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01-31-2005, 02:09 PM
What was the worst email you have sent out to people, that you only meant to send to one person and you either sent it to an entire group or the wrong people in general on accident?

01-31-2005, 02:13 PM
I've posted it here before.

about 5 years ago, I sent an email to my buddy about the girl I'd been dating for near a year, and what a Biatch she had been acting like and how I was sniffing around a little and getting ready to trade her in..............to her.

01-31-2005, 02:19 PM
I've posted it here before.

about 5 years ago, I sent an email to my buddy about the girl I'd been dating for near a year, and what a Biatch she had been acting like and how I was sniffing around a little and getting ready to trade her in..............to her.ROFL

01-31-2005, 02:21 PM
She didn't find the same humor in it.

I posted about this a month ago or so....I actually was going to her house a couple of hours later, which wasn't very pretty to begin with, turned it into her fault, and shagged her. It was doomed from there though.

Baby Lee
01-31-2005, 02:21 PM
I've posted it here before.

about 5 years ago, I sent an email to my buddy about the girl I'd been dating for near a year, and what a Biatch she had been acting like and how I was sniffing around a little and getting ready to trade her in..............to her.
That was no mistake. Just your inner efficiency expert at work.

01-31-2005, 02:22 PM
Thats one way to look at it BL..........but when I got her "response email" my inner "oooooooh shiiiiiiiit" was at work.

siberian khatru
01-31-2005, 02:23 PM
turned it into her fault

Wow, impressive. Can you work your Jedi mind tricks on Dick Vermeil?

01-31-2005, 02:24 PM
"These are not the cbDrones you are looking for Dv"

"These are Not the Cb Drones we are looking for Carl" DV

If it works.....In about an hour I'll be on DVs front porch....there will be tears, and I'll be called some not nice names, at which time I'll raise my hand and say "zip it woman........I shouldn't have sent that email to you, however your performance on Defense personel selection and production over the past few months, have not been satisfactory"

Not long after the conversation will be drown out by a "mmmffff mmmffff mmfffffffm mmmf mmmfffffff" sound. Time having been bought, the impending outcome will be the same, and I'll have what I want soon.

In that instance, I landed Brideowanian within the offseason resulting in the Wedding Bowl........In this instance, maybe We'll land a defense and a superbowl appearance

01-31-2005, 02:24 PM
She didn't find the same humor in it.

I posted about this a month ago or so....I actually was going to her house a couple of hours later, which wasn't very pretty to begin with, turned it into her fault, and shagged her. It was doomed from there though.

very nice...reverse psychology never fails :)

siberian khatru
01-31-2005, 02:25 PM
"These are not the cbDrones you are looking for Dv"

"These are Not the Cb Drones we are looking for Carl" DV


Baby Lee
01-31-2005, 02:27 PM
"These are not the cbDrones you are looking for Dv"

"These are Not the Cb Drones we are looking for Carl" DV

ROFL - doesn't hurt your comedy that Bartee has the neck flexibility of C-3PO.

Baby Lee
01-31-2005, 02:29 PM
Not long after the conversation will be drown out by a "mmmffff mmmffff mmfffffffm mmmf mmmfffffff" sound.
Does anyone listen to Howard these days. He's made an artform of sampling to audio of porn stars [male and female] giving brain. The girl who sounds like a drowning duck is priceless.

01-31-2005, 02:29 PM
I know that on the rare occasions I've seen him slowly swing his head around 45Degrees, I've sworn I've heard the mechanical "bmbbbbbbbbbb" Sound that accompanies a hydrolic cyllinder lifting a bale of hay.

01-31-2005, 04:15 PM
We had a big Tsunami Relief concert in Vancouver a couple days ago with Sarah McLaughlin, Avril Lavigne, Barenaked ladies, etc....and some drunk next to me yells out "come on everyone...let's start 'The Wave'!"

You should have seen the horrified looks...

01-31-2005, 04:34 PM
It wasn't me, but I got yelled at for it.

I had just broken up with a guy a couple of weeks before. I won't go into all the things he did to me before I gave up and left. Leaving was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I had a friend (who knew both of us) that I'd been confiding in during the ordeal.

One day, as I was getting ready for work, I decided to check my email real quick. I had an email from the ex-b/f. He had heard about something I had said in passing to one of our mutual friends. It was completely out of context and he somehow got the impression that I was profoundly sad and lonely since leaving him (which was pretty much the opposite of what was actually the case).

Well, I was pissed, but I was going to be late for work if I tried to sit down and write an email to my friend about it. So, to save time, I just forwarded him the email with a quick message that said something like "Can you believe this self-centered :cuss: ???" It was the only time I ever passed along any actual correspondence, even though my friend knew the situation. I only did it that way because I was in a hurry to leave for work.

While I was at work, my friend replied back. Apparently he hit Reply All or something, because his reply was sent to both me and the ex. The ex was not a happy camper when he saw that I had forwarded his email.

KC Jones
01-31-2005, 04:52 PM
I can't recall ever having made a big mistake with an accidental email delivery.

However at my last place of employment my boss accidentally sent an email to EVERYONE. The email was a response to an email from our HR director stating that the person he was reviewing was a gossip and a liar. He was attempting to get some information together for the persons review because she had just transferred to his team. Watching him scramble around trying to recall the email while more and more developers showed up at his desk was priceless. Soon thereafter we heard a "WHAT THE ****" exclaimed from the office of the indivual who was about to be reviewed.

