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09-15-2005, 03:06 AM

...how the **** do you explain THIS (http://www.nearlygood.com/video/blainebeer.html):


DB probably sold his soul to the devil to get supernatural powers, I don't know hwtf he does some of the shit...

09-15-2005, 04:07 AM
Look how the can disappears from the camera view for a second after he says "see how it starts to fill up on it's own". A lot of the general tricks he does are possible, but many of his TV tricks are edited. Same with that levitation bit he used to do.


"Magician David Blaine performs this trick. On television, his act, which features reactions of the audience, is intercut with shots of him levitating with hidden mechanical assistance. This allows him to appear to have both feet quite a few inches above the ground in certain shots, something impossible with the Balducci levitation. The controversy among magicians about Blaine's television specials focuses on this, as some consider it to violate one of the rules of the television performance of magic: that the at-home television audience sees exactly what a live audience would see."