View Full Version : Porn is the devil

Hammock Parties
03-15-2005, 07:57 AM
This is an article that appeared in the FSView yesterday. Try as I might, I cannot fathom the kind of dire straits the editor must have been in to allow it to go to print.


My personal responses are in bold and parentheses.

Porn poisons society and hurts us all (((crackle of lightning, roll of thunder. OMINOUS MUSIC.)))
by Courtney Carr - Kentucky Kernel
March 14, 2005

People who believe porn does not affect women are far out of touch with reality.

Porn affects every woman in this world who has ever been around a man who has looked at a Playboy or watched a Jenna Jameson video. Whether they choose to recognize this fact depends in part on their awareness of moral issues and in part on their IQ.

(((I love that I've already been set up to agree with your opinion if I don't want to be lumped in with these drooling, porno-loving knuckledraggers that you've imagined.)))

If you ask students on college campuses what they think of porn, you will get varied responses. Many will say they love porn; others may say it's a person's First Amendment right or question who we are to judge what others enjoy. Hardly, if ever, will someone respond with "I believe porn is wrong." People simply overlook the fact that porn is horribly degrading to women.

(((... there's the pitch...)))

After men look at porn for enough time, they become unable to differentiate the models from the women in their everyday life.

(((... Ball 1.)))

When I was 16, my boyfriend became addicted to porn. The problem affects every aspect of our relationship to this day. I'm overly self-conscious because I know that often when he looks at me, he sees me as an object of his desires rather than the person I truly am. It tears me up inside that his love for me wasn't enough to conquer his desire for sexual relationships with other women.

(((Chances are, if you're overly self-conscious because YOU KNOW WHAT PEOPLE ARE THINKING ABOUT YOU, your issues may extend beyond a person's interest in watching strangers do the Monkey Dance. If you sat him down and he revealed this all to you, say so. As it stands, this is all pretty baseless and thin. Also, a question: should the person you truly are NOT be the object of his desire?)))

The emotional pain I've suffered over this problem is shared with women worldwide. Porn addiction destroys women, making them self-conscious to the point of depression, eating disorders and suicidal thoughts.

(((... was there actual research involved in this article? Cite your sources, please.)))

As the amount of pornographic content in today's magazines and television ads rises, so do eating disorders on college campuses. Men see gorgeous women on the cover of Vogue, and suddenly women feel they must either copy that look or be undesirable.

(((It should be pointed out that no colorful, official-looking graph accompanied this article. I don't mind that too much, as it seems pretty intuitive that the general public has always felt a negative influence on their self-image from mass media. What I do take issue with, however, is the fact that we are no longer talking about pornography. We're talking about Vogue Magazine and Television Ads. My theory is that she needed filler and cannibalized this from another fluff piece she was working on.)))

Still believe porn only involves those watching?

If porn has such a dramatic effect on me and other third-party victims, much as second-hand smoke does, what does it do to women in the business? What would drive a woman to make that career choice? What feeling do you get when your only contributions to the world are sold in the back of a dark warehouse to middle-aged men in need of a bath?

(((The answer is money. Your article means nothing to me if you just ask me loads of rhetorical questions. Also, second-hand smoke...?)))

Women have an uncontrollable need for safety and comfort. They need protection and encouragement and acceptance in order to be completely fulfilled. We gain all of those qualities from parents, teachers and friends, but when those relationships have been abusive or lacking, the attention must come from elsewhere.

Women in the porn industry, as beautiful and wealthy as they may be, are deeply hurting on the inside. Many were sexually abused during childhood or abandoned by alcoholic fathers, and they struggle with fulfillment.

(((Cite. Your. Sources. PLEASE.)))

Women want acceptance, and men want sex.

What do women conclude? If I give men sex, they will give me acceptance. And while men will accept you for your body and the favors you give them, it will not be true, deep, intimate acceptance.

(((I feel like it's good, every so often, to have proof that people still think like this. I don't know why. I think it's socially useful to be aware of it. So I suppose I did get that from the article as a whole.)))

Women in porn are making themselves available, over and over again, with the hope that someday someone will fill the hole within their hearts. They pretend to enjoy making porn just as men pretend to give them acceptance.

(((Empathy or telepathy? You decide.)))

Porn is either the cause of women's pain, as in my case, or the result of the pain, as in the case of Jenna Jameson and so many others.

(((What others? Can I have a list? Last names? Initials? Words that rhyme with the titles of movies I might have seen them in? CYSP. This article has given birth to a brand new acronym. Sisssssssp. I like it.)))

And even if you haven't noticed yet, it's hurting all women.

(((Ah-HAH! There's the knockout punch. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm totally right about this." Absolutely brilliant persuausive technique. Staggering, even.)))


03-15-2005, 08:09 AM
What an idiot.

03-15-2005, 08:17 AM
People simply overlook the fact that porn is horribly degrading to women.

Perhaps, instead of blaming men for all of these problems, you should purvey your message to the WOMEN WHO WILLINGLY PARTICIPATE.

03-15-2005, 08:18 AM
Alot of woman obviously don't mind this degradation, I mean they are the ones DOING the porn. I love how it's always men's fault, ofcourse we are going to look at naked woman if we get the chance, we're dirty pigs by nature. If you wan't to really stop porn then woman need to quit renting and sometimes selling themselves out to the porn industry. Trust me, if we only have dudes in porn magazines and starring in porno flicks, the indusrty will die out very fast( for the most part).

