View Full Version : Ding Ding Ding, nother one bites the dust

01-28-2005, 07:37 PM
In honor of all the perpetuity threads, I have come up one that honors my moniker.

I will post here every time I ring up a rat. I.E. another one going to the snakes. ROFL

Well, you guessed it.

Ding ding ding $6.99 for something that I raised from scrap dog food.

01-29-2005, 02:08 PM
A Pinkie for $2.99

Mr. Laz
01-29-2005, 02:14 PM
why don'tcha just buy a female and male and let them suckers start breeding.

should have a ton in no time at all

01-29-2005, 02:17 PM
was this (http://www.kake.com/home/headlines/1376981.html) you?

Skip Towne
01-29-2005, 02:20 PM
What kind of snakes do you sell?

01-29-2005, 02:26 PM
At one time, I have had as many as 160 rats of various stages of maturity in population.

Currently, one of my high rise rat apartment cages is empty and will be pressure washed at the nearby car wash. I have two of these cages, each is about 8 rows high, and has 4 cages per row and each can house up to 6 Rats. Each row has two litter pans to delete the feces into a red dumpster. There are 4 PVC pipes with special rat drinkers fitted one per cage so they are automatically watered.

Great set up. I gross about 300 bucks a month on rat flesh, and all I feed them is scrap dog food or livestock feed, like whole wheat.

Biggest cost is the shavings and the hired helps time to change the chit.

Of course, when I have to, I turd them myself. Otherwise I wouldn't be bunny turder would I?

01-29-2005, 02:28 PM
What kind of snakes do you sell?I don't particularly care much for snakes, but I am glad that others do. They need to eat too ya know.

The basic theme of my joint is "feed". Years ago we were a pure feed store, but the town demographics have changed and we have changed to accomodate the towns needs.

01-29-2005, 02:35 PM
ding ding, another one just went out,

Juve rat $4.99

02-04-2005, 01:15 PM
Ding ding ding.

there went 2 Large Rats for 6.99 each

02-04-2005, 04:19 PM
2 mediums for $5.99 just went out.

02-05-2005, 07:02 PM
A small rat $4.99, and a small Hamster(for snake food) for $2.99 he he .

02-05-2005, 07:03 PM
I buy rats for my snakes for 2.19 each. Pinkies for under a 1.00.

You vulture

02-05-2005, 07:08 PM
I buy rats for my snakes for 2.19 each. Pinkies for under a 1.00.

You vultureah ah ha ah ha, isn't the free market great!!! Whatever the market will bear.

Supply and Demand baby.

both Petsmart and Petco have driven out all independents save me and one other joint. I raise all my own rat flesh, when I get low, I keep raising the price until the rats breed themselves out of the shortage, and if they fail, i have the extra seed cash to go driving and buying up new stock.

It is politically incorrect for the big boxes to sell animals for food.

raturdr, thats me.

When I am fully suppllied

Pinkies= .99
fuzzies 1.49
juvies 1.99
Smalls 2.99
large 4.99

02-05-2005, 07:36 PM
ah ah ha ah ha, isn't the free market great!!! Whatever the market will bear.

Supply and Demand baby.

both Petsmart and Petco have driven out all independents save me and one other joint. I raise all my own rat flesh, when I get low, I keep raising the price until the rats breed themselves out of the shortage, and if they fail, i have the extra seed cash to go driving and buying up new stock.

It is politically incorrect for the big boxes to sell animals for food.

raturdr, thats me.

When I am fully suppllied

Pinkies= .99
fuzzies 1.49
juvies 1.99
Smalls 2.99
large 4.99

Petco are nothing but dickheads. I even spoke with the CEO out of Arizona about their policies. They don't sell feeder mice because it is supposedly cruel. However, they sell guppies by the dozens and crickets too. I asked why and the CEO said they only sell pets, not live pet food. I asked him if he knew anyone who kept crickets for pets, he had the nerve to tell me they do so in Asia. I reminded him we weren't in Asia and those crickets are nothing but lizard food. He stated he wasn't concerned.

Obviously cruelty to Petco is only cruel when it occurs to mammals.

However, Petsmart does sell feeders. That price I gave you is the current price in Northtown for feeders.

02-05-2005, 07:47 PM
Petco are nothing but dickheads. I even spoke with the CEO out of Arizona about their policies. They don't sell feeder mice because it is supposedly cruel. However, they sell guppies by the dozens and crickets too. I asked why and the CEO said they only sell pets, not live pet food. I asked him if he knew anyone who kept crickets for pets, he had the nerve to tell me they do so in Asia. I reminded him we weren't in Asia and those crickets are nothing but lizard food. He stated he wasn't concerned.

Obviously cruelty to Petco is only cruel when it occurs to mammals.

However, Petsmart does sell feeders. That price I gave you is the current price in Northtown for feeders.Maybe not in Cally, we are only 60 miles away from Liberal Heaven, San Francisco.

They wouldn't dream of doing anything that Peta doesn' approve of.

Peta has those companies swinging by thier nuts. Not me, I would rather go out of biz.

02-05-2005, 07:50 PM
Maybe not in Cally, we are only 60 miles away from Liberal Heaven, San Francisco.

They wouldn't dream of doing anything that Peta doesn' approve of.

Peta has those companies swinging by thier nuts. Not me, I would rather go out of biz.
Oh, if PETA is the issue, I would gladly buy the mice from you at your price and take a video of them taking the trip down the scaly slide.