!! I lost a $20 bet with Andy. That sneaky SOB.

01-27-2005, 12:19 PM
They can advertise on my ass. I'll be more than happy to walk around town pulling my pants down and telling everyone to kiss this.

Rain Man
01-27-2005, 12:19 PM
I wonder how many people would even see a web designer's forehead? A FedEx or UPS deliveryperson would have 20 times the exposure.

I'd do it for $10,000 a month, or maybe a little less. I'd be torn at $5,000 a month.

01-27-2005, 12:20 PM
Clearly, some people's "advertising space" is worth more than others. *cough*Rainman*cough*


01-27-2005, 12:21 PM
I'd sing their Jingle everywhere I went in public too.......for an additional $25K

Rain Man
01-27-2005, 12:22 PM
Heh-heh. Good point, dartgod. My cost per square inch would be a bargain.

01-27-2005, 12:48 PM
Can i get paid for two foreheads if I look like this guy???


KC Jones
01-27-2005, 01:29 PM
It's worth the $37K and plenty more to the client just for the publicity this stunt is generating.