View Full Version : Stay the course or rebuild?

01-02-2006, 10:45 AM
This seems to be a big question with wildly differing opinions among the fanbase. So how do you feel? Should we stay the course or start completely over?

Listening to talk radio, so many people seemed to think it was time to start completely scrapping and rebuilding. I, personally, feel that we're extremely close to a SB caliber team. I could see a different coach coming in, keeping the same system and personnel (for the most part), changing the team's attitude toward accountability and taking us all the way next year. If we can instill a little more toughness and a little more Bellichek-like appreciation of accountability, I think we've got most of the pieces in place. Of course, we need to cut some dead wood and bring in another solid piece or two, but I think we're close.