1)Solution conjured up by feminist(that naturely takes the blame off females): Men need to change their DNA and quit liking the naked female form.

2)The real solution to the porno problem: Woman need to quit cheapening their own sex by selling themselves.

3) There is no problem: People do what they want, if you don't like it
you don't have to buy porno magazines or watch the movies.

the Talking Can
03-15-2005, 08:22 AM
there's a simple way to solve the porn problem..stab out the eyes of every male on the planet

03-15-2005, 08:23 AM
The main issue is the women that wrote this needs to be fu(ked like a pornstar.

03-15-2005, 08:24 AM
there's a simple way to solve the porn problem..stab out the eyes of every male on the planet

Bob Dole
03-15-2005, 08:24 AM
This thread is worthless without pics.

Fire Me Boy!
03-15-2005, 08:34 AM
She keeps citing Jenna Jameson... Am I wrong or have I seen a dozen or more interviews with the woman (not from porn DVDs but news shows, etc.) who says porn is one of the best things she's ever done for herself, that it's not degrading, and pretty much the opposite of everything this writer claims...

Hammock Parties
03-15-2005, 08:39 AM
URL works now

Hammock Parties
03-15-2005, 08:42 AM
This thread is worthless without pics.

An editorial without an e-mail or a mug. Lame!

Baby Lee
03-15-2005, 08:43 AM
Men see gorgeous women on the cover of Vogue, and suddenly women feel they must either copy that look or be undesirable.
Yeah, if you're too STUPID to make yourself an attractive reflection of your own good qualities.
The only men who look at Vogue and decide that the average attractive woman on the street is no longer good enough is Ashton Kutcher, or those gay dudes who did the backup dancing for Madonna's 'Vogue' video.

03-15-2005, 08:47 AM
(((There's nothing more annoying than when you're trying to read an article, some asshat has to leave his own personal comments between each and every fuggen paragraph)))

03-15-2005, 08:49 AM
The main issue is the women that wrote this needs to be fu(ked like a pornstar.
Need to see a naked pic of her first. ROFL

Mark M
03-15-2005, 08:51 AM
This writer is either too stupid or too caught up in her own emotional issues to realize that a large number of women also look at porn.


03-15-2005, 09:30 AM
Thank god for the new medication or I would have wished for the author to fall down some stairs or something.

just out of curiosity.... is all male gay porn also degrading to women? I don't believe that was touched on in the article.

03-15-2005, 09:31 AM
Perhaps, instead of blaming men for all of these problems, you should purvey your message to the WOMEN WHO WILLINGLY PARTICIPATE.

People always forget about gay porn...men degrading men...:shake:


03-15-2005, 09:35 AM
This article is boring....I think i'm going to peruse joggs.com for awhile....

be back in 10

03-15-2005, 09:51 AM
Damn, guess I should have horns, a tail and pitch fork.

Where the hell is my shit? Who keeps taking my horns!?! How many times do I have to tell you ****ers, take the halo not the damn horns?

Degrading to women my ass. Stupid, stupid people.

el borracho
03-15-2005, 09:58 AM
Sounds like the author is still a kid:

When I was 16, my boyfriend became addicted to porn. The problem affects every aspect of our relationship to this day. I'm overly self-conscious because I know that often when he looks at me, he sees me as an object of his desires rather than the person I truly am. It tears me up inside that his love for me wasn't enough to conquer his desire for sexual relationships with other women.

#1 self-esteem/ image concerns in women (such as the Vogue example) aren't really the same thing as porn-inspired depravity in men (if that really exists).

#2 porn shouldn't be held responsible for pre-existing emotional instabilities (like the "many porn stars were sexually abused as children" example).

#3 I do wonder what effect easy porn access will have on youth. Kids today can easily expose themselves to some sick sh!t on the web that nobody needs to see- that has to affect their mentality somehow.

03-15-2005, 10:07 AM
Speaking of porn, did you know that you can hook a playstation up through the VCR and record a DVD? A great way to build up the porn collection!! I know normal movies do not copy very well, but the quality for porn is good! :thumb:

03-15-2005, 10:37 AM
This column has to be from a student paper, right?

There's no way a REAL paper would print a completely unsourced column full of generalizations and random claims.

03-15-2005, 11:38 AM
People always forget about gay porn...men degrading men...:shake:

This post is worthy without pics. ;)

03-15-2005, 12:01 PM
go chiefs i enjoyed your rebutals but the article as a whole is credit-less which if your in journalism is the worst put down your work could get

03-15-2005, 12:14 PM
i got the link to the paper she works for write in and tell them she sucks and needs to take some journalism classes.

03-15-2005, 12:22 PM
Perhaps, instead of blaming men for all of these problems, you should purvey your message to the WOMEN WHO WILLINGLY PARTICIPATE.
Obviously you missed her point about how the only women who participate do so because of abuse or abandonment perpetrated by a man:

Women in the porn industry, as beautiful and wealthy as they may be, are deeply hurting on the inside. Many were sexually abused during childhood or abandoned by alcoholic fathers, and they struggle with fulfillment.

What a crock of S**T.

Hammock Parties
03-15-2005, 02:06 PM
What did everyone think this thread was about? :)

03-15-2005, 02:32 PM
Speaking of porn, did you know that you can hook a playstation up through the VCR and record a DVD? A great way to build up the porn collection!! I know normal movies do not copy very well, but the quality for porn is good! :thumb:

Clint doesn't deserve you.