View Full Version : An interesting Otis Taylor story - he almost played for the Dallas Cowboys

Hammock Parties
03-26-2006, 11:48 AM
The Chiefs drafted Otis Taylor in 1965. At that time, teams had "babysitters" to coerce players into signing with their respective AFL teams, instead of signing with the NFL.

Lloyd Wells was Otis Taylor's babysitter. The Chiefs had an advantage because Wells was a family friend and was close to Taylor in college.

But the Cowboys wanted him. They attacked Prarie View College and invited Taylor to spend Thanksgiving in Dallas. Of course he didn't refuse.

Wells was in Tennessee. Don Klosterman, director of Chiefs pro player personnel, tried to check in with Taylor, and was alarmed when his calls went unreturned. He called Otis Taylor's mom, who thought her son ahd been kidnapped.

Eventually he found out he was in Richardson, Texas. He went down to the Holiday Inn Taylor was being "held" in by the Cowboys, but the Cowboys representaives recognized him and refused to let him through the lobby.

Wells was providing reports to Klosterman. "Just tell Otis his red T-Bird is parked in Kansas City, waiting for him."

Later that evening, Wells made it to Richardson. Otis Taylor looked out his hotel-room window and saw him.

"You don't come with me right now, I am going to lose my motherf*ckin' job! Goddamn you! After all the pussy I done got you? Now get down here, and let's fly to Kansas City!"

Taylor, a college teammate and Wells made their break. They didn't even pack, heading out the back patio and over the fence.

Taylor signed with the Chiefs on the next day. And yes, he did get that red Thunderbird.


This is a translation of an excerpt from "America's Game" by Michael McCambridge. It also contains this AL DAVIS quote:

"Anything good in life is worth cheating for."

03-26-2006, 04:04 PM
I remember watching about this on hbo.. some show about the AFL...