Did I mention that my boss not only sent this email to everyone in our little office but also our colleagues from all around the world? Roughly 600 employees read an email with the US HR director calling an employee a gossip and a liar. It was a classic. MY boss had been a programmer too - so it's not like he was some pointy headed non-technical nimrod. I always wondered if he didn't do it on purpose.

Jenny Gump
01-31-2005, 04:55 PM
My very good female friend and I used to work together. I was hosting a big party two summers ago, and she RSVP'd using the office outlook. She mentioned something about a "kegger"...but she emailed it to the whole organization...about 3,000 people strong. Our pet name for each other is "Whore" and I am so thankful she didn't sign it that way.

Rain Man
01-31-2005, 05:21 PM
I can't recall ever having made a big mistake with an accidental email delivery.

However at my last place of employment my boss accidentally sent an email to EVERYONE.


(Pause to think about it.)


(Pause to think about it some more.)


Man, there's just no good way to get out of that.

My worst was relatively minor. We had a partner on a project who was supplying some information for us, and their project manager sent me an e-mail. I intended to forward it on to one of my employees, and wrote up a little response that basically ended with "and make sure not to tell these folks who our client is. We want them out of the process as soon as their part is done." (Luckily, I didn't mention the client by name.) Unfortunately, I was stupid and hit Reply instead of Forward. I knew it the second that I sent it, recalled it, and got the message saying the recall was succesful. (Liar.) Then I got a message back from the partner saying, "I don't think you intended to send this to me."

KC Dan
01-31-2005, 05:24 PM
It wasn't me, but I got yelled at for it.
aha, yeah....ROFL

Slayer Diablo
01-31-2005, 10:37 PM
I was just talk'n to a friend and somehow started talking about this thread. He just sent me a copy of an email that he sent to a chick a couple weeks ago...and I can understand why someone would want to keep this on hand:

Hey baby, how ya do'n? Too bad you had to miss the movie cause of being busy at home, but be sorry. Right after I called to find out where you were, I went in and saw your friend, __R__. It turns out that she was trying to shake off a bad date and wanted my help. The problem, however, was that he wanted to fight...I got knocked flat on my ass, but yelled out "You just called me a WHAT kind of dirty Chiefs' fan?!" In other cases he probably wouldn't have been pummled, but the jackass had been wearing a Raiders jacket. Well, __R__ liked how I got rid of him, so she accepted my offer to go see the movie...although we didn't really "see" the movie. So I guess my point is that you don't have to worry about that raincheck cause me and __R__ are going to stay together and do the wild monkey dance every chance we get.

BTW, I was just kidding...it's really your other friend, __A__.

Ultra Peanut
01-31-2005, 10:49 PM
What was the worst email you have sent out to people, that you only meant to send to one person and you either sent it to an entire group or the wrong people in general on accident?I've never done that, because I'm not a ****ing moron.

Spicy McHaggis
02-01-2005, 10:26 AM
I've never had the email thing happen, but in high school I was dating this crazy b***h who I was planning on breaking up with due to the fact I had found out she had made out with this guy. However before I had the chance I ended up cheating on her at a party. During the drunken romp I apparently rolled over on my cell phone answering her incoming call. The next day was one legendary blow up.

02-01-2005, 10:44 AM
I've never accidentally done that, but in the USMC, I was on a technical list for a long time. The USMC had a high ranking individual on this list as well. Even though we used our own names (sans rank) for the list, this high ranking person felt it was his duty to police behavior on that list even though most responding Marines didn't fall anywhere in his chain of command.

One night I sent a seething response to the list and realized that I was going to feel the wrath of Colonel Jackass. So, I decided I was going to use some of my technical skills to solve the problem. Unfortunately, I had no administrative rights on the server hosting his mailbox. But, I did have enough rights around the network that I found an embedded list that was included on his rights list so I could add myself. Heh - this is why you should be incredibly careful about adding lists to admin rights groups. After I added that, I also discovered his server had a console password - which I guessed on my 2nd try.

Anyway, I eventually reached the unix level of the server and eliminated the message from his inbox, only to discover that a mail message was generated each time explaining that "Phil" had deleted a mail message within his mailbox.

I had to come clean in order to save face. Technically, I could have lost a stripe over the incident, but he was impressed enough with my methods and my discovery of security holes that he kept my poor decision in confidence. Heh heh.

Rain Man
02-01-2005, 10:55 AM
I've never done that, because I'm not a ****ing moron.

Are you sure that's the reason?

02-01-2005, 11:12 AM
This is the actual text from the email that was sent. It was first sent out by my I.T. guy in my office. Me and him are friends so I thought I would give him a little sh*t. I responded to the whole office accidently.

I.T.: The usable disk space on the Boston South server (MA02SUMMER) is down to 6.6GB.
Please let me know what projects can be archived. The project manager should organize the project on the server so all electronic files that pertain to his/her project are in one directory. This includes dwg files, doc files, graphics files, shop drawing files etc..
Please remove all personal/school files.
Please remove any unused graphics files.
Thanks, Bob


I.T.: You f*cking a**hole. If the server goes down, like you on a dick, you won’t have a job.

Well needless to say we were quickly called into our boss' office on that one.